Exporting Query Result to OpenOffice

We would like to export Query Result from Web Application to a file which could be opened in OpenOffice.
Exporting data in XLS format doesn't work because XLS file is created with MS VML Markup with couln't be read by OpenOffice.
Does someone already deals with this kind of issue ?
How do you overcome this problem ?
Thanks in advance for your answer

Hi Laurent,
Can you try saving the file in .csv.
ad try opening it in openoffice.
Hope this helps

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    set newpage none;
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    Are there any ways to export query results to MS Excel format files from a form.

    Here's my working code out of one of my forms that does this:
    PROCEDURE export_transactions_to_excel IS
    -- Declare the ole objects
    application ole2.obj_type;
    workbooks ole2.obj_type;
    workbook ole2.obj_type;
    worksheets ole2.obj_Type;
    worksheet ole2.obj_type;
    cell ole2.obj_type;
    -- my variables
    rowCounter Number := 1;
    local_cursor_Record number := :System.Cursor_Record;
    old_cursor_Style varchar2(100);
    errors_occurred boolean := false;
    Ole_Error Exception;
    pragma exception_init( Ole_Error, -305500 );
    my_alert_id ALERT;
    alert_response NUMBER;
    procedure place_value_in_cell( rownum_in in number
    , colnum_in in number
    , value_in in varchar2 )
    -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
    args ole2.list_Type;
    args := ole2.create_arglist;
    ole2.add_arg(args, rownum_in); /* row number */
    ole2.add_arg(args, colnum_in); /* column number */
    -- the next line is for excel97
    -- cell := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    cell := ole2.get_obj_property( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    ole2.Destroy_arglist( args );
    ole2.set_property( cell, 'Value', value_in );
    ole2.release_obj (cell);
    end place_value_in_cell;
    procedure SaveSpreadsheet
    args ole2.List_Type;
    vDateStamp varchar2(20);
    vDateStamp := to_char(sysdate,'mmddyyyy') &#0124; &#0124; '_' &#0124; &#0124; to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss');
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 'C:\PAPRETCC_' &#0124; &#0124; vDateStamp &#0124; &#0124; '.XLS');
    OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'SaveAs', args);
    --args := Ole2.Create_ARgList;
    ole2.invoke( application, 'Quit' );
    end SaveSpreadSheet;
    procedure Open_EXCEL_Workbook is
    application := ole2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    --ole2.set_property( application, 'Visible', 'True' );
    -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection
    workbooks := ole2.get_obj_property( application, 'Workbooks' ); -- invoke_obj w/ excel 97
    -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection
    workbook := ole2.invoke_obj( workbooks, 'Add' );
    -- return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the
    -- Workbook
    worksheets := ole2.get_obj_property( workbook, 'Worksheets' ); -- invoke_obj w/ Excel97
    -- Add a new Worksheet to the Worksheets collection
    worksheet := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheets, 'Add');
    end open_EXCEL_workbook;
    PROCEDURE Write_Column_Headers IS
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,1, 'Payer Name');
    place_Value_in_cell(rowCounter,2, 'Payer Address');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,3, 'SSN');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,4, 'Account');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,5, 'Refund Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,6, 'Pretax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,7, 'Tax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,8, 'Total Amount');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,9, 'Orig Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,10,'Orig Date');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,11,'TR Number');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,14,'Vt Number');
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Write_Column_Headers;
    PROCEDURE Export_The_Data IS
    original_receipt number;
    original_date DATE;
    original_transmittal_number number;
    -- Return object handle to cell A1 on the Worksheet
    IF alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2 or
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    -- :system.record_status = 'CHANGED')
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 1, :TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_NAME );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 2, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_ADDRESS,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 3, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_SSN,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 4, :transactions.NDB_DESCRIPTION );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 5, to_char(:Transactions.transaction_group_EID) );
    place_Value_in_cell( rowCounter, 6, to_char(:transactions.ndb_pretax_amount) ); -- chg
    place_ value_in_Cell( rowCounter, 7, to_char(:transactions.ndb_tax_amount) );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 8, to_char(:transactions.amount_including_taxes) );
    original_receipt := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_number(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_date := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_date(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_transmittal_number := revenue_pkg.transmittal_number_for_receipt(original_receipt);
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 9, nvl(to_char(original_receipt),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 10, nvl(to_char(original_date,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 11, nvl(to_char(original_transmittal_number),'unknown') );
    IF ( alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 12, to_Char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 13, nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 14, nvl(to_char(:location.vt_number),'NULL') );
    END IF;
    End If;
    exit when :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD = 'TRUE';
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Export_The_Data;
    /* ----------------------------------- main procedure --------------------------------------*/
    my_alert_id := Find_Alert('THREE_BUTTON_ALERT');
    IF NOT ID_NULL( my_alert_id ) then
    alert_Response := SHOW_ALERT( my_alert_id );
    If (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1) OR
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2) then
    old_Cursor_style := get_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE );
    set_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE, 'BUSY' );
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    when Form_Trigger_Failure then
    when Ole_Error then
    AlertSend( 'There was an error exporting the data to Microsoft Excel (receipt# ' &#0124; &#0124;
    to_Char(:transactions.transaction_Group_eid) &#0124; &#0124; ')', false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    when others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM, false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    Ideally, I'd like to call SaveSpreadsheet in Export_The_Data, and just ExitExcel here,
    but it prompts for whether to save the changes and I don't know how to get around that
    right now. SO, we just save and exit, regardless.
    -- Release the OLE objects
    ole2.release_obj (worksheet);
    ole2.release_obj (worksheets);
    ole2.release_obj (workbook);
    ole2.release_obj (workbooks);
    ole2.release_obj (application);
    IF NOT errors_occurred then -- stay on the record that caused the error
    Go_Record( local_cursor_Record );
    End If;
    Set_Application_Property ( CURSOR_STYLE, old_cursor_style );
    When Form_Trigger_Failure then
    When Others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM );
    END export_transactions_to_excel;

  • Export query results to flat file with dynamic filename

    Can anybody can point me how to dynamic export query serults set to for example txt file using process flows in OWB.
    Let say I have simple select query
    select * from table1 where daterange >= sysdate -1 and daterange < sysdate
    so query results will be different every day because daterange will be different. Also I would like to name txt file dynamicly as well
    eg. results_20090601.txt, results_20090602.txt, results_20090603.txt
    I cant see any activity in process editor to enter custom sql statment, like it is in MSSQL 2000 or 2005
    thanks in advance

    You can call existing procedures from a process flow the procedure can create the filename with whatever name you desire. OWB maps with file as target can also create a file with a dynamic name defined by an expression (see here ).

  • Export query result to csv using Export Wizard

    Been a decade since I last used Oracle and related tools.
    I had to use Oracle server again, I have a query over multiple tables, I am to run a scheduled script that will spit out the query result as a csv file.
    I started with SQL Developer Export wizard, in step "Specify Data", I am at a loss, where to specify the query itself? I see a Name,Schema,Type input, a text area below, Up,UpAll,Down,DownAll buttons etc etc. Where do I specify my query here? Can someone please help?
    Is this the best way to go about to schedule a data export (query to csv) daily?

    To export a user query rather than a whole table, run it in a worksheet and export using the context menu on the result grid. However none can be scheduled.
    Instead you can look at the SPOOL command and schedule it through SQL*Plus. Any questions can go to the iSQL*Plus and/or SQL And PL/SQL forum.
    Have fun,

  • Export query result to txt file

    I'm trying to export a query result to txt file but I facing some problems.
    I'm using the comand below:
    set echo off newpage 0 space 0 pagesize 0 feed off head off trimspool on
    set colsep ,
    spool C:\estados.txt
    select id_estado,cod_estado,nme_estado from tb_estado;
    spool off
    First problem: My select statement is being writen on my estados.txt
    Second problem: The results are being writen with a lot of blank spaces in start of line, for example, instead of write "1,AC,Acre" the line is write as " 1,AC,Acre".
    Third problem: The "spool off" statement is being written on my estados.txt
    How could I solve it?

    1. Works here - what version of SQL*PLUS are you using?
    2. If you want to prevent spaces, you have to write your SELECT like this:
    select id_estado || ',' || cod_estado || ',' || nme_estado from tb_estado;Note: not tested.
    3. See 1.

  • Export query results to a CSV file

    My requirement is I need to export the results of a query to a CSV file. Can anyone please suggest a way to include the column names also in the CSV file?
    Thanks in advance.

    Following code is from asktom. I have modified to include column heading. This will get your desired CSV file for a given query.
    create or replace function  dump_csv( p_query     in varchar2,
                                          p_separator in varchar2
                                                        default ',',
                                          p_dir       in varchar2 ,
                                          p_filename  in varchar2 )
    return number
        l_output        utl_file.file_type;
        l_theCursor     integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
        l_columnValue   varchar2(2000);
        l_status        integer;
        l_colCnt        number default 0;
        l_separator     varchar2(10) default '';
        l_cnt           number default 0;
         l_colDesc          dbms_sql.DESC_TAB;
        l_output := utl_file.fopen( p_dir, p_filename, 'w' );
        dbms_sql.parse(  l_theCursor,  p_query, dbms_sql.native );
        for i in 1 .. 255 loop
                dbms_sql.define_column( l_theCursor, i,
                                        l_columnValue, 2000 );
                l_colCnt := i;
                when others then
                    if ( sqlcode = -1007 ) then exit;
                    end if;
        end loop;
        dbms_sql.define_column( l_theCursor, 1, l_columnValue, 2000 );
        l_status := dbms_sql.execute(l_theCursor);
         dbms_sql.describe_columns(l_theCursor,l_colCnt, l_colDesc);
         l_separator := '';
         for lColCnt in 1..l_colCnt
                utl_file.put( l_output, l_separator ||  '"' || Upper(l_colDesc(lColCnt).col_name) || '"');
                   l_separator := p_separator;
         end loop;
         utl_file.new_line( l_output );
            exit when ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_theCursor) <= 0 );
            l_separator := '';
            for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
                dbms_sql.column_value( l_theCursor, i,
                                       l_columnValue );
                utl_file.put( l_output, l_separator ||  '"' ||
                                        l_columnValue || '"');
                l_separator := p_separator;
            end loop;
            utl_file.new_line( l_output );
            l_cnt := l_cnt+1;
        end loop;
        utl_file.fclose( l_output );
        return l_cnt;
    end dump_csv;The original link is below.

  • Exporting query results does not work if SQL has a join

    I get an error message, when I try to export the following test case to any data format.
    create table test1 (id number(2), text varchar2(5));
    create table test2 (id number(2), text varchar2(5));
    insert into test1 values (1,'test');
    insert into test2 values (1,'test');
    select t1.*
    test1 t1,
    test2 t2
    I try to translate my german error message to english:
    "There are no valid columns for export available. Clob- or Blob-Columns are currently not supported"
    I get this message, when I right click into the query result grid and select export and then any data format.
    Hope that is not a double post but searching for export did not find results for 2.1.
    The following SQL also produces the error:
    select t1.* from test1 t1;
    These SQLs can be exported though:
    select * from test1 t1;
    select t1.id from test1 t1;
    I should have mentioned that I work with Windows XP and Oracle
    Edited by: dhalek on Oct 13, 2009 5:04 PM

    I've got the same problem here.
    In my SQL Dev, I disabled the Autopopup code completion insight in SQL Worksheet. (Tools - Preferences - Code Editor - Code Completion - untick the checkbox). Restart SQL Dev. Tried to export a query.
    The same error message appears.
    My workaround is to re-enable the autopopup and restart SQL Dev.
    The disabled autopopup code completion insight caused me these
    2.1 EA1: Bugs - cannot Export Data from Grid
    2.1 EA2: Bugs on code completion for displaying column name
    Hope this helps,

  • Export query result on sap directories

    I need to export daily query result on a sap directory.
    I can't use open hub because the file is made of restricted key figures, and calculated key figures.
    Which functionality in  BI7 should i use to manage this issue? Should i use specific code?
    Thanks for your help,

    Hey Arvind,
    I'm working on a how-to guide for this. It's a work in progress, so it's not on SDN yet. Here's a draft...
    As always, and comments are welcome.

  • Http 404 error exporting query result into Excel.

    Hello. I'm getting an Http 404 The webpage cannot be found" error when trying to export any APEX application's query results into Excel (Application Express This was working fine before. Nothing changed with our APEX application. I've been always using I.E. Version 7.0.5730.11 with no problems. I've reset the I.E. defaults and still the problem exists. I've downloaded Mozilla Firefox and the problem does not happen. However, I would like to know why my I.E. still gets this error? Any feedback or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

    My EI settings are as follows:
    Tools -> Internet Options -> Security
    All Three: Internet, Local Intrarnet, and Trusted Sites ... at Custom Level have the following settings:
    Automatic prompting for file downloads = Enable
    File download = Enable
    Font download = Enable
    Problem still exists.
    Thanks for the help.... any additional feedback or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

  • Problems exporting query results to Excel

    I hope you can help me
    We have a web template that uses the class ZVIG_ART that we created in the transaction SE24, this class display some label in the query
    results, the problem is when we export this report to excel the label disappear. The numbers indicates the stock of the item and the label N/V indicates that the item is not in the  store's catalog. Another case is that we can have N/V items but with stock, for example the ITEM2 of the STORE3 with the label N/V-1piece.  How can we export this label to EXCEL?
               |  STORE1     |    STORE2   |  STORE3
    ITEM1      |  10 PIECES  |    N/V      |  20 PIECES
    ITEM2      |  11         |    20       | N/V-1PIECE
    Thanks in advanced.
    Veronica B.

    Hi Mari,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I can understand the resason for not being able to change the Posting Date. But what are the reasons for not being able to change the Document Date? What is the fiscal reason for not being able to change the Document Date? Please provide an example. Reversing the document doesn't work in this case as the SQ01 report would still include the incorrect date.

  • Export query results into .csv file?

    Hello I have a T-SQL script that gets row counts for a specified date range and then needs to loop (by incrementing +1 day to get the next day's counts) for a large date range.  I'm aiming to output & append each query results day counts
    into a .csv file via a SQL Agent job since this will take quite a while to complete.
    Would using the following as an example template...
    INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Text;Database=D:\;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited','SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]')
    SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3
    FROM DatabaseName
    ...be the method or something else?
    If this is good to use I've tried running this but get the following error:
    Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 76
    Cannot process the object "SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]". The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions
    on that object.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Techresearch7777777,
    The error in your post says that the file FileName.csv has to be created with the column names in the first row. Like:
    Either you can create a schema.ini file under the same folder:
     Col1=Field1 [DataType]
     Col2=Field2 [DataType]
     Col3=Field3 [DataType]
    For the [DataType],you can reference
    Schema.ini File (Text File Driver)
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exporting query result set into CSV file using Forms

    Hi ,
    My requirement is
    -> I need to create a form where I have a Multi line text box and two button.
    -> When I enter a query in text box and click on Execute button, It should execute a select query.
    -> After execution, Result set needs to be exported into an Excel file.
    Please give a hint how to do this????

    as you are using text item to write SQL query by the user
    so for that you need to use the exec_sql package to parse the text items query and get definitions and values of the columns being
    resulted in the result set of the query.
    once your query is execute to the desired connection then you need to use fetch the result to the CSV file by use of the TEXT_io package
    which will open the text file with .csv extension and you have to pass the each line to that text file with comma separated values as "ss","rr" etc.
    or you can use the ole2 package to call the excel application and then fetch the data of exe_sql query to that.

  • SCCM 2012 - Export Query Results

    Hi guys, I have a query under "Monitoring" - "Overview" - "Queries" and have my results in the result pane however I want to print the report or export to a CSV file. I cant see an easy way to do this? Surely we dont have to create the query then
    create a report just so we can export or print the report? Information is on my screen and is exactly what I want but no obvious easy way to get this in a format that is usable
    I only see the export MOF option available

    I know this is an old post but I see Garth replied a couple days ago - on this same theme I have just upgraded to Office 2013 and the cut and paste from Queries and Collections from SCCM 2012 (which worked fine in Office 2010) seems to now not
    work with my Excel 2013 - you do mention it works for you in your post.  The results I see that I have 4 columns in my results it just pastes them into 1 cell - it doesn't break up the columns.  I have tried pasting to notepad first then to Excel
    - doesn't work - also tried Paste - Special - Unicode Text or Text and still it all goes into one cell. Is there something I have to change with either SCCM or Excel to get this to work again?
    Let me know if you have run into this with Excel 2013....thanks
    I am seeing the same issue.  Win 7/Office 2013 fully patched.
    Edit: Got it to work by pasting into Notepad, saving as .txt and opening that file with Excel.

  • Problem  by using EXCELL button to export query results

    PLS try to assist me. By using this SAP  option I got a message saying : "The following template is missing  - SAP-SM.XLS" (see the attached file) Our basis people fixed the problem in the development environment The are very responsible people - and they are aware to update the QA and PROD environment with it . It is comfortable SAP option  and I am really interested to have it  in the Production environment. PLS inform me what  can be corrupted and  what  should be checked  to be on the sure side before updating the PROD. Thank You in Advance Sincerely,  Ronna

    Hi mallorz,
    According to your code, a computed column is a virtual column that is not physically stored in the table, unless the column is marked PERSISTED. I recommend you can use a common table expression (CTE) as a temporary result set,
    a CTE can be self-referencing and can be referenced multiple times in the same query. You can refer to the following T-SQL statement.
    ;with cte as(
    SELECT ItemID, Price, DiscountAmount,ItemPrice - DiscountAmount AS TotalCost
    FROM MyItems )
    select * from cte
    WHERE TotalCost > 500
    ORDER BY TotalCost DESC
    Or you can add a new computed column to the existing table, then you can specify an expression for a computed column in T-SQL.
    For more information, you can review the article about specify computed columns in a table.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

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