Set Address Book to default to Exchange contacts

In Address Book, I prefer to have my Exchange contacts be the default. So, I go to Preferences>General>Default Account and select my Exchange account.
It seems after every reboot, this defaults back to On My Mac contacts. Very frustrating, as when you creat a new contact, it is not created in the Exchange folder.
I do have 3 Macs all syncing via MobileMe but contact sync is turned off.
Any ideas? Thanks!

Waiting was the key solution here!
After waiting aprox 2/3 hours it worked. Changed nothing...

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    I had similar problem.
    This actually arose due to the fact I had mistakenly set the Default web Site directory with a HTTP redirect which applied to all subfolders including OAB.
    I did then rectify this by going into individual subfolders and unchecking Http Redirect from each sub folder, however unknowingly  it created/modified a webconfig file under the OAB virtual directory. (you can explore it to see the
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    acidack, you are a lifesaver.
    I looked at the other webconfig files in the internet directories and noticed they all had 'Authenticated Users' with read permissions while the OAB one did not.  Adding this group with read permissions solved the problem; Outlook 2007
    users are no longer frozen on the 'Offline address book connecting to Microsoft Exchange" message.
    What caused this? I'm not sure.  I was messing with the web settings trying to redirect people to OWA. Something I did must have caused this file to be re-created without the needed permissions.
    Acidack and AndrewB, You are both live savers.  After all these years, your solution to this problem is still spot on.

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    I am having this problem, too. Gmail is my mothership, all the contacts and groups are hosted there, I just want to pull it down to my iMac and my MacBook.
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    Best regards,
    Eduardo Rosales.

    If you are going to reactivate synchronization, then do this first:
    • launch iSync
    • open the Preferences… dialog
    • press the Reset Sync History… button
    This will leave your sync clients registered and your data intact, but remove any indication that you have ever synchronized before, clearing the truth database and triggering an initial slow synchronization once you re-enable to process and initiate your next event.
    Read this document to gain a clearer understanding of how the framework operates:

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    - Steve

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    chesternd08 wrote:
    Thanks Lanny, but that is related to an iCloud issue. My issue is not iCloud related at all, rather when I use a group on any platform.
    I am hoping there is someway to set a default email to a group for a contact having more than one email? I haven't seen any other forums discussing that issue, but if you are aware of one I would very much appreciate your help. Thanks!
    Then you would use the, "Edit Distribution List" from the Address Book's Edit menu. Select the applicable group and then select which email address that you want the group to use.

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    Hi Adnan,
    I am fairly sure that you cannot access or change the behaviour of the date/time field to that extent. You can script the field to have a particular value or to be a constant from the date selected; but you cannot define the default value.
    Happy holidays,

  • Can I change Address Book's default setup?

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    1. Where did my changes to that Template go in respect to the actual display of the addresses?
    2. Is there some way to apply my edited template to all the entries in Address Book in one fell swoop?
    3. If not, then why have the Edit Template function at all?
    I've done some trial runs using a tab-delimited file exported from Palm Desktop, which Address Book seems to import and work with happily... except for this inability to choose my edited template for the new entries - Address Book forces the new database into Address Book's own Template with none of my chosen changes. It's as though the template edit function is just for show but with no real functionality.
    I hope this is all making sense...
    This is an great time for me to make sweeping changes if necessary (if it is possible or if it helps) since I'm beginning a totally new database in Address Book from scratch.
    Many thanks for any help.

    I'm afraid you will loose some of your data that you can insert in your Palm when you transfer to AddressBook, but you can try to get in as much as possible. Especially the custom fields are much more flexible in Palm.
    But in the end, the full integration of AB in your Mail and Calender, backup to .Mac etc. may offset these drawbacks.
    When you set up a template, did you actually complete one address record?
    If not, you should.
    When you want to import to AB from a tab-delimited file, try this program
    Addressbook Importer, an excellent piece of freeware that will do this for you.
    In the top row before you import, make sure you have an address record that has all your customized fields completed in a way you know which field that is (you can do this in Palm, using the name A. AAA, address etc.)
    Now when you use the importer, you can make sure wich field goes where.
    Backup your Palm data well before you start experimenting. I wouldn't want to be the cause of you dropping 5000 records. Also, disable all syncing when you start. Once it works, make a backup from within the AB application. Then when all looks OK, you can start syncing using iSync instead of Hotsync.

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    I'm Running Mac OS X Lion, and have seen that changes made in the mac address book do not sync to gmail contacts but changes to gmail contacts do sync to the mac address book.
    Making a change to a contact on my phone does sync to gmail contacts, and then to the mac address book.
    Another test I ran was to change the same contact in gmail and mac address book.  I made a change to a mobile number and notes in one contact on my mac address book, attempted to sync, and the change does not appear in my gmail contacts.  I tried multiple times, restarted my web browser, restarted mac address book, the sync would not work.  I changed the same contact mobile number in gmail with a slightly different change to the notes field so I could see when an update occurred, and when I told mac address book to sync it recognized a conflict. When I select the mac address book change to resolve the conflict, the gmail contact is not updated.  When I repeated the experiment and selected the gmail contact to resolve the conflict the change is made in the mac address book.

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