Exchange contacts have strange field labels in mobileme

I have an exchange account as well as mobileme.  Running 10.6.7 .  When I drag my contacts to my local address book and sync to mobile me the field titles become strange . example the following is in front of a business number _$!<EX-B  and then the telephone number is correct. 
The cards look fine on my computer, the fields are just messed up when using mobileme...
Has anybody had a similar issue ? Apple doesn't seem to be able to fix this....

I was fooling around a bit more with this and found that if you open the Address Book application and export all of your contacts to a folder on the desktop (either one at a time or as a group), then delete all of the contacts in the Address Book, then drag and drop the exported cards back onto the Address Book application the "strange" field labels will be cleaned..... BUT.... On mine all of the phone numbers and contacts then defaulted to having the "Other" field label, so use this at your own risk

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    Fair point Tim
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    Contacts imported from a different email address? Are you referring to a different address book, possibly from your computer? Exchange contacts are not stored on your computer. If you turn off Exchange contacts they will disappear from the phone. The phone will always show contacts that are stored on your phone, and keep them separate from the Exchange contacts like they are now. If you delete the ones on the phone and then turn off or lose access to the Exchange account, you will no longer have any contacts.

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    i do not have a N900 in my hands yet, but have 3 on order! 
    however, try this video by the Maemo team for the contacts and see if it gives you better knowledge so you can decide.
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    PPC Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Welcome to the discussions, Cobra.
    Are you leaving the cards in edit mode? Those fields don't show up, if empty, unless you are in edit mode.

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    Hi lisa,
    This is not the problem with Data Dictionary,
    While declaring the fieldcatalogue for thr GRID.
      I_BUFFER_ACTIVE              =
       I_STRUCTURE_NAME             = 'ZTABLE'
      I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY       = 'X'
      I_BYPASSING_BUFFER           =
        ct_fieldcat                  = gt_fieldcat
      PROGRAM_ERROR                = 2
      OTHERS                       = 3
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    If gt_fieldcat-fieldname = 'PATID'.
    gs_fieldcat-ref_field = 'ZTABLE'.
    modify gt_fieldcat from gs_fieldcat.
    clear gs_fieldcat.
    Because while calling the FM it is populatinh the fieldname
    so you need to modify the fieldcatalogue with fieldname then it will pick the field labels from the Dictionary.
    Hope this  will solve your problem.

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    Waiting was the key solution here!
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    tell application "Contacts"
              set thePeople to every person whose maiden name is missing value
              repeat with thePerson in thePeople
             --blah blah blah
              end repeat
    end tell
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    Thanks in advance!

    Well that's really strange because it doesn't work on my system. (10.8.3)
    Some of the contacts have a mothers maiden name filled in, others don't. Reversing the logic didn't work wither, but, oddly, using the logic in a different way DID produced the expected results:
    tell application "Contacts"
              set thePeople to every person
              repeat with thePerson in thePeople
                        if ((maiden name of thePerson is missing value) and (company of thePerson is false) and (first name of thePerson is not missing value) and (last name of thePerson is not missing value)) then
                                  --blah blah blah
                        end if
      end repeat
    end tell
    Any thoughts why that would work and the other way wouldn't?

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