External firewire drives unrecognized 50% of the time

The drives do not show up at all, especially when using Windows. I am using only the firewire 800 port. Unplugging/plugging back in does not help. I think it is a driver problem with windows?

clemson47 wrote:
The drives do not show up at all, especially when using Windows. I am using only the firewire 800 port. Unplugging/plugging back in does not help. I think it is a driver problem with windows?
how are these harddisk formatted/partitioned.
Windows can not see/use harddisks that are using the 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)' file system without the help of something like MacDrive.
Also when you use GPT (GUID partition Table) with the harddisks, that can prevent the disks from being seen in Windows.

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    You are probably using Time Machine to backup your MacBook Pro, right? Then the additional 300 GB could be local Time Machine snapshots.  Time Machine will write the hourly backups to the free space on your hard disk, if the backup drive is temporarily not connected. You do not see these local backups in the Finder, and MacOS will delete them, when you make a regular backup to Time Machine, or when you need the space for other data.
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    Open System Preference > Time Machine
    Click Options....
    Ckick on external disk in list and hit the - button below the list to remove from the Exclusion list

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    jrburrows wrote:
    Ok, fair enough.  But since Job's death - Apple's control on leaks has been terrible.  I got the new iPhone, and I like it - but it hasn't made nearly as big as an impression as previous ones.  Because of the vast ammount of leaks.  With the iPad mini leaks, it's 99% sure to come out next week.
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    Amd by "others" I meant other people on iPads - not other devices/manufacturers.  It's possible to do so, I just want to know how.  I honestly don't think we'll ever be in a Post-PC era until all tablets allow us to use USB in the way computers do.
    No, USB is not the future, you missed the memo about cloud and wireless computing?

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    Well sometimes it won't boot, but the drive is fine.
    You'll have to run through these steps and depending what occurs (or doesn't) will give you a clue, if you need to replace the drive and restore from the TM drive.
    Step by Step to fix your Mac
    My computer is dead, is my personal data lost?
    Create a data recovery/undelete external boot drive
    In the future, consider bootable clones, they are bootable, but TM drives are not.
    Most commonly used backup methods

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    Hello Drake, I suspect one or more of the Drives needs repairing, but...
    Have you looked through Pondini's extensive TM help site?
    Can't imaging something not being covered there.

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    Check with the drive's manufacturer to see if they might have a firmware update for the enclosure; it sounds like the enclosure's firmware isn't properly detecting the FireWire wakeup sequence.
    Obviously this could also be a bug with the new MBP's firmware, so it wouldn't hurt to ask the Genius Bar at your local Apple Store; in particular, ask them to show you that the sleep/wakeup sequence on your MBP works with some other FireWire drive.

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