Exporting Master Archive Copy of Project on Mac

I know, I know. There are like 100 threads on final export and the best ways to do it for archival purposes. But honestly, I'd read one and it would say one thing and then I'd read another and it would say another. I guess that makes sense since there probably isn't the ONE best way to do anything. But coming from FCP, to export a archive copy of your final project you simply selected EXPORT>Quicktime Movie and it would do it all for you with no adjusting or tweaking of any settings necessary. It simply would save it using your sequence settings as a copy that you could use as an archive OR (and this part is important to me) you could take that file and bring it back into Compressor later if you wanted to encode this master copy into other formats (DVD, Bluray, H.264 for web, etc.) with the least amount of quality loss. Its almost as if you had exported the video directly from the original timeline. That's what I'm looking for here.
All that being said, I know there is a "Match Sequence Settings" box in Adobe Media Encoder which one would think would be similar to FCP's "EXPORT>Quicktime Movie" option but I've read in various threads not to use that and it made me nervous anyway because when you select it the "quality" slider is set to 50% and greyed out and the resulting file was going to be .mpeg which I didn't know if that was the best option or not to preserve quality. My original source footage is AVCHD so I've been going back and forth editing native and editing in ProRes 422.  Since I'm on a mac (2011 27" iMac i7 with 16gb ram, AMD 6970M card etc.), I've read of a few options:
1) Quicktime using the Animation Codec.
2) The mac version of the UT video setting
3) ProRes HQ or 422 (however I've also read that this isn't the best option if you want to re-export the footage later into other formats)
Various other virtual and lossless  methods but many of which seem to be for PC users. I am a mac user.
My goal is to have a master copy that will need no more editing but one I can drop into AME or even Compressor to make future DVDs, BLURAYS, High quality H.264 files for web delivery, etc.
While I realize there isn't one answer probably, what are the advantages/disadvantages of the 3 methods above and is there a better way to export a file for archiving and possibly re-encoding later. File size doesn't really matter. Well, within reason. With FCP, an hour long sequence would usually be under 50gb if I remember right. So anywhere in that ballpark (or a bit higher even) is cool with me.
Please feel free to describe in detail the steps to making this MASTER file of the final edit.
Thank you!

Jim Simon wrote:
they all lose chroma detail by sub-sampling to 4:2:2.
That's only true of the UT codec if you use one of it's YUV options.  UT also offers RGB.
Plus, with most source material being recorded in YUV 4:2:2 at best, archiving to the same is not a really a major issue.
Yes I agree Jim.
I personally have a problem/criticism with Ut RGB since it saves in the RGB colorspace. I just don't think it's a good idea with footage being YUV to be doing a rec601 or rec709 conversion when I know for a fact (as a developer) that the transform matrixes are not always correct - 1 of the 3 years of development of x264pro was getting the colorspace handling correct for every possible pixel format that Premiere/AME can process.
I do disagree with the theory that since the source is 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 that you don't need any better. If you do hard cuts and no scaling I'd agree but anything more involves manipulation of the footage as 4:4:4. So, if your long term archive format (ie Master) or short term (ie Diigital Intermediate) is ever going to be manipulated again why damage the result of any of those editing actions (cross dissolves, any Fx, or any Color Correction for that matter)?
I fully acknowlege that we're talking about a very small amount of error - and only comes into play if you're compressing the final Master as pretty much lossless but for me I want a Master to be, well, ... a Master. I (personally) define that as being a perfect reproduction of the timeline without the ability to change the editing/Fx decisions made. It's nit picky but it's what I think since storage is DIRT CHEAP. The salary burn in just reading this thread just paid for another 2Tb. We'll all save thousands of RAW camera files (6-10Mb per image) without any concern for size so why are we even flinching at the idea of another Gb here and there for a Master video file?

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    This should give you some good insight, I'd probably store them on an External HD on the old machine and then just drag and drop to the new machine.

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    Hi Cliff,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    For your particular workflow to be successful, the media needs to be stored outside the Library (External Media). It is important that the media that is being shared is identical on all drives or computers.  The resource below will provide additional information and best practices for working with media in the new Final Cut Pro 10.1.1 environment.  See Page 4 regarding Managed vs. External Media.
    Managing Media with Final Cut Pro X Libraries
    Managed and External Media
    Media that you import into a specific library is stored inside the library and is referred to as managed media. Media can also be imported or copied to any location on a connected volume and linked to the library as external media. Multiple users can access this external media instantly on shared storage, including a storage area network (SAN) such as Xsan, Apple’s SAN file system.
    Page 16-18 includes suggested workflows for collaborating with other editors.  The Transfer Library option on page 18 may work well for your particular situation:
    To hand off new events to a working library using a transfer library
    Another way to hand off new events to a working library on shared storage is to create an intermediate library, or “transfer” library. For example, an assistant editor can create a transfer library containing new events to be handed off to the primary editor, and then copy the new events from the transfer library to the primary editor’s working library.
    1. On the system you want to transfer from, select the events you want to hand off.
    2. Choose File > Copy Events to Library > New Library.
    3. In the window that appears, type a name for the new library, navigate to a location for the new library, and click Save.
    4. If you want to include optimized or proxy media in the new transfer library, select the appropriate checkboxes in the window that appears, and click OK.
    5. In the Libraries list, select the newly created library and choose File > Close Library.
    6. On the destination system, open the new transfer library by choosing File > Open Library > [library name], and drag the updated events to the working library.
    Note: Motion templates are not managed as assets within the library but are instead stored in ~/Movies/Motion Templates/. If a project is dependent on custom titles or other Motion templates, these must be handed off separately. Placing updated Motion templates in a central location on shared storage as a last step in any handoff process guarantees that all editors working on a project can access the templates at any time.
    I hope this information helps ….
    - Judy

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    johnnyapplesod wrote:
    exporting qt files and rendering project files now takes longer than my old machine
    It's because the PowerMac G5 had HUGE bandwidth with a fat BUS on each processsor so they could run hard, hot and heavy.
    It's not so with the Intel processors which are multi-core and share a common bus thus bottleneck.
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    I've had a wickedly fast dual processor (not dual core) G5, RAID 0 pair of 10,000 RPM drives as boot and a fast video card, I could do a lot very very fast.
    You'll likely have to upgrade to Final Cut X to get more cores utilized, prepare to cry a little bit, Apple is working on the features they stripped out of it to make amends to pro users who complained loudly. (all over TV too)
    http://www.loopinsight.com/2011/09/20/apple-releases-major-update-to-final-cut-p ro-x-release-demo-version/

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    The project file (project.prel) created in Premiere Elements Windows cannot be opened in Premiere Elements Mac. The reverse is also true.
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    into Premiere Elements Mac new project. But, from what you wrote about your present circumstances, this does not seem to be possible.
    This is the situation with Premiere Elements (any version).
    Be aware that there are several Windows Only features in Premiere Elements.
    Please do not hesitate to ask if any questions or need further clarification on anything written here.
    Thank you.

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    Russ H wrote:
    Returning to when you turned off BG Renderiing and deleted project and event renders, did you delete all renders? And before you tried exporting, did you leave BG Rendering off and did you try exporting without manually rendering?
    I did delete all renders. I did not manually render anything. BG Rendering off, I clicked export master file and that was all.

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    As Shane said, if you captured using TIme Code, and you still have the (properly labeled) original tapes with no breaks in Time Code, you can safely trash your Media files as FCP will accurately recapture if needed in the future. But if you used Capture Now, you’ll have a non-time code project and you’ll need to preserve the original Media Files as they can’t be accurately re-captured.
    All still images, Motion files, Titles etc etc should also be preserved in the same folder as your Project File.
    If you just want to save your movie as it is, you can print to video - BUT . . . it will only give you an replica of the movie - there will be no clips to edit in the future and all transitions are embedded, so they can't be edited either.
    If you had several audio tracks, they'll be boiled down to one track - so no editing there either.
    Alternatively, use Media Manager to copy the project to one folder on an external drive - giving it a new name. MM can move just the part of a long Media File that's needed - and junk the rest.
    This will free-up loads of space if you have large or duplicated Media Files.
    Then, after you're satisfied that the new project will play from that drive, you can trash the original. But remember, MM won't copy Motion files etc etc - check that everything's there before you trash the original. I like to make certain of this by having the drive which contains the original, disconnected when playing back the copy. You can't be too certain!
    Render files can be trashed as you can re-render at any time.
    Hope this helps.
    G5 Quad 8GB. 250+500 GB HDs. G-Raid 1TB. FCP 5.1.1. Shake 4.1. Sony HVR Z1E   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    "I've taught you all I know, and still you know nothing".

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    Matthew P

    This will probably get moved over to the appropriate forum, since this isn't about CS5, but...
    Lagarith or Ut Video Codec
    Since you're using CS3, you need the 32-bit version of either of those.
    For uncompressed, your options would be Microsoft AVI with None as the codec, or QuickTime with None as the codec. Both are playable (well, they can be opened, but realtime playback may not be feasible) on either a PC or Mac.
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    In iDVD, there is an option to save your project as a project archive. Meaning, normally the iDVD project file is rather small because it references the files it needs elsewhere on your hard drive, like in your iMovie project. If you copy this project file to another computer, it won't work because all the other associated files needed get left behind.
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    so where I'm at now: i have a 13 min short, all shot on my canon g20, imported and converted to prores422 with the brorsoft video converter with all the shots in a single event in fcpx. i'm using fcpx version 10.0.08. I have one main video track in my timeline that is completely full of very fast edits. (all quick 2-5 second clips, sped up shots in 2x, 4x, or 8x, tons of transitions, titles, and a little fx. theres 2 audio tracks, one is narration/speech and the other is an ongoing music track that constantly ducks everytime the subject speaks (tons of ducks/edits). Have you seen mtv cribs? Well i filmed an EXACT replica. So If you've seen one of those episodes, its literally the same exact same thing. I have all of my work completed, everything has been fully rendered, and i have it exactly as I want it.
    I'm including all this information in case it may help. my successful projects ive exported in the past were rather simple, and this one is very complex and full of edits. here is what it looks like in the timeline:
    Ive tried exporting the master file using almost all the different ways with no luck. My primary objective is to get it on youtube by any means by tommorow for a showing to a potential buyer (long story) and so I've been told using the h.264 is the best format for that. This, along with the other methods give me the same error message:
    It think it gives this error message when i reach 24% everytime during export.
    So first of all, what is that error message? Do i need to be concerned about the specifics of it, or is there something major that I'm missing? Like i said, i dont care how, but I need to get this video up on youtube tonite for an important viewing tomorrow. Conceptually, I think if i can figure this one out I shouldnt have any more trouble in the future doing something so basic, yet critical, such as exporting my 40+ hours of work for someone to see.
    anyway, I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge with this software, and for my extremely long winded question which will probably have the opposite effect for me as most wont want to take the time to read all this, BUT i figured if i was as thorough as possible it might help actually getting a concrete answer, instead of a "read the manual, exporting is on page 37." or "use the share button on the right of the timeline then just click export master file and it will work everytime."
    Cheers everybody, and thank you. Like i said if someone is up, and willing to talk via skype, phone, messanger or any other method that works for you I would be totally down and will compensate you generously for your time. thanks again.

    boom! that advice was correct and worked. i was able to export the full project as a quicktime movie and it can be uploaded to youtube.
    NOTE, theres is definately quite a few noticeable audio glitches/lags/pops that werent there before doing this. I believe, and will test to make sure, that having a project such as this one needs to render before exporting. I'm not sure if the advice requires the project to be unrendered before exporting for a specific reason, because if it will export fine after rendering the project that's the way to go. like i said the edited version i have in my timeline plays back perfectly but this exported version has quite a few noticeable audio glitches (a few video glitches too). I'm going to retry doing the first few steps of your advice, but then at the end render, then export and compare the results...
    OK, so this leads to a big question, Is this something that is standard for everyone when trying to export? If its not, what causes this error?
    is there any way of preemptively avoiding it in future projects?
    thanks again, and hopefully this information will help others as exporting seem to be one of the biggest problems in fcpx. any word on a new patch or firmware update?

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    You need to export your project via the Share command.
    Share > Export Movie.... (or Share > Export using QuickTime).
    That will render your project (combine and set all the events, stills, audio etc).
    When completed you can then take that exported file and import it into iMovie on another computer (or back into your own) as a new Event.
    You can then start a new project, load that event file and continue editing.

  • How can I save/export a Flash Builder ActionScript Project?

    Is it possible to do this and then copy the project to another machine and open the project up in Flash Builder?

    Please remind me what computer operating system you are using for your Premiere Elements 13?
    I do not think that is involved. I suspect it is the thin scroll bar but let us check that out.
    Let us say that you want want to export an .avi file, you use that thin scroll bar to scroll through
    Windows Media
    until you scroll to AVI and then make your choice of preset for AVI. If you decide the AVI default preset is not what
    you want, then you press on the Advanced Button for that AVI preset to get at the preset customization area.
    As you can see, there is more scrolling to be done to get to Windows Media (wmv) which is further toward
    the bottom of the list.
    Please consider and let us know the outcome. If those choices are really missing, then we are in major trouble
    which may require a program uninstall, ccleaner run through, and reinstall with antivirus and firewall(s) disabled.
    We will be watching for your results.

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    I need pdf files so I can export, not hard copy. When I 'print' then 'save as pdf', I get blank docs. Why? How can it be resolved?

    Which version of Acrobat?
    What app are you printing from?
    Which version of Mac or Windows?
    Do these seem to be normal PDF documents - but just blank pages? How many blank pages?

  • I need help exporting Apple Mail messages to Outlook for MAC 2011

    Good morning,
    I need help exporting Apple Mail messages to Outlook for MAC 2011. Please....

    It is possible to do this without external tools, but it is a tremendous faff. See
    http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/mac/forum/macoffice2011-macoutlook/import-ema il-from-mail-to-outlook-2011/5e858173-e1f4-4adc-99d7-253cc467169d?page=2 for details.
    The easiest way, however, is to use Mail Exporter Pro https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mail-exporter-pro/id675131616?mt=12 which will convert the email for you from one format to the other, and comes with an excellent manual.
    A third possibility is to connect Apple Mail to an email account via IMAP (this doesn’t have to be your usual account, you can just create a Gmail account for the purpose) . Copy all the messages into it and they will be uploaded. Then connect Outlook 2011 to the same account, via IMAP again, and let the messages download, then copy them to wherever you want to keep them and disconnect from that account. This is slow but preserves the attributes of your email (e.g. read/unead) better than any other method.

Maybe you are looking for