Facetime in Germany

I just arrived in Germany from U.S. and I can no longer log into FaceTime on both my iPhone4 and MacBook Pro.  It says "server encountered an error processing registration" when I try to log in with valid Apple ID.  The computer time is set correctly (automatically) on both devices.  Any ideas??

FaceTime has been having problems for a couple of weeks. Apples solution is to make sure both parties have IOS 7.1.1.
Unable to make or receive FaceTime calls after April 16, 2014

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    Just a thought, this phone company here charges for every little thing you do. So I started to FaceTime to work around those charges and needed to make sure I was successfully doing that.

  • FaceTime Calling, Germany - UK

    This shouldn't be a problem, should it? Trying to FaceTime call my mam, I had her on the phone, we both had FT up and running (could see ourselves), but I couldn't call her: "....not available for FaceTime." She couldn't call me, either... it worked in the UK, fine.
    She's on a direct Ethernet connection, I'm on a MBP / Airport... both on 10.6.6.

    I've just started to receive messages from this number too and I haven't been out of the country. The contents of the message just appear to be a long string of random characters.
    I have spoken with my telephone provider (O2) and they too said that this is a premium number and I will get charged for each message. They told me to reply to the number with a message of 'STOP' and that should prevent any further messages and costs.
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  • HT204380 Do you incur charges for international use?

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    The iPhone 4S, 5 and iPad 3 can do FaceTime over cellular data although some restrictions may apply. The way most carriers charge I would keep FaceTimes calls to wifi connections only unless you have an unlimited plan. To start both you and your daughter will have to set up separate Apple IDs, then you can place a FT call to her Apple ID. You can also use the Apple ID to place iMessages to each other free as well other than the cost of your network connection.
    Read http://www.apple.com/support/mac/facetime/ for more information.

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    I heard there might be facetime problems on Macs bought in Germany. Does anybody know anything more detailed on this topic - and has a solution how I can get facetime to run properly? I'd appreciate any help on this, thanks!

    i have exactly the same problem except my macbook pro was bought in Dubai. I have set it up as though in the UK and have UK apple I.D. Also the VPN is on but still wont work.

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    Thanks for Reply

    FaceTime has been having problems for a couple of weeks. Apples solution is to make sure both parties have IOS 7.1.1.
    Unable to make or receive FaceTime calls after April 16, 2014

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    Free 24/7, anytime, anywhere As long as youre on Wifi. If youre using Cellular data you have to pay for what you use. i.e. get a plan, and if you go over your alloted data you have to pay overages. or if its a pay-per-use type of plan youll have to pay for the Cellular data you use.

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    If FaceTime is say not available that sounds like a problem that needs to be discussed with FaceTime.

  • Malfunction Facetime 1.0 Germany

    The german 1.0 Version has an malefunction. Theres no way to accept a incoming call, klicking the "annehmen" button does not work.
    Sorry that seems for me that no one at apple has tested the version with other language versions.

    Switching to English solved my problem, app works fine now.
    Tip: You can switch the language of a single app (like FaceTime) to English by using the free tool "language switcher" (http://www.tj-hd.co.uk/en-gb/languageswitcher/).

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    Accounts deactivated, Can't reenable them.
    Error Message is: server error occurred during process of registration (or similar to that).
    Seems that alot of people have problems right?
    Sigh. I wish Tim Cook would be more interested in the reliability of Apple's products.
    Facetime is a main feature they advertise with... and it is not working... a real shame.

    Noticed the error today. In Germany the @googlemail.com email-ending finally changed to @gmail.com so I was able to shorten my email. According to that I changed my AppleID. All verfied. All working. iPad, iPhone, MAS, iTunes. All fine. Messages and Facetime... nope.
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    is it because I should change my apple store to German store or change my address I dot know.
    Please can any one help

    On this page: iPhone: Wireless carrier support and features
    See footnote 5 under "Middle East".
    FaceTime may be unavailable if your device originates from this region and becomes unlocked or is used in another country.
    Facetime was disabled because you removed the phone from the country of origin and are now using a foreign SIM. You will not be able to use facetime on that phone at all unless you are in Qatar and using a carrier in Qatar.

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    I can still access the internet. I can still log into my iCloud. I reset my network settings and restored my iPad twice already. I tried all the stuff I could find on YouTube to include changing my DNS setting to I don’t know why I can’t log on. I bought the iPad in Germany and it worked. When I came back to Turkey where I live it worked. I took a trip to the states in December and it worked. Now that I’m back in Turkey, I can’t even log on. For both the facetime and imessage I get a message that says “ Could not sign in. Please check your network connection and try again. I tried to all the help line twice and they couldn’t even help me. I just bought this in November and don’t know why it’s not working……….Help if you can. Thanks for the response.

  • Facetime doesn't work the way it should...

    Unfortunately, since I arrived back home in Germany Facetime stopped working they way it has been before.
    I was visiting my Boyfriend on the other side of the world and for us, Facetime is one of the most important things.
    My Wifi at home is still the same and his situation didn't change either.
    When I call, I can hear the ringtone Facetime makes, when he is picking up. I can also hear some background noises and with a little luck I can also hear him saying something. But after 5 seconds (the latest) everything breaks down kind of. I can't hear anything at all anymore. Just from time to time there are backgroundnoises but after a short time they disappear again.
    Both of us have an Iphone 5 and both of us have IOS 8 installed.
    It would be nice to know why it stopped working in the first place. If nothing happens we will have to switch to skype, which would be sad, because the connection with facetime has always been really good - just like a real call.
    Hoping for help

    The first step would be to try and FaceTime someone else to see if you have the same issue. If so, try to reset  your iPhone by holding down the home and lock buttons until you see the Apple Logo. If you are able to use FaceTime with someone else then it could be on your boyfriend's end. Possibly have him reset his iPhone as well.
    If none of that works, consider finding a boyfriend that you are able to FaceTime with.

  • Several problems: wi-fi, Facetime and outgoing email.

    Just got the iPhone.
    1) It does not seem to be "automatically" connecting to my home wi-fi networkd. It's a rock solid network I use all the time with my laptop. It shows me available networks, mine is usually not one of them.
    And if it is connected, how can I tell?
    2) Using Facetime. I am using Facetime with someone in Germany. They are on a solid home wi-fi network too. If I receive a call, we connect, it fails and drops the call within 20-40 seconds. Sometimes it says "Facetime is not available..." This might be a result of not being connected to my wi-fi (see #1).
    3) Can't send outgoing mail. A couple places it says to delete and re-create the account which I have done. Error usually says "The recipient ...... was rejected by the server." Again this is an email account I use all the time.
    This is really irritating.

    Christopher Davis2 wrote:
    Just got the iPhone.
    1) It does not seem to be "automatically" connecting to my home wi-fi networkd. It's a rock solid network I use all the time with my laptop. It shows me available networks, mine is usually not one of them.
    And if it is connected, how can I tell?
    Try power-cycling your router, even if it connects to your laptop.  (Turn off for 30 seconds, then on; try connecting with your phone again.)  When you are connected to wifi the 3G icon on the top left of your phone changes to the wifi icon.
    2) Using Facetime. I am using Facetime with someone in Germany. They are on a solid home wi-fi network too. If I receive a call, we connect, it fails and drops the call within 20-40 seconds. Sometimes it says "Facetime is not available..." This might be a result of not being connected to my wi-fi (see #1).
    As you said, probably caused by intermittent wifi conection.
    3) Can't send outgoing mail. A couple places it says to delete and re-create the account which I have done. Error usually says "The recipient ...... was rejected by the server." Again this is an email account I use all the time.
    Don't know on this one.  Suggest you start a new post on this question, and specify who your email service is with, and whether it is a POP, IMAP or Exchange account.

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    Yep. I do it all the time. You need 10.6.8, then get the FaceTime app from the Mac app store.

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