Exporting Active directory users to excel with conditions

I'm trying to export AD users with selected fields out to a spreadsheet, with the condition that the employeeid field is greater than 99999.    I found a VBScript elsewhere on this site that does everything i need, even filtering on the employeeid
field except that when it export to the spreadsheet the employeeid field comes back as if it's blank.  But i know it's not as it will do the filtering correctly.  Below is the script i've been using.   As i said it will correctly list all users
with employeeid greated than 5 digits but it just won't export the actual employeeid field
Dim ObjWb 
Dim ObjExcel 
Dim x, zz 
Set objRoot = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") 
strDNC = objRoot.Get("DefaultNamingContext") 
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDNC) ' Bind to the top of the Domain using LDAP using ROotDSE 
Call ExcelSetup("Sheet1") ' Sub to make Excel Document 
x = 1 
Call enummembers(objDomain) 
Sub enumMembers(objDomain) 
On Error Resume Next 
Dim Secondary(20) ' Variable to store the Array of 2ndary email alias's 
For Each objMember In objDomain ' go through the collection 
if ObjMember.EmployeeID > 199999 Then  'if employee id greater than 199999 then add to spreadsheet (meaning physician)
x = x +1 ' counter used to increment the cells in Excel 
' I set AD properties to variables so if needed you could do Null checks or add if/then's to this code 
' this was done so the script could be modified easier. 
SamAccountName = ObjMember.samAccountName 
FirstName = objMember.GivenName 
LastName = objMember.sn 
EmployeeID = ojbMember.employeeID
EmailAddr = objMember.mail 
Addr1 = objMember.streetAddress 
Title = ObjMember.Title 
Department = objMember.Department
' Write the values to Excel, using the X counter to increment the rows. 
objwb.Cells(x, 1).Value = EmployeeID
objwb.Cells(x, 2).Value = SamAccountName 
objwb.Cells(x, 3).Value = FirstName 
objwb.Cells(x, 4).Value = LastName 
objwb.Cells(x, 5).Value = EmailAddr
objwb.Cells(x, 6).Value = Addr1 
objwb.Cells(x, 7).Value = Title 
objwb.Cells(x, 8).Value = Department 
' Write out the Array for the 2ndary email addresses. 
For ll = 1 To 20 
objwb.Cells(x,26+ll).Value = Secondary(ll) 
' Blank out Variables in case the next object doesn't have a value for the property 
EmployeeID = "-"
SamAccountName = "-" 
FirstName = "-" 
LastName = "-" 
EmailAddr = "-" 
Addr1 = "-" 
Title = "-" 
Department = "-" 
For ll = 1 To 20 
Secondary(ll) = "" 
End If 
' If the AD enumeration runs into an OU object, call the Sub again to itinerate 
If objMember.Class = "organizationalUnit" or OBjMember.Class = "container" Then 
enumMembers (objMember) 
End If 
End Sub 
Sub ExcelSetup(shtName) ' This sub creates an Excel worksheet and adds Column heads to the 1st row 
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
Set objwb = objExcel.Workbooks.Add 
Set objwb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName) 
Objwb.Name = "Active Directory Users" ' name the sheet 
objExcel.Visible = True 
objwb.Cells(1, 1).Value = "EmployeeID"
objwb.Cells(1, 2).Value = "SAMAccountName"
objwb.Cells(1, 3).Value = "FirstName" 
objwb.Cells(1, 4).Value = "LastName"  
objwb.Cells(1, 5).Value = "Email" 
objwb.Cells(1, 6).Value = "Addr1" 
objwb.Cells(1, 7).Value = "Title" 
objwb.Cells(1, 8).Value = "Department" 
End Sub 
MsgBox "User dump has completed.", 64, "AD Dump" ' show that script is complete

Here is a test version
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.Visible = True
Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Add()
Set sheet = wb.Worksheets("sheet1")
sheet.Name = "Active Directory Users"
i = 1
With sheet
.Cells(i, 1).Value = "EmployeeID"
.Cells(i, 2).Value = "SAMAccountName"
.Cells(i, 3).Value = "FirstName"
.Cells(i, 4).Value = "LastName"
.Cells(i, 5).Value = "Email"
.Cells(i, 6).Value = "Addr1"
.Cells(i, 7).Value = "Title"
.Cells(i, 8).Value = "Department"
End With
Set users = GetADUsers()
While Not users.EOF
i = i + 1
With sheet
.Cells(i, 1).Value = users("employeeID")
.Cells(i, 2).Value = users("samAccountName")
.Cells(i, 3).Value = users("GivenName")
.Cells(i, 4).Value = users("sn")
.Cells(i, 5).Value = users("mail")
.Cells(i, 6).Value = users("streetAddress")
.Cells(i, 7).Value = users("Title")
.Cells(i, 8).Value = users("Department")
End With
Function GetADUsers()
Set rootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
base = "<LDAP://" & rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") & ">"
filt = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=Person))"
attr = "employeeid,SAMAccountName,mail,GivenName,sn,streetAddress,Title,Department"
scope = "subtree"
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
conn.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandText = base & ";" & filt & ";" & attr & ";" & scope
Set GetADUsers = cmd.Execute()
End Function

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    I try to use ldifde without any success.
    Do anyone have any idea??

    I would suggest the Active Directory Migration tool.  
    D/L link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8377
    If you have 2012, it will be a little more complicated.

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      SAP J2EE Engine/6.40 
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    Hi Marty,
    In the document available at the link enclosed below, there is a part that explains how to configure DTR so that it always uses "Unique-IDs".
    It is mentioned that this is valid for LDAP, but the information is applicable for Active Directory as well.

  • Issue with Active Directory User Target Recon

    Hi ,
    I am facing an issue with Active Directory User Target Recon
    My environment is OIM 11g R2 with BP03 patch applied
    AD Connector is activedirectory- with bundle patch 14190610 applied
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    thanks in advance

    Check the connector server load when you are running the recon. Last time I checked the connector, the way it was written is that it loads all the users from AD into the connector server memory and then sends them to OIM. So if the number was huge, then the connector server errored out and did not send data to OIM. We then did recon based on OUs to load/link all the users into OIM. Check the connector server system logs and check for memory usage etc.

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    SMBHomeDrive: H:
    root# dscl -u administrator  "/Active Directory/CXAD/All Domains" -delete /Users/jholmes SMBHomeDrive
    root# dscl -u administrator "/Active Directory/CXAD/All Domains" -create /Users/jholmes SMBHomeDrive
    <main> attribute status: eDSInvalidRecordType
    <dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14130 (eDSInvalidRecordType)
    The same error occurs when attempting to create a new user.  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    In the end I could not find them; account info is ONLY stored locally in Open Directory when they have mobile accounts.
    However, I found I could migrate their user directories in Terminal via ditto ( I connected the old macs via Firewire Target mode) , and when they log in all their stuff and settings are there.
    the command is: ditto /Volumes/<old mac hard drive>/Users/<username> /Users/<username>

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    Anyone else having issues after binding to AD? I bound using the Directory Utility gui... I have not tried using my leopard bind script yet.

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    31/08/09 4:49:27 PM SecurityAgent[666] Could not get the user record for 'jball@domainname' from Directory Services
    31/08/09 4:49:27 PM SecurityAgent[666] User info context values set for jball@domainname
    31/08/09 4:49:27 PM SecurityAgent[666] unknown-user (jball@domainname) login attempt PASSED for auditing

  • How to import your MS Active Directory users in an Oracle table

    I first tried to get a Heterogenous Connection to my MS Active Directory to get information on my Active Directory users.
    This doesn't work so I used an alternative solution:
    How to import your MS Active Directory users in an Oracle table
    - a Visual Basic script for export from Active Directory
    - a table in my database
    - a SQL*Loader Control-file
    - a command-file to start the SQL*Loader
    Now I can schedule the vsb-script and the command-file to get my information in an Oracle table. This works fine for me.
    Just to share my scripts:
    I made a Visual Basic script to make an export from my Active Directory to a CSV-file.
    'Export_ActiveDir_users.vbs                              26-10-2006
    'Script to export info from MS Active Directory to a CSV-file
    '     Accountname, employeeid, Name, Function, Department etc.
    '       Richard de Boer - Wetterskip Fryslan, the Nethterlands
    '     samaccountname          Logon Name / Account     
    '     employeeid          Employee ID
    '     name               name     
    '     displayname          Display Name / Full Name     
    '     sn               Last Name     
    '     description          Description / Function
    '     department          Department / Organisation     
    '     physicaldeliveryofficename Office Location     Wetterskip Fryslan
    '     streetaddress          Street Address          Harlingerstraatweg 113
    '     l               City / Location          Leeuwarden
    '     mail               E-mail adress     
    '     wwwhomepage          Web Page Address
    '     distinguishedName     Full unique name with cn, ou's, dc's
    'Global variables
        Dim oContainer
        Dim OutPutFile
        Dim FileSystem
    'Initialize global variables
        Set FileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set OutPutFile = FileSystem.CreateTextFile("ActiveDir_users.csv", True)
        Set oContainer=GetObject("LDAP://OU=WFgebruikers,DC=Wetterskip,DC=Fryslan,DC=Local")
    'Enumerate Container
        EnumerateUsers oContainer
    'Clean up
        Set FileSystem = Nothing
        Set oContainer = Nothing
        WScript.Echo "Finished"
    Sub EnumerateUsers(oCont)
        Dim oUser
        For Each oUser In oCont
            Select Case LCase(oUser.Class)
                   Case "user"
                        If Not IsEmpty(oUser.distinguishedName) Then
                            OutPutFile.WriteLine _
                   oUser.samaccountname      & ";" & _
                   oUser.employeeid     & ";" & _
                   oUser.Get ("name")      & ";" & _
                   oUser.displayname      & ";" & _
                   oUser.sn           & ";" & _
                   oUser.description      & ";" & _
                   oUser.department      & ";" & _
                   oUser.physicaldeliveryofficename & ";" & _
                   oUser.streetaddress      & ";" & _
                   oUser.l           & ";" & _
                   oUser.mail           & ";" & _
                   oUser.wwwhomepage      & ";" & _
                   oUser.distinguishedName     & ";"
                        End If
                   Case "organizationalunit", "container"
                        EnumerateUsers oUser
            End Select
    End SubThis give's output like this:
    rdeboer;2988;Richard de Boer;Richard de Boer;de Boer;Database Administrator;Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie;;Harlingerstraatweg 113;Leeuwarden;[email protected];;CN=Richard de Boer,OU=Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie,OU=Afdelingen,OU=WFGebruikers,DC=wetterskip,DC=fryslan,DC=local;
    tbronkhorst;201;Tjitske Bronkhorst;Tjitske Bronkhorst;Bronkhorst;Configuratiebeheerder;Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie;;Harlingerstraatweg 113;Leeuwarden;[email protected];;CN=Tjitske Bronkhorst,OU=Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie,OU=Afdelingen,OU=WFGebruikers,DC=wetterskip,DC=fryslan,DC=local;I made a table in my Oracle database:
         samaccountname          VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     employeeid          VARCHAR2(16)
    ,     name               VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     displayname          VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     sn               VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     description          VARCHAR2(100)
    ,     department          VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     physicaldeliveryofficename     VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     streetaddress          VARCHAR2(128)
    ,     l               VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     mail               VARCHAR2(100)
    ,     wwwhomepage          VARCHAR2(128)
    ,     distinguishedName     VARCHAR2(256)
    )I made SQL*Loader Control-file:
    INFILE           'ActiveDir_users.csv'
    BADFILE      'ActiveDir_users.bad'
    DISCARDFILE      'ActiveDir_users.dsc'
    (     samaccountname
    ,     employeeid
    ,     name
    ,     displayname
    ,     sn
    ,     description
    ,     department
    ,     physicaldeliveryofficename
    ,     streetaddress
    ,     l
    ,     mail
    ,     wwwhomepage
    ,     distinguishedName
    )I made a cmd-file to start SQL*Loader
    : Import the Active Directory users in Oracle by SQL*Loader
    D:\Oracle\ora92\bin\sqlldr userid=pg4wf/<password>@<database> control=sqlldr_ActiveDir_users.ctl log=sqlldr_ActiveDir_users.logI used this for a good list of active directory fields:
    Richard de Boer

    I have a table with about 50,000 records in my Oracle database and there is a date column which shows the date that each record get inserted to the table, for example 04-Aug-13.
    Is there any way that I can find out what time each record has been inserted?
    For example: 04-Aug-13 4:20:00 PM. (For my existing records not future ones)
    First you need to clarify what you mean by 'the date that each record get inserted'.  A row is not permanent and visible to other sessions until it has been COMMITTED and that commit may happen seconds, minutes, hours or even days AFTER a user actually creates the row and puts a date in your 'date column'.
    Second - your date column, and ALL date columns, includes a time component. So just query your date column for the time.
    The only way that time value will be incorrect is if you did something silly like TRUNC(myDate) when you inserted the value. That would use a time component of 00:00:00 and destroy the actual time.

  • Best practice for Active Directory User Templates regarding Distribution Lists

    Hello All
    I am looking to implement Active Directory User templates for each department in the company to make the process of creating user accounts for new employees easier. Currently when a user is created a current user's Active directory account is copied, but
    this has led to problems with new employees being added to groups which they should not be a part of.
    I have attempted to implement this in the past but ran into an issue regarding Distribution Lists. I would like to set up template users with all group memberships that are needed for the department, including distribution lists. Previously I set this up
    but received complaints from users who would send e-mail to distribution lists the template accounts were members of.
    When sending an e-mail to the distribution list with a member template user, users received an error because the template account does not have an e-mail address.
    What is the best practice regarding template user accounts as it pertains to distribution lists? It seems like I will have to create a mailbox for each template user but I can't help but feel there is a better way to avoid this problem. If a mailbox is created
    for each template user, it will prevent the error messages users were receiving, but messages will simply build up in these mailboxes. I could set a rule for each one that deletes messages, but again I feel like there is a better way which I haven't thought
    Has anyone come up with a better method of doing this?
    Thank you

    You can just add arbitrary email (not a mailbox) to all your templates and it should solve the problem with errors when sending emails to distribution lists.
    If you want to further simplify your user creation process you can have a look at Adaxes (consider it's a third-party app). If you want to use templates, it gives you a slightly better way to do that (http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInterfaceCustomization_AllowUsingTemplatesForUserCreation.htm)
    and it also can automatically perform tasks such as mailbox creation for newly created users (http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_AutomatingDailyTasks_AutomateExchangeMailboxesCreationForNewUsers.htm).
    Alternatively you can abandon templates at all and use customizable condition-based rules to automatically perform all the needed tasks on user creation such as OU allocation, group membership assignment, mailbox creation, home folder creation, etc. based on
    the factors you predefine for them.

  • Getting Active Directory Users in UCM User Admin - Users Tab

    Hello All
    We have integrated WLS with our Active Directory. And we are getting all the active directory users under Security Realms >myrealm >Users and Groups tab in WLS Console.
    We are also able to login to webcenter spaces and Content server using those userid and credentials. But our problem is in UCM under Admin Applets - User Admin - Users tab all the active directory users are not listed. So we are not able to assign particular roles to the users.
    When a particular Active Directory user logins in UCM (First Time) after that the admisistrator (weblogic) is able to get that user under Admin Applets - User Admin - Users tab. And also it comes as an External user so we are not able to assign role.
    So basically UCM requires a login to get all the users listed in users tab.
    Our requirement is we want all the Active Directory users to get listed in UCM without the condition that the users has to login in content server once.

    Hi Navin ,
    First and foremost the requirement that you have posted is not possible and the reason for that is :
    Users are created on AD which is outside the realm of UCM hence there is no way that the users created on AD will be shown up under Users tab without they login atleast once . UCM does not know which all users are part of the realm until and unless the AD users login in atleast once .
    Secondly external users cannot be assigned roles from UCM because when the Auth type is set to External UCM sees it as external entity hence not giving it any way to relate roles / groups from UCM . As a workaround you can change the AuthType for the External users to Global from User Admin applet after the users login for the first time . This will enable you to assign roles / groups for the AD users .
    Hope this helps .

  • Active Directory Users and Computer not displaying column data?

    I am running Windows 8.1 Enterprise with RSAT installed.  My Domain controllers are Server 2008 R2.
    I am having and issue with Active Directory Users and Computers.  Typically I will turn on Advanced Features and then add Columns for Email address and Display Name.  This for example allows me to easily export lists of users and there email
    addresses among other things.
    The issue is that on my Windows 8.1 client, the columns for Email and Display Name are empty.  It simply will not display this information.  It only displays Name, TYpe and Description.
    If I use a Windows 7 client, the information displays correctly.
    Has anyone run into this issue or heard of this problem when using ADUC on Windows 8.1?

    ADUC is an AD tool that is no longer being improved, with Microsoft now focusing on ADAC (Administrative Center). In 8.1, it has improved quite a bit since 7. You can also just try using the
    ActiveDirectory PowerShell Module, which is easy to use and fairly powerful. It can be simple to export lists, and the module for AD is included with RSAT tools.
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    Get-ADUser -Filter {Manager -eq "John.Smith"} -Properties DisplayName,Mail | Export-Csv dump.csv -NoTypeInformation
    So, recommendation: either use ADAC, or PowerShell -- ADUC is part of the wave of deprecation.

  • Is it possible to get the active directory user name of the person

    Is it possible to get the active directory user name of the person who is logged onto a windows computer, when they are using your coldfusion site, the same way asp pages can do that?

    You have to turn on "Windows Integrated Security" and turn off anonymous login in the IIS web server, once that condition is met the cgi.AUTH_USER variable will be popluated with the domain/username of the user logged into the cient computer.
    If the user is using a windows browser on a windows client computer this will be done silently in the background.  Otherwise they will normally be presented with a login dialog box by the browser.

  • What do I need to do to enable Active Directory users to authenticate to AFP shares in 10.8 server?

    We recently upgraded from 10.6 server to 10.8 server and are having trouble with AFP shares and Active Directory.  We have shares on each of our OS X servers that should be mountable by any Active Directory user at the site the server resides.  In 10.6, this worked beautifully.  Simply adding the appropriate AD groups with appropriate permissions to the ACL of the folder(s) being shared worked without a hitch.  In 10.8 server, this is not working.  Permissions are defined correctly (as far as I can tell), the server is bound to AD, but yet no AD user who should have access can mount the share.  When attempting to mount the share on a 10.6 client, the user gets the short and simple "You entered an invalid username or password.  Please try again."  On a 10.7 client, the window shakes. 
    What confuses me even more is that no local users can mount the share as well.  I try as our admin account, I receive the following error message on our 10.6 clients:
    Actually, as I was forumulating this post, logging in as the server administrator account is now working...???!!!
    This was the error message we were receiving on 10.7 clients before it magically started working:
    In any case, authenticating as an AD user is still no go.  Any ideas?

    I had something similar to this. In the name field put in DOMAIN\username rather than just the name.

  • Windows 2008 Server - Cannot run Active Directory Users and Computers

    I am running Windows 2008 Server with latest windows updates installed. Directory Services Role also.
    I attempt to open Active Directory Users and Computers tool and I get a;
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error;
    "The Application has requested the runtime to terminate it in a unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information"
    I click ok, then get the following debug info;
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: mmc.exe
    Application Version: 6.0.6001.18000
    Application Timestamp: 47919524
    Fault Module Name: msvcrt.dll
    Fault Module Version: 7.0.6001.18000
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4791ad6b
    Exception Code: 40000015
    Exception Offset: 0000000000029b06
    OS Version: 6.0.6001.
    Locale ID: 3081
    Additional Information 1: 43aa
    Additional Information 2: cf3a46656318492c1997480001b6b0e0
    Additional Information 3: 3837
    Additional Information 4: 92f72e0d0589ff77cef51e0a413aeff6
    Read our privacy statement:
    If someone could please assist, it would be very much appreciated.

    To solidly troubleshoot this kind of issue, we need to debug dump file. A suggestion would be to contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS) via telephone so that a dedicated Support Professional can assist with your request.
    To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request please take a look at the web site listed below:
    However, I am also glad to share my research.
    Some third party applications may lead to this error. Please check if you install other third party applications on Windows server 2008?
    Also, please follow the article below to perform necessary steps to see how it's going?
    FIX: You receive an "invalid page fault in module MSVCRT.DLL" error message after you install the run-time libraries from Visual C++ 6.0
    Hope this helps.
    Best wishes
    Morgan Che

  • Report on Active Directory User Attributes in SCCM 2012

    I need to output a list of all users in a collection, along with certain user attributes from Active Directory. I can get part of what I need with the following query:
    SELECT v_FullCollectionMembership.ResourceID,
    FROM v_FullCollectionMembership, v_R_User
    WHERE v_FullCollectionMembership.ResourceID = v_R_User.ResourceID
    AND v_FullCollectionMembership.CollectionID = 'SMS00002'
    If possible I need to add:
    Last logon timestamp
    User account status (enabled or disabled)
    I have added "lastLogon" and "lastLogonTimestamp" as additional attributesunder Active Directory User Discovery. This discovery method is enabled and I have run a full discovery about a month ago, and again today. I read in
    another thread that these attributes should appear in the table v_R_User, however they have not. Is v_R_User the right place to look for this or is there another view or table I can query?
    Once I have the above sorted out, how can I find the user account status in SCCM? I have done reports in the past directly from AD and used the 'useraccountcontrol' attribute and I noticed there is a column named 'User_Account_Control0' in v_R_User, however
    the values do not match those found in Active Directory.

    Have you checked the attribute from the Active Directory in decimal format? Check that and compare it to the value ConfigMgr has stored in its 'User_Account_Control0'...
    User Account Control tells you multiple things of the account, for example does the account have "Smart card login required" -option checked from the account properties.
    The tricky part here is to actually get the report show you what you really want, because "useraccountcontrol" -attribute is a numeric value, you have to calculate what decimal combination means what in readable text.
    More info on the attribute can be found from here
    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/305144 and from there you can also find the values for different settings. For example:
    account is enabled = 512
    account is disabled = 514
    account is enabled with smart card = 262656

  • Not able to open active directory user and computer in windows server 2008r2

    Hi All techies,
    i would like to know one issue which i am facing mostly, i have created 5 virtual machine all with window server2008r2 and one windows 7 on vm-ware now when ever i start my virtual machines everything going rite but when i try to open active directory user/
    computer or domain and trust i get a following error "data from active directory user and computers is not available from dc(null) bcoz unspecified error" even when i chk in events log its give me no help, and after 15-30 min everything works good
    Please let me know the cause of it and really appreciate it .

    You need to ensure that
    1. group policy that says "wait for network before logon" is applied to all computers including servers and workstations is applied
    2. DNS record exists for all DCs in DNS
    3. If there are multiple Domain Controllers in Forests, then they point them as secondary DNS server. This way they will be able to resolve IPs if local DNS server service takes time to start.
    As Chris mentioned, you need to start all DCs first, give a time of 5 minutes and then start member servers and workstations for successful logon.
    - Sarvesh Goel - Enterprise Messaging Administrator

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