Existing AppleID without credit card?

I am aware there is already a walkthrough for setting up a new AppleID without needing to enter credit card details (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2534), but I'm currently managing several business phones where users have created AppleID's themselves, but have not completed the process of entering billing information (as naturally they have not wanted to enter their personal credit card details).
When I've attempt to follow the walkthrough in these instances to resolve the issue, there is no 'none' option available whether I attempt to complete the billing information through the iPhone, or through iTunes.
I cannot ask the users to create new AppleID's, as the emails they used to create them are corporate email accounts.
How can I get around this issue?

While I appreciate your reply, and not-so-much your rather dubious attempt "not to be snarky", this is not a resolution for me. My issue is that the accounts I am trying to set up are incomplete. I stated this earlier. When I log in, i am forced to 'review' the billing information, and prompted to enter payment details without any option not to. I am not afforded the opportunity to edit the billing information in any way, as it isn't there yet- which is the 'solution' you directed me towards.
It may surprise you, but I actually did take some time to try to find a resolution myself. Try not to be too wowed.
But petty griping at your tone aside, i seem to be caught with this issue, even though- to my shame- I have a suspicion I've dealt with it before. Unfortunately I keep coming back to the two or three 'solutions' that lead me nowhere.

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    If you follow, exactly, the instructions on the page that you posted when creating a new account (the instructions won't work with existing accounts) then you should get the 'none' option - I've just tried it on an iPad running 7.0.4 and it worked ok for me.
    i.e. I logged out of my existing account on my iPad, found a free app in the store and clicked on its free 'price' button, tapped on 'install', tapped on 'create new apple id' on the popup, selected my country, agreed to the terms, filled in my details, and got the following on the payment's screen :

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    You can create an iTune and App Store account without credit card details
    1. Sign out of current Apple ID if you are sign-in to one (important)
    2. Go to App Store and select a free app
    3. Tap INSTALL APP
    4. Create New Apple ID
    5. Confirm Your Country
    6. Agree with Terms and Conditions
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    8. Create and answer your secret question
    9. Select NONE for Payment Method
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    You can create a new account without giving credit card details by following the instructions on this page : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2534
    And she can then use that account for free items. If she redownloads an item on her iPad (and similarly on your Mac) from an account (either your existing account or a new one) then she may tie the iPad to that account for 90 days (so she won't be able to redownload items from the other account until those 90 days have completed) : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4627
    Also all content is tied to the account that downloaded it, so only your account will be able to download updates to the apps that were bought/downloaded by your account.
    The apps will only automatically download on your phone if you have automatic downloads turned on in Settings > iTunes & App Store on it.

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    You don't need a credit card to create an Apple ID. You can go here and do that:
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    You need either a credit card or iTunes gift card to create an iTunes account. An App store account can be created without a credit card by following the directions here:

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    If you follow the instructions on this page when creating the account (the instructons won't work with existing accounts) then you shouldn't need to enter credit card details : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2534
    e.g. if currently logged into an account then log out of it, find a free app in the store and click on its free 'price' :
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    Unless the instructions on this page are followed when creating an iTunes account : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2534
    then credit card details will need to be entered before the account can be used to download any item from the store.
    If you are getting a prompt to review your account when trying to use it then you could see if this post by mountaingoatgirl lets you do so without needing to enter credit card details : https://discussions.apple.com/message/24303054#24303054
    If not then you will need to create a new account, and use the instructions on that HT2534 page when creating it. If you want to use the same email address then you will need to replace it on that account first e.g. by tapping on it in Settings > iTunes & App Store on your iPad, via the Store > View Account menu option on your computer's iTunes or via http://appleid.apple.com
    (For future info typing all in capitals is considered shouting and makes posts difficult to read, and may mean that people are less likely to reply.)

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    If you're in Bangladesh, then there is no iTunes Store that you can use. Each country's iTunes Store is limited to those actually in that country. E.G from the terms of use for the iTunes Store:
    The iTunes Service is available to you only in the United States, its territories, and possessions. You agree not to use or attempt to use the iTunes Service from outside these locations. Apple may use technologies to verify your compliance.
    When or indeed if Apple will ever be able to open an iTunes Store in Bangladesh no one here will know.
    If you are physically in the US using a US-based account, post back and we'll go from there.

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    Accepted forms of payment  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5552
    None is not an option in all Countries and/or Regions.
    If the None Option is not available to you on an existing Apple ID there is not much you can do.
    There is this... But... it entails creating a New Apple ID which is not a suggested solution.
    To Create a New Apple ID without a Credit Card... Try Here...
    ( Use a computer and pay Particular Attention to Step 3...)

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    Is this how you create the account?
    You can create an iTune and App Store account without credit card details
    1. Sign out of current Apple ID if you are sign-in to one (important)
    2. Go to App Store and select a free app
    3. Tap INSTALL APP
    4. Create New Apple ID
    5. Confirm Your Country
    6. Agree with Terms and Conditions
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    8. Create and answer your secret question
    9. Select NONE for Payment Method
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    11. Submit application for new Apple ID
    12. Wait for verification email
    13. When email arrive, verify your account
    14. Start downloading your free apps

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    There is if you follow these directions to create a new Apple ID. (Doesn't work with an existing Apple ID.)
    Creating a new Apple ID for an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card -

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    You'll need to open an account in the iTunes Store via the instructions in the article from which you came, getting a free iOS app. You then should be able to get free apps from the Mac App Store. Note that the instructions apply only when creating a new Apple ID. You cannot use an existing ID without providing a payment method.

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    Create an iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store account without a credit card or other payment method - Apple Suppor…

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