Exported ISO Missing Menus?

This is a very bizarre thing to have happened... basically I finished a big Blu-Ray project with motion menus and various videos on it. I did a test build to an ISO file and mounted it with Daemon Tools on my computer. But instead of showing the menu, it just first started playing a random clip that was in the bonus features. I'm using Media Player Classic (it's the only program that would open it). Using the Navigate menu, I can't even access the menus...
I didn't get any errors when I went to build the project, so quite confused. Any ideas?

Burn a BD-RE and see what you get on a BD player.

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    Hi amol
    Go to VF02 and first go to item data -> foreign trade data tab and click on the incompletion log , you will get the list what all to be filled . Once you complete. then go to header data -> foreign trade data tab and click on the incompletion log ,you will get the list of data which has to be filled and you can fill it and save it .
    Then once the billing document is saved it will be passed on to FI

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    As you could not find any difference in the business functions of both the systems I would ask u to make sure that both the systems are at the same support pack/add-on level. This may be the cause for the missing menus.
    Varadharajan M

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    Hi rustyg12,
    Go to Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS6/Configuration/Menus/menus.bak
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    Hello Mohammad,
    About this issue, the incompletion of this cancellation document
    arises might because the reference delivery has been archived/deleted.
    This is likely due to your current copy control settings (VTFL).
    If you have set ' ', in the export determination field this means that
    there is a common 'exnum' key between the delivery and billing documents
    LIKP-EXNUM & VBRK-EXNUM are the same.
    The result of deleting the delivery is that you also delete the FT data
    for the delivery, Because the billing document and delivery share the
    same foreign trade table entries, you have in effect deleted the FT data
    of the billing document too. This would most likely go unnoticed but if
    you then cancel the invoice the system has no FT to copy into the new
    cancellation billing document, which leads to this issue.
    Firstly you should set the export determination flag in the copy control
    of the delivery & billing documents. This will avoid this issue in the
    future. Set it to to 'A' or 'B' depending on your requirements.
    For the incomplete cancellation billing document, you could use userexit to
    set it as complete:
    You can use transaction CMOD.
    Create a project for example FT project button create short text: ....
    drop button Enhancement assignment & save use for example local object.
    Use the F4-help for Enhancement and look for V50EPROP.
    Drop button Components:
    here you will find EXIT_SAPLV50E_005 and EXIT_SAPLV50E_006
    In the userexits doubleclick on the includes ZXV50U05 and ZXV50U06
    The coding in the userexits should be: C_COMPLETE = 'X'.
    Afterwards activate generate ... and save.
    The development class is VEI.
    Please also check note 118573 which explains the FT user exits.

  • Error: Export data missing

    while Invoice-Release to accounting I got error as "Export data missing"
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    Also let me know how can I resolve this problem?

    Hi Vijay,
    The note 173411 described that there are hard-coded checks for the
    listed in the note. If you choose for business reasons not to use the
    incompletion procedure, then it can be de-activated. For this, kindly
    refer to note 118573.
    Please complete the following steps:
    - create a new customer project via CMOD.
    - assign the enhancement V50EPROP (which contains the userexits) to
      the customer project.
    - place source code inside the include found in exit_saplv50e_005
      & _006, for example,
      INCLUDE ZXV50U06
           if ( i_exp_imp_flag eq 'E' ).
             clear: c_complete.
             c_complete = 'X'.
    - generate the two new objects (exit_saplv50e_005 & _006) via
    - activate the project via CMOD.
    If foreign trade functionalities are to be used, the corresponding
    customizations must be maintained using transaction VI29 and VI49.
    note 354222    Foreign trade data incomplete for domestic business
    may also be helpful.

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    You can make the disc image from inside DVDSP. In the Format interface, choose any of your drives as destination instead your DVD burner, and DVDSP will create an img file.
    TAke a look to this tutorial: Creating Disc Image in DVDSP (from www.kenstone.net site)
    Hope it helps!

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    Bump ...

  • ReportDocument.Export() raises "Missing Parameter Values" exception

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    But it did not work in my .NET application which export the reports to PDFs, I referenced “CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine” and some other necessary DLLs into my project, and then I created an instance of ReportDocument, loaded the rpt file, set parameters which used in the main report, set connection info, and at last when I export the report it throw out an exception with “Missing Parameter Values” error message, even though I removed the sub report links which pass parameters from main report, the exception still occurred, but when I removed all the sub reports, and only export the main report it worked!!
    Here is a result of my attempts:
    Main Report
    Sub Report
    With XML data source
    No report
    Works fine with dynamic parameters set to the http/https url which returns an xml results
    With XML data source
    Pass a static value and print it on the report
    Works fine.
    With XML data source
    Create a SQL command WITHOUT any parameters passed from main report
    Works fine
    With XML data source
    Create a SQL command WITH a dynamic parameter passed from main report
    Works fine
    With XML data source
    Create a xml data source WITHOUT any parameters passed from main report
    Failed with "Missing Parameter Values"
    With XML data source
    Create a xml data source WITH a dynamic parameter passed from main report
    Failed with "Missing Parameter Values"
    I am confused about this issue for a few days, is there any ideas or helps? many thanks!

    We upgraded to CR 13.0.2000.0 and Visual Studio 2012 and .Net Framework 4.5.
    Problem still happens.
    When we display the report in the designer, the url has parameters.  Here are the IIS log entries:
    2014-05-01 18:24:56 GET /quotit/apps/leadspro/CrystalServiceGateway_test.aspx @IFPPSID=1899582751211388&@styleColorScheme=10511658/13343077/10511658/13343077/16777215/15720656/16777215/15720656/24831/13426687|10511658/16777215/16777215/16777215/0/0/0/0/0/0 80 - Java/1.6.0_37 200 0 0 959
    2014-05-01 18:24:56 GET /quotit/apps/leadspro/CrystalServiceGateway_test2.aspx @BrokerID=23433176 80 - Java/1.6.0_37 200 0 0 742
    When we use the crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine, no parameters are passed.  Here are the IIS log entries:
    2014-05-01 18:22:28 GET /quotit/apps/leadspro/CrystalServiceGateway_test2.aspx - 80 - Java/1.7.0_45 200 0 0 58
    2014-05-01 18:22:28 GET /quotit/apps/leadspro/CrystalServiceGateway_test.aspx - 80 - Java/1.7.0_45 200 0 0 115
    I cannot attach the rpt file here.  If you need it, please let me know how to get it to you.  I am attaching a screenshot of the datasource location.  I am pasting in the striped down .NET code.  Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.IO;
    using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
    using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
    using System.Collections;
    namespace CrystalTest
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                string source = Path.Combine(@"C:\Users\thomas\Desktop\reports\eProIFP\iProReports", "summaryReportByPremium_ACA_UltraColor.rpt");
                string destination = Path.Combine(@"C:\Users\thomas\Desktop\testReports", "output.pdf");
                if (File.Exists(destination))
                ReportDocument rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
                if (File.Exists(source))
                    rptDoc.SetParameterValue("@IFPPSID", "1899582751211388");
                    rptDoc.SetParameterValue("@styleColorScheme", "10511658/13343077/10511658/13343077/16777215/15720656/16777215/15720656/24831/13426687|10511658/16777215/16777215/16777215/0/0/0/0/0/0");
                    rptDoc.SetParameterValue("@testID", "1");
                    CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo logOnInfo = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo();
                    foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table objTable in rptDoc.Database.Tables)
                        logOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = true;
                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions = new ExportOptions();
                    DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                    crDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = destination;
                    CrExportOptions = rptDoc.ExportOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                    CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;

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    This isn't going to work as well as I had thought.
    That is correct that the Name and Value fields come back as XmlNode arrays. Each XmlNode array contains two XmlNode objects (or one if you received a null value from the db). One object contains the atrributes and one contains the value. I had planned on going into the ColumnValueType Value field and pulling the text of the 2nd XmlNode object.
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    John Doe
    With the data in this format, I can't just do a foreach loop and iterate over the ColumnValueType objects.

  • Exported docs missing Mathtype symbols

    What's happening:  I am converting word documents containing many (as in hundreds) Mathtype objects. The numbers/letters in these are appearing in the pdf fine, but most symbols, including nexted grouping symbols, are not appearing at all. No symbols are being substituted, they are just missing entirely. I've attached a single page as an example.
    What I've tried:  I have one computer in the entire office that will export correctly, and the rest do not. Unfortunately, nobody seems to know how this computer found it's ability to work as it should.... I have compared directory listings for Mathtype program files, System font folders, and Acrobat file folders on a computer with the issue to those on the sole working machine. There are some differences in the system fonts, and I have tried copying over that folder, with no successful results. There was also a difference in two of the Word add in dll files in the Acrobat PDFmaker folder. I copied those from the working machine to a non-working machine, still with no luck. The fonts of clear concern seem to MTextra and Symbol, both of which are installed and embedded.
    Any thoughts on what I am missing? Most threads I have seen here so far concern symbol fonts being replaced when going from Mathtype to Adobe products, or issues with using a Mac OS. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated- I'm really struggling here!

    You're checking all the right things, but fonts can be confusing, especially the way Windows displays and uses them. You've also identified the 2 most important fonts for MathType equations -- MT Extra and Symbol. However, just because these fonts are installed both on the working computer and the messed-up one, doesn't mean it's the same version of these fonts. You may, in fact, have several versions of the fonts already installed. Confused yet? (Blame it on Microsoft!)
    I'll try to make sense out of it...
    Take MT Extra, for example. It's possible, and fairly common, to have 2 or 3 versions of this font installed on your computer. Trouble is, there's no way for you to know how many you have, because only one shows up in your fonts folder. Not only that, but only one is available to your software apps. It's not the largest one, it's not the one with the latest creation or latest modified date. It's simply the last one installed. Sometimes software has the MT Extra font with its install package, and when you install the software, MT Extra is installed along with it. MathType's version of MT Extra is critical, because it contains tons more glyphs than any other version of MT Extra. Therefore, if some other software installed its own version of MT Extra, some of the symbols that MathType counts on won't be available, since Windows only looks at the last one installed.
    On the messed-up computer, open your fonts folder (Windows Explorer, My Computer, Control Panel -- doesn't matter how you get there). Click on both MT Extra and Symbol (hold down the Ctrl key to select them both at once), then press the delete key. Close the window. Open the fonts folder again. If either of these fonts is still there, repeat the delete process, closing the window each time, until they don't appear when you open the fonts folder. (For some reason, refreshing the fonts display doesn't work here. I haven't found anything that works except closing the window and opening a new one.)
    Now copy both of these fonts from the working computer and install them onto the messed-up computer. Hopefully that'll work. If it doesn't, write back.
    Bob Mathews
    Design Science

  • Option for MAPI export destination missing in CRViewer

    We have an application developed in C++ which includes the Crystal Reports XI RDC and previewer component.
    The application is installed at a customer on a Windows Server 2003 machine. Users are working in Terminal sessions connected via Remotedesktop.
    For all user accounts the CR report component in our application is working fine, especially they are all able to send documents using the MAPI option in the previewer's export function. Outlook Express is configured as the default mail handler.
    There is one exception: One user doesn't have the MAPI option in the export dialogue box. We checked user rights and MAPI configuration: all seems to be the same like for the other users. Especially he also has Outlook Express as default mail client and it is possible to send documents via MAPI out of other applications (for instance the "Send..." menu item in MS Paint).
    We investigated the situation with Process Explorer and found out that the "u2dmapi.dll" is not loaded when the report is opened in our application - in contrast to all other users. All other export format and destination options seem to be available for this user (and the corresponding DLLs are loaded by the application). So we believe the issue is related to the u2dmapi.dll which is not loaded.
    What can be the reason? Any hint to find a solution is very appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!

    Here are some results of my "ProcessMonitor-Session". I took a look what happens when I open the export dialogue in the CR previewer under two different accounts - one account where the MAPI option is available and the account of the user who doesn't have the option.
    1) There seems to be no difference when CR is browsing for the export DLLs: There is a "QueryDirectory" in the folder "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Business Objects\3.0\bin" with filter "u2d*.dll" and under both accounts the query finds the "u2dmapi.dll". So I'm guessing there is not really a problem with that DLL or its location.
    2) The only difference I saw (it's hard to compare all messages line by line because I got more than 3200 event messages only for opening a single modal dialogue): CR is also querying for the "win.ini" file in the user's homepath folder which is on another shared network server. Now I found out that the user with problems has no access to this folder while the other users have access to their respective home folders. (CR queries for "
    server\users1\username\WINDOWS\win.ini".) Consequently due to the missing access rights Proc.Mon. says "PATH NOT FOUND".
    I remember that the "win.ini" has an entry whether MAPI is enabled ("MAPI=1") or not. Is it possible CR assumes by default that MAPI is disabled in case it doesn't find the "win.ini" and therefore doesn't offer the MAPI option in the export dialogue? (On the other hand there is also a query for "c:\windows\win.ini" on both user accounts and this win.ini has the "MAPI=1" entry, but maybe the win.ini in the homepath has higher priority or whatever ???. In the end it's the only difference I can see so far.) Perhaps CR behaves here not the same way like other applications because - as I said in the first post - mailing via MAPI is possible at least out of MS Paint.
    But well, that's a lot of hypothesis and perhaps the problem has nothing to do with the missing access rights to the home path. Anyway, I've asked now the server administrators of the company to configure the account of that user the same way like the other user accounts, especially to give him access rights to his own home path (crazy setup...). I'll come back with the results after they changed it (which can mean... next year... ah no... there are always exceptions from the rule and I always hope for them )

  • 3D surface plot export _ missing scale on the projection​s

     Hi all,
    I am using 3D surface plot subvi in LabView 2010 SP1. After plotting the data, I can export the images (.bmp, mata file etc.). While exporting the projections of the images, I am not able to get the axis scales on them, though when I export the isometric view, I do have all the scales in the exported image.
    Any clues.
    Deepak Arora
    LAB View 2010 SP1

    Hi Daniel,
    I am using surface plot helper to plot a 3D data set. On the front panel indicator of this, there is an option to export the image files in various formats, once you right click on the graph. I have attached two of the exported files. One is an isometric view and another one is the X-Y projection obtained by using the projection palette attached to the 3D surface plot. As you notice, the scale bars are missing from the projection.
    LAB View 2010 SP1
    20110830-PS-r1-FFTAmp.jpg ‏66 KB
    20110830-PS-r1-FFTAmp2.jpg ‏50 KB

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    Are there any reported bugs or anyone have any ideas?

    I just fixed the problem, I had a column title with an under score (CLOSED_DATE) when I removed the underscore the problem was fixed, this missing columns is exported to excel now. Try renaming the column this will fix it also.

  • Pdf export artwork missing

    Hello illustrators.
    im exporting a pdf from illustrator,and half of my artwork is missing!what can i have done wrong?
    thank you.

    Well, I don't have an answer to the question, but I have been able to come up with a workaround that others might be interested in...
    What I did was split the presentation into two pieces and generate PDFs from each piece. The (shorter) pieces both exported correctly. Then I used PDFLab (http://www.iconus.ch/fabien/index.html), a free PDF Utility, to put the two pieces back together. The result was a single PDF that contained the entire presentation.
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