Explanation for V$ view columns....

Hi All,
Is there any data dictionary table or third party tool which explains or has comments on the columns of the V$ views ? i.e. what column shows what info in the V$ views.
The Dict & Dict_columns tables have comments for all the data dictionay tables but not for V$ views.
If anyone knows, please enlighten.

The Oracle Database Reference has a chapter on the various dynamic performance views.
This, along with all the other Oracle documentation, is available online at http://tahiti.oracle.com
Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    X_V A X A
    X_V B X B
    and so on.
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    from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u
    where o.obj# in (select id1
    from v$lock
    where sid=cp_sid)
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    close c_sid;
    dbms_output.put_line('SID: '||l_sid);
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    execute immediate 'alter table '||i.uname||'.'||i.oname||' enable table lock';
    end loop;
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    Name Null? Type
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    satish asnani wrote:
    I am creating a view from base table using substr() for some fields. The data type size of the column in the view becomes twice the size of the corresponding column in the base table. Example
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    Name                                      Null?    Type
    NAME                                               VARCHAR2(40)Can i specify the size of the column while creating viewHi,
    Which platform and Oracel DB version?
    I had try to replicate, but I can't:
    SQL> create table t_v
      2  (id varchar2(20));
    Tabla creada.
    SQL> desc t_v
    Nombre                                                            ┐Nulo?   Tipo
    ID                                                                         VARCHAR2(20)
    SQL> r
      1  create view v_t_v
      2  as
      3  select substr(id,1,10) id
      4* from t_v
    Vista creada.
    SQL> desc v_t_v
    Nombre                                                            ┐Nulo?   Tipo
    ID                                                                         VARCHAR2(10)John

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    How can this be achieved.
    Charles Odili.

    You should still be able to use the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view to obtain this information. I did a quick test below:
    SQL> create view test as select * from all_objects;
    View created.
    SQL> select table_name,column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name='TEST';
    TABLE_NAME                     COLUMN_NAME
    TEST                           OWNER
    TEST                           OBJECT_NAME
    TEST                           SUBOBJECT_NAME
    TEST                           OBJECT_ID
    TEST                           DATA_OBJECT_ID
    TEST                           OBJECT_TYPE
    TEST                           CREATED
    TEST                           LAST_DDL_TIME
    TEST                           TIMESTAMP
    TEST                           STATUS
    TEST                           TEMPORARY
    TEST                           GENERATED
    TEST                           SECONDARY
    13 rows selected.
    SQL> spool off;

  • Column definition for a specific column in a view

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    So, given:
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    SSN VARCHAR2(12),
    CITY VARCHAR2(30),
    ZIP VARCHAR2(15),
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    from PERSON
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    and the result would be: "PERSON.FIRST_NAME"

    Hi again Barry,
    When I queried user_tab_columns (or dba_tab_columns or all_tab_columns), I have the following list of columns:
    I don't see anything resembling the DDL for the view column. Somewhere underneath some
    cover I haven't peeked under, Oracle must be keeping track of what it is supposed to be giving
    for, in my example, FULL_NAME.Unless I'm very much mistaken, these columns' data (per table) looks pretty much like DDL to me.
    Maybe what you need is just SQL Developer (great tool, if you don't have it, get it!).
    And it's free (as in beer - not as in speech! :( )
    Beside the connections tab is a "Reports" tab with various, as you might expect ;), reports.
    One of them is on the Tables - with (some) DDL. This will work as a once-off if that's what
    you need?
    Otherwise there's the SQL tab if you open a table under connections - it's very complete - sample
    at bottom of post.
    (Ultimately, I'm diagnosing problems in existing databases that have views already created so
    I don't have the option of considering virtual columns.)Quelle surprise ;(
        "REGION_ID"    NUMBER,
      'Primary key of countries table.';
      'Country name';
      'Region ID for the country. Foreign key to region_id column in the departments table.';
      'country table. Contains 25 rows. References with locations table.';

  • In user_tab_cols the data_type is 'undefined' for view columns

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    This view ( AR_RCT_CUST_H_V ) is created using force view command.
    Also which table can I query to see the correct datatype for the view columns ?
    database version :

    NVL (data_precision, 0) PRECISION
    nvl function replaces all nulls with what ever your given value.

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    Sorry, was getting some _very_ important work done -- have a mega-big project going out the door -- here's the top link from a search of the User Manual for "List View Column":
    Working with Images in List View

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    Hi Sagar,
    In Power View, it has several default theme colors for us to apply to our workbook. Also, we can change the Font, Text Size and Background of the chart. However, it is not support to design a custom theme color.
    You can refer to the following steps to change the theme colors:
    1. On the POWER VIEW tab, in the Themes group, click Themes.
    2. Under Built-in, click the theme that you want to use.
    Please refer to the following screenshot below:
    Alisa Tang
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Auto reset sequence or ID column for a view

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    user809921 wrote:
    I got 3 tables
    1. Inc
    2. Def
    3. Class
    Well I want to take a column Type from each, which have different data and obtain all the permutations of it. Then set up a unique key, number.And do what with it? Store it in a new table? Does this need to be immutable and referenced in other tables (through a foreign key constraint for example)?
    Hope I have explained my self better.A little better, but there's still a good deal of pertinent information missing. Take some time and describe in detail the BUSINESS problem you are facing, not the technical implementation you are attempting. At least, if you want a comprehensively applicable answer.

  • HANA Live Content views column mapping to SAP tables document | SAP HANA Live for SAP ERP Finance Reports | Hana Live RDS

    I am searching for HANA Live Content views column mapping to SAP tables document. Please let me know where can I find it.

    Hi Srinivas,
    I guess this is the same question as the one about the SD content, so my answer is the same:
    if you have access to the HANA Live RDS documentation which comes as part of the so called Step-by-Step Guide you can find a document RDS_SHL_HANA10V5_Technical_Content_Mapping_EN_XX.xls in the folder structure. To get to this file you need to drill down this path:..RDS SBS Guides\HANA Live\V5\Serv_Enabled\RDS
    In that file you find all the tables used in all the RDS content.
    Solution and Knowledge Packaging
    SAP Labs

  • Missing comments and notes fields for view columns

    I am missing the comments and notes fields for view columns in the relational model of DM. For the table columns these fields are present, so it would be nice to make this available for views too. The Designer import should be adapted too to import those fields.

    Hi Joop,
    My question is about the import of Designer for those fields. This is still not solved, even not in rel 4.0
    In fact even DM 3.3 imports comments, notes and comments in RDBMS from Designer repository.  Though comments and notes are not accessible through UI they are there and you can include them in custom report.
    Comments and notes are accessible through UI in DM 4.0

  • What does it mean when the usecounts of Parse Tree for a view is incrementing when a select query is issued against the view?

    I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.4033) and I'm troubleshooting an issue that a select query against a specific view is taking more than 30 seconds consistently.   The issue just starts happening this week and there is no mass changes in data.  
    The problem only occur if the query is issued from an IIS application but not from SSMS.  One thing I noticed is that sys.dm_exec_cached_plans is returning 2 Parse Tree rows for the view -  one created when the select query is issued
    1st time from the IIS application and another one created when the same select query is issued 1st time from SSMS.   The usecounts of the Parse Tree row for the view (the IIS one) is increasing whenever the select query is issued.  The
    usecounts of the Parse Tree row for the view (the SSMS one) does not increase when the select query is issued again. 
    There seems to be a correlation between the slowness of the query and the increasing of the usecounts of the Parse Tree row for the view.  
    I don't know why there is 2 Parse Tree rows for the view.  There is also 2 Compiled Plan rows for the select query.  
    What does the Parse Tree row mean especially the usecounts column?

    >> The issue just starts happening this week and there is no mass changes in data.  
    There might be a mass changes in the execution plan for several reason without mass changes in data
    If you have the old version and a way to check the old execution plan, and compare to the new one, that this should be your starting point. In most cases you don't have this option and we need to monitor from scratch.
    >> The problem only occur if the query is issued from an IIS application but not from SSMS.
    This mean that we know exactly what is the different and you can compare both execution plan. once you do it, you will find that they are no the same. But this is very common issue and we can know that it is a result of different SETting while connecting
    from different application. SSMS is an external app like any app that you develop in Visual studio but the SSMS dose not use the Dot.Net default options.
    Please check this link, to find the full explanation and solutions:
    Take a look at sys.dm_exec_sessions for your ASP.Net application and for your SSMS session.
    If you need more specific help, then we need more information and less stories :-)
    We need to see the DDL+DML+Query and both execution plans
    >> What does the Parse Tree row mean
    I am not sure what you mean but the parse tree represents the logical steps necessary to execute the query that has been requested. you can check this tutorial about the execution plan: https://www.simple-talk.com/sql/performance/execution-plan-basics/ or
    this one: http://www.developer.com/db/understanding-a-sql-server-query-execution-plan.html
    >> regarding the usecount column or any other column check this link:
      Ronen Ariely
     [Personal Site]    [Blog]    [Facebook]

  • Set filter for only one column in tableview

    i am using in MVC a htmlb:tableview with filter in only one column of 8.
    This is all working fine, except that the user can enter a searchsting in the filterfield for all columns, but in handle_event (of the controller) ; i only react to a text in the filterfield of column 4 and ignore all other filtertext , which were maybe entered in the other columns.
    My question:
    how can i  enter the filter only for one column, in a way that the user cannot enter any text in the filterfield of the other columns, only in column 4 ?
    my view:
    <htmlb:tableView id             = "requirements"
                     table          = "//model/pdst_reqs"
                     filter         = "APPLICATION"                
                     keyColumn       = "EXTID"
                     iterator        = "<%=model%>"
                     footerVisible   = "FALSE"
                     encode          = "TRUE"
                     visibleRowCount = "<%=model->rowcount%>"
                     width           = "100%"/>
    Best Regards

    You can disbale the Filter for the particular column by setting the DISABLE_FILTER in the Iterator method IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR~GET_COLUMN_DEFINITIONS. Here is the sample code
      CLEAR p_column_definitions.
      CLEAR p_overwrites.
      data tv_column TYPE TABLEVIEWCONTROL.
      tv_column-COLUMNNAME          = 'FLDATE'.
      tv_column-SORT                = 'X'.
      tv_column-EDIT                = 'X'.
      tv_column-ONCELLCLICK         = 'MyCellClick1'.
      tv_column-title               = 'Date '.
      APPEND tv_column TO p_column_definitions.
      CLEAR tv_column.
      tv_column-COLUMNNAME          = 'PRICE'.
      tv_column-horizontalAlignment = 'right'.
      tv_column-verticalAlignment   = 'middle'.
      tv_column-ONCELLCLICK         = 'MyCellClick2'.
      tv_column-title               = 'Currency'. 
      tv_column-EDIT                = 'X'.
      tv_column-DISABLE_FILTER      = 'X'.    " <-------Like this
      APPEND tv_column TO p_column_definitions.
    Hope this will solve your problem.

  • How to create transaction code for maintenance view

    hai friends,
    i hope every thing goes good.
    i have doubt, how to create transaction code for maintenance view. I created view for tranperant table and now i want to create transaction code for the view.
    i tried and i donot know the screen number and program name and where can i give the view name.
    if any one know please post in details.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Elam,
    You need to create a "Parameter Transaction".
    What this means is that you will have a transaction (let's call it "ZMAINT") which calls "SM30" and passes in your table name.
    Go to transaction SE93 and enter your new transaction code. Enter in the Tcode description and choose "Transaction with Parameters" (it shouldbe the last radio button).
    Enter in the default transaction "SM30" and tick the "Skip Initial Screen" check box. Hit Enter.
    Now scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see a Table Control where you will need to enter in the values to the SM30 selection screen.
    Because you hit ENTER, the program will have loaded in the Selection Screen parameters into it's memory. Hit the drop down for "Name of Screen Field" and select "VIEWNAME" and then enter in your Z Table in the "Value" column.
    Now go to the next line and hit the drop down and select "UPDATE" in the "Name of Screen Field". Enter in a "X" in the value column.
    Now save the transaction and there you have it.
    Hope this helps.
    PS. Kindly assign Reward Points to the posts you find helpful.

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