Export a Collection Set

I have created a collection set in one of my Lightroom catalogues which has a series of smart collections and embedded collection sets within it.  I use this in my workflow for improving productivity. I normally put a complete photo shoot into my workflow collection folder which then filter through the different smart collections,once I have geotagged them, starred them, developed them, until I am left with a series of processed images. All images are removed from the workflow at the end ready for the next photo shoot.
What I would like to do is export an entire collection set with all my embedded smart collection to enable me to use the workflow on different catalogs. I don't want to move the photos just the collections.
Is there any way I can do this? I have found methods for "export smart collection settings" but nothing for a complete set.
Any help would be much appreciated.

WhereOnEarth wrote:
Would love Adobe to add this functionality to future versions.
Would you settle for Rob adding this functionality to present version?
See scripts:
* Export Collections and Sets
* Import Collections and Sets
in MiscLrScripts distribution (free): http://www.robcole.com/Rob/ProductsAndServices/MiscLrScripts
Note: you can export regular collections/sets and import into a publish service, or vice-versa.. - supports both regular and smart collections.

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  • Can I export a Collection Set as one Catalog?

    I'm sure this worked in earlier versions of LR (?), but it's been a while since I've required doing this. However last night I needed to export a Collection Set housing several Collections as a single Catlog to an external HD. The options I chose were to export the negative files and available previews.
    I seemed to recall that if you Right-Clicked on the Collection Set name there used to be an option "Export Collection as a Catlog", but this option seems only available on Collections not Collection Sets.
    Never-the-less I sellected the Collection Set, then chose Export as Catalog from the file menu; This worked but only the first 4 collections within the collection set were exported. I repeated this again with the same response. So is this a bug?
    I'm sure there must be an easy way to do this so I'm hoping someone can tell me how. I know I could export each Collection as an individual catalogs then combine them but the Collection Set houses 13 sub collections, so rather laborius.
    Any ideas?

    I tried this and I got the exactly same result, only 4 four of my Collections within the Collection Set were exported in the new Catalog.
    I couldn't understand why it was doing this but eventually noticed that not all the images within the Collections were being shown in the grid when the Collection Set was selected. That was the problem. I still don't know why, but suspect one of the Collections may have become corrupted somehow. I've no filters on, so all the images in the sub Collections should show up in the grid, but only images from the first 4 were visible.
    I made a new Collection Set, then dragged the Collections one by one up to the new set, and now all the images are displayed and will export in one collection, either by the method you suggested by selecting all the images in the grid, or as I've achieved before by just sellecting the Collection Set then chosse Export as Catalog from the file menu.

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    The DPI setting in a digital image has no meaning at all. You need to learn how to calculate what you need in your exported image. The only measurement in a digital image that has any meaning is the number of pixels in each direction. It doesn't matter what you set that DPI to (actually it's PPI or pixels per inch). The image will have the same number of pixels regardless of the setting. If you need an image that is 5 x 7" (for example) at 200 PPI then you would want an image that measured:
    5 x 200 = 1000 pixels
    7 x 200 = 1400 pixels
    So you would need an image that is 1000 x 1400 pixels to have a 5 x 7" image at 200 PPI. The reason your exported image had such a high PPI setting is because you specified the number of inches you wanted the image to be. And there were enough pixels in the image that it calculated out to be that high PPI setting.
    I apologize, I don't explain this very well. But you need to learn to do the math to determine how large you really want your exported images to be.

  • Problem With Collection Sets

    Wow, I am really regretting upgrading from v1.  What used to be simple catalogueing tasks are now so frustrating, long winded and unreliable my temper is being tested daily.
    I regularly photograph either similar events or the same annual events and like to organise my photos into collections, sub collections etc.  For a new event once I have got the structure of collections set up in my mine catalogue I was then able to export this as a new catalogue to use as a template for future events.  I started doing this as a result of great advise on this forum, as a work around for not being able to copy collection structures within a catalogue.  The result was I didnt need to keep setting up a structure of many collections for each event, I could use the template catalogue and import this into the main one when the photos were organised.
    So then I moved to Lightroom 3
    First I found that with the introduction of collection sets I could no longer have nested collections and had to use nested collection sets with only the final level as a collection.  A pain in the neck and one which meant my exisiting catalogue needed weeks of work to correct, in addition to an alteration to my workflow which still isnt ideal.
    Because of this I have now been trying to exprot my revised structure of collections and collection sets as new templates for the reasosn mentioned above.  But I can't becuase lightroom does not allow exporting collection sets, only collections i.e. one level, meaning this great workaround is no longer available.
    So I thought what I would do is copy my catalogue, delete everything in it but the collection set structure I wanted for each event, and then use this as a template.  Very time consuming but hopefully it would solve the problem.  But it didn't as when I import the catalogue there seems to be a limit as to the number of collection set levels that get imported, meaning the lowest levels and hence the collections dont import, i.e. all the organisation is pointless as the photos import but not the collections.
    So I thought OK I would move one of the collection sets from its parent to the top level and get around it this way, meaning I just have to do a little reorganisation after importing it.  Not ideal, but hopefully it would solve the problem.  Guess what, it doesnt.  I move the collection set (and with it all its child sets and collections) to the top, and when I delete the collection set which used to be the parent, all the child sets and collections disappear from the new top level set.
    Thsi is so frustrating.  In 20 years of using software I have never before experienced a product that removes / fundamentally changes the way in which it works so drastically as this.
    If anyone has any ideas how I can get around this I'd really appreciate it

    Please refer to the following article.
    You can run the dcclenaup.sql script mentioned in the article.
    Another option is using sp_syscollector_cleanup_collector.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

  • How to Export local security setting all filed name & value against filed.

    HI all,
    I am trying to export local security setting from local policy using bellow scrip. but it is showing only these are configured. I need expert help which allowed me to export all filed with value where it is configure or not. Please give me.
    $temp = "c:\"
    $file = "$temp\privs.txt"
    [string] $readableNames
    $process = [diagnostics.process]::Start("secedit.exe", "/export /cfg $file /areas USER_RIGHTS")
    $in = get-content $file
    foreach ($line in $in) {
    if ($line.StartsWith("Se")) {
    $privilege = $line.substring(0,$line.IndexOf("=") - 1)
    switch ($privilege){
    "SeCreateTokenPrivilege " {$privilege = "Create a token object"}
    "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege" {$privilege = "Replace a process-level token"}
    "SeLockMemoryPrivilege" {$privilege = "Lock pages in memory"}
    "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege" {$privilege = "Adjust memory quotas for a process"}
    "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege" {$privilege = "Load and unload device drivers"}
    "SeMachineAccountPrivilege" {$privilege = "Add workstations to domain"}
    "SeTcbPrivilege" {$privilege = "Act as part of the operating system"}
    "SeSecurityPrivilege" {$privilege = "Manage auditing and the security log"}
    "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege" {$privilege = "Take ownership of files or other objects"}
    "SeLoadDriverPrivilege" {$privilege = "Load and unload device drivers"}
    "SeSystemProfilePrivilege" {$privilege = "Profile system performance"}
    "SeSystemtimePrivilege" {$privilege = "Change the system time"}
    "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege" {$privilege = "Profile single process"}
    "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege" {$privilege = "Create a pagefile"}
    "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create permanent shared objects"}
    "SeBackupPrivilege" {$privilege = "Back up files and directories"}
    "SeRestorePrivilege" {$privilege = "Restore files and directories"}
    "SeShutdownPrivilege" {$privilege = "Shut down the system"}
    "SeDebugPrivilege" {$privilege = "Debug programs"}
    "SeAuditPrivilege" {$privilege = "Generate security audit"}
    "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Modify firmware environment values"}
    "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege" {$privilege = "Bypass traverse checking"}
    "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege" {$privilege = "Force shutdown from a remote system"}
    "SeUndockPrivilege" {$privilege = "Remove computer from docking station"}
    "SeSyncAgentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Synchronize directory service data"}
    "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege" {$privilege = "Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation"}
    "SeManageVolumePrivilege" {$privilege = "Manage the files on a volume"}
    "SeImpersonatePrivilege" {$privilege = "Impersonate a client after authentication"}
    "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create global objects"}
    "SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege" {$privilege = "Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller"}
    "SeRelabelPrivilege" {$privilege = "Modify an object label"}
    "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege" {$privilege = "Increase a process working set"}
    "SeTimeZonePrivilege" {$privilege = "Change the time zone"}
    "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create symbolic links"}
    "SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Deny local logon"}
    "SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Allow logon through Terminal Services"}
    "SeServiceLogonRight" {$privilege = "Logon as a service"}
    "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege" {$privilege = "Increase scheduling priority"}
    "SeBatchLogonRight" {$privilege = "Log on as a batch job"}
    "SeInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Log on locally"}
    "SeDenyNetworkLogonRight" {$privilege = "Deny Access to this computer from the network"}
    "SeNetworkLogonRight" {$privilege = "Access this Computer from the Network"}
      $sids = $line.substring($line.IndexOf("=") + 1,$line.Length - ($line.IndexOf("=") + 1))
      $sids =  $sids.Trim() -split ","
      $readableNames = ""
      foreach ($str in $sids){
        $str = $str.substring(1)
        $sid = new-object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($str)
        $readableName = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
        $readableNames = $readableNames + $readableName.Value + ", "
    $output += New-Object PSObject -Property @{            
            privilege       = $privilege               
            readableNames   = $readableNames.substring(0,($readableNames.Length - 1))
            #else            = $line."property" 

    As an alternate approach wee can preset the hash and just update it.  This version also deal with trapping the errors.
    function Get-UserRights{
    $p=Start-Process 'secedit.exe' -ArgumentList "/export /cfg $tempfile /areas USER_RIGHTS" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru
    if($p.ExitCode -ne 0){
    Write-Error "SECEDIT exited with error:$($p.ExitCode)"
    $selines=get-content $tempfile|?{$_ -match '^Se'}
    Remove-Item $tempfile -EA 0
    $dct=$selines | ConvertFrom-StringData
    SeCreateTokenPrivilege =$null
    for($i=0;$i -lt $dct.Count;$i++){
    $privileges=New-Object PsObject -Property $hash
    A full version would be pipelined and remoted or, perhaps use a workflow to access remote machines in parallel.

  • How to keep User Order when exporting a collection?

    I made a collection of about 300 VC's, chosen from many folders in my catalogue. These images were taken over a 10 year period, using 3 different cameras and having different names and file types. The collection was sorted by "User Order". I spent a good deal of time organizing the collection so that the images made visual sense when shown as a slide show on a digital album.
    I exported the collection to my hard drive as jpegs, and checked the box to place them back in my catalogue, in a designated subfolder within my parent folder. All went well except they are now completely out of order, and that order makes no logical sense whatsoever - not by date, metadata, filename, attributes, nothing that I can figure out. I have to start all over again to reorder them - something that will take several hours.
    What did I do wrong? How can I keep my designated user order when I export a collection? 
    I am using LR 4.3.
    Thanks for your replies.

    sunhotmoon wrote:
    What did I do wrong? How can I keep my designated user order when I export a collection? 
    Hi Rene,
    Lightroom does not maintain user order upon exporting. It would make no sense when not exporting back to catalog, but when exporting back to catalog I can see that it may be desirable - consider making a feature request (Idea) here:
    In the mean time, I *think* what most people do to assure export ordering is to name the files according to desired order, then sort by filename. I could be wrong about that, but that's all I got.
    Beware: If said approach is adopted, one would not be able to do incremental exports and maintain such ordering (e.g. when single image added to publish service), so all files would need to be re-exported if such change was made.
    I have requested access to sort order and added-order via plugin for plugin-assisted remedy, but so far no go.
    Another idea (which may not be acceptable) is to use capture-time to maintain sort order of exported photos (via a plugin like Exportant), then it would be easy enough to maintain user order by manipulating capture time (of exported photos I mean, post-export), but then you'd lose the true capture-time, granted: capture time could be put into some other field, but that might foul things up downstream... hmm - sorry for rambling/brain-storming out loud.
    Maybe somebody else has a better idea.

  • How do I export a specific set of rows from Numbers?

    What i am looking to be able to do is
    Export a specific set of rows from Numbers
    I am working with large files of information
    but would like to break the file up into smaller files
    for example
    I have 1 file with 40,000 rows
    I need to be able to export/save this file into 4 smaller files
    Rows 1-10,000
    Rows 10,001-20,000
    Rows 20,001-30,000
    Rows 30,001-40,000

    I do not think I would use Numbers for this task.
    I would duplicate the file (let's say the name is data.txt)
    and name the two files:
    then I would open dataA.txt in TextEdit and delete the last half of the file and save
    then I would open dataC.txt in TextEdit and delete the first half of the file and save
    then duplicate dataA.txt and name the new file dataB.txt
    then duplicate dataC.txt and name the new file dataD.txt
    Now open dataA.txt and delete the last half of the file, save
    Now open dataB.txt and delete the first half of the file, save
    Now open dataC.txt and delete the last half of the file, save
    Now open dataD.txt and delete the first half of the file, save
    if you did this very often I would suggest a script of some kind

  • In Photoshop V5 -How do I keep photos in the same order when Exporting a Collection to a Folder

    In order to resize photos ready for Premiere Elements, I am Exporting my Collection to a folder, from the Organiser.
    I then resize that Folder using Process multiple Files.
    I then can import that Folder into PE.
    BUT, the export seems to change the photo order to an apparent random order.
    The Collection is in the right order, and there seems no options in the export dialogue to impact the order in the exported file.
    PS I am about to upgrade to version 7, but would like to get my process sorted out before then. maybe 7 does it differently.

    Hi DJ
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    The good news is that what you suggest simplifies my process a lot. So thanks for that.
    The bad news in the order in still wrong. I.E it's not as the collection order, but it is the same order as the Process Multiple file route!
    So a step forward, but not quite there yet.
    Thanks so far!

  • Creating new "Collection Set" deselects everything for no reason.

    In Library mode: Creating new Collection Set performs "Select none" (changes source) for no reason.  A new set cannot contain photos (until it has a collection) so there is no reason to change source to it yet.  It is behaving as if it were a new collection.  I often select photos first, then decide whether they need to be in a collection.  If I need to first create a set for it --I lose the selection before I can place them.
    Is this "as designed" and am I overlooking something?

    If Verizon sent you an STB, it should have been delivered via a delivery service (they use UPS around here). Included in the paperwork should have been a return label that would allow you to drop it off at any UPS store, and the return shipping would be free.
    If I were you, I would keep whichever STB and remote look to be in better condition, pack up the other one with any accessories they demand to have returned, and drop it off at whichever service delivered it. Make sure to get and keep some kind of confirmation number that the delivery service has received the box. Though I've never had any problems myself, I've heard a few horror stories about Verizon claiming to have never received the returned merchandise and trying to charge the customer for it. Better safe than sorry.
    FYI - The reason that FIOS triggers the spell check is because it is spelled FiOS (Fiber Optic Services).
    Find this post helpful, informative or just something you agree with? Click the red ‘thumbs-up’ button.
    Did this post solve your problem? Click the green ‘Accept as Solution’ button.

  • How do I save or export my collections?

    How do I backup, save, or export my collections?  I have about 20 collections.  I want to be able to restore them all if my computer crashes and I need to pull everything up on a new computer.  I may also want to have my collections accessible on a secondary computer.

    Actually, you should right-click on the collection and choose the command Export This Collection As Catalog (and check the box next to Include Negatives). This will create a new catalog and you can move this and the photos thus created to the 2nd computer and then in Lightroom on the 2nd computer use File->Import from Another catalog

  • Sql Developer 3.1 - Exporting a result set in xls generates and empty file

    Ever since upgrading to the Production version SQL Developer 3.1 (3.1.07) it appears that there is an issue when attempting to export a result set as a .xls format.
    If I attempt to export in .xls format, the exported file is an empty file (i,e no output). When I change the export type to txt, csv or xlsx the results are exported as expected.
    This appears to be a bug introduced in the Production version as I was successfully able to perform these tasks on the various 3.1 EA releases.
    Am I alone in this, have I misconfigured something or is this a bug?

    I keep having problems exporting to XLSX - mostly in cases where the data is voluminous and the format would be preferable over plain XLS as it does not have the 65krows limit ;-{ The data is read to the data grid (sometimes fast, sometimes much slower and "in chunks"), then the "task progress" won't move anymore, and the export file remains empty; If I cancel the task, trying to export again results in a message stating that sqldeveloper still has the output file locked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Exported Word files set off virus alerts for Windows users.

    Work for a communications agency. Many of us prefer to write our copy in Pages, then export to Word files when sending over to clients to review. But, our exported "Word" files set off all our clients virus alerts like clockwork. Is there any way to prevent this besides exporting to RTF or PDF?
    I've been told that Pages files exported out to Word files contain benign "macros" under the hood. And that virus alert programs on the Windows side see these macros (however harmless they are) and warn the user to not open, or trash the files.
    This is causing hardship for us wanting to switch over to using Pages full-time. To our clients, it makes it seem as if we are careless, or are sending them files with viruses all the time.

    bkjj40a wrote:
    Work for a communications agency. Many of us prefer to write our copy in Pages, then export to Word files when sending over to clients to review. But, our exported "Word" files set off all our clients virus alerts like clockwork. Is there any way to prevent this besides exporting to RTF or PDF?
    I've been told that Pages files exported out to Word files contain benign "macros" under the hood. And that virus alert programs on the Windows side see these macros (however harmless they are) and warn the user to not open, or trash the files.
    As far as I know, there is no macro in files created by the Pages export process.
    I'm on the Pages forums since two years and never read any message about such a behavior.
    My guess is that the problem is not in Pages.
    Maybe you are using the same anti-virus than my brother.
    It rejects all jpegs claiming that they have a virus embedded
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 14 juin 2009 10:48:07)

  • Project/Folder -Folders/Collections sets

    In Aperture I have Projects called Avocets, Godwits etc, all in a Folder called Water Birds.
    In LR would the Avocets category be classed as a Folder or Sub Folder and the Water Birds as a Collection Set?

    It could any of those, or keywords and sub-keywords.
    If your organization is as simple as you describe ... a single hierarchy of bird species, then I really don't think it matters. If they come over from Aperture as folders and subfolders (I don't really know if that's what happens when you transfer from Aperture), I would leave them as folders and subfolders.
    If your organization is somewhat more complicated than what you described, then I would use keywords.
    In LR would the Avocets category be classed as a Folder or Sub Folder and the Water Birds as a Collection Set?
    It seems like you are confusing folders with collections, these are unrelated to one another and you cannot have a hierarchy of folders or subfolders inside a collection set.

  • LR 3 Collection Set doesn't see all photos

    I have been using collection sets (Published>Nature>Coastal) to organize photos in LR 2. I've just upgraded to LR 3. If I add photos to an existing collection (Coastal) within a collection set, the photo is also seen when viewing the collection set that contains the collection (Published, Nature). However, I have also created a new collection  (Published>Nature>Waters Edge) under the collection set in LR 3. Photos that I add to this new collection do not show up when viewing the collection set (Published or Nature).
    What's going on here?

    Known bug (with workaround): http://forums.adobe.com/thread/666017

  • Smart Collection - can source be named Collection Set?

    If I specify a smart collection rule that says the source must be a collection matching some pattern, does this only apply to actual collections and exclude collection sets?
    I was hoping fo a way to build a rule based on the collection set ... is this possible?
    I also tried matching Any Searchable Text set to the collection set name, but that doesn't seem to work...wouldn't all photos in the collection set be associated with that string? Looks like no.
    PS: There used to be a way I thought that you could submit a new thread after doing a question search. That seems to be gone. Or did I miss something?

    CPChisholm wrote:
    If I specify a smart collection rule that says the source must be a collection matching some pattern, does this only apply to actual collections and exclude collection sets?
    If I remember correctly, yes.
    John Ellis' AnyFilter lets you include collection set name (if I remember correctly).

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