Express Mail Popup

   When users on logged on system and they receive express mail, they get notification through express mail pop up.
But when users are not logged on and they get express mail – it goes to their inbox but they do NOT get popup when they log on next.
What could be the reason.

Hi Aj,
Go to Tr. SO16 on the users tab you will have flag, where you can set up wether you want a pop-up about unread documents when users log on. You have to enable this here.
Best regards,

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    Does anyone know if there is a way to solve this??
    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by:

    It may be a network issue.
    1. Analyse generated SAGUI shortcut file.
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    Hello Tony,
    There is a way to disable this only at logon time.
    There is a flag in Office Shared Settings:
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    You should all this the supplier of the component.
    We don't now about the component.

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    One thing in there jumps out - the long time taken to connect to the internet after NetProtect was installed. McAfee is a notorious resource hog and that behaviour is typical of the symptoms which persuaded me and others to look for another AV. Microsoft Security Essentials has a light touch and many would recommend it, though there are several other effective, free AVs available. If you do uninstall NetProtect you should make sure to run the McAfee Removal Tool also.
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    You can click the white star next to this message if you think it was helpful.

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    Hey Snownina!
    Here is an article that will help you troubleshoot this Mail issue:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Mail
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

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    Thanks everyone and Happy New Year!
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    by default the mail botton goes to versamail..
    try changing the configurations of your mail botton...
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    personal categories
    then bottons
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    happy new year!!
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    Before sending the mail in the Receipient Tab next to Recip Type..there are there check boxes available.
    If u check the first check box,it automatically gives a pop-up to the user that an "Express document  '.....sub..text....' is received from the author...'....'.."...
    I think this will solve ur problem.

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    It an Outlook Express thing Firefox has nothing to do with it. But after saying that, if you view your mail with a browser and then open Outlook Express, it will not see it as new mail and leave it on the server.
    Also OE is really limited you should use Thunderbird mail
    or something else.

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    Hi, maryliz -
    There are a couple of things that could explain that, and from which recovery is relatively easy to do.
    The first is that somehow a second account (identity) got created, and Outlook Express has entered that one. Check in OE's menus (I don't recall which one it is) for an item Identities... - select it and see if there is more than one choice. If there is more than one, check the others to see if your email reappears,
    The second is a bit more complicated.
    Older versions of OE kept the email archives files in a folder named Main Identity in a folder named Identities in the program's folder. Newer versions of OE keep those files in a similar folder located here - (hard drive) >> Documents >> Microsoft User Data >> Identities >> Main Identity.
    If your current version of OE is one that had been updated from an older version, OE may have kept using the Main Identity folder in the program folder; and then, for reasons unknown, decided to create and use one in the Documents folder.
    Check to see if there is a Main Identity folder at both locations; and, if so, whether the one in Documents is about 144K in size, and the one in the program's folder much larger. If so, copy the entire contents of the Main Identity folder in the program folder to the one in the Documents folder - you will need to okay the replacement of same-name files.
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    If you are accessing your Comcast POP account with Outlook Express on your Windows PC, create your .Mac account as an IMAP account with OE.
    Create a .Mac server stored mailbox for Comcast received messages and another for Comcast sent messages.
    Copy the messages from the Comast Inbox and Sent mailbox to the designated server stored .Mac mailboxes.
    After doing so, when launching the on your Mac, these server stored mailboxes created with OE on your Windows PC and the transferred messages will be available.
    Create two "On My Mac" location mailboxes - one for the transferred Inbox messages and one for the transferred sent messages. Transfer the messages from the server stored mailboxes to these "On My Mac" location mailboxes. This process will store the messages locally on the hard drive and remove the messages from the server at the same time.

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    Hi, maryliz -
    There are a couple of things that could explain that, and from which recovery is relatively easy to do.
    The first is that somehow a second account (identity) got created, and Outlook Express has entered that one. Check in OE's menus (I don't recall which one it is) for an item Identities... - select it and see if there is more than one choice. If there is more than one, check the others to see if your email reappears,
    The second is a bit more complicated.
    Older versions of OE kept the email archives files in a folder named Main Identity in a folder named Identities in the program's folder. Newer versions of OE keep those files in a similar folder located here - (hard drive) >> Documents >> Microsoft User Data >> Identities >> Main Identity.
    If your current version of OE is one that had been updated from an older version, OE may have kept using the Main Identity folder in the program folder; and then, for reasons unknown, decided to create and use one in the Documents folder.
    Check to see if there is a Main Identity folder at both locations; and, if so, whether the one in Documents is about 144K in size, and the one in the program's folder much larger. If so, copy the entire contents of the Main Identity folder in the program folder to the one in the Documents folder - you will need to okay the replacement of same-name files.
    Do the preceding with OE not running. If it works, you should be able to access your old mail as soon as the copying is finished and you run OE.

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    Why does the exact same message pop up over and over and over again in rapid succession forcing me to click "ok" a dozen times to get rid of it?
    How do I stop this from happening?
    Thanks for any help!

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    After 3 hours again last night doing all the same insanity and about ready to throw in the towel and the phone across the room it started working again. Yeah! I must be brilliant! Happy Client all's good.
    Until this morning when I get a call that it's not working again! UGG
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    Would love some closure on this issue. I love the iphone I have had one since the beginning and am not experiencing these problems on AT&T is it Verizon? HELP

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