Export Maintenance Scripts from AWM?

Is there a way to export the Maintenance Scripts, like you can export dimensions and cubes to xml or something else?
I'm talking about the scripts that are not part of the workspaces tree, but below them.
If I'm missing something to explain myself, please tell me.
Thank you!

Maintenance Scripts are also called Build Processes in the OLAP API.  The definitions of these scripts are contained in a view and may be accessed by the following query:
select * from all_cube_build_processes order by owner, build_process_name
This query is in the AWM Navigator Reports Folder, OLAP Dictionary Reports, All Build Processes.
Another way to get the definition of the Maintenance Script would be to download the View XML plugin from Oracle OLAP Downloads: Software & Samples
After installing the plugin in the AWM plugin directory, a new context menu item, "Plugin - View XML..." should appear for a maintenance script in the navigator.  Invoking this menu item will display the XML for maintenance script which then can be copy pasted into a file which then can be imported using DBMS_CUBE.IMPORT_XML.
Ken Chin

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    Hi all,
      I am trying to export sap script to local file using this program RSTXSCRP, but it's working fine for English but not other languages like IT,ES and DA. Even if i specify parameter in selection screen Language vector as IT. It's not exporting code from sap script for IT language. By default it's exporting only EN.
    Can you please tell me what I have to do to export sap script  from different language.
    Thank you.

    For Translating you can do it by
    Going in transaction SE63 -> Translation -> Abap objects -> Other Long Texts -> FS Forms and Styles.
    There you have to enter client and form name source lang. and target lang.
    Then you export it with the program RSTXSCRP in the language u have translated....
    As you have form created in English and  you can download and upload it in only  English .

  • Exported ant script -- NoClassDefFound?

    I've exported ant script from workshop (wls9.2 eclipse) and I was able to build the app.war (web services) ok.
    However I saw message like this:
    "assembly: Imput fileset contained no files, nothing to do."
    And when I deployed the war to server and tried to access the webservices, it gave me NoClassDefFound error.
    Also I noticed that the ".staging" directory has empty "lib" dir under it.
    Does anyone know how to fix it?
    Here is the generated build.xml and workspace.xml.
    ========================= workspace.xml==============
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <node name="metadata">
    <node name="projects">
    <node name="billingservice">
    <attribute name="location" value="C:/home/rlee/projects/telepacific/billingservice"/>
    <node name="library-modules">
    <node name="library-module">
    <attribute name="location" value="%wl.home%/common/deployable-libraries/wls-commonslogging-bridge.war"/>
    <node name="library-module">
    <attribute name="location" value="%wl.home%/common/deployable-libraries/weblogic-controls-1.0.war"/>
    <node name="library-module">
    <attribute name="location" value="%wl.home%/common/deployable-libraries/beehive-controls-1.0.war"/>
    <node name="server-runtimes">
    <node name="BEA WebLogic v9.2">
    <attribute name="location" value="%wl.home%"/>
    <node name="vm-locations">
    <attribute name="defaultVM" value="C:/bea/wls922/jdk150_10"/>
    <node name="org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/BEA WebLogic v9.2 JRE">
    <attribute name="location" value="c:/bea/wls922/jrockit90_150_10"/>
    <node name="classpath-vars">
    <node name="SDKS_HOME">
    <attribute name="value" value="c:/home/rlee/projects/mpower/sdks"/>
    <node name="WEBLOGIC_HOME">
    <attribute name="value" value="%wl.home%"/>
    ======================= end of workspace.xml==============
    ==================== exported build.xml ====================
    <project default="build">
    Project build script. All public targets require the "workspace" property to be
    set at invocation. It can either point at the Eclipse workspace directory that
    this project belongs to or an exported workspace.xml file. The wl.home property
    may also need to be specified unless WL_HOME environment variable is defined.
    <target name="init.env" unless="init.env.executed">
    <property name="init.env.executed" value="true"/>
    <property environment="env"/>
    <condition property="wl.home" value="${env.WL_HOME}">
    <isset property="env.WL_HOME"/>
    <fail unless="wl.home" message="The wl.home property needs to be set!"/>
    <target name="init.typedefs" depends="init.env" unless="init.typedefs.executed">
    <property name="init.typedefs.executed" value="true"/>
    <typedef resource="com/bea/wlw/antlib/antlib.xml">
    <fileset dir="${wl.home}">
    <include name="workshop/lib/wlw-antlib.jar"/>
    <include name="workshop/lib/wlw-util.jar"/>
    <include name="workshop/lib/wlw-libmodules.jar"/>
    <include name="workshop/lib/wlw-splitsrc.jar"/>
    <include name="server/lib/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b1.jar"/>
    <target name="init" depends="init.env,init.typedefs" unless="init.executed">
    <property name="init.executed" value="true"/>
    <fail unless="workspace" message="The workspace property needs to be set!"/>
    <dirname property="project.dir" file="${ant.file}"/>
    <property name="echo.metadata" value="false"/>
    <mdimport workspace="${workspace}" pjdir="${project.dir}" echo="${echo.metadata}">
    <option name="skipAnnotationProcessors" value="com.bea.wlw.webservices.core"/>
    <property name="archive.name" value="${project.name}.war"/>
    <property name="uri" value="${archive.name}"/>
    <taskdef name="xmlbean"
    <pathelement path="${wl.home}/common/lib/apache_xbean.jar"/>
    <pathelement path="${wl.home}/common/eclipse/plugins/com.bea.eclipse.common.lib.apache_xbean2/jsr173_api.jar"/>
    <property name="generated.module.root" value="${project.dir}/build/weboutput"/>
    <property name="assembly.src" value="${project.dir}/build/assembly/.src"/>
    <target name="build" depends="init" description=" compiles the source files; does not package the results">
    <for list="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" param="i">
    <isset property="xbean.src.@{i}.dir"/>
    <available file="${xbean.src.@{i}.dir}"/>
    <fileset id="xbean.src.paths.@{i}"
    <fileset id="xbean.src.paths.@{i}"
    <isset property="xbean.include-classpath-contributions"/>
    <path id="xbean.classpath">
    <path refid="java.classpath"/>
    <path id="xbean.classpath">
    <pathelement location="${wl.home}/common/lib/apache_xbean.jar"/>
    <mkdir dir="${xbean.src.output.dir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${xbean.bin.output.dir}"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.0"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.1"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.2"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.3"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.4"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.5"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.6"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.7"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.8"/>
    <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.9"/>
    <isreference refid="apt.factory.path"/>
    <mkdir dir="${apt.src.output.dir}"/>
    <available file="${.java.src.dir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${.java.src.output}"/>
    <available file="${.java.src.dir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${.java.src.output}"/>
    <delete dir="${generated.module.root}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${generated.module.root}"/>
    <resolve-path property="user.web.xml" path="WEB-INF/web.xml"/>
    <resolve-path property="user.weblogic.xml" path="WEB-INF/weblogic.xml"/>
    <copy todir="${generated.module.root}/WEB-INF" file="${user.web.xml}" />
    <copy todir="${generated.module.root}/WEB-INF" file="${user.weblogic.xml}" failonerror="false" />
    <target name="clean" depends="init" description=" removes the files and directories generated by the build target">
    <available file="${xbean.src.output.dir}"/>
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
    <fileset dir="${xbean.src.output.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
    <available file="${xbean.bin.output.dir}"/>
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
    <fileset dir="${xbean.bin.output.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
    <available file="${apt.src.output.dir}"/>
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
    <fileset dir="${apt.src.output.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
    <available file="${.java.src.output}"/>
    <equals arg1="${.java.src.dir}" arg2="${.java.src.output}"/>
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
    <fileset dir="${.java.src.output}">
    <filename name="**/*.class"/>
    <type type="dir"/>
    <depth min="0"/>
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
    <fileset dir="${.java.src.output}" includes="**/*"/>
    <delete dir="${assembly.src}"/>
    <delete dir="${generated.module.root}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${generated.module.root}"/>
    <target name="assemble" depends="init" description=" assembles the project for iterative dev deployment; requires that the "ear.root" property is specified">
    <property name="prefix" value=""/>
    <link ear="${ear.root}" source="${.resource.path}" target="${prefix}${uri}/${.resource.prefix}"/>
    <!-- Link in referenced utility projects into the WEB-INF/lib directory. -->
    <equals arg1="${.referenced.component.type}" arg2="project"/>
    <equals arg1="${.referenced.component.target.path}" arg2="WEB-INF/lib"/>
    <property name="wl.home" value="${wl.home}"/>
    <property name="patch.home" value="${patch.home}"/>
    <property name="workspace" value="${workspace}"/>
    <property name="init.typedefs.executed" value="true"/>
    <property name="ear.root" value="${ear.root}"/>
    <property name="prefix" value="${uri}/WEB-INF/lib/"/>
    <link ear="${ear.root}" source="${xbean.bin.output.dir}" target="${link.target}"/>
    <link ear="${ear.root}" source="${generated.module.root}" target="${uri}"/>
    <antcall target="assembly" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true" >
    <param name="ear.root" value="${ear.root}"/>
    <antcall target="webservice.build" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true" />
    <target name="stage" depends="init" description=" copies all of project's resources and build artifacts into a form that's ready for archive creation; staging directory can be overridden via the "staging.dir" property">
    <antcall target="assembly" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true" >
    <param name="ear.root" value="${ear.staging.dir}"/>
    <antcall target="webservice.build" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true" />
    <property name="staging.dir" value="${project.dir}/.staging"/>
    <delete dir="${staging.dir}" quiet="true"/>
    <mkdir dir="${staging.dir}"/>
    <available file="${.resource.path}"/>
    <isfile path="${.resource.path}"/>
    <copy file="${.resource.path}" tofile="${staging.dir}/${.resource.prefix}"/>
    <copy todir="${staging.dir}/${.resource.prefix}">
    <fileset dir="${.resource.path}" includes="${.resource.include}" excludes="${.resource.exclude}"/>
    <!-- Packaged referenced utility projects into the WEB-INF/lib directory. -->
    <property name="webinflib" value="${staging.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
    <mkdir dir="${webinflib}"/>
    <equals arg1="${.referenced.component.type}" arg2="project"/>
    <equals arg1="${.referenced.component.target.path}" arg2="WEB-INF/lib"/>
    <property name="wl.home" value="${wl.home}"/>
    <property name="patch.home" value="${patch.home}"/>
    <property name="workspace" value="${workspace}"/>
    <property name="init.typedefs.executed" value="true"/>
    <property name="archive.dir" value="${webinflib}"/>
    <copy todir="${staging.dir}/${xbean.deploy.prefix}">
    <fileset dir="${xbean.bin.output.dir}"/>
    <available file="${generated.module.root}"/>
    <copy todir="${staging.dir}" overwrite="true">
    <fileset dir="${generated.module.root}"/>
    <taskdef name="build-manifests"
    onerror="fail" />
    <path id="annotation.manifest.search.path">
    <fileset dir="${staging.dir}">
    <include name="WEB-INF/lib/*.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${staging.dir}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
    <path id="annotation.manifest.class.path">
    <path refid="annotation.manifest.search.path"/>
    <path refid="java.classpath"/>
    <build-manifests moduleDir="${staging.dir}"
    <target name="archive" depends="stage" description=" creates an archive containing all projects's resources and build artifacts; archive name and location can be overridden via the "archive.path" property">
    <property name="archive.dir" value="${project.dir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${archive.dir}"/>
    <zip destfile="${archive.dir}/${archive.name}" encoding="UTF8" whenempty="create">
    <fileset dir="${staging.dir}"/>
    <target name="stage.to.ear" depends="init">
    <property name="prefix" value=""/>
    <antcallex target="archive" inheritUserProps="false" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="false">
    <param name="wl.home" value="${wl.home}"/>
    <param name="patch.home" value="${patch.home}"/>
    <param name="workspace" value="${workspace}"/>
    <param name="init.typedefs.executed" value="true"/>
    <param name="archive.dir" value="${ear.staging.dir}${prefix}"/>
    <param name="ear.staging.dir" value="${ear.staging.dir}"/>
    <target name="generated.root.init" depends="init">
    <property name="generated.module.root" value="${project.dir}/build/weboutput"/>
    <target name="assembly" depends="init,generated.root.init">
    <taskdef name="assemble"
    onerror="report" />
    <property name="assembly.src.output" value="${java.src.0.output}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${assembly.src}"/>
    <path id="assembly.classpath">
    <path refid="java.classpath" />
    <pathelement location="${assembly.src.output}" />
    <pathelement path="${java.outpath}" />
    <pathelement path="${java.sourcepath}"/>
    <assemblyContext factory="org.apache.beehive.controls.runtime.assembly.WebAppAssemblyContext$Factory" />
    <assemblyContext factory="org.apache.beehive.controls.runtime.assembly.AppAssemblyContext$Factory" />
    <classpath refid="assembly.classpath" />
    <fileset dir="${project.dir}">
    <include name="**/*.controls.properties" />
    <classpath refid="assembly.classpath" />
    <classpath refid="assembly.classpath" />
    <target name="webservice.build" depends="init,generated.root.init">
    <path id="jwsc.srcpath">
    <path path="${java.sourcepath}" />
    <pathelement path="build/assembly/.src" />
    <taskdef name="jwsc" classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
    <property name="jwsc.module.root" value="${project.dir}/build/weboutput"/>
    <property name="jwsc.contextpath" value="billingservice"/>
    <property name="jwsc.srcpath.prop" refid="jwsc.srcpath"/>
    <path id="jwsc.classpath">
    <path refid="java.classpath" />
    <pathelement path="${java.outpath}" />
    <module name="weboutput" explode="true" contextPath="${jwsc.contextpath}">
    <jwsFileSet srcdir="${jwsc.srcpath.prop}">
    <include name="**/*.java"/>
    <descriptor file="${jwsc.module.root}/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
    <descriptor file="${jwsc.module.root}/WEB-INF/weblogic.xml" />
    ==================== end of exported build.xml =========
    Edited by renqili at 08/09/2007 10:52 AM

    It looks a bug to me. The exported ant script does not take care the jar files setup in the classpath in workshop/eclipes and copy them to the WEB-INFO/lib directory.

  • Import scripts from another computer

    I bought a new computer and exported the scripts from my old computer to a flat file, then imported onto the new computer (after a new install of XE from the website). I got a security error that I was not in the same security group as the exporter! Checked and on new computer I have full system privileges, on export I was SYSTEM. Tried editing a copy of the flat file with the security code from message which was 15 characters long (on file 16 characters) but that failed in the same way.
    Any ideas, or do I need to re-type the scripts.
    Old computer is now in pieces for shipment.

    OS related problem:
    Security policy on Vista is not same as on XP.
    E.g. on Vista you must explicitly give your OS-user ADMIN privilege.

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    I have many request to export random pages from pdf doc. etc.. 1-3,51,63,78-92...I think that easy way is to have some script which will open dialog box and ask for which pages I want to export or delete from pdf. Anyone have something for this?

    I find way for this on adobe blog. I am so stupid that I miss this "choose pages" button!!! You can combine more files and in list select pdf, and choose which pages from individual doc you want. Great

  • OpenScript: 1.     How to move the scripts from one location to another location. in OpenScript; Copy, paste or Import, export

    How to move the scripts from one location to another location. Copy, paste or Import, export

    Both way you can do.. Difference is - if you copy paste to another folder script dependencies will not move with the same( ie Assets added), whereas if you export and import the script all dependencies will be correlated automatically

  • How-to Generate Script from the export dump file

    Hi all,
    Software : Oracle 10gR2/Windows 2003
    Has anyone generated a Script from a export dump file ( exported via data pump export). I know it is possible to generate script from the regular export.
    I want to know how to generate the script for various objects or is it possible to get the counts of types of objects in the dump file and / or generate the script from the export dump file exported via data pump utility on Oracle 10g.

    I want to know how to generate the script for various objects.what do you mean by scripts? Assuming the metadata definitions of various objects.
    First of all, you can generate the metadata definitions using import.
    Use, Impdp with SQLFILE parameter to generate the SQL file for the metadata definitions.
    Refer to

  • UCCX 7 HA Creating a Permanent User Prompt from a Maintenance Script

    I have script that records a prompt, names the wav file a puts it in the prompts directory. This is used for a special message for a contact centre script, these are usually temporary messages and there is an option in the same maintenance script to silence this prompt. The customer wants to be able to change the permanent prompts like the welcome prompt however when I restart the primary contact centre CRS engine the special message prompt is gone from the prompts folder in windows. It was never in the list of prompts when I listed the prompts in the app admin GUI page. Is there any way I can copy this recorded prompt from the windows folder to the prompt repository so that if the contact centre is restarted the prompt is not deleted.
    I have attached a copy of the script so you can see how i'm doing this, When the call comes in to the script 'Main_Menu' the user presses 1, the call goes to the 'System_Menu' the user presses 1 again to go to 'Record_System_Prompt', from here you record the system message and the script puts a wav file called IECHA_IT_Sys_Mess.wav in to C:\Program Files\wfavvid\Prompts\user\en_GB. But this wav file is only in the windows folder not in the list of prompts in the UCCX appadmin page.

    Hi Neil
    This is quite a common query; basically you should never write to the wfavvid folder directly. If you upgrade to 8.0, you'll find you can't do that anyway.
    Instead of using a write document step or whatever to write to disk, so this:
    1) Create a User variable
    2) Use a 'get user' step to populate that variable with a user reference, you will need to specify a user ID or extension number on this step that refers to a user configured with Supervisor or Administrator rights. I usually allow the actual end user to log in with their extension and PIN, and use those creds to get the user. Other engineers just create a user called 'PromptUploader' or similar, and give that the required rights.
    3) Once you have the 'get user' populating the user variable, under it's success branch add a 'Authenticate User' step to authenticate the user refernce in conjunction with a PIN or password (either that you gathered from the caller's DTMF or a static string)
    4) Under the success branch for that, you can then use the 'Upload Prompt' step to upload the prompt you have recorded.
    Please rate helpful posts...

  • Can you open a file in PS & run a script from LR?

    So one of my commercial clients wants their product files in a variety of formats, including PNG with transparency. I'd love to be able to provide them with this from LR, but you can't export as a PNG. So I've written a script which takes the active document in PS, turns off the relevant layers, converts to sRGB, and saves as a PNG. Is there any way for me to invoke this script from LR, as I am opening the document? Ideally, I'd like to include it in the "Edit in" menu, as a menu item which would invoke PS and run the script. That way I could simply select the images, and get them processing while I do something else. Or do I have to open all the files and then run the script on all the open files?

    99jon (à Johannes de Vilder) il y a 2 mois
    Images are automatically saved back to the LR library but you need to follow a logical sequence for LR to render the export copy. You need to start the round trip from LR as follows and use the save command (Ctrl+S) not save as:
    1) Ctrl+E in the Library to export selected image with develop settings (I choose PSD but tiff is also available in the prefs)
    2) Edit in Photoshop; then Ctrl+S to replace (overwrite) Lightroom export copy
    3) Ctrl+W to close in Photoshop and update Lightroom thumbnail. The saved copy is usually stacked next to the original so don't worry about XMP.
    On Mac OSX Cmd+E; Cmd+S; Cmd+W

  • Error while executing unix shell script from java program

    Hi All,
    I am trying to execute unix shell script from a java program using Runtime.execute() method by passing script name and additional arguments.
    Code snippet :
    Java Class :
         String fileName ="test.ksh";
         String argValue ="satish"; // value passed to the script
         String exeParam = "/usr/bin/ksh "+fileName+" "+argValue;
         Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(exeParam);
         int exitValue = proc.waitFor();
         sop("Exit Value  is : "+exitValue);
    catch(Exception e)
      export -- application realated paths..
      nohup  abc.exe 1> test.log 2>&1;
      exit.By running the above java class , i am getting exit Value: 139 and log file test.log of 0 bytes.
    when i am running the same command (/usr/bin/ksh test.ksh satish) manually, it's calling abc.exe file successfully
    and able generate the logs properly.
    Pls let us know where exactly i am stuck..
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Sabre,
    As per the guidelines provided by the article, i had done below changes..
    InputStream is = null;
    InputStreamReader iStreamReader = null;
    BufferedReader bReader = null;
    String line = null;
    String fileName ="test.ksh";
    String argValue ="satish"; // value passed to the script
    String exeParam = "/usr/bin/ksh "+fileName+" "+argValue;
    Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(exeParam);
    is = proc.getErrorStream();
    iStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(is);
    bReader = new BufferedReader(iStreamReader);
    while((line = bReader.readLine()) != null)
    System.out.println("Error is : "+line);
    int exitValue = proc.waitFor();
    sop("Exit Value is : "+exitValue);
    catch(Exception e)
    Now , it's showing something like..

  • Is it possible to export a backup from DPM?

    I need to export a backup from DPM to use it in a test enviroment. I have a SQL database backup and I need to give that version of the database to the DBA. He will use that version of the database in the test envioroment.
    So, I need to know how could I export the backup to use the database in a different SQL enviroment.
    MCTS, Windows Server 2008 R2: Network Infrastructure
    MCTS, Windows Server 2008 R2: Active Directory, Configuring

    Simply start a recovery for the SQL database and select the option to recover to a network folder.  You can browse to any server that has a DPM agent installed for this DPM Server.
    If the SQL server in the test environment has a DPM agent installed, you can restore directly to that test server by selecting the option to "Recover to any instance of SQL Server".
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT] This
    posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
    Hello Mike Jacquet,
    Thanks for your fast reply.
    When I start a recovery the option "Copy to a network folder" is not available. I had to look for other method and I found a powershell script.
    Import-Module dataprotectionmanager
    $global:pg = Get-ProtectionGroup -DPMServerName DPMserver | ? {$_.friendlyname -eq "protection_group"}
    $global:ds = Get-Datasource $pg | where {($_.productionservername -eq "SQL Server name ") -and ($_.name -eq "data_base")}
    $global:rpl = Get-RecoveryPoint $ds | sort -Property RepresentedPointInTIme -Descending
    $global:rpl = $global:rpl[0]
    $rop = New-RecoveryOption -SQL -TargetServer "DPMserver" -RecoveryLocation CopyToFolder -RecoveryType Restore -TargetLocation "C:\Folder"
    Recover-RecoverableItem -RecoverableItem $rpl -RecoveryOption $rop
    This script copy the last version of the database backup to "C:\Folder"... there is just one problem: it takes too much time!
    MCTS, Windows Server 2008 R2: Network Infrastructure
    MCTS, Windows Server 2008 R2: Active Directory, Configuring


    Hi all.
    i have an issue in the scripts.
    is ir possible to use Import / export in scripts.
    If it is possible ,then how.
    can any body help me to solve this issue.

    Use Report RSTXSCRP allows SAPscript objects (standard texts, styles, forms
    or device types to be transported between R/3 and a local or central  
    Note: Texts, styles, and forms are client-specific! For export they are
    always read from the current client and for import they are always read
    to the current client. Device types are not client-specific so the    
    current client is not significant in the export/import of printer     
    Parameters to be specified:                                            
    The radio buttons Device type/Form/Style/Standard text select the      
    transport object to be imported or exported.                           
    Object name:  Name of the standard text, style, form, or device type.  
    Mode: Export means download to file, IMPORT means upload from file.    
    File system: Allows you to choose whether the file is read/written     
    locally (GUI file system) or on the application server (default        
    Reward Points if it is Useful.
    Manjunath MS.

  • How to export Powershell script information to Sharepoint?

    I'm trying to export information gather from a Powershell script to a Sharepoint list. I've got a couple of powershell scripts that gather general server information from a server ex: server uptime, disk space, service tag, etc. and it will export the information
    to a csv file. What I would like to do is out-put the same information gathered by the powershell scripts to a Sharepoint list directly if at all possible.
    # all this does is reads from a list and runs a script call "boottime.ps1"
    get-content "\\%Data-Path-Of-List%\computers.txt" | %Data-Path-Of-Script%\boottime.ps1 |  Export-csv %Data-Path-For-CSV\Computers.csv
    # then just exports the information from the boottime.ps1 script to a csv file
    #I also have a script that will upload the information to a sharepoint list.
    # I found that I have to run this in version 2 of powershell, so I just open a DOS prompt in Admin Priv's and type the following
    powershell.exe -version 2.0
    # Next I make sure the Sharepoint snap-in is loaded
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.sharepoint.powershell - erroraction silentlycontinue) -eq $null)
    Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell
    $spweb = get-SPweb $spserver
    $spdata =$spweb.getlist("%URL_Of_My_List%")
    # this is the same location from the orginal Powershell script previously stated.
    $ComputerInfoFile = "%Data-Path-For-CSV%\Computers.csv"
    foreach ($rows in $tblData) {
    # here is where I add the information from my csv file
    # 2 things needs to be present
    # 1st the colums have to be present in the sharepoint site before I can upload the information
    # 2nd the columns have to the headers in my csv file
    $spItem = $spData.AddItem()
    $SpItem["ServerName"] = $row."ServerName".toString()
    $SpItem["Uptime"] = $row."Uptime".toString()
    # this just disconnects from Sharepoint
    Please dismiss all the comments it just helps me understand what the code is doing, also if this is not the correct place to post this question I appologize in adavance and ask that if this is the incorrect place to post this question please provide me a
    link to a where I can post such questions.

    Sorry for the delay in posting this, but I ended up getting working. I'll post it in the hopes that my head scratching will save someone else some head scratching:
    I ended up writting 3 PS scripts and one batch job.
    1st Batch file
    powershell.exe -version 2.0 -command
    powershell.exe -version 2.0 -command \\%Script-Location\Delete-list-Items.ps1"
    powershell -veriosn 2.0 -command
    1st PS script that gets the info:
    \\%Location-Of-My-File-With-List-Of-Servers%\%name-of-file%.txt |
    \\%Location-Of-My-Script-To-get-the-Information-I-want | Export-csv
    Ex: get-content C:\scripts\computers.txt | C:\scripts\boottime.ps1 | export-csv C:\scripts\computer.csv
    2nd PS script Delete-List-Items.ps1
    # http:
    #Script 1 Boottime.ps1:
    # This script permits to get UpTime from localHost or a set of remote Computer
    # usage
    # localHost
    # .\BootTime.ps1
    # set of remote computers
    # get-content .\MyserverList.txt | .\boottime.ps1
    # Optionally pipe output to Export-Csv, ConverTo-Html
    Process {
    $ServerName = $_
    if ($serverName -eq $Null) {
    $serverName= $env:COMPUTERNAME
    $timeVal = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ServerName -Query "SELECT LastBootUpTime FROM Win32_OperatingSystem").LastBootUpTime
    $DbPoint = [char]58
    $Years = $timeVal.substring(0,4)
    $Months = $timeVal.substring(4,2)
    $Days = $timeVal.substring(6,2)
    $Hours = $timeVal.substring(8,2)
    $Mins = $timeVal.substring(10,2)
    $Secondes = $timeVal.substring(12,2)
    $dayDiff = New-TimeSpan $(Get-Date –month $Months -day $Days -year $Years -hour $Hours -minute $Mins -Second $Secondes) $(Get-Date)
    $Info = "" | select ServerName, Uptime
    $Info.servername = $servername
    $d =$dayDiff.days
    $h =$dayDiff.hours
    $m =$dayDiff.Minutes
    $s = $daydiff.Seconds
    $info.Uptime = "$d Days $h Hours $m Min $s Sec"
    #Script 2: Delete-List-Items.ps1
    # http://markimarta.com/sharepoint/delete-all-items-in-sharepoint-list-using-powershell/
    # there seems to be a problem with running this script in version 3 or later, the workaround is to run it in version 2
    # below is the cmd for doing so, just open up a DOS prompt with Admin Privileges Start-->Run-->cmd
    # type then copy and paste the following line the DOS window then you can run this script
    #powershell.exe -version 2.0
    # make sure that the Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell Snap-in is installed as well
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
    Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    # "Enter the site URL instead http://serverurl"
    $SITEURL = "%http://serverurl%"
    $site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite ( $SITEURL )
    $web = $site.OpenWeb()
    "Web is : " + $web.Title
    # Enter name of the List below in the [“%List-Name%”]
    $oList = $web.Lists["%List-Name%"];
    # This echo out the name of the list its going to be deleting the records from
    "List is :" + $oList.Title + " with item count " + $oList.ItemCount
    # It’s just counting the rows/records
    $collListItems = $oList.Items;
    $count = $collListItems.Count - 1
    # Here is where it is actually deleting the records and then out put the number or the record it deleted
    for($intIndex = $count; $intIndex -gt -1; $intIndex--)
    "Deleting record: " + $intIndex
    #Script 3: Populate-SP_Test.ps1
    # http://blogs.technet.com/b/stuffstevesays/archive/2013/07/10/3577320.aspx
    # there seems to be a problem with running this script in version 3 or later, the workaround is to run it in veriosn 2
    # below is the cmd for doing so, just open up a DOS prompt with Admin Privileges Start-->Run-->cmd
    # type then copy and paste the following line the the DOS window then you can run this script
    #powershell.exe -version 2.0
    # make sure that the Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell Snap-in is installed
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
    Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    # Here are some more varables that can be added I was not able to get this to work
    # Here is where we connect and Open SharePoint List via Powershell
    $SPServer= "%http://serverurl%
    $spWeb = Get-SPWeb $SPServer
    $spData = $spWeb.GetList("%List-Name%")
    # This is the variable for the path that has the file I want to input to SharePoint List
    # This is just some error checking to make sure the file exist
    $FileExists = (Test-Path $InvFile -PathType Leaf)
    if ($FileExists) {
    "Loading $InvFile for processing..."
    $tblData = import-csv $InvFile
    } else {
    "$InvFile not found - stopping import!"
    # Loop through Applications add each one to SharePoint
    "Uploading data to SharePoint...."
    foreach ($row in $tblData) {
    #Here is where I add the information from my CSV file
    #2 things have to be present
    # 1. the columns have to be in the sharepoint site before I can import the information
    # 2. columns have to the headers in my csv file
    #"Adding entry for "+$row."Computer Information".ToString()
    $spItem = $spData.AddItem()
    $spItem["ServerName"] = $row."ServerName".ToString()
    $spItem["Uptime"] = $row."Uptime".ToString()
    #$spItem["DNSHostName"] = $row."DNSHostName".ToString()
    #$spItem["DistinguishedName"] = $row."DistinguishedName".ToString()
    # This is just disconnecting from SharePoint
    Enjoy, and if anyone has a better way of doing this I'm interested in knowing, thanks again
    Thanks in Adavance

  • How to export result set from mysql query browser to .sql in oracle

    Hi folks:
    I was trying to export result set from MySql query browser to Oracle. I could able to do
    File->Export Result Set-> Excel format...
    What I am trying to get is .sql file so that I can run it as a script in my oracle db. Is there any way we can get .sql file with inserts and delimeters ....?
    Did you guys get my question.?
    Please throw some light on this....
    Could be very appreciable ....
    Sudhir Naidu

    Create a sql statement which generates the insert statements.
    Something like this:
    select 'insert into table1 (column1, column2, column3) values (' ||
    column1 || ', ' || column2 || ', ' || column3 || ');' from table 1;
    The || sign is the string concatenation sign in Oracle, replace it the appropriate sign in MySql. Export the result set of this query into a file, and you can run it in a SqlPlus.
    Ott Karesz

  • Execution of maintenance scripts in Lion

    Hi there,
    as of the latest update to OS X Lion, the maintenance scripts have ceased to perform automatically.  Before, the scripts executed at their proper times (daily, weekly, monthly) and whenever the computer was running (no need to wait for specific time slots).  I was able to verify the processes via Maintidget, a widget that monitors script activity and can also be used to execute them manually.  As I said, presently there is no more automated script activity - I have to force their execution via Maintidget.  Does anyone has an idea why this should be so?

    the discussion of the timed maintenance is an old one and does no longer apply.
    Sure it does.  Those scripts are ancient carry-overs from the early days of Unix and have not been changed much since then.
    Also, macjack has a good point.  Verify what the widget is telling you.  Paste the following command into the Terminal to find out when they last ran:
    ls -al /var/log/*.out
    The output on my machine is:
    Hyperion:~ thomas$ ls -al /var/log/*.out
    -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  355773 Feb 20 06:05 /var/log/daily.out
    -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    1352 Feb  1 06:07 /var/log/monthly.out
    -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    2697 Feb 18 09:31 /var/log/weekly.out

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