Exchange folders on Droid X

I have successfully configured my corporate e-mail account (Exchange). I see all my folders listed but only the inbox is fully sync'd in real time. If I click on another folder (one that I created in Exchange) it only appears to sync "on demand," not in real time. Is there a way for me to sync all Exchange folders in real time? I used TouchDown on my last Droid (original) and it worked fine. I'm trying to avoid installing TouchDown on the Droid X. Help............

shawn4618 wrote:
I left Verizon about 3 years ago when the Iphones came out. I paid a termination fee and didn't complain. i enjoyed the phone until AT&T had network saturation issues and I was missing and dropping calls daily. I moved to the 3GS and we were pretty happy until the daily dropped calls and AT&T gave us the we don't guarantee service....      I contacted APPLE who worked with AT&T and had me perform an update which I had already done and no changes had made things better.   So to make a long story short, we moved back to Verizon and both have the Droid X( End of OCT 2010). I have issues where the main mailbox gets hung and battery issue deplete in a short period of time. Verizon technical help at the store had to actually see this happening.  I also had issues where an app would open when I was moving my finger to a different app.   This is also very frustrating.    I tried to see if I could upgrade to the APPLE 4  but was told that I don't qualify until 5-2012 .   This is upsetting because I moved to get back on Verizon with the Apple.  I was told that the Apple would be opened up to all existing verizon customers which is not happening and I am very upset about this.
I paid 299 dollars for each phone, didn't receive a rebate and I can't get the new phone. Apple is taking no blame and Verizon doesn't seem to care either.
I recommend that your purchase your new iPhone(s) at full retail price.  You do not seem to have any problem paying extra for phones (ex. payed ETF, didn't bother with rebate, etc.) so it should not be a problem.  You already received your discount in October so you do not deserve any consideration for additional phone discounts (at least until 05/12).

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    If your issue is resolved, put a checkmark in the green box that contains the resolution.
    If it was just/or also really helpful - Give it a Kudos.. Go on Mate.. Help the rest of the clueless blackberry user world find their answer too..
    ~Gday from Down Under~

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    Message was edited by: Information Output

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    I did a hard reset and that didn't fix my issue so i wouldn't suggest doing a hard reset.
    My environment:
    Exchange 2010 SP1
    Droid  with FRG22D
    I haven't been able to pinpoint the issue but it has to do with the request and response with provisioning between the devices and exchange. Nothing has changed but updating the phone to the latest patch.
    I receive the following error:
    RequestBody :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <FolderSync xmlns="FolderHierarchy:">
    AccessState :
    AccessStateReason :
    ResponseHeader :
    HTTP/1.1 449 Retry after sending a PROVISION command
    MS-Server-ActiveSync: 14.1
    ResponseBody :
    [No XmlResponse]

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    Your problem is perhaps is being caused by your Exchanges SSL certificate being "self-signed".  Droid version 2.3.4 does not play nice with email servers that do not have third party certificates installed and if your Excvhange server is Exchange 2010 then this will be especially true. I had this problem with my phone and if spilled over into issues connecting not just with ActiveSync but with IMAP and POP regarding the Exchange server in question. I run my own Exchange so I went ahead and purchased a third party cert, installed it and all was well.  I wrote a shor blog about it here:
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