ExtendToolscript opens when I call script from photoshop

I asked this question over in general discussions by mistake so I though I would re-ask it here.
I have a Javascript that I have written that builds a interface of buttons in organised groups based on the contents of certain folders. Everything works fine but when you call it from photoshop and extendtoolscript isn't running it always opens it up. I have written a lot of scripts with interfaces and I have never had this problem. Its not a huge problem for me as I usually have this program open anyway but I intend to have a team of people using this script so if I could stop it somehow it would be much better.
Has anyone experienced this before? Or perhaps knows of functions that cause extendscript to open?
I can't see anything unusual in the script...
Any help would be appreciated!
var strtRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
var strtTypeUnits = app.preferences.typeUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS;
var templatepath = "~/Desktop/BANNERS/";
var bannerfile = ""
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var fileArray = new Array();
                var sourceFolder = Folder (templatepath + "MAIN/");
                var extRE = /\.(?:png|gif|jpg|bmp|tif|psd)$/i;
                // get all files in source folder
                var docs = sourceFolder.getFiles();
                var len = docs.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                var doc = docs[i];
                                // only match files (not folders)
                                if (doc instanceof File) {
                                                // store all recognized files into an array
                                                var docName = doc.name;
                                                if (docName.match(extRE)) {
            var w = new Window ("dialog", "Choose a Banner");
            w.preferredSize = [400, 100];
            w.orientation = 'row';
            w.alignChildren = "left"
            w.alignChildren = [ "fill", "fill"];
            w.btnPnl = w.add('panel', undefined, 'MAIN');
            w.btnPnl.btn = w.add ("group");
            w.btnPnl.btn.alignChildren = "left"
            var buttonarray = new Array ();
            var key = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < fileArray.length ; i++) {
                var delimeter = '/';
                var string = String (fileArray[i]);
                var splitted = string.split(delimeter);
                var thelength = ((splitted.length) - 1);
                var bannername = splitted[thelength];
                var delimeter = '.';
                var splitted = bannername.split(delimeter);
                var bannername = splitted[0];
                var checkdelim = "%20";
                var checkthat =  bannername.indexOf(checkdelim);
                if (checkthat == "-1") {}
                else {
                var delimeter = '%20';
                var splitted = bannername.split(delimeter);
                var counter = 0;
                while (counter < splitted.length){
                if (counter == 0){
                var bannername = (splitted[counter] + " ");   
                else if (counter == ((splitted.length) - 1)){
                var bannername = (bannername + splitted[counter]);
                var bannername = (bannername + splitted[counter] + " ");
                var counter = (counter + 1);
            if (fileArray.length > 6){
                    var divider = 2
                    var divider = 1
                var remainder = (i % divider);
                if (remainder == 0){ 
                w.btnPnl.btn = w.btnPnl.add ("group");
                w.btnPnl.btn.alignChildren = "left"
                } else {
                //x is not a multiple of y
                key = (String (fileArray[i]));
                w[key] = w.btnPnl.btn.add("button", undefined ,bannername );
                w[key].alignment = 'left';
                w.btnPnl.btn.addEventListener('click', button_pressed);
                function button_pressed (e)
               if (e.target.type == "button")
                $.writeln (e.target.text + " from panel " + e.target.parent.text);
                var buttonname = e.target.text;
                var checkdelim = " ";
                var checkthat = buttonname.indexOf(checkdelim);
                if (checkthat == "-1") {}
                else {
                var delimeter = ' ';
                var splitted = buttonname.split(delimeter);
                var counter = 0;
                while (counter < splitted.length){
                if (counter == 0){
                var buttonname = (splitted[counter] + "%20");   
                else if (counter == ((splitted.length) - 1)){
                var buttonname = (buttonname + splitted[counter]);
                var buttonname = (buttonname + splitted[counter] + "%20");
                var counter = (counter + 1);
                bannerfile = new File (templatepath + "MAIN/" + buttonname + '.png');
var fileArrayneon = new Array();
                var sourceFolder = Folder (templatepath + "NEON/");
                var extRE = /\.(?:png|gif|jpg|bmp|tif|psd)$/i;
                // get all files in source folder
                var docs = sourceFolder.getFiles();
                var len = docs.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                var doc = docs[i];
                                // only match files (not folders)
                                if (doc instanceof File) {
                                                // store all recognized files into an array
                                                var docName = doc.name;
                                                if (docName.match(extRE)) {
            w.btnPnl = w.add('panel', undefined, 'NEON');
            w.btnPnl.btn = w.add ("group");
            var buttonarray = new Array ();
            var key = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < fileArrayneon.length ; i++) {
                var delimeter = '/';
                var string = String (fileArrayneon[i]);
                var splitted = string.split(delimeter);
                var thelength = ((splitted.length) - 1);
                var bannername = splitted[thelength];
                var delimeter = '.';
                var splitted = bannername.split(delimeter);
                var bannername = splitted[0];
                var checkdelim = "%20";
                var checkthat =  bannername.indexOf(checkdelim);
                if (checkthat == "-1") {}
                else {
                var delimeter = '%20';
                var splitted = bannername.split(delimeter);
                var counter = 0;
                while (counter < splitted.length){
                if (counter == 0){
                var bannername = (splitted[counter] + " ");   
                else if (counter == ((splitted.length) - 1)){
                var bannername = (bannername + splitted[counter]);
                var bannername = (bannername + splitted[counter] + " ");
                var counter = (counter + 1);
            if (fileArrayneon.length > 6){
                    var divider = 2
                    var divider = 1
                var remainder = (i % divider);
                if (remainder == 0){ 
                w.btnPnl.btn = w.btnPnl.add ("group");
                w.btnPnl.btn.alignChildren = "left"
                } else {
                //x is not a multiple of y
                key = (String (fileArrayneon[i]));
                w[key] = w.btnPnl.btn.add("button", undefined ,bannername );
                w[key].alignment = 'left';
                w.btnPnl.btn.addEventListener('click', button_pressed);
                function button_pressed (e)
               if (e.target.type == "button")
                $.writeln (e.target.text + " from panel " + e.target.parent.text);
                var buttonname = e.target.text;
                var checkdelim = " ";
                var checkthat = buttonname.indexOf(checkdelim);
                if (checkthat == "-1") {}
                else {
                var delimeter = ' ';
                var splitted = buttonname.split(delimeter);
                var counter = 0;
                while (counter < splitted.length){
                if (counter == 0){
                var buttonname = (splitted[counter] + "%20");   
                else if (counter == ((splitted.length) - 1)){
                var buttonname = (buttonname + splitted[counter]);
                var buttonname = (buttonname + splitted[counter] + "%20");
                var counter = (counter + 1);
                bannerfile = new File (templatepath + "NEON/" + buttonname + '.png');
var fileArray180 = new Array();
                var sourceFolder = Folder (templatepath + "180/");
                var extRE = /\.(?:png|gif|jpg|bmp|tif|psd)$/i;
                // get all files in source folder
                var docs = sourceFolder.getFiles();
                var len = docs.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                var doc = docs[i];
                                // only match files (not folders)
                                if (doc instanceof File) {
                                                // store all recognized files into an array
                                                var docName = doc.name;
                                                if (docName.match(extRE)) {
            w.btnPnl = w.add('panel', undefined, '180');
            w.btnPnl.btn = w.add ("group");
            var buttonarray = new Array ();
            var key = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < fileArray180.length ; i++) {
                var delimeter = '/';
                var string = String (fileArray180[i]);
                var splitted = string.split(delimeter);
                var thelength = ((splitted.length) - 1);
                var bannername = splitted[thelength];
                var delimeter = '.';
                var splitted = bannername.split(delimeter);
                var bannername = splitted[0];
                var checkdelim = "%20";
                var checkthat =  bannername.indexOf(checkdelim);
                if (checkthat == "-1") {}
                else {
                var delimeter = '%20';
                var splitted = bannername.split(delimeter);
                var counter = 0;
                while (counter < splitted.length){
                if (counter == 0){
                var bannername = (splitted[counter] + " ");   
                else if (counter == ((splitted.length) - 1)){
                var bannername = (bannername + splitted[counter]);
                var bannername = (bannername + splitted[counter] + " ");
                var counter = (counter + 1);
               if (fileArray180.length > 6){
                    var divider = 2
                    var divider = 1
                var remainder = (i % divider);
                if (remainder == 0){ 
                w.btnPnl.btn = w.btnPnl.add ("group");
                w.btnPnl.btn.alignChildren = "left"
                } else {
                //x is not a multiple of y
                key = (String (fileArray180[i]));
                w[key] = w.btnPnl.btn.add("button", undefined ,bannername );
                w[key].alignment = 'left';
                w.btnPnl.btn.addEventListener('click', button_pressed);
                function button_pressed (e)
               if (e.target.type == "button")
                $.writeln (e.target.text + " from panel " + e.target.parent.text);
                var buttonname = e.target.text;
                var checkdelim = " ";
                var checkthat = buttonname.indexOf(checkdelim);
                if (checkthat == "-1") {}
                else {
                var delimeter = ' ';
                var splitted = buttonname.split(delimeter);
                var counter = 0;
                while (counter < splitted.length){
                if (counter == 0){
                var buttonname = (splitted[counter] + "%20");   
                else if (counter == ((splitted.length) - 1)){
                var buttonname = (buttonname + splitted[counter]);
                var buttonname = (buttonname + splitted[counter] + "%20");
                var counter = (counter + 1);
                bannerfile = new File (templatepath + "180/" + buttonname + '.png');
var fileArraymisc = new Array();
                var sourceFolder = Folder (templatepath + "MISC/");
                var extRE = /\.(?:png|gif|jpg|bmp|tif|psd)$/i;
                // get all files in source folder
                var docs = sourceFolder.getFiles();
                var len = docs.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                var doc = docs[i];
                                // only match files (not folders)
                                if (doc instanceof File) {
                                                // store all recognized files into an array
                                                var docName = doc.name;
                                                if (docName.match(extRE)) {
            w.btnPnl = w.add('panel', undefined, 'MISC');
            w.btnPnl.btn = w.add ("group");
            var buttonarray = new Array ();
            var key = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < fileArraymisc.length ; i++) {
                var delimeter = '/';
                var string = String (fileArraymisc[i]);
                var splitted = string.split(delimeter);
                var thelength = ((splitted.length) - 1);
                var bannername = splitted[thelength];
                var delimeter = '.';
                var splitted = bannername.split(delimeter);
                var bannername = splitted[0];
                var checkdelim = "%20";
                var checkthat =  bannername.indexOf(checkdelim);
                if (checkthat == "-1") {}
                else {
                var delimeter = '%20';
                var splitted = bannername.split(delimeter);
                var counter = 0;
                while (counter < splitted.length){
                if (counter == 0){
                var bannername = (splitted[counter] + " ");   
                else if (counter == ((splitted.length) - 1)){
                var bannername = (bannername + splitted[counter]);
                var bannername = (bannername + splitted[counter] + " ");
                var counter = (counter + 1);
                if (fileArraymisc.length > 6){
                    var divider = 2
                    var divider = 1
                var remainder = (i % divider);
                if (remainder == 0){ 
                w.btnPnl.btn = w.btnPnl.add ("group");
                w.btnPnl.btn.alignChildren = "left"
                } else {
                //x is not a multiple of y
                key = (String (fileArraymisc[i]));
                w[key] = w.btnPnl.btn.add("button", undefined ,bannername );
                w[key].alignment = 'left';
                w.btnPnl.btn.addEventListener('click', button_pressed);
                function button_pressed (e)
               if (e.target.type == "button")
                $.writeln (e.target.text + " from panel " + e.target.parent.text);
                var buttonname = e.target.text;
                var checkdelim = " ";
                var checkthat = buttonname.indexOf(checkdelim);
                if (checkthat == "-1") {}
                else {
                var delimeter = ' ';
                var splitted = buttonname.split(delimeter);
                var counter = 0;
                while (counter < splitted.length){
                if (counter == 0){
                var buttonname = (splitted[counter] + "%20");   
                else if (counter == ((splitted.length) - 1)){
                var buttonname = (buttonname + splitted[counter]);
                var buttonname = (buttonname + splitted[counter] + "%20");
                var counter = (counter + 1);
                bannerfile = new File (templatepath + "MISC/" + buttonname + '.png');
if (bannerfile == ""){}
var targetDocumentName =  docRef.name;
var tempfile = app.open (bannerfile);
var sourceDocumentName = app.activeDocument.name;
var thewidth = tempfile.width;
var theheight  = tempfile.height;
app.activeDocument = docRef;
docRef.resizeImage (null, theheight, null, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC);
if ((String(thewidth)) == (String(docRef.width))){
var thelayer = docRef.activeLayer;
copyLayers(sourceDocumentName, targetDocumentName );
docRef.activeLayer = thelayer;
else {
alert ("Document width Incorrect")  
docRef.activeLayer.name = "main";
var thelayer = docRef.activeLayer;
docRef.resizeCanvas (thewidth, null, AnchorPosition.BOTTOMCENTER);
copyLayers(sourceDocumentName, targetDocumentName );
docRef.activeLayer = thelayer;
  imageView ("FtOn");
function copyLayers(sourceDocumentName, targetDocumentName) {
  var sourceDoc = app.documents[sourceDocumentName];
  var targetDoc = app.documents[targetDocumentName];
  var sourceLayer, targetLayer, sourceGroup;
  if (app.activeDocument != sourceDoc) {
    app.activeDocument = sourceDoc;
var thelayer = tempfile.layers[0];
var layersToCopy = thelayer.name;
  if ( typeof layersToCopy === 'string' ) {
    sourceGroup = tempfile.layers[0];
    targetLayer = sourceGroup.duplicate( targetDoc, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING )
  else if ( Object.prototype.toString.call( layersToCopy ) === '[object Array]' ) {
    for (var i = 0; i < layersToCopy.length; i++) {
      sourceLayer = sourceDoc.artLayers.getByName( layersToCopy[i] );
      targetLayer = sourceLayer.duplicate( targetDoc, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING );
function imageView (view) {
    desc= new ActionDescriptor();
        ref = new ActionReference();
      if (view.length < 5){
         var viewID = charIDToTypeID( view );
         var viewID = stringIDToTypeID( view );
      ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "Mn  " ), charIDToTypeID( "MnIt" ), viewID );
    desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), ref );
   executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "slct" ), desc, DialogModes.NO );

$.writeln ( ) writes the specified text to the JavaScript Console in ExtendScript Toolkit.
You probably need to comment out the 4 occurences of the following line, apparently used for debugging purposes:
$.writeln (e.target.text + " from panel " + e.target.parent.text);

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    Hmm, let's ensure this is working as it should be! So what phone should be active on your account? Did you switch the devices online or how to did you activate the 5s? Please share details.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Call script from script; exit code issues

    I have verified in a very simple pair of scripts that I can feed an exit code back to the calling script. My "Parent" test is little more than 
    powershell.exe -file "$ScriptPath\child.ps1"
    Write-Host "$LASTEXITCODE!!!"
    and the child script is just
    Exit 1
    And that Write-host comes back correctly. I have even tried it with two different child scripts, with different rerun codes, being called from Parent back to back. All good.
    However, in a more complicated script, where the child script has conditional exits, I am getting 0 all the time. The conditional looks like this
    if ($Global:MemberofSet) {
        if ($Global:ErrorOccured) {
            Write-Host '1'
            Exit 1
        else {
            Write-Host '0'
            Exit 0
    And even when the 1 echoes, I still get a $LASTEXITCODE of 0.
    Is there some known issue here that I am not aware of? Using PS 2.0, FWIW.

    Um, no, more that I remmed out
    [CmdletBinding()] at the top of each child script and with no other changes everything is working exactly as it should. Not sure why it worked, but I am certainly not imagining it.
    For shits and giggles I also added the binding in my little test script set, and that is now broken,
    with no other changes. I really hadn't created a good test obviously, but I wasn't expecting binding to matter. Would love to hear an explanation as to why it would
    For anyone wanting to see the behavior, these are the three test scripts, and you run the Arch script. With binding enabled DTV will show 1, but return 0. Rem the
    bindings and DTV will correctly return 1. I also tested RVT to not be MemberofSet, so -1 is returned, and $LASTEXITCODE shows a wonky number as expected given the bug in 2.0 and negative return codes. 
    NOTE: In the test the argument in the child scripts is not used, it's just there to avoid the error you otherwise get when binding. In my "live" code the
    arguments are mandatory and used.
    powershell.exe -file "RVT_2015.ps1"
        Write-Host "$LASTEXITCODE!"
    powershell.exe -file "DTV_2015.ps1"
        Write-Host "$LASTEXITCODE!"
    Param ([string]$Mode)
    $Global:MemberofSet = $True
    $Global:ErrorOccured = $True
    if ($Global:MemberofSet) {
        if ($Global:ErrorOccured) {
            Write-Host 'DTV 1'
            Exit 1
        else {
            Write-Host 'DTV 0'
            Exit 0
    else {
        Write-Host 'RVT -1'
        Exit -1
    Param ([string]$Mode)
    $Global:MemberofSet = $True
    $Global:ErrorOccured = $False
    if ($Global:MemberofSet) {
        if ($Global:ErrorOccured) {
            Write-Host 'RVT 1'
            Exit 1
        else {
            Write-Host 'RVT 0'
            Exit 0
    else {
        Write-Host 'RVT -1'
        Exit -1

  • I can't open Bridge and Mini Bridge from Photoshop CS6 (64bit)

    I can't open Bridge CS6 64(Bit) and Mini Bridge from Photoshop CS6 (64bit), I get an error message (APPCRASH ). I can open only Bridge (32bit) as a stand alone program.
    Operating system Windows 7 (64bit).


  • Issue with Metadata when importing 30K images from Photoshop Elements 7

    I'm a new mac user and am moving ~30k images from my PC to my mac. I have photoshop elements 7 that I use on the pc and am moving everything over to Aperture. I maintain all of my organization on the PC using "key words". I made sure to move all of the metadata over to the Mac with the images. However, I would say approx 5,000-10,000 of the images have the wrong Metadata. For example, a key-word "Vacation" is showing up on an image that should say "Christmas". This is just an example and it's creating major issues with my smart albums. The wrong images are in the wrong albums. Help!?!?

    Hi Shellie
    Is anyone familiar with PSEDBTOOL? I've been told it will do a good job applying metadata to files inside PSE but I'm afraid to run it and have it screw up my current library.
    I'm not familiar with that tool. What I will say is that your caution is well founded. If you do try to run anything like that on the PC side, ensure first that you have a backup of any data that might be modified - and that you (a) know how to restore from the backup in case anything goes pear-shaped and (b) you've actually tested your backup (by doing a restore) and are confident with its integrity.
    One other thought has occurred to me since earlier. Let's try a different tool...
      – Locate one of your problematic master files - on the Mac side - as exported from PhotoShop Elephants.
      – Open it in Preview. (It lives in the Applications folder.)
      – Select +Tools > Show Inspector+ (if the Inspector is not already showing from an earlier session).
      – Click on the Inspector icon which resembles a simplified traditional magnifying glass.
    That displays the keywords in the file.
    How do they compare with your expectations (from PSE)? How do they compare with what's showing in Aperture?
    This won't solve the problem, but it might just shed some more light on the problem.

  • Call script from script?

    Is it possible to call a script from within another script?
    Here's the catch: I'm using CS2 so I can't use $.evalFile (Script1) as it's not a recognised function.

    This is an Xbytor snippet ...
    var SCRIPTS_FOLDER =  decodeURI(app.path + '/' + localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledScripts=Presets/Scripts"));
    eval('//@include "' +SCRIPTS_FOLDER+ "/Add Texture.jsx" +'";\r');

  • Wrong start directory when launching sh script from Dolphin

    When I try to launch a small sh script from Dolphin, the start directory is ~ instead of the current directory.
    I wrote the script to be able to easily launch a java app from the gui.
    It's basically:
    cd bin
    java NAME
    But since the start directory is my home directory, this obviosly doesn't work.
    It does work when launching it from a terminal.
    What to do?

    I have run into a similar situation.. that was when Viritas was the clustermanager for 9I and we tried to install Oracle clusterware for 10g. Also the cluster was configured to user Veritas propriatory interconnect tech... LLT
    Are you on a similar configuration?

  • Contact name not showing in call/sms log even when I call/sms from my address book.

    Two things have changed on my phone recently.
    1. I ran the latest update 4.3.2
    2. My phone was not showing all the contacts in my address book that is in my Mobile Me account. Mobile me had 166 contacts. The iPhone 4 had 136. I I unchecked the syncing of my contacts on my phone. This removed all the contacts from my phone. Then I check the syncing options again. All 166 appeared on the phone.
    I'm not sure which of the two caused the issue but now anytime someone who calls their name does not appear on the display or log, just their number. I can even call people from my address book and the display shows that I am calling them with their name and photo on display. However, in the call log the name does not show just their number.  This applies for text messages. I send a message directly from within the contact card in the address book and in my text log it shows only the number and not the name.
    I've turned the phone off and on a couple of times.
    I would appreciate any advice.

    Thanks iraghib,
    In the end I reset my phone to factory settings. I created a back up of my address book and ical. Reset the phone and did a sync again. This fixed it all. I didn't need to use the backups but is was nice to know they were there. I felt entering the various passwords for all my installed apps was a much better deal than adding the international area code to the 166 contacts I have in my address book.
    Good luck. And thanks for the post.

  • Calling script from custom panel not working on all Photoshop installs

    I'm using Configurator to create a custom panel. The panel uses the html widget for the gui and which basically is made up of six links that points to different scripts located in Presets/Scripts.
    The links look like this <a href="adobe://photoshop.cs5/Scripts/Foo bar">Foo bar</a> and works fine most of the time.
    However, on some systems the links won't work. I can call the scripts fine via File/Scripts but they won't run via the panel. I've tried to debug with ExtendScript Toolkit but it looks like they don't run at all. In other words it's like the links are broken. My first guess was to remove spaces in the name of the script files but that didn't work.
    Any idea what's going on?
    The entire source is available on http://lumens.se/tychpanel.

    Is it possible that some other software interferes with the flash panels of Photoshop? Like if the users runs some sort of antivirus/protection software? I think it's farfetched but I'm running out of ideas.
    Adobe, do you know about this issue? One of my users is willing to do remote debugging so if interested you could look at this bug directly.

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