Exporting anamorphic video

Hi everyone,
I looked around Discussions for a problem like mine, and I found things similar, but not exact. I am in the process of making my first ever video in the 16:9 format. I have a pretty simple consumer camcorder (Sony Handycam DCR-HC42) which has the option of recording in Anamorphic 16:9, but I never do. Well, for this project, I decided to give it a try. My problem is, that when this video is completed, I will be giving copies to many people... some who have 16:9 tvs and some who have standard 4:3 tvs. When I export the video out of Final Cut Pro, if I go under the "Setting:" menu, and choose DV NTSC 48 kHz Anamorphic, the video looks great on my plasma 16:9 TV (well as great as anamorphic can get anyway, lol) but when I watch it on a 4:3 TV, then the picture is squeezed to fill the entire screen. (Yes, my DVD players are set for the type of TVs that they are being used with.) I would like the black bars on the top and bottom while being viewed on a 4:3 and I'd like it to fill the screen when being viewed on a 16:9.
Shouldn't it automatically put the black bars on the top and bottom if I export with DV NTSC 48kHz Anamorphic? ...Or should I go into custom and change the pixel size myself? If so, what is the correct 16:9 pixel size?
By the way, I'm using iDVD 6 to burn.
Thanks so much.

In iDVD are you creating a 4:3 or 16:9 project? (It could be that you created a 4:3 DVD, and your wide screen plasma TV is coincidentally forcing it to be wide, and so it looks OK.) You will have to choose either a 4:3 or a 16:9 format when you author the DVD -- and then know that the various TV sets will behave in a variety of ways depending on their capabilities. Old standard TVs will chop off the sides of a 16:9 picture. New 16:9 sets can pillarbox a 4:3 picture. An option may be to create a 4:3 DVD that has 16:9 movies letterboxed. In an old standard TV you will get a letterboxed picture. In many of the new sets and players capable of 16:9 you will be able to adjust settings to fill the entire screen. Anyhow this has been my experience with DVDs and aspect ratio madness.
Dual G5/2.5GHz/4.5 GB, internal ATA, G-SATA 500   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Final Cut Studio 5.0.4

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    Check this Compressor thread:
    Just addapt the size to your needings. Let me know if you need more details.

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    Hi MyAppleID99,
    You may want to check to make sure the clip hasn't been moved back and forth between wide screen and standard aspect ratios; sometimes a combination of letterboxing and pillarboxing can lead to a black frame "windowbox" when playing the final video. You may find the following article helpful:
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    I think my daughter is using FRAPS, but of course not transcoding, just putting that right into Premiere. If your captured file is 30fps, what is the transcoded ProRes file? I don't know if ProRes supports non-video settings, so maybe that is converted to 29.97? But then the edit sequence is 30fps, and I do see an issue - FIELDS is set to LOWER, but should be PROGRESSIVE. That could be causing the jaggies issue on your output.
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    You can only export in the same resolution that you imported.
    That is if you shot in 720p you cannot export in 1080p.
    Share > YouTube and select the highest resolution available.

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    When you say you exported the raw footage... are you working with native H.264s in FCP?

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    Format: H.264
    Preset: YouTube (make sure this matches the dimensions of your sequence)
    You could further adjust the Target Bitrate but the preset is already setup for a good quality file for upload.
    You can also do further reading on Video Bitrates.

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    I dont understand anything you said in your post.
    Do you have a specific question about video production?
    The forums are for individual technical or creative issues that users have with video production. I am sur someone will be able to help you, but and to get a response it is best to ask a specific question.
    Is this about a technical problem you have or something about setting up a web site? If its the latter this is the wrong forum.

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    What version of Premiere Elements do you have and on what computer operating system is it running?
    Please review the following workflow.
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE11: Project Assets Organization for Scene and Highlight Grabs from Collection o…
    But please also determine if your project goal is supported by
    a. format of your source
    b. computer resources
    More later based on details that you will post.

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