Exporting widescreen

I figured out how to edit my movie in widescreen 16:9 format in FCE, but when I export it to quicktime, it makes it an anamorphic 4:3. How do I export it and preserve the 16:9 format?

Does the footage look ok from within FCE4?
Is the footage captured DV or HDV?
If not, did you use the "Easy Settings" to configure for the right capture.
i.e. anamorphic such as the DV-PAL Anamorphic, assuming you are using PAL here.
What about your sequence, does it have the anamorphic checked?
What are you export to???
On export (as Movie) from FCE4 it will play in QT as 4:3 until you change the width to 1024.
Exporting as a conversion is a little bit more fiddle, you should be able to do it and change the aspect or dimensions.
If i creating an iPod size version the workflow is different for as I use my Elgato software and device to get it right. Typically for 16:9 footage 480x270 and for 4:3 480x320.
Message was edited by: peterjohndean

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    Hello Todd,
    apparently the anamorphic flag got lost somewhere, or is just not seen by iDVD. You can try to trash iDVD preferences, repair permissions, make a new iDVD project ... if that doesn't help you can try to re-install iDVD.
    I personally would simply make a disk image, then fix the error with myDVDedit (http://www.mydvdedit.com/). I know this may sound stupid but you'll need to correct the DVD anyways, since iDVD always outputs as "16x9 pan-scan & letterbox".
    hope this helps


    Hey Guys:
    I've been working on different settings for a while and can not seem to find the right combo. I have DV NTSC footage that was shot 16 x 9 (widescreen).
    I take those clips after importing and try to put into my timeline.
    I set the timeline settings at 4:3 and then with the anamorphic 16 x 9 aspect ratio. When I export and then play it in Quicktime. The widescreen is not there. Meaning the black bars on top and bottom are gone and it is a regular squared up picture. Can anyone think what I might be doing wrong?
    Thanks so much for your time,

    What version of FCP are you using .. I thought this was addressed in FCP7.
    16:9 "Anamorphic" is really 16:9 video stretched to fill a 4:3 frame ... yes it really is. During playback by apps that know what the correct display format should be its just squeezed down to 16:9 again (but the raw video is still 4:3). What you are seeing with Quicktime Player is the raw aspect ratio ... and thats because Quicktime Player doesn't know that it should display it as 16:9
    Open the clip in *Quicktime Player 7*, then press Cmd-I to show the *Movie Inspector* window.
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    Does it display as 16:9 for playback now?

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    You mean 720x480 Anamorphic, yes?
    Here's what I do...
    File - Export - QT Conversion
    Then, click OPTIONS and change size to 420x270.
    That will force 'widescreen' no letterbox.
    Then, I load that to youtube directly and IT takes care of the letterboxing.
    Good luck,

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    WMA is Windows Media Audio. I think what you meant is WMV (Windows Media Video). To export to that format on a Mac you'll need Flip4ac, available from www.flip4mac.com Once you've installed it, it adds the WMV and WMA export option to QT and other apps such as Sorenson Squeeze.

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    -Evan Jacobs

    It sounds like you are editing in a 4:3 sequence.
    Your sequence must be 16:9, then export as current settings.

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    Please someone, talk some sense!

    The other formats won't let me change the frame size from 720x576.
    If you're attempting to go from a DV source (judging by the screenshot you posted, you are) to a DV output (which you are if you're going to MS DV AVI or to QuickTime DV MOV), you have no other option than to encode at 720x576, period. That's what DV is (in PALLand, anyway; in NTSCVille, it's 720x480). It doesn't matter if you're coming from or going to a standard 4:3 aspect ratio or a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio, as long as you're using a DV codec your files will alwaysalwaysalways be 720x576. The differentiation between the display aspect ratio or DAR (4:3 or 16:9), therefore, comes from the pixel aspect ratio, or PAR--in other words, what shape are the pixels? For standard DV sources, the pixels' width-to-height ratio is smaller; for widescreen DV sources, the pixels' width-to-height ratio is larger. Note that these are relative, and not absolute, as I'm speaking in generalities about DV--NTSC DV and PAL DV PARs differ. As Jim pointed out, some programs are able to properly read the PAR written into a DV (or other video) file, while some simply read the raw pixel count, which in your case is 720x576. That's why it looks weird and not what you want when played back--the footage is all there, but not drawn as you'd like.
    The only real safe bet, in my mind, is to use square pixels when encoding for computer playback, especially when dealing with less-than-technically-savvy clients. Computers use square pixels, and that's what they like. Encode using square pixels for web playback and local playback formats (like WMV, FLV, H.264, some QT flavors), and you'll avoid the weird stretchies. This does, of course, involve some small amount of computation on your part to determine what is the proper pixel count when using square pixels, but in the case of 16:9 widescreen display, it's usually just a case of dividing your height by 9, and multiplying that result by 16 to get the width. Punch those values into AME, and set your pixel aspect ratio to Square Pixels, and you should be in good shape... pun slightly intended.

  • Aspect ratio squeezes when exporting widescreen titles/effects to dv camera

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    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    That's interesting.
    iMovie HD 6.0.2 seems to flag the titles it renders in widescreen projects as 4:3:
    I did a quick test by creating a widescreen PAL project and added a title. Then I opened the normal footage media clips with MPEG Streamclip and it reported them as 16:9, but the rendered title clips were reported as 4:3. iMovie played both OK. My TRV320's LCD played untitled and titled clips similarily to a TV, but I did have to manually set the TV to 16:9 -- it automatically switched only to 14:9.
    The TRV320E seemed to re-import back to a widescreen iMovie project OK.
    I haven't used 16:9 in any "real" projects so this was just a quick observation. BTW, my old TRV320E does anamorphic 16:9 so there are no black borders around the image.


    Everything when I am editing looks good, it is in widescreen etc. I shot HD with a 1080i 60. When I go to capture using the Easy Setup for 1080 60i everything looks fine, and when I edit everything is fine as well. Its just when its time to export whether I use quicktime or compressor, the final exported video is stretched and is no longer in widescreen or contains the letterboxing. If anyone could help with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks,

    I use compressor, and export the same way I always have done so I am confident it doesnt have anything to do with the export settings, I feel it is something so simple like im not doing something I need to do because its in HD or something along those lines. When it did work however Everytime I added any video, I had to render it. Now when I add video to the timeline, it doesnt need rendering unless an effect is used on it. Maybe I captured differently than the first time as well. Im confused and please if you think its something very obvious dont hesitate to say it, expect it being the simplest problem when it comes to me and FCP. Thanks!

  • CS4 Exporting widescreen AVI or Quicktime problems...

    Ive been pulling my hair out with this one for a long time and can't seem to get anywhere with it despite searching the net for an anwer that works for me.
    I simply want to export a short video as a PAL widescreen AVI or Quicktime movie, I really don't mind which.
    My problem is that no matter what settings I try, the video either comes out slightly stretched with black bars to the left and right (below left) or reduced in size rather than fullscreen (below right).
    The images below are from VLC player set to fullscreen viewing. I thought it might be an isue with VLC but I get the same problem when I try it with Quicktime player and when I uploaded the final video to the net...  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RZuhsrM6tY
    The settings that got me the above results are:
    Format: Microsoft AVI or Quicktime
    Preset: Pal DV Widescreen
    Codec: DV Pal or H.264
    Width and Height: 720 x 576 (greyed out and locked, unless using H.264 Codec)
    I've tried interprating my footage to conform to the pixel aspect ratio of  D1/DV PAL Widescrren 16:9 (1:4587)  which helped  but the image is still not fullscreen if you see what I mean?
    If anyone can tell me what settings I should be using I would be eternally greatful because I'm going to lose my mind if I don't figure it out soon. Surely it can't be that difficult or unusual export format!?
    Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

    Jim Simon wrote:
    The problem is with the players.  You need to tell them to unsquish the video manually.  They don't do it automatically.
    YouTube needs a square pixel export.  You would not use this export for upload to YouTube.  You'd export a separate file specifically for that.
    how do I manually tell the players to do that?
    I am struggling with the same issue: DV PAL is always 4:3  720x576 - so where does the "PAL DV Widescreen" export setting (PAR parameter) come into play?
    DV PAL 720x576 16:9 letterbox source footage was captured at PAR 1.0940
    sequence is same PAR
    what should be my export settings for:
    1. creating a file to be displayed correctly on a flat screen TV monitor using a DVD standard player
    2. creating a file to be  displayed correctly on a computer monitor using a Windows OS / players
    3. creating a file to be uploaded on youtube (I got that exported and uploaded and  displayed alright by tagging it yt:crop=16:9). I think I exported it as Sq pixel PAR
    4. Encore settings for creating a DVD with these videos to be  displayed on both TV monitor and PC monitor.
    All  export settings I tested the file with produced a lightly 'fattened' image when played back on my mac using QT, exept the Sq pixel export which looks perfect on my mac. No Sq pixel exported files show in QT player Info window: "720x576 (788x576)" - why is that?
    Thank you

  • HELP!!! Export widescreen as 4:3 letterbox?

    I want to know how to take my widescreen video and export it as 4:3 but with the letterbox bars at the top and bottom. I have both widescreen and 4:3 video and I want to mix them in DVDSP but put them on the same track. Thanks so much! BTW, I have Final Cut Studio 3.

    CCMovies wrote:
    I want to know how to take my widescreen video and export it as 4:3 but with the letterbox bars at the top and bottom. I have both widescreen and 4:3 video and I want to mix them in DVDSP but put them on the same track. Thanks so much! BTW, I have Final Cut Studio 3.
    Your original production formats would be helpful information.
    There is extensive letterboxing information in the manual. You have not explicitly stated what your final screen image will be but I am going to assume you want to play your DVD and have 4x3 and widescreen seamlessly intercut. You do not necessarily want to do that in DVDSP. You want to give DVDSP a single flattened movie.
    There are a few different ways to achieve the effect. The one I recommend, since you're new to this, is to build your project in FCP, applying letterbox mattes where necessary, create and then export a single, flattened, standard def movie that you will import into DVDSP.

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    Help! By this evening I'll have to figure out how to export a widescreen quicktime to dvd-r. I tried 'send to idvd' but I don't know idvd and can't figure out how to disable the preset menus. I don't want any floating drop zones for this project, just a simple self-running slideshow on a plasma widescreen, for my boss's wedding anniversary. That's why it's top priority...

    Hi Lori,
    that link is very useful, thanks.
    In the meantime I managed to eliminate the unwanted pieces from a theme, so I ended up with a single text-button on the first screen. The dvd-r I burned worked perfectly well on my own dvd player and widescreen tv.
    My boss's wife was very happy with the slideshow and music. I just hope the dvd will run on their system as well. If it doesn't, I'll spend friday night rebuilding the show without the 16:9 stretch, for display on a computer...

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    Help! After creating my widescreen slideshow (1024x768), I found the only export option is 640x480. If this issue has been addressed previously, forgive me, as the search option on the server isn't working.

    I figured it out. You need to "share" the slideshow to iDVD in order to export it in a widescreen format.

Maybe you are looking for