Excel Export of a Report containing Subreports expands first subreport, but not subsequent ones

I have a report built in SSRS 2008 that contains a subreport that is made visible by toggling an item on the row of the parent report that contains the subreport.
When I export the report to Excel it works great except that the first subreport is always expanded in Excel and the ability to toggle it is not given in Excel. All subreports are not visible (toggled as not shown) when exporting, yet the first subreport is always shown in Excel as an expanded value with no ability to toggle in Excel. All the other subreports are exported correctly as not visible with a plus sign next to the parent row to expand it.
Any ideas what might cause this?

I've have the same issue but haven't found a solution yet. Do you remember if you ever solved your problem?

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  • Report which contain subreports is not rendered first time is processed.

    when I try to render report contains subreports from first time is not rendered but when i select regresh button the input screen is promb again and then i fill all input again and submit, as a result the report was rendered.
    why this happen? is this a know issue?

    after more testing that issue i discovered that when i try to render report of type "Table" then the report is rendered fom rthe first time i pass/set the input values of the report, but when i use reports of type "chart" the report is not rendered from first time and it need a refresh and then manually entering the values for the input.
    i am using the folloing version of JRC:
    my code is a s follow:
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" %><%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.reports.sdk.ReportClientDocument"%>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.report.web.viewer.*" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.reports.sdk.DatabaseController" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKException" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.PropertyBag" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.data.*" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.IStrings" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.reports.sdk.ParameterFieldController" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.reports.exportinterface.ExportFormatType" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.reportsource.IReportSource" %>
    <%@ page import="java.io.ByteArrayInputStream" %>
    <%@ page import="java.io.FileOutputStream" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.document.PrinterDuplex" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.document.PrintReportOptions" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.document.PaperSource" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.document.PaperSize" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKExceptionBase" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.exportoptions.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.io.OutputStream" %>
    <%@ page import="org.t2k.bl.reports.ReportsViewerManager" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="lms_reports" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/lms/reports" %>
    Utility method that demonstrates how to write an input stream to the server's local file system.
        private void writeToBrowser(ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream, HttpServletResponse response, String mimetype, String exportFile, boolean attachment) throws Exception {
            //Create a byte[] the same size as the exported ByteArrayInputStream.
            byte[] buffer = new byte[byteArrayInputStream.available()];
            int bytesRead = 0;
            //Set response headers to indicate mime type and inline file.
            if (attachment) {
                response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + exportFile);
            } else {
                response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline;filename=" + exportFile);
            OutputStream outs = response.getOutputStream();
            //Stream the byte array to the client.
            while ((bytesRead = byteArrayInputStream.read(buffer)) != -1) {
                outs.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
            //Flush and close the output stream.
    //        outs.close();
        /* Include the file AlwaysRequiredSteps.jsp, which contains the code to:
           - Create an Enterprise SessionMgr object
           - Log on to the CMS
           - Create an IInfoStore object
           - Query for and select a report
           - Create an IReportAppFactory object
           - Use the IReportAppFactory object to create a ReportClientDocument object with the IInfoObject that is retrieved from the query
    Logs on to all existing datasource
    @param clientDoc The reportClientDocument representing the report being used
    @param username    The DB logon user name
    @param password    The DB logon password
    @throws com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKException
        public static void logonDataSource
                 String username, String
                ReportSDKException {
            clientDoc.getDatabaseController().logon(username, password);
    Changes the DataSource for each Table
    @param clientDoc The reportClientDocument representing the report being used
    @param username  The DB logon user name
    @param password  The DB logon password
    @param connectionURL  The connection URL
    @param driverName    The driver Name
    @param jndiName        The JNDI name
    @throws ReportSDKException
        public static void changeDataSource
                (ReportClientDocument clientDoc,
                 String username, String password, String connectionURL,
                 String driverName, String jndiName
                ReportSDKException {
            changeDataSource(clientDoc, null, null, username, password, connectionURL, driverName, jndiName);
    Changes the DataSource for a specific Table
    @param clientDoc The reportClientDocument representing the report being used
    @param reportName    "" for main report, name of subreport for subreport, null for all reports
    @param tableName        name of table to change.  null for all tables.
    @param username  The DB logon user name
    @param password  The DB logon password
    @param connectionURL  The connection URL
    @param driverName    The driver Name
    @param jndiName        The JNDI name
    @throws ReportSDKException
        public static void changeDataSource
                         reportName, String
                                             username, String
                        password, String
                                          driverName, String
                ReportSDKException {
            PropertyBag propertyBag = null;
            IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = null;
            ITable origTable = null;
            ITable newTable = null;
            // Declare variables to hold ConnectionInfo values.
            // Below is the list of values required to switch to use a JDBC/JNDI
            // connection
            String TRUSTED_CONNECTION = "false";
            String SERVER_TYPE = "JDBC (JNDI)";
            String USE_JDBC = "true";
            String DATABASE_DLL = "crdb_jdbc.dll";
            String JNDI_OPTIONAL_NAME = jndiName;
            String CONNECTION_URL = connectionURL;
            String DATABASE_CLASS_NAME = driverName;
            // The next few parameters are optional parameters which you may want to
            // uncomment
            // You may wish to adjust the arguments of the method to pass these
            // values in if necessary
            // String TABLE_NAME_QUALIFIER = "new_table_name";
            // String SERVER_NAME = "new_server_name";
            // String CONNECTION_STRING = "new_connection_string";
            // String DATABASE_NAME = "new_database_name";
            // String URI = "new_URI";
            // Declare variables to hold database User Name and Password values
            String DB_USER_NAME = username;
            String DB_PASSWORD = password;
            // Obtain collection of tables from this database controller
            if (reportName == null || reportName.equals("")) {
                Tables tables = clientDoc.getDatabaseController().getDatabase().getTables();
                for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
                    origTable = tables.getTable(i);
                    if (tableName == null || origTable.getName().equals(tableName)) {
                        newTable = (ITable) origTable.clone(true);
                        // We set the Fully qualified name to the Table Alias to keep the
                        // method generic
                        // This workflow may not work in all scenarios and should likely be
                        // customized to work
                        // in the developer's specific situation. The end result of this
                        // statement will be to strip
                        // the existing table of it's db specific identifiers. For example
                        // Xtreme.dbo.Customer becomes just Customer
    //                    System.out.println(newTable.getQualifiedName() + "  -  " + origTable.getQualifiedName());
    //                    newTable.setAlias(origTable.getAlias());
                        // Change properties that are different from the original datasource
                        // For example, if the table name has changed you will be required
                        // to change it during this routine
                        // table.setQualifiedName(TABLE_NAME_QUALIFIER);
                        // Change connection information properties
                        connectionInfo = newTable.getConnectionInfo();
                        // Set new table connection property attributes
                        propertyBag = new PropertyBag();
                        // Overwrite any existing properties with updated values
                        propertyBag.put("Trusted_Connection", TRUSTED_CONNECTION);
                        propertyBag.put("Server Type", SERVER_TYPE);
                        propertyBag.put("Use ODBC", USE_JDBC);
                        propertyBag.put("Database DLL", DATABASE_DLL);
                        propertyBag.put("JNDIOptionalName", JNDI_OPTIONAL_NAME);
                        propertyBag.put("Connection URL", CONNECTION_URL);
                        propertyBag.put("Database Class Name", DATABASE_CLASS_NAME);
                        // propertyBag.put("Server Name", SERVER_NAME); //Optional property
                        // propertyBag.put("Connection String", CONNECTION_STRING); //Optional property
                        // propertyBag.put("Database Name", DATABASE_NAME); //Optional property
                        // propertyBag.put("URI", URI); //Optional property
                        // Set database username and password
                        // NOTE: Even if the username and password properties do not change
                        // when switching databases, the
                        // database password is not saved in the report and must be set at
                        // runtime if the database is secured.
                        // Update the table information
                        clientDoc.getDatabaseController().setTableLocation(origTable, newTable);
            // Next loop through all the subreports and pass in the same
            // information. You may consider
            // creating a separate method which accepts
            if (reportName == null || !(reportName.equals(""))) {
                IStrings subNames = clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreportNames();
                for (int subNum = 0; subNum < subNames.size(); subNum++) {
                    Tables tables = clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreport(subNames.getString(subNum)).getDatabaseController().getDatabase().getTables();
                    for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
                        origTable = tables.getTable(i);
                        if (tableName == null || origTable.getName().equals(tableName)) {
                            newTable = (ITable) origTable.clone(true);
                            // We set the Fully qualified name to the Table Alias to keep
                            // the method generic
                            // This workflow may not work in all scenarios and should likely
                            // be customized to work
                            // in the developer's specific situation. The end result of this
                            // statement will be to strip
                            // the existing table of it's db specific identifiers. For
                            // example Xtreme.dbo.Customer becomes just Customer
    //                        System.out.println(origTable.getQualifiedName());
                            // Change properties that are different from the original
                            // datasource
                            // table.setQualifiedName(TABLE_NAME_QUALIFIER);
                            // Change connection information properties
                            connectionInfo = newTable.getConnectionInfo();
                            // Set new table connection property attributes
                            propertyBag = new PropertyBag();
                            // Overwrite any existing properties with updated values
                            propertyBag.put("Trusted_Connection", TRUSTED_CONNECTION);
                            propertyBag.put("Server Type", SERVER_TYPE);
                            propertyBag.put("Use JDBC", USE_JDBC);
                            propertyBag.put("Database DLL", DATABASE_DLL);
                            propertyBag.put("JNDIOptionalName", JNDI_OPTIONAL_NAME);
                            propertyBag.put("Connection URL", CONNECTION_URL);
                            propertyBag.put("Database Class Name", DATABASE_CLASS_NAME);
                            // propertyBag.put("Server Name", SERVER_NAME); //Optional property
                            // propertyBag.put("Connection String", CONNECTION_STRING); //Optional property
                            // propertyBag.put("Database Name", DATABASE_NAME); //Optional property
                            // propertyBag.put("URI", URI); //Optional property
                            // Set database username and password
                            // NOTE: Even if the username and password properties do not
                            // change when switching databases, the
                            // database password is not saved in the report and must be
                            // set at runtime if the database is secured.
                            // Update the table information
                            clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreport(subNames.getString(subNum)).getDatabaseController().setTableLocation(origTable, newTable);
        try {
            // Create the ReportClientDocument object.
            ReportClientDocument clientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
            clientDoc.open("Class Progress by AI.rpt", 0);
            //start sheeet code            -  work
            changeDataSource(clientDoc, "root", "eatmyshorts",
                    "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "LMS_MySQL5.1");
            ParameterFieldController paramController = clientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController();
            paramController.setCurrentValue("", "Type", "en_US");
            paramController.setCurrentValue("", "SchoolName", "general");
            paramController.setCurrentValue("", "StudyClassName", "classss");
            paramController.setCurrentValue("", "SegmentId", 6);
            paramController.setCurrentValue("", "LAID", 30);
            paramController.setCurrentValue("", "AIID", 205);
            paramController.setCurrentValue("", "LOID", 1);
            IReportSource reportSource = clientDoc.getReportSource();
            // Create a Viewer object
            CrystalReportViewer viewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
            // Set the report source for the  viewer to the ReportClientDocument's report source
            // Set the name for the viewer
            // Process the http request to view the report
            viewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext(), out);
            // Dispose of the viewer object
            // Release the memory used by the report
        } catch (ReportSDKExceptionBase e) {

  • How to enhance the Excel export from Crystal Reports

    I am new in Crystal Reports and I wonder if it is possible to enhance the Excel export from Crystal Reports with post-processing that would be applied to the Excel exported file.
    By example, is it possible to freeze the window panes, so rows and columns are frozen in place on the screen?
    Is there any possibility to obtain the file exported to excel to work with.
    Or maybe there is some ways to parametrize the Excel export from Crystal Reports?
    Any suggestions are welcomed.

    If you are using Crystal Reports 2008 you can use the Report Application SDK that is now available.
    It has a object called PrintOutputController that has an export method that allows you to get access to the exported file before you send it to the user.
    Check the Developer library and the samples for details.
    <a href="/blog/10">Rob&#39;s blog - http://diamond.businessobjects.com/robhorne</a>

  • How to freeze the columns in excel exported from SSRS report??

    We have created a report for our client. The client wants the report in excel format. As there are nearly about 30,000 rows in the excel. Client wants us to freeze the column header names in the excel so that even after scrolling down they
    will be able to see the column names.
    can anybody have idea how to achieve this in SSRS?

    Hi Shard,
    Thanks for your post, You can achive your requiremets by using the below logic. hope this will help you.
    Steps to achieve it
    1. Select the tabix and click on Tablix properties.
    2. In the General tab under Column Headers section you can see "Keep header visible while scrolling" checkbox, check it.
    3. Now the header row will be remain fixed in the report.
    1.    In the grouping pane, make sure to turn on advanced mode (click on the small black down arrow on the far right of the grouping pane) 
    2.  Select the corresponding (Static) item in the row group hierarchy
    3.  In the properties grid, set RepeatOnNewPage to true
    4. KeepwithGroup to After
    1)Freeze the header of all columns[ Freezing table header ] : To do select static member of table header row from  row groups [ Advanced Mode ] and set  FixedData to true
    2) Freeze the initial 2 columns : To do select static member of columns in column group and set fixedData to true .
    How do you freeze the tablix header row in an Excel export file in SSRS 2008
    Suhas Kudekar
    Mark as Answer if this resolves your problem or "Vote as Helpful" if you find it helpful.
    My Blog
    Follow @SuhasKudekar

  • Report via Concurent Program Running Normal But not Finished Yet

    I have a custom report, running on eBusiness Suite in module Purchasing.
    When I running that rdf report in Oracle Report Builder it running OK and very quickly (just several seconds).
    Then I deploy it on EBS concurrent program, when I submit new request with that report concurrent program it running normal but, its not completed since several ours ago and may bee more longer.
    Did anyone get same problem with this? Any idea what should I do?
    Here is the logs file when its still running
    Purchasing: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    POACCPO01 module: Printed Purchase Order - ACC
    Current system time is 02-JUL-2010 18:07:15
    | Starting concurrent program execution...
    -- Start of Reports Command --
    -- End of Reports Command --
    Request language is :
    Request territory is :
    Previous NLS_LANG Environment Variable was :
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :

    And when I submit a new same request with same parameter, the previous request will getting error. Here is the log file:
    Purchasing: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    POACCPO01 module: Printed Purchase Order - ACC
    Current system time is 05-JUL-2010 09:20:03
    | Starting concurrent program execution...
    -- Start of Reports Command --
    -- End of Reports Command --
    Request language is :
    Request territory is :
    XENVIRONMENT is set to /data1/u01/apps/prodora/8.0.6/guicommon6/tk60/admin/Tk2Motif_UTF8.rgb
    Previous NLS_LANG Environment Variable was :
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    Spawned Process 15450
    X connection to hrd-tes:0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
    Report Builder: Release - Production on Mon Jul 5 09:20:04 2010
    (c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Enter Username:
    Reset original NLS_LANG in environment as :
    Program exited with status 1
    Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running Oracle*Report for your concurrent request 4163558.
    Review your concurrent request log and/or report output file for more detailed information.
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 05-JUL-2010 09:54:06

  • CR08 report published on BOEXI works fine, but not on CRS08 (JDBC conn)

    CR08 report published on BOEXI works fine, but same report published on CRS08 does not work (JDBC connectivity)
    The workflow is:
    1 - Crystal Report was created using CR2008 using JDBC connectivity,
    2 - Published on BOEXI, and
    3 - Same report accessed through InfoView
         Remark - the report works fine.
    The very same .rpt when published on CRS 08, throws an error;
    1 - Crystal Report was created using CR2008 using JDBC connectivity,
    2 - Publishing it on CRS 2008, and
    3 - Same report accessed through InfoView
         Remark - The report does not open (Error: Failed to open the connection.... )
    If the publishing of reports take place from CR08 to BOE XI and could be successfully viewed in InfoView, then why cannot the same rpt be viewed in CRS 2008 InfoView.

    Moving to BOE forums.

  • Exporting from Flash to FLV, docs say you can, but not how.

    The Help files state that you can export animations from Flash to FLV.  I'm in CS5 Pro and cannot find ANY way to do that...
    Alternatively, you can use Flash to create animations for use in movies. You can create an animation in Flash. You can export the animation as an FLV or F4V file. Then, you can import the FLV or F4V file into Adobe Premiere Pro for editing. In Adobe Premiere Pro, for example, you could add titles or mix the animation with other video sources.
    Are these documents wrong??  
    I can render to QuickTime and the encode, but I lose the linking on click to a url...
    Thanks in advance for some guidance.
    BTW, it really should be a lot easier in this "Pro" package to create items for YouTube for advertising purposes.  Youtube accepts .FLV (Adobe - FLV1 video codec, MP3 audio) but not SWF

    then you can't export an flv from flash.  the help docs are incorrect.
    i added a correction to the help docs.  hopefully, the adobe technical writers will fix that will a future edit of those docs.

  • Illustrator extention export PDF file as PSD worked on Windows XP but not on Windows 7

    We have a extension that convert files to CMYK PSD with color profile attached. It worked fine (for most of files) on Windows XP but not on Windows 7.
      var expOpt: ExportOptionsPhotoshop = new ExportOptionsPhotoshop();
      expOpt.resolution = 300;
      expOpt.imageColorSpace = ImageColorSpace.CMYK;
      expOpt.embedICCProfile = true;
      doc.exportFile( psdFile, ExportType.PHOTOSHOP, expOpt );
    above code never throw any exception on Windows7, but just no file been saved. It only happened to convert PDF to PSD.
    If I manually open file in Illustrator (win7) and export it as PSD, I got ‘not enough memory’ error.  I googled a solution make the manual exporting worked but still the extension didn’t work.
    The solution for manual operation is set ‘additional plug-in folder’ for preferences-> plug-ins& Scratch disks’.
    Any advice?

    I apologize for not having an answer. I just wanted to chime in and say that I am having the exact same issue. I have never had this before. It's happened ever since I had my hard drive replaced and Illustrator has been reinstalled, so I am assuming that it's a preference somewhere that I have missed?

  • Excel export of crosstab report in Discoverer desktop 9i not proper

    Dear All,
    I have made a crosstab report where I am taking the totals of the fig at all the datapoints. For this total, I have put the "Label" as &Value. When I run the report, it shows the correct output and correct values for the label field. But when I am exporting the report in excel, the label does not refresh for all the items properly. Instead it shows the Label for the very first set of data across all the itesm.
    Can somebody pls tell me the reason behind this?

    I am experiencing the same issue. has anyone got a solution to this issue? i dont really want to truncate the string if possible

  • Controlling location of Window Split Pane in Excel export of SSRS report to include column headings in frozen/split pane at top

    With a SSRS 2008R2 report consisting of a page header and a tablix in the body with columnar information, how can you control which rows are in the Frozen Pane at the top of the workbook when exporting the report to Excel.  Currently the top
    pane is just the Page Header.  I want to include the column headings from the tablix as well.

    Hi G,
    Based on my test, I can reproduce the issue in my local environment. The report only display page header as the fixed data when export it to Excel. Even the tablix header with fixed date repeats on every page when we render the report in Report Designer,
    but it cannot display as fixed data in Excel. This is by design.
    To work around this issue, we can add the same content in page header, then adjust the space between page header and report body to make them like a whole tablix.
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Excel export in crystal report

    Post Author: aravinthkula
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
              I have a requirement to open a new window from one of the reportviewer report columns, I know we have to use Navigation->Hyperlink Action->Jump To Url->="BLOCKED SCRIPTvoid(window.open('http://samplewebsite.com', '_blank'));"
            And then I try to export to excel, From excel I am trying to open the link, I am getting the message "This location may be unsafe" or "hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data. To protect your computer, click only those hyperlinks from trusted sources."
           Is there another way to open a link in new window which is compatible from Reportviewer and from Excel as well.

    Try adding c:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86 to your windows enviroment variable PATH then restart.

  • Report Generation working on Dev machine but not on Deployment + Lessons learned

    I don't do deployments very often with Teststand. But I have to say, I learned a lot from this one from trial and error and help from the message board. I have got my deployment to final work (almost) with these lessons learned:
    1. Create a base installer for the engines and drivers, that way if you need to update it is much smaller.
    2. Dont install Teststand before Labview on a new development machine (not related to this deployment but I did learn that)
    3. Don't have your Testexec window open, alter the Station Globals, then close the window. It just puts them back to the old version (probably my biggest problem).
    4. Paths are extemely important.
    I think I have figured it out with much time involved and kept notes of what I have done for future. The ONLY issue I have left is this below. My dev machine works as it should but when I deploy, it does not. FYI- I manually copied over Station Globals, Process model, and Testexec. DO I need something else?
    I create serial numbers for my UUT's in the proceses model. It all works fine in development. The serial numbers are generated and the UUT filename is titled [023232232].txt and changes per unit. The path for example lets say is C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\temp.  A logfile is generated for each and put in that folder.
    When I deploy, it does something different. Instead of putting the files into the temp folder, it errors out saying it is in use. If I delete the temp folder, it creates a file called "temp" which contains my text logfile. This file just keeps getting overwritten.
    Any ideas on this?

    Hi SimpleJack,
    One way you can ensure that the Report Options you want to have stay with your sequence file is to actually override them using a Sequence File Callback.  I have attached a link to a KnowledgeBase article that walks you through how to add the ReportOptions callback to your sequence and programmatically set the options that you would normally set by going to Configure»Report Options from the Sequence Editor.  
    Also, to ensure that the correct Process Model is being used with your sequence file after distributing, you can set the Process Model within the Sequence File Properties.  This can be found by going to Edit»Sequence File Properties, and then going to the Advanced tab.  I have attached a screenshot of this window below, as well.  From here, you can set the Model Option to Require Specific Model, which especially comes in handy if you are using your own custom Process Models.
    I hope this helps, SimpleJack!  Have a great day!
    How Can I Programmatically Enable or Disable Database Logging or Report Generation?
    Taylor G.
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Printing XML report (with report.xsl stylesheet) shows font colors, but not table highlight colors

    I am trying to print the XML report generated by TestStand to a PDF in order to archive it.  When the XML report is rendered in Internet Explorer, everything looks fine -- Sequence names are highlighted in teal, Pass is in green, Fail is highlighted in red.
    However, when I print this page to a PDF (using BullZip PDF printer, or even the XPS printer), all of the table highlighting is gone.  The UUT Result in the header is red or green font color depending on the pass/fail state, but sequence names and any formatting applied to tables within the body of the report have no highlighting.
    Is the stylesheet altering what is rendered when the XML file is printed?
    This is the output when viewed in IE 
    This is the output when viewed as a PDF printed from the same file viewed in IE.
    Thank you,
    Go to Solution.

    Hey Matt,
    This is actually because of a default setting in Internet Explorer to not print background colors on webpages. To change it, simply go to the Page Setup screen (on IE9, you click the gear icon, then Print > Page Setup) and select the option to print background images and colors. After doing this, the printed report should contain the colors you see on your screen.
    Daniel E.
    TestStand Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Jsf reportPageViewer shows report data in "View page source", but not on webpage

    Using JSF 2.2.5, a remote crystal report application server 2011.
    I got around a problem with the parameter prompts where the OK button wouldn't do anything by setting the parameters in the code like so:
    This, and entering in database logon info manually or in code got me to the point where the report viewer is displayed, but the 'page' appears blank, like so:
    Yet if one views the page source, the report data is there:
      report viewer goes here:
    <form id="reportviewer" name="reportviewer" method="post" action="/Janus/reports.xhtml" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    <input type="hidden" name="reportviewer" value="reportviewer" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/images/style.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    crv_config = {"lang":"en","needFallback":true,"useAsync":true}
    <script language="JavaScript" src="crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/crv.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    if (typeof bobj == 'undefined') {
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      '<table class=\"crExceptionBorder\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0>' +
      ' <tr><td class=\"crExceptionHeader\">The viewer was unable to find the resources required to render the report.</td></tr>' +
      ' <tr><td>' +
      ' <table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>' +
      ' <tr><td class=\"crExceptionElement\">' +
      ' <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>' +
      ' <tr><td><span class=\"crExceptionText\">Please check the following to resolve the issue.<br>1. Verify that crystalreportviewers/ is accessible to your WebApp and is the correct path to the viewer resources.<br>2. You may customize this location by altering the crystal_image_uri and crystal_image_use_relative properties in the web.xml.<br>3. Validate that the file crv.js exists at crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/crv.js.</span></td></tr>' +
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    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xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterFieldDiscreteValue\" id=\"8\"><Value xsi:type=\"dateTime\">2014-7-1T0:0:0.0<\/Value><\/Value><IsNoValue>false<\/IsNoValue><\/CurrentValues><ParameterType>ReportParameter<\/ParameterType><AllowCustomCurrentValues>true<\/AllowCustomCurrentValues><AllowNullValue>false<\/AllowNullValue><DefaultValueSortOrder>NoSort<\/DefaultValueSortOrder><DefaultValueSortMethod>BasedOnValue<\/DefaultValueSortMethod><ValueRangeKind>Discrete<\/ValueRangeKind><Usage>DataFetching,InUse<\/Usage><DefaultValueDisplayType>DescriptionAndValue<\/DefaultValueDisplayType><IsOptionalPrompt>false<\/IsOptionalPrompt><\/Field><Field xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterField\" id=\"9\"><Name>To_Date<\/Name><Description><\/Description><Type>xsd:date<\/Type><Length>0<\/Length><Attributes xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.PropertyBag\" id=\"10\"><Property><Name>IsDCP<\/Name><Value VariantType=\"Boolean\">false<\/Value><\/Property><\/Attributes><AllowMultiValue>false<\/AllowMultiValue><CurrentValues xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.Values\" id=\"11\"><Value xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterFieldDiscreteValue\" id=\"12\"><Value xsi:type=\"dateTime\">2014-7-1T0:0:0.0<\/Value><\/Value><IsNoValue>false<\/IsNoValue><\/CurrentValues><ParameterType>ReportParameter<\/ParameterType><AllowCustomCurrentValues>true<\/AllowCustomCurrentValues><AllowNullValue>false<\/AllowNullValue><DefaultValueSortOrder>NoSort<\/DefaultValueSortOrder><DefaultValueSortMethod>BasedOnValue<\/DefaultValueSortMethod><ValueRangeKind>Discrete<\/ValueRangeKind><Usage>DataFetching,InUse<\/Usage><DefaultValueDisplayType>DescriptionAndValue<\/DefaultValueDisplayType><IsOptionalPrompt>false<\/IsOptionalPrompt><\/Field><\/CrystalReports.Fields>"},"reportSourceSessionID":"com.crystaldecisions.report.web.viewer.RPT_SRC:CrystalViewer1484296940","toolPanelWidth":200,"toolPanelWidthUnit":"px"},"curViewId":"1"});
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    new bobj.crv.ViewerListener('CrystalViewer', new bobj.crv.FacesAdapter('reportviewer', 'CrystalReportViewerHandler'));
       <input type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState" id="j_id1:javax.faces.ViewState:0" value="8699192975832549599:-7190272799067789315" autocomplete="off" />

    There are two things to check :
    1.  Check the driver which you are using in BO ( If you are try to connect using ODBC try to change the drivers and check)
    2.  Viewer--In infoview go in preferences and try to change the viewer.  If your report is using DHTL, try to change it to Java or Web viewer and check.

  • Crystal reports 2008: Data appears upon refresh, but not on initial open

    I have an updated crystalreports.com / salesforce.com report to which I added a new subreport and an additional grouping.  The report is working fine, with one (rather major) issue: when the report is first opened, only some of the data is shown - there are ~15 columns of data, most of which populate, but some individual values, which sometimes means an entire column of data, do not appear unless the report is refreshed.
    I have the original report still loaded in crystalreports.com, so that I can (and have) run both reports one right after the other; on first open, the data doesn't agree.  When I refresh the newer report, the 'lost' data appears and everything is fine.
    (Makes for a tough sell, though - 'Oh, just refresh the report.')
    Any thoughts as to a) what might be causing this, and b) how it might be resolved?
    It is not subreport data that is being affected, just so you know - that's working beautifully; the affected fields are Standard Summaries of formula fields, and not all instances of those summaries, either, but specific ones again and again.

    I have not used the 'Save Data with Report' option, and I verified that it is not selected under File / Report Options as well.  It appears to be an issue when there are too many (unknown how many that is, as of yet) results being retrieved.
    In this case, the main report is a report on Activities from the start of the current year, using a Salesforce.com report, and the Subreport pulls its data directly from the Activities table (as the main report considers all of the fields to be String(255) fields, even if they are ought to be read in as Memo fields (or number)).  The link to Activities allows the Description field to be pulled in based on the Activity ID, and coming straight from the database the value is pulled in as a Memo.
    If I limit the Activities to records beginning with 'A', for instance, the report runs fine; 'A - G', in this instance, retrieves too many and the error re: the database connector appears.
    Edited by: prozek on Apr 22, 2010 7:53 PM

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