[F8-AS2] MC code needed to complete game

I have a game (stage size 600x350) and a bee that flies
randomly left to right then right to left across and off the stage.
That part works great but every now and then it flies too high to
the top of the stage cutting off part of the movie clip. I would
like it to not fly higher than y.130 or lower than y.200. This is
what I have so far and would appreciate some assistance (movie clip
instance is named "bee") to complete this game. Thanks very much.
_root.bee._y=200 + Math.floor(Math.random()*(10-200+1));
bee._y = Math.max (130, clipY);
_root.bee._y=200 +

you should google or search this site for optimization (general) techniques and then try to apply that to your code.

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  • Complete game within 20 sec

    game limit is 1 min but if user will complete game within 20 sec then he will get 500 bonus points
    how to code for this
    //this is count up timer script
    var intID;
    var endTime = getTimer()+(59*1000);
    function updateTimer() {
      var t = endTime-getTimer();
      if (t>0) {
      } else {
    function makeTime() {
    intID = setInterval(updateTimer, 100);
    function stopTimer() {
    function showTime(t) {
      dispTime.text = (t/1000) >> 0;

    Wherever in your code where the game is ended, you need to check the time value to see if it is <20 seconds and add the bonus to the score if it is.

  • New to code, need help please!!!

    I have been designing my first website by following a string of videos I have purchased online. (Timothy Training w/ Framework Files) I am finally to the point that I am ready to 'put' these file on my business catalyst account and get them online. I have run into an issue however. I have a page called services.html and within it I have built a 'featured content slider' that links to several pages. The code was working perfectly in any browser that I previewed it in, live view, inspections, everything was fine!! Until, I 'put' the files onto my business catalyst account, now all of the sudden the code does not display correctly anymore. I have made no changes to the code what-so-ever, no changes to the style sheets, nothing. I had a tech support guy that took a 'quick look' and said that my outer div was all of the sudden in the wrong place. I dont understand how 1. it shifted when I made no changes, 2. It works perfectly fine when I view it outside of BC platform and 3. how to even begin to fix the issue. I have spent hours upon hours trying to remedy this myself and I am finally at a breaking point and quite desperate for help. I have so many hours into this site and I am quite frustrated that I made it this far only for it to fail. Please anyone that is willing to take a look I would be grateful. I am not sure if I should post the code in here or not as this is my first post in the forum. I guess I will try to copy and paste and see if that works. Any suggestions would be great help.. Thank you so much!
    I will copy and paste the code in this order: (I think this is all the code needed to figure it out,I hope...)
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              <p>Our Mission – To ensure your restaurant, bar, café, diner, or eatery operates smoothly. Streamline your workflow by providing the latest, most up-to-date technology the industry has to offer. Maximize your profits with a personalized POS system that works for you and not against you. Ease your stress with the quickest, most reliable, 24-hour technical support in the area. Train your staff in person with one-on-one classes taught by one of our certified staff.</p>
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    * FeatureList - simple and easy creation of an interactive "Featured Items" widget
    * Examples and documentation at: http://jqueryglobe.com/article/feature_list/
    * Version: 1.0.0 (01/09/2009)
    * Copyright (c) 2009 jQueryGlobe
    * Licensed under the MIT License: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
    * Requires: jQuery v1.3+
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    Services page is missing quite a bit of stuff.
    This code from a working page is correct:
    <link href="/StyleSheets/ModuleStyleSheets.css" type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript">var jslang='EN';</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/needsomethinghere.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/slider.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">  // This is the script for the banner slider
    $(document).ready(function() {
    timeOut: 6000
    <link href="../css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" css" media="screen">
    <link href="../css/print.css" rel="stylesheet" css" media="screen">
    <link href="../css/slider.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
    In contrast, this is all you have in the <head> of your services.html page:
    <link href="/StyleSheets/ModuleStyleSheets.css" type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript">var jslang='EN';</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.js"></script>
    <link href="../css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
    <link href="../css/print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
    If you reconcile those difference in your code, it should work.
    Nancy O.

  • Need help determing hours needed to complete flash website

    Hello everybody. I am fairly new to Flash, and I have chosen to use it for my final project to graduate with a CS degree. I did some basic animation type stuff around 5 years ago in school but nothing major. I want to make a website for a non-profit organization for my project. I know what I want to do, but I need to give my advisor an estimate of how many hours it will need to complete it. I have no idea how to even start to figure this out so I hope someone can help me out.
    Here is a general outline of tasks I want on the website:
    Message board
    Embedded video
    Photo gallery
    Archived news
    E-commerce store
    Applications - games, instant messenger type thing (if I have time)
    I would really appreciate it if someone can break these tasks down and suggest how long each would take or everything together. Thanks in advance.

    This may be one posting that doesn't get any replies, so I figured I'd offer this just in case rather than let it sit unattended for a week or so.  If you are only familiar with Flash at a basic level, for all the things you list you are likely going to have to spend the entire semester (or two) dedicated to this, day and night. I am not exaggerating.
    I have over 8 years of experience with Flash and recently spent that kind of time, two months solid, creating a web site, implementing things that I have never implemented in Flash before, things such as you list (though not as many), things that require learning more than just Flash to get thru... server-side scripting, database interaction, dynamic content generation, etc.  If you have experience with these aspects, then you'll be a step ahead in that regard, but you'll still spend a good amount of time to get them to interact with Flash.
    In my case, the design work was primarily based on my own ideas and design approaches, though I did have to do some Googling to get over some humps.  You may be able to 'borrow' from other people's designs to help reduce the workload.
    You may get lucky and get input from someone who does this type of stuff regularly and can provide you their estimate for each item, but it is not likely to be applicable to you.
    I know this isn't what you are looking for, but it is probably a realistic assessment.

  • Run java code on report completion

    I understand that Business Objects allows for custom notifications when a scheduled report is completed successfully.  Is there a way in Java to be notified when a report is successfully completed?  I want to run some code upon report completion.  Thanks.

    When you create a schedule event, you can decide if the event will be triggered when the report succeeds, fails, or both. 
    You can then set it up so that each time the event is triggered, a java app that has been published to enterprise is run.  The difficulty here is that you will probably want to know exactly "which" report has completed succcesfully (Unless you set up a seperate event for each report) - and I don't know of any way to do that reliably.
    But if you just want some java code to run each time a report is completed, then you can use this method.
    So the steps would be:
    1. Create Schedule Event
    2. When you schedule the report - assign the event to it (You won't be able to do this in the CMC - you need to use either custom code or Infoview)
    3. Publish your java code to Enterprise
    4. Schedule your java code to run, and set the events to wait for to the event you assigned in Step 2
    a programmer learning programming from perl is like a chemisty student learning the definition of "exothermic" with dynamite

  • Hi folks, can someone help me with my redemption code? have a creative cloud id made last week. but in order to install my products I have a redemption code needed but that I can't find anywhere. can someone help me??? Thank you

    Hi folks, can someone help me with my redemption code?
    have a creative cloud id made last week.
    but in order to install my products I have a redemption code needed but that I can't find anywhere. can someone help me???
    Thank you

    I have a fully companies annual subscription of 69.99 a month.
    but I can only download the 30-day trial versions.
    and if I want to put on them completely firedamp should I enter a redemption code. could it be that the code later emailed word?
    Met vriendelijke groet,
    Dave Dros
    Van: "hans-g." <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Beantwoorden - Aan: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Datum: dinsdag 21 oktober 2014 10:03
    Aan: iMac <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Onderwerp:  Hi folks, can someone help me with my redemption code? have a creative cloud id made last week. but in order to install my products I have a redemption code needed but that I can't find anywhere. can someone help me??? Thank you
    Hi folks, can someone help me with my redemption code? have a creative cloud id made last week. but in order to install my products I have a redemption code needed but that I can't find anywhere. can someone help me??? Thank you
    created by hans-g.<https://forums.adobe.com/people/hans-g.> in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion<https://forums.adobe.com/message/6850359#6850359>

  • Bit Locker 48-digit Code Need?

    my external HDD has bit locker
    when i remove my windows7 & install new windows8
    i can't open my hard, windows need 48-digit code but i have not it
    furthermorei have my password but windows don't need my pass
    and directly say you forgotten your pass and need 48-digit code
    my question is: how enter my password to open HDD without 48-digit code ?
    like this:
     thanks a Bunch

    Your Problem is Already Resolve Same Question You Ask Above Link
    Moderator Please Take Any Action  

  • Okay, so I try to download and every time it says "There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete the installation".   Anyone know how to fix this?

    Okay, so I try to download and every time it says "There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete the installation".
    Anyone know how to fix this?
    Please help. I can't get it to work. I've tried uninstalling and it says the same thing. Is there anyway anyone can help me?

    HELP!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

  • Google app renewed issue. Your APK's version code needs to be higher than 1000000

    I am updating a previous AIr based Android app with a new version.
    I had the following error
    Your APK's version code needs to be higher than 1000000.
    The issue is that I have carefully override the app version number but it keep given me this address.
    Any clue?

    ok, find the solution
    I had to add several ZERO to the version number to be able to upload properly the APK

  • HT4990 my ipod says that i need to complete my credit card transaction in itunes support. where do i go?

    my ipod says that i need to complete my credit card transaction in itunes support. how do i do this so i can star purchasing apps/music?

    Just what doe the message say?
    What were you dong when you received the message?
    Maybe go here and edit your accout to add the credit card information.
    iTunes Store: Changing Account Information

  • I need to completely delete a number from my iphone, so that when in the letter of a contact i have deleted in a new messagge it does not come up? HELP

    i need to completely delete a number from my iphone, so that when in the letter of a contact i have deleted in a new messagge it does not come up? HELP

    Only by restoring your phone as a new device using iTunes, or Settings>General>Reset>Erase All Content & Settings. You follow this by syncing your content back to the phone. Either that, or you live with it. The data will be overwritten as you use your phone.

  • Can't seem to get LR CC to open on my IMAC. will i need to completely remove LR 5 or what am i doing wrong

    I have downloaded LR CC from my CC account that is paid for. when i click on the icon to open it, it flashes as if it wants to open but then doesnt open. do I need to completely remove LR 5 from my imac? I still have projects I am working on and would like to be able to keep it if possible

    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

  • Is it possible to delete off the desktop I will be using this phone for business, therefore I will not need itunes, appstore, game centre, weather, newstand, passbook, stocks, maps, camera, music etc. please advise.

    Is it possible to delete off the desktop I will be using this phone for business, therefore I will not need itunes, appstore, game centre, weather, newstand, passbook, stocks, maps, camera, music etc. please advise.

    The App Store has many useful business related apps: Word processors, spreadsheets, presentation apps, CRM apps. Maps is useful for navigating to appointments. Newstand for reading periodicals related to business.

  • Why there's no Need for Speed game in the apple store?

    Hi, I really wanna have Need For Speed game for my macpro, I only found it through my ipad but not from mac, can you help me for that? Thank you

    Google, "Need For Speed on a mac" and find the links.

  • KeyListener Help Needed for Tetris Game!

    * Tetris - Java Enhacned
    * By: Kunnel Zachariah, Johnathan Smith, Johnathan Adkins
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import static java.lang.Character.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.lang.Math;
    import java.lang.System;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
    public class TetrisMain extends JFrame implements KeyListener
         int s;
         int p;
         int xPos;
         int yPos;
         int level = 1;
         int lines = 0;
         int score = 0;
         int switchPiece;
         private boolean[] keys;
         private int SLEEP = 50; //bigger # = slower animation
         private Timer timer;
         int bologna = 11;
        int posX[], posY[];
         Color color;
         boolean isSquare = false;
         public TetrisMain()
         public static void main( String args[] )
              TetrisMain pongLab = new TetrisMain();
        public void paint (Graphics g)
              keys = new boolean[4];
              g.setColor (Color.black);          
              g.setFont(new Font("Helvetica",Font.BOLD,14));
            g.drawString ("Level: " + level, 485, 40);
            g.drawString ("Lines: " + lines, 485, 80);
            g.drawString ("Score: " + score, 485, 120);
             ActionListener paintCaller = new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                        repaint();  //recalls paint every SLEEP milliseconds
              timer = new Timer(SLEEP, paintCaller);
              while (bologna <= 30)
             if ( keys[0] == true )
                   //move left paddle up and draw it on the window
              if ( keys[1] == true )
              //move left paddle down and draw it on the window
              if ( keys[2] == true )
              if ( keys[3] == true )
      public void drawGridVertical(Graphics g)
             for(xPos = 0; xPos <=460; xPos+=23)
             for(yPos=0; yPos <=600; yPos+=23)
        public void drawBlock(Graphics g)
         ImageIcon animatedIcon1 = new ImageIcon("untitled.gif");
         for(p =0; p <=530; p+=2)
        public void drawTpiece(Graphics g)
           ImageIcon animatedIcon = new ImageIcon("tpiece.gif");
          for(p =0; p <=530; p+=2)
        public void drawZigZagpiece(Graphics g)
         ImageIcon animatedIcon2 = new ImageIcon("zigzagpiece.gif");
         for(p =0; p <=530; p+=2)
        public void Rectanglepiece(Graphics g)
             ImageIcon animatedIcon3 = new ImageIcon("rectangle.gif");
         for(p =0; p <=530; p+=2)
        public void Unknownpiece(Graphics g)
             ImageIcon animatedIcon4 = new ImageIcon("unknownpiece.gif");
         for(p =0; p <=530; p+=2)
        public void otherZigZagpiece(Graphics g)
             ImageIcon animatedIcon5 = new ImageIcon("otherzigzagpiece.gif");
          for(p =0; p <=530; p+=2)
         public void otherUnknownpiece(Graphics g)
             ImageIcon animatedIcon6 = new ImageIcon("otherunknownpiece.gif");
         for(p =0; p <=530; p+=2)
        public static void delay(double n)
              for (double x = 0; x <= n; x += .01);
          public boolean keyPressed(Event e, int key)
          if (key == Event.LEFT)
          else if (key == Event.RIGHT)
          else if (key == Event.UP)
          else if (key == Event.DOWN)
          //  fast=true;
          else if (key == Event.ESCAPE)
           // ingame=false;
        return true;
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
                   case 'W' : keys[0]=true;System.out.println("W keypressed"); break;
                   case 'Z' : keys[1]=true; System.out.println("z keypressed");break;
                   case 'I' : keys[2]=true; System.out.println("i keypressed");break;
                   case 'M' : keys[3]=true; System.out.println("m keypressed");break;
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
                   case 'W' : keys[0]=true; System.out.println("W realeased");break;
                   case 'Z' : keys[1]=true; System.out.println("Z realeased");break;
                   case 'I' : keys[2]=true; System.out.println("i realeased");break;
                   case 'M' : keys[3]=true; System.out.println("m realeased");break;
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
              //no code needed here
      public void displayRandomPiece(Graphics g)
           Random rand = new Random();
           int c = rand.nextInt((7)+1);
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 7:
    }This is my code so far for Tetris. I am having issues with my keylisteners! I keep pressing the specified keys and the println statements wont show up or the piece wont move! i really need major help. can anyone give me some advice
    Much Thanks,

    Don't double post! No help for you!

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