Exported movie out of sync

I have done a movie, about 3 min long, that looks allright on the timeline, but when playing back the exported movie file, the picture is delayed by some frames, maybe half a second. I'm hoping that someone recognizes the problem and can find a solution.
The video material is HD, avc1, progressive, 25 fps. But some of the files are mpg, some are MOV and some are MP4 (marked yellow on the timeline).
The sound on the mpg files is mpeg layer 2 , 384kbps.  The MOV files have PCM sound. The MP4 files have AAC mono sound.
By the way, the movie ends with the picture fading to white, but the exported movie ends a few frames too early , before the fade is completed. Could this be related to the problem?
The project setting I have been using is HDV, 1080p, 25fps. When exporting I chose H.264, full HD.

For the ending of the Timeline, while the Dip-to-White is still functioning, I would test by adding, say a 02 sec. Color Matte (set to white), after the Clip with Dip-to-White. Does that allow the Transition to complete?
Good luck,

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    why is my 1080p24 movie out of sync?
    As I get it DVD-standard is either PAL (25fps) or NTSC (29.97fps)
    24fps will result in "Out of Sync"
    Convert Your material into PAL or NTSC via Compressor (best I know of) in Your
    FinalCut Studio bundle.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Try this:

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    Allright, since nobody out there seems to have the answer - I'm going to share what I discovered so that the next person will actually get an answer without having to spend hours and hours finding it in other forums. Here goes:
    Problem: Audio plays in sync on the timeline, an export from the timeline through Share to bluRay results in correctly synced audio; but a Quicktime Export with current settings results in a final movie where audio is out of sync with the video.
    Solutions: I found two solutions to this problem:
    1- When exporting to Quicktime Movie, check "recompress all frames". This solution had mixed reviews, with lots of people saying you should never do this, as it will reduce the quality of your final output; while others said the reduction in quality was not noticeable to the naked eye. I guess you can try it and be the judge.
    2- In your sequence settings, change the compression setting to Apple Pro Res. This is the setting I decided to go with, as I'm currently awaiting the 10 hour render.
    I did do a quick and dirty test on the ProRes option, where it appeared to work. Since the audio is correctly synced in the beginning of the video and then slowly falls out of sync (obviously the 30p to 29.97 problem), I had to run a test using my entire sequence. If you run a test on a 2 minute sequence, it will appear to be correct, because it is a slow falling out of sync issue - the problems occur later in your project (just fyi). Here is what I did (in case you want to try it on your project):
    I created a new sequence and then changed the compression setting from HDV1080-30p to Apple Pro Res 422. I dragged my sequences into this sequence (so they were nested). I unlinked the audio and then selected about a 20 second area from about 3/4 of the way through the project. I sliced this section and then removed all the video before and after (so it would speed up render time and only render black, but I would still be able to see if the audio synced up later - I hope that makes sense - this made my export time only 12 minutes). After it exported, I reimported the movie, found the little 20 second area, and it was correctly synced. So, now I am exporting the whole thing. I sincerely hope this works. I don't have lots of 10 hour blocks just lyin' around!
    Since my audio issue was most likely due to the fact that I captured and edited in 1080 30p, I believe it must be a bug in FCP that exports the Quicktime movie in 29.97 regardless of whatever your sequence settings are (believe me, I tried to change it to 1080-30p and it didn't work). That is why I think the Apple Pro Res option works, but it involves a total re-render of your project. This is also why I believe it plays fine in the timeline, because my timeline was set to 30p. Again, I also believe that is why my export to BluRay through Share resulted in correctly synced audio - the bluRay export I believe uses the Pro Res codec (which, by the way, took 19 hours).
    Wish Apple would fix this bug.
    Message was edited by: Chermeier1

  • Export file out of sync

    Exported mov file is out of sync after about 2 minutes into a 4 minute clip.
    Using FCXP 10.0.5
    Exporting using h.264
    Using one audio clip in a multi cam edit
    Audio - stereo
    Sample rate is 48kHZ
    Video - 1080P 29.7p video
    Using high quality original/optimized in preferences.
    I've tried Pro Res HQ but still no luck.

    Hi Tom,
    Sorry I don't understand. What specs other then the ones I listed?
    Audio file is a wave.

  • Quick time export Audio out of sync

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    Using latest versions of FCP and Quicktime. Pro 2.8 dual Qaud with 10gb ram
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    This out of sync problem could be related to the
    klyte codec I installed which may have created problem. or something went
    wrong in audio capture as it should have been a sterio file as you
    For some, the K-Lite CODEC Pack works fine. For many more, and this might well depend on which of its elements one installs, it is a total disaster. Again, depending on what has been installed, a simple uninstall of the elements might work. In some other cases, it will take much more work to clean up after it.
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    Good luck, and do please try a Project with the proper Preset, and footage captured either in Pr or HDVSplit. Let's see if, with Pinnacle our of the way, you get better results. Please report.

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    Any help or solution to this problem?
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    Battery is at 13% at the moment.

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    same as reference movie?

    yeh not kidding - 'About 25hours' -
    if i just insert the seq into a dvpal 50 48khz -render - export qt mov self contained (reference mov is ok with dv pal isnt it?) - compressor- compress .mov to mpg2 - will this be quicker than - conform (20+hours) - export qt mov self contained (1/2hours)- compressor (3-4hours) - mpg2 2

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    I've tried the following to no avail:
    Quit and Restarted FCP & Computer
    Trashed my Preferences
    Checked 'recompress all frames' on export options
    Ensured I have 15% free on both HDs (edit files are on external HD)
    Started new sequences within the project and pasted in the edits
    FCP Version 7.0.3
    Mac OS 10.7.5
    2.66 Inctel Core 2 Duo iMac
    The footage is XDCAM EX from a Sony EX3. I've attached photos of my setup & sequence settings.
    I've spent a couple of hours re-exporting and looking online for help but nothing seems to be working. Its frustrating as its a workflow I've done for a couple of years ... if anyone out there could help it would be amazing!
    Many thanks

    (P.S. I did change the Settings of the FCP from 720p60 to 720p30 about half way through the project, but that shouldn't affect the export.)
    About the time you changed FCP Easy Setup from 720p60 to 720p30 DURING Export?
    As you stated on this post:
    I wouldn't think that's the best time to make a major change.

  • Exported clips out of sync if I use Compressor

    I have about 100 clips that I need to export from FCP to transcode to .wmv's. If I export to Compressor and use a custom .wmv preset there, the audio is out of sync. Not just a couple of frame as if it were 29.97 to 23.98 or 44.1 to 48 khz, but immediately about one second out.
    I have checked my clip settings to make sure audio and video are the same for Compressor.
    If I export using "Quick time Conversion" from FCP, then they are in sync. I would rather set a batch in Compressor than individually exporting 100 clips.
    Clips are DVCPROHD/60, 48khz, 23.98 (I don't know why they were recorded 60p at 23.98)
    Export settings: 1280 x 720, 23.98, 48hz, .wmv
    And, thank you.

    I have seen more posts recommending that you not send files to Compressor from FC. Most recommend exporting a reference or a self-contained QT and then compressing the export.
    If you are still having issues with the wmvs you may want to consider purchasing flip4mac(full version).
    I prefer Episode to F4Mac or Compressor when creating wmvs but Flip4mac is the best option for the price.
    I do not believe you can batch export/compress with flip4mac but the results are usually worth it.

  • Exported Audio out of sync on one clip only - everything else is fine.

    Hi all,
    I am under a deadline and really appreciate any help on this. I've been working in 30 fps, Apple Prores 422. I've been outputting various cuts of a documentary. I had no issues at all until this morning.
    One series of clips at the end of one sequence is now quite mysteriously out of sync. When I play in FCP there are no issues. Only when I output, and only in one small section of one sequence.
    Again, this sequence gave me no issues for months. Just today.
    The whole film is fine when outputted. It's just that one series of clips is out of sync by about a second. And in FCP there is no sync problem or delay.

    Hi there,
    The clips in the sequence are from different source tapes. Other clips from the same source tape work correctly. Everything in my documentary is Apple Prores 422, same settings across the board. I did a massive convert of all the footage I am working with before I started the project.
    I "solved" the issue by starting a new sequence at the point where the audio went funky. That sequence, which has the same settings as all my others works fine and nests into the final output sequence just fine. But I still don't know what happened.
    Any thoughts? Since the issue is somewhat resolved (via this workaround) I don't want to take any of your time. But I am curious...

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    and are you editing with sources that are in fcp friendly formats into a sequence in an fcp friendly format?  Are all sources and the sequence the same frame rate?  If not, that could be the problem.

  • Video Export is out of sync?

    This is driving me crazy.
    I have sync points lined up perfectly to the video and in logic it plays perfectly.
    But... after i export audio to movie the sync points are slightly out.
    Any ideas why?

    Must be a bug. The sync even varies within the project itself, depends where you start the play head from, and whether you hit play or space bar... very odd!
    Ive sent them feedback so they are aware of this.

  • Final Export of a Project Slightly Out Of Sync

    Hi there,
    I'm trying to find an answer to what seems to be a common issue when exporting projects out of Final Cut Pro X, however I haven't yet found any answers that work or that tell me things I don't already know (don't mean to sound know-it-all though).
    The issue is that after I have exported my project, the audio and video are out of sync. It doesn't drift as the video goes on; it's out of sync by the same amount from start to end. Of course, when editing and viewing the project in Final Cut, the sync is fine.
    The project was created from scratch with the Apple ProRes 422 setting, the two original camera angles were both 25p, the audio I'm using is 48K/24bit which the project is setup as also. The audio was originally recorded at 48k/24bit and mixed seperately in Pro Tools and was exported as a wave file (48K/24bit) and brought back into Final Cut.
    I can't think of what else to describe. All the project settings and the original footage and audio setting are exactly matched. There's no frame rate changes, no audio resolution changes, no MP3 in the mix, no apparent issue when viewing/editiing in the project, and I even tried optimising the video and exporting just to see if that made any difference.
    I usually listen to the audio via an RME souncard which is setup to be low latency. However, whether I view the project and then export via the external audio interface, or view the project and export via the laptop speakers (with not extrernal audio interface connected) it's the same result: slightly out of sync video!
    If anyone has any ideas I would be most grateful.

    Hey Russ,
    Thanks for your time. When I say a 'common issue' I found that when I searched it both on Google as well as this support forum I found multiple threads and questions pertaining to this issue of sync and/or drift.
    I tested this single angle idea by using the footage in a nother project and exporting part of that (without changing angles) and it seemed to be OK. However I have other projects which are only single angle but they export slightly out of sync as well. I haven't found a common denominator yet.
    When I say out of sync, it's not dramatic, however it's always the same - the audio is just a few frames behind the video. This has happened with most of my projects using different footage and different audio, etc. No matter what setting audio and video are recorded at, and regardless of whether I dramaticallty colourise or add effects to the video or not, it's always the same result; slightly behind audio when exported.
    With regard to presets, do you meet export settings? If so, I'm mostly exporting using H.264 and as a Quicktime Move (AAC) output. I've tried various resolution changes and tinkering but nothing has changed.
    If you're referring to project setup presets, I can't really change too many things because obviously the audio resolution and video frame rates are predetermined so I can't try 25p footage in a 30p project, etc.
    Thanks again,

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