Export query result to txt file

I'm trying to export a query result to txt file but I facing some problems.
I'm using the comand below:
set echo off newpage 0 space 0 pagesize 0 feed off head off trimspool on
set colsep ,
spool C:\estados.txt
select id_estado,cod_estado,nme_estado from tb_estado;
spool off
First problem: My select statement is being writen on my estados.txt
Second problem: The results are being writen with a lot of blank spaces in start of line, for example, instead of write "1,AC,Acre" the line is write as " 1,AC,Acre".
Third problem: The "spool off" statement is being written on my estados.txt
How could I solve it?

1. Works here - what version of SQL*PLUS are you using?
2. If you want to prevent spaces, you have to write your SELECT like this:
select id_estado || ',' || cod_estado || ',' || nme_estado from tb_estado;Note: not tested.
3. See 1.

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    You can call existing procedures from a process flow the procedure can create the filename with whatever name you desire. OWB maps with file as target can also create a file with a dynamic name defined by an expression (see here ).

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    Hi Techresearch7777777,
    The error in your post says that the file FileName.csv has to be created with the column names in the first row. Like:
    Either you can create a schema.ini file under the same folder:
     Col1=Field1 [DataType]
     Col2=Field2 [DataType]
     Col3=Field3 [DataType]
    For the [DataType],you can reference
    Schema.ini File (Text File Driver)
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    I am getting the same thing and as far as I know it is a bug.
    As a workaround, you can either copy the contents of the script output or run the query as a statement (F9) instead of as a script (F5) and export the query results from the results tab.

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    Hi Laurent,
    Can you try saving the file in .csv.
    ad try opening it in openoffice.
    Hope this helps

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    Message was edited by:

    i´ld do it like that:
    filedir     varchar2(30):= '/usr/frajo/';
    filename     varchar2(30):= 'file.txt';
    fhandle     utl_file.file_type;
    cursor x is
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         open x;
              fetch x into (what ever)
              exit when x%notfound;
              utl_file.put_line (fhandle,'text and you results');
         end loop;
    happy xmas. franz

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    Here's my working code out of one of my forms that does this:
    PROCEDURE export_transactions_to_excel IS
    -- Declare the ole objects
    application ole2.obj_type;
    workbooks ole2.obj_type;
    workbook ole2.obj_type;
    worksheets ole2.obj_Type;
    worksheet ole2.obj_type;
    cell ole2.obj_type;
    -- my variables
    rowCounter Number := 1;
    local_cursor_Record number := :System.Cursor_Record;
    old_cursor_Style varchar2(100);
    errors_occurred boolean := false;
    Ole_Error Exception;
    pragma exception_init( Ole_Error, -305500 );
    my_alert_id ALERT;
    alert_response NUMBER;
    procedure place_value_in_cell( rownum_in in number
    , colnum_in in number
    , value_in in varchar2 )
    -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
    args ole2.list_Type;
    args := ole2.create_arglist;
    ole2.add_arg(args, rownum_in); /* row number */
    ole2.add_arg(args, colnum_in); /* column number */
    -- the next line is for excel97
    -- cell := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    cell := ole2.get_obj_property( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    ole2.Destroy_arglist( args );
    ole2.set_property( cell, 'Value', value_in );
    ole2.release_obj (cell);
    end place_value_in_cell;
    procedure SaveSpreadsheet
    args ole2.List_Type;
    vDateStamp varchar2(20);
    vDateStamp := to_char(sysdate,'mmddyyyy') &#0124; &#0124; '_' &#0124; &#0124; to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss');
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 'C:\PAPRETCC_' &#0124; &#0124; vDateStamp &#0124; &#0124; '.XLS');
    OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'SaveAs', args);
    --args := Ole2.Create_ARgList;
    ole2.invoke( application, 'Quit' );
    end SaveSpreadSheet;
    procedure Open_EXCEL_Workbook is
    application := ole2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    --ole2.set_property( application, 'Visible', 'True' );
    -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection
    workbooks := ole2.get_obj_property( application, 'Workbooks' ); -- invoke_obj w/ excel 97
    -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection
    workbook := ole2.invoke_obj( workbooks, 'Add' );
    -- return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the
    -- Workbook
    worksheets := ole2.get_obj_property( workbook, 'Worksheets' ); -- invoke_obj w/ Excel97
    -- Add a new Worksheet to the Worksheets collection
    worksheet := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheets, 'Add');
    end open_EXCEL_workbook;
    PROCEDURE Write_Column_Headers IS
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,1, 'Payer Name');
    place_Value_in_cell(rowCounter,2, 'Payer Address');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,3, 'SSN');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,4, 'Account');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,5, 'Refund Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,6, 'Pretax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,7, 'Tax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,8, 'Total Amount');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,9, 'Orig Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,10,'Orig Date');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,11,'TR Number');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,14,'Vt Number');
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Write_Column_Headers;
    PROCEDURE Export_The_Data IS
    original_receipt number;
    original_date DATE;
    original_transmittal_number number;
    -- Return object handle to cell A1 on the Worksheet
    IF alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2 or
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    -- :system.record_status = 'CHANGED')
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 1, :TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_NAME );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 2, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_ADDRESS,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 3, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_SSN,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 4, :transactions.NDB_DESCRIPTION );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 5, to_char(:Transactions.transaction_group_EID) );
    place_Value_in_cell( rowCounter, 6, to_char(:transactions.ndb_pretax_amount) ); -- chg
    place_ value_in_Cell( rowCounter, 7, to_char(:transactions.ndb_tax_amount) );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 8, to_char(:transactions.amount_including_taxes) );
    original_receipt := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_number(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_date := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_date(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_transmittal_number := revenue_pkg.transmittal_number_for_receipt(original_receipt);
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 9, nvl(to_char(original_receipt),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 10, nvl(to_char(original_date,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 11, nvl(to_char(original_transmittal_number),'unknown') );
    IF ( alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 12, to_Char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 13, nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 14, nvl(to_char(:location.vt_number),'NULL') );
    END IF;
    End If;
    exit when :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD = 'TRUE';
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Export_The_Data;
    /* ----------------------------------- main procedure --------------------------------------*/
    my_alert_id := Find_Alert('THREE_BUTTON_ALERT');
    IF NOT ID_NULL( my_alert_id ) then
    alert_Response := SHOW_ALERT( my_alert_id );
    If (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1) OR
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2) then
    old_Cursor_style := get_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE );
    set_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE, 'BUSY' );
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    when Form_Trigger_Failure then
    when Ole_Error then
    AlertSend( 'There was an error exporting the data to Microsoft Excel (receipt# ' &#0124; &#0124;
    to_Char(:transactions.transaction_Group_eid) &#0124; &#0124; ')', false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    when others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM, false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    Ideally, I'd like to call SaveSpreadsheet in Export_The_Data, and just ExitExcel here,
    but it prompts for whether to save the changes and I don't know how to get around that
    right now. SO, we just save and exit, regardless.
    -- Release the OLE objects
    ole2.release_obj (worksheet);
    ole2.release_obj (worksheets);
    ole2.release_obj (workbook);
    ole2.release_obj (workbooks);
    ole2.release_obj (application);
    IF NOT errors_occurred then -- stay on the record that caused the error
    Go_Record( local_cursor_Record );
    End If;
    Set_Application_Property ( CURSOR_STYLE, old_cursor_style );
    When Form_Trigger_Failure then
    When Others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM );
    END export_transactions_to_excel;

  • How to save query result on the file server as excel file?

    Hi everyone,
    I need to save the the query result on the file server as excel file.
    Do you have any idees how can I do it?

    i dont think you can save as excel file but you can save it as CSV use APD or RSCRM BAPI for this

  • How to save query result in excel file

    Hi all,
    How to save query result in excel file from sql*plus tool.
    thank you

    Do you really need an Excel file (binary) or a simple CSV?
    If you just need a CSV then search for DUMP_CSV at http://asktom.oracle.com or at this forum
    If you need formatting and/or multiple worksheets then you can use free tools like
    https://xml-spreadsheet.samplecode.oracle.com/ or https://exceldocumenttype.samplecode.oracle.com/

  • Saving query results to text file

    Hi experts,
    I would like to save a query results to text file.
    The query has desined to the correct structure and I wish the query results will be saved automaticly to text file every time the query is running.
    The query should cintain some sql code that will save the query to text file instead of show the query results.
    What function of SQL should I add to query to achieve that goal. (The query is a long one).
    Thanks in advance,

    If you are talking about Query Manager, it is not difficult to do.  No matter how long your query coding is, just go to the start point of your query.  Then press CtrlShiftEnd to select all the TEXTs.  CtrlC and CtrlV will copy the text (query codes) to text file easily.

  • Query results to a file

    I have a requirement to put the query result in a file(.csv),
    Pls let me know is there a possibility to achieve this using dbms_output package

    859486 wrote:
    I have a requirement to put the query result in a file(.csv),
    Pls let me know is there a possibility to achieve this using dbms_output packageNo. The DBMS_OUTPUT package is almost ALWAYS the wrong package to use. It is the most misunderstood and most frequently abused piece of PL/SQL software. So no - it is not suited in anyway to spool CSV output. In fact, trying it with a large SQLdataset can crash the Oracle server - as memory will be exhausted and the swap daemons will trash CPU utilisation.
    To read or write a physical o/s file - the typical package used is UTL_FILE. It is fairly easy using UTL_FILE to create a CSV file.
    However, there could be far better alternatives. The CSV file may be needed by a web client - in which case the file can be created as a CLOB and provided as a Mime text/csv data stream to a web browser (which usually will automatically open in Excel).
    The CSV file may need to be delivered via e-mail. In which case, the CSV file contents can be delivered via UTL_SMTP to a mail server as an e-mail attachment.
    The CSV file may be needed to be delivered to a remote server. In which case the CSV file can be created as a CLOB and this CLOB can be ftp'ed via PL/SQL to the remote server as a text file.
    So there are many options in creating and delivering a CSV file. Using DBMS_OUTPUT though is not a sensible option - ever.

  • Analyze test result from txt file

    I need some suggestions from experts. I saved test result in txt file with following format(See attachment). With this test result, I need draw waveform of 'DNBr' based on different OPmode(ADSL2P, VDSL2-8a...). The X-axis will be the value from 'DLS'.  I can creat a complicate VI to do that. But I want to if Labview has any subvi can do this job easier.
    AW All in One_485847_102744SAV 5T 2h15 PM.txt ‏10 KB

    Hi Tambrook,
    read 3 (header) lines, then read the remaining data lines using "Read spreadsheet file".
    Now you have to select rows by your OPmode as there's no subVI made for your data...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Export query results to a CSV file

    My requirement is I need to export the results of a query to a CSV file. Can anyone please suggest a way to include the column names also in the CSV file?
    Thanks in advance.

    Following code is from asktom. I have modified to include column heading. This will get your desired CSV file for a given query.
    create or replace function  dump_csv( p_query     in varchar2,
                                          p_separator in varchar2
                                                        default ',',
                                          p_dir       in varchar2 ,
                                          p_filename  in varchar2 )
    return number
        l_output        utl_file.file_type;
        l_theCursor     integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
        l_columnValue   varchar2(2000);
        l_status        integer;
        l_colCnt        number default 0;
        l_separator     varchar2(10) default '';
        l_cnt           number default 0;
         l_colDesc          dbms_sql.DESC_TAB;
        l_output := utl_file.fopen( p_dir, p_filename, 'w' );
        dbms_sql.parse(  l_theCursor,  p_query, dbms_sql.native );
        for i in 1 .. 255 loop
                dbms_sql.define_column( l_theCursor, i,
                                        l_columnValue, 2000 );
                l_colCnt := i;
                when others then
                    if ( sqlcode = -1007 ) then exit;
                    end if;
        end loop;
        dbms_sql.define_column( l_theCursor, 1, l_columnValue, 2000 );
        l_status := dbms_sql.execute(l_theCursor);
         dbms_sql.describe_columns(l_theCursor,l_colCnt, l_colDesc);
         l_separator := '';
         for lColCnt in 1..l_colCnt
                utl_file.put( l_output, l_separator ||  '"' || Upper(l_colDesc(lColCnt).col_name) || '"');
                   l_separator := p_separator;
         end loop;
         utl_file.new_line( l_output );
            exit when ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_theCursor) <= 0 );
            l_separator := '';
            for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
                dbms_sql.column_value( l_theCursor, i,
                                       l_columnValue );
                utl_file.put( l_output, l_separator ||  '"' ||
                                        l_columnValue || '"');
                l_separator := p_separator;
            end loop;
            utl_file.new_line( l_output );
            l_cnt := l_cnt+1;
        end loop;
        utl_file.fclose( l_output );
        return l_cnt;
    end dump_csv;The original link is below.

  • How could I  export a sqlplus query to a .txt file?

    I have an Oracle 10g database running on a linux e3 server.
    I have generated a SQL query using sqlplus on the server site, so the result is under the SQL>
    How could I export it to a .txt?
    Thanks a lot!
    Any advice is highly appreciated!

    Hi, Qian,
    In SQL*Plus, say "SPOOL filename", and all the output that appears on your screen will also be written to filename, until you say "SPOOL OFF".
    Look up SPOOL in the SQL*Plus manual for more details.

Maybe you are looking for