EXS24 "white noise" instead of patch

I have many custom exs files that play white noise instead of sound. This is clearly a logic exs24 issue because the same patches work fine in Kontakt 4. Has anyone else experienced this with custom exs files?

This is an old problem that relates to certain types of .wav (and possibly .aif files) that are old or sometimes ripped from CD or something. I can't tell you exactly what or why it happens but I know the workaround...
Basically I'm afraid you have to re-save every sample that is coming out as white noise as a new .aif and re-import it into EXS and it will work again.
You don't need to bounce them out, just go to 'save as' in the region overview and make sure you choose .aif and the relevent sample/bit rate. Don't leave as original...
Then you need to re-build your EXS instrument or overwrite the existing one with the new samples. It's not complicated and it will work but it can be long if you have loads of samples.
I used to get this problem with certain old .wavs imported from old CD-Rom sample discs and I think some files from my old PC. It has been discussed here before but doesn't come up much because it only seems to relate to very old files (something to do with old formats?). Anyway... enjoy

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    Willy, the procdedure you describe works perfectly for AppleTV G1. In fact, I frequently play DTS music discs ripped to my iTunes library as Apple Lossless (ALAC) and synched to the ATV. What happens is that, as far as iTunes and the ATV are concerned, a conventional stereo 16/44 audio file is being played; however my reciever detects the DTS data stream, and instead of outputting static, it decodes the 5.1 channels correctly. This process parallels the way DTS discs were designed to be played back: a conventional CD player is connceted, via digital out, to a DTS-aware reciever/pre-amp and the two channels of static are recognized as 6 channels of DTS-encoded audio.
    However this process will only work if the player (CD, ATV, PC, etc.) sends a "bit-perfect" 16 bit/44.1 khz data stream to the decoding device. In the case of ATV G2 and G3, as has been discussed elsewhere, the unit resmaples all audio - including 16/44 PCM (Redbook CD)  - to 16/48. While this is not a big deal for conventional audio CDs, MP3s, and AAC files, it mangles the fragile DTS datastream and renders it undecodable. The resulting static that you hear is just like the static you would hear if you played a DTS CD on a non-DTS capable system.
    Sadly, I'm not aware of any easy way around this. You could use a program like Foobar (and the DTS plugin) to convert your DTS CDs to 6-ch .wav or .flac file. From there you could transcode the file to AC-3 and then mux it into a video container that ATV supports. You may need add a dummy video track, for iTunes/AppleTV to be ok with the file, though I'm not sure. This may be a lot of work.
    Sorry for the bad news. I wish that the iTunes/ATV ecosystem had better multi-channel audio support.

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    I'm encountering the same problem as the original poster.  In my case, I'm using FCP 10.1 (running on OS 10.9.1).  My source file is DV video imported via FireWire from a DV camcorder.  The clip's audio is fine when playing inside of Final Cut Pro 10.1, but when I share the project the audio track is just white noise.  My share settings are to Apple 720p devices (the subseqent dialog boxes indicate the software has figured out it's really 640x480 video).
    Here's what the QuickTime Inspector says about the source file:
    DV/DVCPRO - NTSC, 720 x 480 (640 x 480)
    Linear PCM, 16-bit little-endian signed integer, 48004.6 Hz, Mono
    Linear PCM, 16-bit little-endian signed integer, 48004.6 Hz, Mono
    FPS:  29.97
    Data Size:  5.87 GB
    Data Rate:  30.30 Mbit/s
    Current Size:  640-480 (actual)
    I tried changing from "faster encode" to "better quality", but it made no difference.
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    I've been experiencing the same issue mattslote has described.  Like OP, the clip eventually "refreshes" and plays normal instead of as white noise.  For me, the "refreshing" took several minutes to occur.
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    Clip specs:
    Type: MXF
    File Size: 527.9 MB
    Image Size: 1920 x 1080
    Frame Rate: 23.976
    Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 16 bit - Stereo
    Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
    Total Duration: 00:01:25:12
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0
    MXF File details:
    Wrapper type: MXF OP1a (type: SingleItem SinglePackage MultiTrack Stream Internal)
    File generated by: CANON, XF100 (1.00)
    MPEG-2 422 Long-GOP
    Sequence specs:
    Timebase: 23.976fps
    Video Settings
    Frame size: 1920h 1080v (1.0000)
    Frame rate: 23.976 frames/second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels (1.0)
    Fields: No Fields (Progressive Scan)
    Audio Settings
    Sample rate: 48000 samples/second

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    it's very interesting that you're experiencing this while playback.
    I've (and many others....) got the same problem during recording, which by the way is a very painful experience or everybody that's wearing headphones..... normally people get the error message "disk is too slow" when that problem occurs!
    Since there is no official and unofficial cause for this problem and also no solution currently it's hard to say what's behind it.
    the only one thing i tried yesterday was playing around with the buffer size. in my case i experienced that crash yesterday a couple of times (in like 1-4 minute distances) when my buffer size was set to 128 samples. when i used a buffer size of 64 sample i dindn't get this error anymore. (don't ask me why, i can't explain it. another interesting thing is that the cpu usage doesn't show more when using only 64 samples)
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    1. It gets quite warm on the left palmrest, and gets uncomfortably hot between the keyboard and the screen. This is just during casual use, web surfing, downloading updates etc. The case temperature is about the same as my old 667MHz TiBook after it had been at 100% CPU for several hours (encoding video). I dread to think how hot the MBP will get doing something demanding.
    2. When closed the screen appears to be slightly bent, the gap at the two front corners is about 1mm wider than the gap at the latches.
    3. I have started to get hard crashes during the boot up sequence. Specifically after the grey apple I get the greyed-out multi-language reboot message and have to reboot. If I continue trying to reboot it eventually manages to get past the grey apple and boot up normally (usually this takes 2 or 3 attempts). I suspect this is due to something I've installed, possibly some Canon software for my MP750 printer.
    4. I have now heard a white noise/static sound coming from the right speaker on 5 occasions. Three of those occasions were while booting (one of them was when I first turned the MBP on! Not a good sign). The computer boots normally, but with this strange noise! The other two times where when I was launching apps. On each occasion the noise lasted about 3-5 seconds before stopping. It's more of a hissing noise, not a mooing or a whining noise. It sounds exactly like the speakers on a vinyl record player when the needle is in between songs.
    Obviously all of the issue are annoying. However I'm only REALLY concerned about item 4. Item 1 was kind of expected after doing some pre-purchase research. Item 2 is annoying in a £1800 laptop, but I can reluctantly live with it. Item 3 is frustrating but I'm sure I can 'cure' it by removing software (it only started happening after a day or two of fairly heavy use). Item 4, on the other hand, is intolerable
    Anyone have any suggestions? Advice appreciated. The nearest Apple store is about an hour away, so advice other than "take it to a Mac 'genius'" would be appreciated.
    17" MacBook Pro 2.16GHz Mac OS X (10.4.6) 2GB RAM

    Well, that was 15 minutes of life wasted typing out the above post that I'll never get back
    I was hoping for some sort of 'expert' advice from all the users here with thousands of posts. Evidently not.
    Anyway ... I have (kind of) fixed the problem myself. Resetting the power management unit almost completely solves the static noise problem. I say almost, because since resetting the PMU (about 2 weeks ago now) I have heard the static noise ONCE. This is compared to hearing it around 3 or 4 times a day prior to the PMU reset.
    This at least makes me slightly more confident that this is a software/firmware glitch, rather than a hardware fault.
    Hope this helps someone.

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    Being on the same Skype, version might help.

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    Does anyone know how I can fix this? Thank you.

    Do a backup.
    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.  Select Library. Then go to Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist.  Move the .plist to your desktop.
    Re-launch Finder by restarting the computer and test. If it works okay, delete the plist from the desktop.
    If the same, return the .plist to where you got it  from, overwriting the newer one.
    Thanks to leonie for some information contained in this. 

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    Where is your Calculator application located? Before you can put it into the Dock you need to remove the Question Mark. Select it with the mouse and drag it out of the until it "poofs" away. Now locate Calculator and drag its icon into the Dock.

  • How do I get rid of the white noise that plays over my music?

    I got 5 CDs today and I wanted to upload them onto my iTunes to put on my iPod. But when I put in 4 of the CDs I got white noise over the top of the music making it unlistenable. But the 5th album(Double CD) worked perfectly fine. I know the problem isn't the CDs because I played them through my PS3 and they were absolutly fine. If anyone can help. Its greatly appreciated.  
    Thank you.
    - DowellG8

    Go to Edit > Preferences > General > Import Settings and check the box for error correction, and then try one of the problem CDs again.

  • White Noise showing up in images after PDF Creation

    I am currently running into an issue making PDFs from InDesign CS4. Lately, our company has been getting some rather large jobs in to print and that's when this all started.
    The current job is 190 pages plus cover that will be perfect bound. The client, nor I can make one large PDF from this job so we have to break it up into sections. Usually each of the PDF sections has around 20-50 pages per.
    Now the issue we're running into is that on some of the pages, an image will end up with a bar or lines in it that looks like white noise. Like the image information was lost for a short period of time during the PDF creation from InDesign.
    Here are two pictures of pages from separate jobs and a close up on what's going on. **Second image was from a 32 page plus cover document we have already printed.
    Now in order for me to fix this issue is to just make a single page PDF of the effected pages in the document. I just wish I knew what was causing this issue so I know how to avoid it in the future. So far four jobs have been affected like this; two 32 page + cover jobs, a 64 page + cover job, and is job.
    We use a Rampage Workflow system here. My PDF settings in InDesign CS4 has all compression turned off, no profiles or color conversion turned on. I keep compression turned off because it seems sometimes, vector art done in Illustrator does not seem to come out looking well when RIP'd in Rampage.
    My main computer is a 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac with 4 BG of memory running Mac OS X 10.5.8.
    My current version of InDesign CS4 is 6.0.3.  If anyone has run into this problem or if anyone has any helpful hints for me, I could really use them please. If you need more information from me, I'll be happy to answer any questions.
    Thanks for all the help!

    That one has come up every now and then and has always been hardware as far as I know....  bad ram, bad cable, bad drive, bad network maybe even bad video card (?). 
    I see that the lines in the rotated pic are parallel with that pic, so maybe look at the machine where that pic was made and placed first, this is not definite, but you can get corruption in tiffs on machines with hardware errors and they may not be visible every time you open the file.
    Although probably a bigger clue is the fact that doing singles is working better, that would make me change the ram completely, suspecting a bad module.  Also, unplug peripheral devices and see if that has any bearing.

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