EyeTV reception stopped by  Photo Booth Force-Quit

Force-quitting Photo Booth (to try to cure MacBook whine) caused TV reception on EyeTV with a Miglia MiniTV to stop working. Signal quality went to zero, giving "This channel not available".
Running Photo Booth again and then quitting normally restored reception.
You may have to log-out/restart too.

Hi Paul,
Some feedback is easier than others.
For instance iChat has it's own page http://www.apple.com/feedback/ichat.html
Photo Booth is one of those few Apple apps that does not have a Feedback page of that sort.
I would ask in Discussions Feedback stating how the problem occurred and how to repeat it. Some one there may be able to point to a better place for a specific feedback.
7:49 PM Tuesday; November 21, 2006

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    aquaman wrote:
    My mac IS up to date.
    No reason it should have stopped working. Maybe a problem waiting to happen and an upgrade pushed it over the edge. Provide some specs on your Mac, but I would really advise making an appointment at the Genius Bar at your local Apple Store.
    Good Luck

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    Message was edited by: LynnMorris

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions Dathanb
    You have posted in the Feedback About New Discussions forum.
    As you are a first time poster, you seem to have missed the text at the top of this forum that says:
    Please Read This Before Posting Here
    If your question concerns a hardware or software technical issue, please do not post in this forum
    Go to the main Apple Discussions page, select an appropriate product category and follow the links until you reach the correct forum for your post, then click the POST NEW TOPIC link. Because your post doesn't indicate was OS you are using on your iMac, I can't give you a link to the most appropriate forum.
    Basically, though, the version of TechTool on the AppleCare disks is not compatible with newer versions of OS X and/or Macs (I can't remember which). If you don't get a satisfactory response by posting in the appropriate iMac or OS X forum, I suggest you take your iMac to the geniuses at the Apple Store. You can set up an appointment time for the same day online before you leave home.

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