Exporting BEx Query results to CSV or other files.

Hi All,
We have a report designed in WAD, which uses a BEx query to display department’s information. Because of amount of data in the results it crashes when u get all the Free Characters into ROWS(Error is : Result set too large(552244 cells); data retrieval restricted by configuration (maximum =500000 cells).  It is a requirement from the user to have all the free characteristics in the rows( which I can understand is not the right way to go ahead). As it is crashing when you add last characteristic(WBS Purpose)  into the rows, they aren’t able to export data into spread sheet from the results. (as there are no results)
Now my question is…..is there any way we can export the results from BEX query into any format for example text or csv? If yes, can we schedule that process? Please note that this characteristics are displayed as hierarchies.
Am new to SAP BW and its been only six months since I have been in this role. Any help would be much appreciated???
I looked online and some where in the forum it was mentioned of using program RSCRM_BAPI, but looks like it needs some sort of downloads from SAP.
Is there any other way to export the BEx query results?

Hello Sandeep,
You can use the Item "Context Menu" in your WAD and in the properties by default you can see the Options:
Export to Excel & Export to CSV will be there and also there are many options which you wanted to see.
It works for you!!!
With Regards,

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    I am currently planning to develop a program that does the following things:
    1. Connects to the Oracle database
    2. Runs a query
    3. Export the results of the query to a CSV file in a folder
    If theres anyone out there who has experienced in similliar work, please explain to me with codes as example or point to me tutorials.

    jwenting wrote:
    johndjr wrote:
    jschell wrote:
    johndjr wrote:
    DrClap wrote:
    Of course there are people who can't tell the difference between a CSV file and an Excel spreadsheet.And a good thing I say. I deal with a number of people who love their spreadsheets. I can create a simple CSV file and when they double click on it on Windows, Excel opens a spreadsheet and we are both happy.I bet they would be happier if it was a real spreadsheet.You would almost certainly win that bet.I doubt many of them would even notice :)++

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    The only reason your Excel export works is that Excel knows how to interpret comma separated values as an input file format. Access has no such beast.
    If you absolutely must provide info in an mdb, one solution would be to create an ODBC datasource pointing to an empty mdb, then push data into it using the jdbc:odbc bridge, then make a copy of the file and stream it down to the browser. You may run into some ugly file locking items here - set the ODBC connection so it is not shared, and that might help.
    This one is going to be ugly.
    I suppose another approach would be to write a simple VB applicatin that uses automation to create an MDB, then stream that file down to the browser from your servlet. That would almost certainly be faster than the ODBC approach.
    - K

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    I had to use Oracle server again, I have a query over multiple tables, I am to run a scheduled script that will spit out the query result as a csv file.
    I started with SQL Developer Export wizard, in step "Specify Data", I am at a loss, where to specify the query itself? I see a Name,Schema,Type input, a text area below, Up,UpAll,Down,DownAll buttons etc etc. Where do I specify my query here? Can someone please help?
    Is this the best way to go about to schedule a data export (query to csv) daily?

    To export a user query rather than a whole table, run it in a worksheet and export using the context menu on the result grid. However none can be scheduled.
    Instead you can look at the SPOOL command and schedule it through SQL*Plus. Any questions can go to the iSQL*Plus and/or SQL And PL/SQL forum.
    Have fun,

  • Export query results into .csv file?

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    into a .csv file via a SQL Agent job since this will take quite a while to complete.
    Would using the following as an example template...
    INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Text;Database=D:\;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited','SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]')
    SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3
    FROM DatabaseName
    ...be the method or something else?
    If this is good to use I've tried running this but get the following error:
    Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 76
    Cannot process the object "SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]". The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions
    on that object.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Techresearch7777777,
    The error in your post says that the file FileName.csv has to be created with the column names in the first row. Like:
    Either you can create a schema.ini file under the same folder:
     Col1=Field1 [DataType]
     Col2=Field2 [DataType]
     Col3=Field3 [DataType]
    For the [DataType],you can reference
    Schema.ini File (Text File Driver)
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to upload the web query result  to CSV/Text file

    Kindly help me on the following.
    1)       I have info-provider (IP), which has info-objects "company code" and "supplier".
    2)       I built a query by putting company-code with a variable in free-charateristics and supplier-code in row.
    3)       When I run this query, it will ask company-code as input and the result will be filtered using company-code.
    4)       For this query, I created a web-template and assigned data-provider to display the data on the web.
    5)       The user wants to enter input company-code='1000' and write the data in a CSV file in a specific directory. i.e, by clicking the execute button (after entering company code) , the result should go to the CSV or text file. i.e. the application should automatically generate the file with query results.
    Note: The user should not use context menu to EXPORT TO CSV OR EXCEL file.
    Please let me know, if there is any tutorial. Thanks a lot advance help.

    Below method will create table when data is inserted from one table to another table. Its useful when you need exactly same datatype as source table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Insert data using SELECT INTO
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    INTO BothellAddresses
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
    DROP TABLE BothellAddresses
    Below method will need table to be created prior to inserting data. Its really useful when table is already created and you want insert data from
    another table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Create Table
    CREATE TABLE BothellAddresses (AddressLine1 NVARCHAR(60), City NVARCHAR(30))
    ---Insert into above table using SELECT
    INSERT INTO BothellAddresses(AddressLine1, City)
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
    DROP TABLE BothellAddresses
    Vishal Patel
    Blog: http://vspatel.co.uk
    Site: http://lehrity.com

  • SQL Query results to CSV as two worksheets

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    would be using AutoFit on the columns so everything is easily visible.
    Code found online got me the following script which does work, however it takes 12 minutes to pipe the SQL queries to Excel.  Switching to a CSV and the script executes in 5 seconds.
    This is another nice to have, I was also looking the best way to look at the results (only 1 column) and depending on the length of the data, insert what Excel would call a Cell thereby shifting cells RIGHT but so far have found no clear examples of how
    to accomplish that.  My guess would be modifying my SQL queries but I've posted a question on StackOverFlow and someone suggested modifying the PowerShell Table created from the SQL dataset.Tables
    $docs = "C:\Scripts\Output.xlsx"
    If (Test-Path $docs){Remove-Item $docs}
    Function Run-Query {
    ## - Create an Excel Application instance:
    $xlsObj = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $xlsObj.DisplayAlerts = $false
    $xlsWb = $xlsobj.Workbooks.Add(1)
    ## - Create new Workbook and Sheet (Visible = 1 / 0 not visible)
    $xlsObj.Visible = 0
    $time = 2
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $queries.Count; $i++){
    $percentage = $i / $time
    $remaining = New-TimeSpan -Seconds ($time - $i)
    $message = "{0:p0} complete" -f $percentage, $remaining
    Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Daily Reboot Spreadsheet" -status $message -PercentComplete ($percentage * 100)
    $query = $queries[$i]
    $sheetname = $sheetnames[$i]
    $xlsSh = $xlsWb.Worksheets.Add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value, $xlsWb.Worksheets.Item($xlsWb.Worksheets.Count))
    $xlsSh.Name = $sheetname
    ### SQL query results sent to Excel
    $SQLServer = 'ServerName'
    $Database = 'DataBase'
    ## - Connect to SQL Server using non-SMO class 'System.Data':
    $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $Database; Integrated Security = True"
    $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
    $SqlCmd.CommandText = $query
    $SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection
    ## - Extract and build the SQL data object '$Table2':
    $SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
    $SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $SqlCmd
    $DataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
    $Table1 = $DataSet.Tables["Table"]
    ## - Build the Excel column heading:
    [Array] $getColumnNames = $Table1.Columns | SELECT ColumnName
    ## - Build column header:
    [Int] $RowHeader = 1
    foreach ($ColH in $getColumnNames)
    $xlsSh.Cells.item(1, $RowHeader).font.bold = $true
    $xlsSh.Cells.item(1, $RowHeader) = $ColH.ColumnName
    ## - Adding the data start in row 2 column 1:
    [Int] $rowData = 2
    [Int] $colData = 1
    foreach ($rec in $Table1.Rows)
    foreach ($Coln in $getColumnNames)
    ## - Next line convert cell to be text only:
    $xlsSh.Cells.NumberFormat = "@"
    ## - Populating columns:
    $xlsSh.Cells.Item($rowData, $colData) = $rec.$($Coln.ColumnName).ToString()
    $rowData++; $ColData = 1
    ## - Adjusting columns in the Excel sheet:
    $xlsRng = $xlsSH.usedRange
    [void] $xlsRng.EntireColumn.AutoFit()
    }#End For loop.
    #Delete unwanted Sheet1.
    #Set Monday to Active Sheet upon opening Workbook.
    ## ---------- Saving file and Terminating Excel Application ---------- ##
    $xlsFile = "C:\Scripts\Output.xlsx"
    [void] $xlsObj.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs($xlsFile)
    ## - End of Script - ##
    start-sleep 2
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsRng)) {'cleanup xlsRng'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsSh)) {'cleanup xlsSh'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsWb)) {'cleanup xlsWb'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsObj)) {'cleanup xlsObj'}
    [gc]::collect() | Out-Null
    [gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() | Out-Null
    }#End Function
    $queries = @()
    $queries += "Query1"
    $queries += "Query2"
    $sheetnames = @('Cert','Prod')
    Run-Query -queries $queries -sheetnames $sheetnames

    Here's what I ended up with that accomplishes my goal.  I learned it's not possible to create a CSV with two worksheets since Excel will allow this but the CSV cannot be saved with the second worksheet.  Instead, I create two CSV files then merge
    them into one Excel workbook, one CSV per worksheet.  In my case, this happens in 5 seconds.  There is one thing which must be mentioned, I've seen this script fail the first time it is run but will successfully run the second time.
    Also note, after much trial and error, this code correctly cleans up the Excel ComObject!!  -Thanks go to JRV.
    $docs = "D:\Scripts\MonthlyReboots.xlsx"
    IF (Test-Path $docs){Remove-Item $docs}
    $csv1 = "D:\Scripts\Cert.csv"
    IF (Test-Path $csv1){Remove-Item $csv1}
    $csv2 = "D:\Scripts\Prod.csv"
    IF (Test-Path $csv2){Remove-Item $csv2}
    Function Run-Query {
    $SQLServer = 'ServerName'
    $Database = 'DataBase'
    $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $Database; Integrated Security = True"
    $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $Excel.Visible = 0
    $dest = $Excel.Workbooks.Add(1)
    }#End Begin
    For($i = 0; $i -lt $queries.Count; $i++){
    $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
    $SqlCmd.CommandText = $queries[$i]
    $SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection
    $SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
    $SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $SqlCmd
    $DataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
    $DataSet.Tables[0] | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "D:\Scripts\$($sheetnames[$i]).csv" -Force
    }#end for loop.
    }#End Process
    #Excel magic test!
    For($i = 0; $i -lt $queries.Count; $i++){
    $loopy = (Resolve-Path -Path $filenames[$i]).ProviderPath
    $Book = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($loopy)
    $next = $Excel.workbooks.Open($loopy)
    $xlsRng = $dest.ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    $xlsRng.EntireColumn.AutoFit() | Out-Null
    $xlsFile = "D:\Scripts\MonthlyReboots.xlsx"
    [void] $Excel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs($xlsFile)
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsRng)) {'cleanup xlsRng'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($next)) {'cleanup xlsSh'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Book)) {'cleanup xlsWb'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel)) {'cleanup xlsObj'}
    [gc]::collect() | Out-Null
    [gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() | Out-Null
    }#End end block.
    }#End function run-query.
    $queries = @()
    $queries += @'
    Select * from table1
    $queries += @'
    Select * from table2
    $sheetnames = @("Cert","Prod")
    $filenames = @("D:\Scripts\Prod.csv","D:\Scripts\Cert.csv")
    Run-Query -queries $queries -sheetnames $sheetnames -filenames $filenames
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
    Invoke-Item D:\Scripts\MonthlyReboots.xlsx

  • How to Publish the ABAP query results as csv

    I have a scenario and need help for the same, I need to query a table in CRM which has the long text information and publish or save the result as a csv file, is it possible? if so please tell me the steps and code if available

    Two formats of creating a CSV file:
    report zrich_0001 .
    data: it001 type table of t001 with header line.
    data: iout type table of string .
    data: xout type string.
    field-symbols: <fs>.
    select * into table it001 from t001.
    loop at it001.
      clear xout.
        assign component sy-index of structure it001 to <fs>.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
        if sy-index = 1.
          xout = <fs>.
          concatenate xout <fs> into xout separated by ','.
      append xout to iout.
    call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'
              filename = 'C:\test.csv'
              data_tab = iout.
    report ztest.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          vbeln like vbap-vbeln,
          posnr like vbap-posnr,
          end of itab.
    data:  itab1 type TRUXS_T_TEXT_DATA.
    select vbeln
           up to 10 rows
           from vbap
           into table itab.
        I_FIELD_SEPERATOR          = ','
        I_TAB_SAP_DATA             = itab
        I_TAB_CONVERTED_DATA       =  itab1
        CONVERSION_FAILED          = 1
        OTHERS                     = 2.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        filename = 'C:\TEMP\TEST.CSV'
        data_tab = itab1
        OTHERS   = 1.
    Use SE38.

  • Retrieving BEx Query Results Area for use in Excel formulas

    I run BEx queries in workbooks and then use Excel formulas ( mostly VLOOKUP(LookupValue, ResultsArea, ColumnReturned,) ) to retrieve certain information from the query ResultsArea.
    Depending on the query parameters, the query "Results Area" is larger or smaller.
    ****Non-optimal solution:
    One way to define the  ever changing Excel range occupied by the Results Area is to create an Excel name as:
    QueryRange = OFFSET(QueryFirstCell,,,COUNTA(OFFSET(Sheet1!$A:$A,,COLUMN(QueryFirstCell)-1,,)),COUNTA(OFFSET(Sheet1!$1:$1,ROW(QueryFirstCell)-1,,,)))
    Then, the only input required is the top-left cell of the Results Area, which stays the same (unless the query definition changes).
    What is the best way to refer to an ever-changing query Results Area in an Excel formula?
    Thank you!

    It is actually much easier than that.
    Use a VBA statement like the following:
    Set RptRng = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
    This will retrieve the data in the Results Area, no matter what the size is.
    Hope this helps...

  • Bug SQL Dev 1.5.4 Build MAIN-5940 Exporting count(*) query results

    when trying to export query results containing an analytic count the export dialog fails to open:
    When running the following query
    select count(*) over (partition by dummy order by rownum) xx
      from dual;right clicking on the results grid and selecting export->xls (or any other format) fails to open the export dialog box.
    changing the asterisk (*) to another value e.g. 1 or dummy corrects this issue for this particular query as does changing the analytic fuction to an aggregate function.
    Edited by: Sentinel on Aug 12, 2009 11:05 AM

    I get the same error when exporting the same statement - however, there is a known problem with 1.5.4 and failing on exports of certain statements (see 1.5.3 - Export results to XLS ORA-00936 which talks about there still being problems in 1.5.4 although the thread is titled 1.5.3).

  • BEx Query results not getting updated

    I am using a BEx Query based on a multiprovider which is fetching data from a multiple remote cubes and multiple regular cubes.
    Now when data in the source system is getting changed the corresponding remote cubes are getting update but query result are not getting re-fresh for at least 2 hours.
    We have already tried doing logging out and and logging into the bex system.
    Is there some cache setting which is required?
    Default cache mode in query is  'Main memory cache without swapping'.
    Kindly advice.

    Just generate your query once with program RSR_GEN_DIRECT_ALL_QUERIES.
    By selecting your multiprovider .

  • Output of BOBJ (Web Intelligence Reports) are twice BEx Query Result

    Hi Experts,
    Incase of first level of hierarchy, correct values (i.e same as BEx Query) are displayed in BOBJ reports . However on selecting two and more levels of Hierarchy, values,twice the corresponding BEx query values, are displayed in BOBJ reports .
    For e.g.
    For level one of hierarchy (one level of object from hierarchy ):
    Actual Amount keyfigure value in BEx Query : 100
    Actual Amount keyfigure Value in BOBJ Report : 100
    For if we select two and more levels of Hierarchy, then we get following inconsistent values:
    Actual Amount keyfigure value in BEx Query : 100
    Actual Amount keyfigure Value in BOBJ Report : 200
    We have implemented SP5 ,as suggested in SAP note 1373220 . However issue still persists...
    Can you please suggest, how to resolve this issue?

    We had the issue close to your issue. Basically, Webi does a Cartesian product of the characteristics value and duplicate the number of rows. But when we add the key figure in the report, it was showing the correct result.
    Not sure, why the Key figures are also duplicating in your case. Please try adding removing characteristics and see if that resolves your issue.
    - Danny

  • BEx-Query results in error in SAPLRRI2 and KFB_FUELLEN_CONST

    I hope anyone has a solution for the following problem.
    When applying the "Calculate with Attributes"-how-to, I got the following error message
    in a BEx-Query. It is reproducable and only occurs if I have a formula A minus B
    (key figure A alone and B alone work and A minus 123 also works; plus or multiply also do not work).
    It occurs before the parameter call, although the parameter is only a global filter.
    Unfortunaltely I had to translate the essential content of the error messages,
    for I only have the German ones.
    In the web I get (The proposal for characteristic ... does not fit to the filter.):
    Es wurde eine Abbruchmeldung gesendet.
    WARNING BRAIN (459): Die Vorschlagswerte für Merkmal ZMLST_USE stimmen mit dem Filter überein
    ABEND RSBOLAP (000): Programmfehler in Klasse SAPMSSY1 Methode : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    In the query designer I get (Systemerror in program SAPLRRI2 and form KFB_FUELLEN_CONST):
    Abbruch: Systemfehler in Programm SAPLRRI2 und Form KFB_FUELLEN_CONST -01- (Langtext beachten)
    Dieser interne Fehler ist ein gezielter Abbruch, da ein Programmzustand vorliegt, der nicht vorkommen darf.
    Analysieren Sie die Situation, und verständigen Sie SAP.
    Wenn der Abbruch bei der Ausführung einer Query, eines Web Templates oder bei der Interaktion im Planning Modeler aufgetreten und dies reproduzierbar ist, nehmen Sie ein Trace auf (Transaktion RSTT).
    Weitere Informationen zur Aufzeichnung eines Trace finden Sie in der Dokumentation zur Trace-Tool-Umgebung sowie im SAP-Hinweis 899572.
    Has anyone a clue? I use SAP BW 7.0 with a version from last summer.
    Best regards
    P.S. I think the following old note "UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION and filter of items or input help" (SAP Note Number: 950992) does not apply.
    See also thread "Error while executing query on portal-SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"
    Recommended help are:
    - "rebuilding the query and adding 0FISCVAR last"
    - "standard variable (filter on company code). I change it with another"
    - "reducing the BW OLAP Cache from 5 GB to 1 GB" (we have only 200 MB)
    - "Query Properties in the Variable Sequence Tab and remove any variable that is not being used"
    - At least till Spring 2008 seemed to be a problem in the SAP software, may be still be a problem.
    Found a workaround to design my query. But I still wonder why this does not work.
    Error message seems not appropriate for the problem, if any.
    Edited by: Thomas Köpp on Mar 10, 2009 3:36 PM

    Hi Thomas,
    I am experiencing exactly the same issue and after debugging my report on RSRT TCODE I get exactly the same exception error message: "KFB_FUELLEN_CONST-01-" on Program: "SAPLRRI2".
    Can you share please how you corrected the issue and/or what was the workarround you performed?
    Thanks in advance

  • BI BEX Query execution from ABAP into a File w/ Text

    We are currently running BI 2004s and have a requirement from a user to load a file (preferably excel but a csv or txt file would also work) on a server with the results of a BEX Query and they need the format to look exactly like the Bex results including the columns for the char. text that are specified in the Bex query properties.  If we could run this ABAP program in background and foreground - that would be a big plus.
    I have searched and reviewed many of the FM, programs and transactions in this forum to do something like this but the text is always missing.
    Any suggestions (the simpler the better) would be appreciated.

    Yes, I did try RSCRM_BAPI.  It looks very promising but the text is not there.  Example - Business area 9160 shows up but the text for it "SAFLEX" does not and this text does show up in BEx.

  • CMC - Cannot export "Check Relationship" query results to CSV - XIR3

    I'm trying to export the users belonging to a particular user group in CMC to a .CSV file.
    In order to do this, I go to "Users and Groups" tab and right-click on the desired group under the Group Hierarchy link.
    I select the >Tools Option and then > Check Relationships.
    The query generates all users assigned to that group but the EXPORT to .csv icon remains disabled.
    The EXPORT to .csv icon only seems to become enabled if I select Create Security Query, which does not seem to do what I need it to do.
    Is this lack of functionality for the Relationship Query by design or is this something like a user access level configuration issue?
    Is there an alternative approach to this?
    Thank you
    - Ment.

    Still the same issue on BO 4.0 SP8
    'Relationship Query' does not allow export to CSV option. However, it works fine for 'Security Query'.
    Is this an issues or is it intentional? Please can you suggest a work around?
    Is there any plan to change this in upcoming versions?
    Best Regards,

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