Exporting Captivate to server then playing

Once the SWF file is uploaded to the server, I go to play
from my website, and my 25 slide presentation takes 1 minute to
load, before it plays in my browser. There is very little graphic
action on my presentation some music narration, photos and some pop
ups. My server is Net firms. Is there something I can do to the
captivate SWF to give it a streaming effect, or have it play, right

Hi Hank Junior
How exactly are you opening your file? When you published,
did you only create a .SWF or did you also export the HTML page? If
you didn't export an HTML page, perhaps you should try this, then
place both the .SWF and .HTM files on the server. Then point at the
.HTM page in order to display the file.
Also, are you using a preloader? (Click Movie >
Preferences... > Start and End tab > Loading screen check
box) If you use a preloader, typically it loads and counts up to
60% before the movie commences. Otherwise, the movie has to
completely download to the browser before play commences. Not only
that, but you NEED to use the .HTM page to make the preloader work
correctly. At least if the browser is IE that is. I've seen other
reports here that seem to indicate that the preloader may work
without the associated .HTM if the browser is perhaps Firefox.
Hopefully this helps... Rick :)

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    You could download the iTunes version (a little over one gigabyte) to have a file to work with and use QuickTime Pro to export.
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    Fron the Pages Help menu:
    Using Sound and Movies
    You can add audio—a music file, a playlist from your iTunes library, or any other sound file—to a Pages document. You can add video that plays within a page.
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    Do you have Quicktime Pro? If you do you can add the movie to the audio track, scaling it to match the track's length, and export for iPhone.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    Okay.. First a big thanks!!
    I've resolved the path issues and am now experimenting with formats other than SCORM that will hopefully launch off our LMS (SyberWorks).
    I think I know what a cross domain issue is... it seems pretty self evident, (ie) .htm/.swf files live on a different server domain than video or audio files.
    I think all my files are on the same domain in the zip file. However, are the following paths also an example of a cross domain issue?:
    (this is where I upload, or publish Captivate files)
    http://gslcampus/ogslp/courses/2012videotest/videotestinternalsrvr/videotestinternalsrvr.h tm
    (this is where clients access the training modules via IE & the Syberworks LMS, intranet)
    One more..... when publishing with the Captivate > Internal Server option what path do I input to access the server?
    (backdoor for uploading files)
    http://gslcampus/ogslp/courses/2012videotest/videotestinternalsrvr/videotestinternalsrvr.h tm
    (actual internal, intranet url for accessing courses)
    PS when I upload files the following appears before the Z:
    Computer > SyberWorks (\\sousa)(Z:)
    Any advice would be appreciated - thanks for your time.

  • Data Pump - Trying to Export to *Another Server* Gives Error

    hi experts,
    I'm using on Windows.
    I want to create a Scheduler job to periodically refresh my test database from my production database which resides on a different Windows server.
    Using the Database Control GUI to create the Export job, if I specify a Directory that is on the other server, the job fails to create and I get this error:
    Export Submit Failed
    Errors: ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 488 ORA-29283: invalid file operation Exception : ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 79 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 2953 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 3189 ORA-06512: at line 2
    But if I use a local directory ie one that is on the same server that the export will run on.... no problem - job is created and it executes fine.
    ?? What is required to be able to export to a non-local destination?
    Thanks, John

    Thanks for the replies and ideas.
    This is what the GUI generated:
    h1 NUMBER;
    h1 := dbms_datapump.open (operation => 'EXPORT', job_mode => 'SCHEMA', job_name => 'DP_EXPORT_SSU', version => 'COMPATIBLE');
    dbms_datapump.set_parallel(handle => h1, degree => 1);
    dbms_datapump.add_file(handle => h1, filename => 'EXPSSU.LOG', directory => 'DP_FROMULTRAPRD', filetype => 3);
    dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'KEEP_MASTER', value => 0);
    dbms_datapump.metadata_filter(handle => h1, name => 'SCHEMA_EXPR', value => 'IN(''SSU'')');
    dbms_datapump.add_file(handle => h1, filename => 'EXPSSU%U.DMP', directory => 'DP_FROMULTRAPRD', filetype => 1);
    dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'INCLUDE_METADATA', value => 1);
    dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'DATA_ACCESS_METHOD', value => 'AUTOMATIC');
    dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'ESTIMATE', value => 'BLOCKS');
    dbms_datapump.start_job(handle => h1, skip_current => 0, abort_step => 0);
    dbms_datapump.detach(handle => h1);
    After I finally got the job to execute (by specifying a local path), the export completed successfully.... BUT the job does not appear as a Scheduler Job. I expected to see it there. In reading it seems that, to execute a DP job, you first have to attach it, then run dbms_datapump.start_job - is that correct?
    ** How can I see the data pump jobs that exist?
    I will create a database link and tweak my tnsnames file.
    Steve, I prefer to drive this from the Production server so I will use a Network Export from that server going to dump files on the Test server.
    ** But I'm confused by your statement saying "in either case, the job will run on the test server". ??
    2 years from now, when I have forgotten about all of this, I want to only have to look at the scheduled jobs on the Production server to determine all the jobs that depend on that server.
    I'll post back with the results of my little "experiment". Thanks for your suggestions.
    John - Memphis TN USA
    Edited by: user629010 on Dec 23, 2008 3:08 PM

  • Merge Two WAV File then play the result

    Hi All,
    I'm new In MM, I path for two wav file I want to merge them then play the result,
    anyone can help me asap?
    Thanks in Advance,

    You could do this in FCE by putting stills of your slides on V1 and speaker notes on V2 and adjusting their sizes so that each fills an appropriate portion of the screen. Then export the whole thing as a QuickTime movie which a viewer can start/pause/stop in QuickTime Player. It's not as elegant as what you envision, but I think this approach would work.

  • I have an apple iphone 4gs... It is synced with my outlook exchange in the office. If I do a search for emails that also checks the server then all of a sudden I end up with various amounts unread email with the inbox saying "Inbox 71" ..which is not true

    I have an apple iphone 4gs... It is synced with my outlook exchange in the office. If I do a search for emails that also checks the server then all of a sudden I end up with various amounts unread email with the inbox saying "Inbox 71" ..which is not true. The only way to make the inbox on the iphone back to 0 is to delete the account then re install it.
    Anyone have any ideas

    We need to know more about your system, please download EtreCheck and run the report and please post it on your next reply. Then we can see how your system is configured, what apps are on it and look for anything obvious. We will look forward to seeing your report.

  • I have some dts cd's that I want to import into itunes on a windows pc and then play back on my apple tv 3 (i think its 3, about 9 months old) to listen to through my onkyo amp via hdmi as dts, when I play back I just get white noise.

    I have some dts cd's that I want to import into itunes on a windows pc and then play back on my apple tv 3 (i think its 3, about 9 months old) to listen to through my onkyo amp via hdmi as dts, when I play back I just get white noise. I have seen lots of old posts which go on about converting files but am wondering wherher at the current time with the latest versions of itunes and apple tv whether this should by now be a virtual play out of the box solution.
    I have tried connecting my atv to the amp by optical cable but that didnt produce anything better and am assuming that a hdmi cable should be able to reproduce everything an optical cable does.
    Is this something I should be able to achieve without having to recode the files?
    Tracks are imported to itunes as apple lossless, have tried setting the atv audio settings to auto and 16 bit, neither works yet I was told some time ago by an apple rep that the atv shoud be able to handle any type of audio as it just passes it to the amp to decode. I am not stupid but not that technical when it comes to audio and bitrates etc so any explaination would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance for any help

    Willy, the procdedure you describe works perfectly for AppleTV G1. In fact, I frequently play DTS music discs ripped to my iTunes library as Apple Lossless (ALAC) and synched to the ATV. What happens is that, as far as iTunes and the ATV are concerned, a conventional stereo 16/44 audio file is being played; however my reciever detects the DTS data stream, and instead of outputting static, it decodes the 5.1 channels correctly. This process parallels the way DTS discs were designed to be played back: a conventional CD player is connceted, via digital out, to a DTS-aware reciever/pre-amp and the two channels of static are recognized as 6 channels of DTS-encoded audio.
    However this process will only work if the player (CD, ATV, PC, etc.) sends a "bit-perfect" 16 bit/44.1 khz data stream to the decoding device. In the case of ATV G2 and G3, as has been discussed elsewhere, the unit resmaples all audio - including 16/44 PCM (Redbook CD)  - to 16/48. While this is not a big deal for conventional audio CDs, MP3s, and AAC files, it mangles the fragile DTS datastream and renders it undecodable. The resulting static that you hear is just like the static you would hear if you played a DTS CD on a non-DTS capable system.
    Sadly, I'm not aware of any easy way around this. You could use a program like Foobar (and the DTS plugin) to convert your DTS CDs to 6-ch .wav or .flac file. From there you could transcode the file to AC-3 and then mux it into a video container that ATV supports. You may need add a dummy video track, for iTunes/AppleTV to be ok with the file, though I'm not sure. This may be a lot of work.
    Sorry for the bad news. I wish that the iTunes/ATV ecosystem had better multi-channel audio support.

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