FaceTime with Macbook

Mijn facetime werkt niet op mijn Macbook (2009).Weet iemand wat het probleem is??????

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  • Using FaceTime with macbook pro and no video on other end

    I can see and hear the person on the onther end but they can't see me. The green light next to the camera is on and I can see myself in the facetime window.

    Welcome to the forum.
    You did not tell us about your system's I/O, i.e. the HDD's, their size, speed, free space, controller type and how you have them allocated.
    Now, how to you get the material from PrPro to Nero?
    Have you tried the great authoring program, Adobe Encore? It ships with PrPro and is a wonderful program for authoring DVD's.
    As a starter, I would Export as elemental/elementary streams, i.e. non-muxed, video-only and audio-only, and then Import the video-only file into Encore as a Timeline, and the audio-only file as an Asset. From the Project Panel (looks about like the one in PrPro), just drag your audio-only file to the appropriate Timeline, where it snaps into place.
    Encore ships and installs with a bunch of Functional Content: Menus, Buttons, etc., and these can be easily accessed and brought into the Project from the Library Panel. You can then Edit in Photoshop for about anything that you would want.
    As for why Nero might be messing up, I have never even seen that module in Nero. Maybe others can help.
    Good luck,

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    When you do  > Software update...  ,  does it say you need them?  If it doesn't, you don't.  Some updates were firmware that applied regardless of OS.  Others like the firmware that enabled Power Nap appear after ML upgrade.  In either case I'd believe what Software update says and not try to download updates from the website except to address specific issues.

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    ellis911 wrote:
    I can use facetime with Macbook and connect to another Macbook user on another WIFI network... I was wondering if one can facetime with more than one user at a time?
    Only if you have more than one device running FaceTime at your end.
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz Mac OS X (10.6.5); MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.5)
    LED Cinema Display; G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11); iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9); External iSight; iPod4touch4.2.1

  • Macbook Pro Closed Clamshell FaceTime with external webcam?

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    I have pretty much the same setup, 15inch Macbook Pro 2.66Ghz i7 8gb-ram and 500gb HD - I'm running Lion 10.7.2 and I've got the Mac Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Mouse with 20inch Mac Cinema Display (no built in isight) which I 've been using with the Macbook closed. I've tried an old Logitech Webcam I had laying around but that wouldn't work. I also have an iPad2 and iPhone 4S and I've used that WebCam App that allows me to use my idevices as wireless webcams which I was able to use with SKYPE (iPhone 4S).
    So using the app "iWebcamera by dw-c" I was able to set my iPhone 4s and iPad2 as an external wireless webcam and successfully use SKYPE. I WAS NOT able to use the same method with Facetime or Photobooth, so I'd also be interested in knowing if I purchase a better/newer wired webcam if that would allow me to use FaceTime with my MacBook Pro Closed as well.
    Hope this at least gets you half way there mcbzero - it's all I have at the moment.

  • HT4245 i use a macbook pro which came with facetime i have an iphone 4S as well. whenever i use the wireless on my iphone i can facetime with ease however when i use the same wireless for my mac to facetime the call always gets disconnected.

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    To use factime on your Mac, I believe you will need to use your email address to do so instead of your wireless number.  Since you can't make calls on the Mac.

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    No. The MacBook needs OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) or higher.

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    Reboot and try again.

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    Hello almenexi,
    Thank you for providing the details of the issue you are experiencing with both FaceTime and iMessage.  The following article addresses the error "There was an error processing registration"  that you are receiving:
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    This sounds like something similar to https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3388112?start=105&tstart=0.
    Looks like the problem was on the Macbook Pro. Try ask the person using Macbook Pro turning down the speak volume (System Preferences->Sound->Output->Output Volume)  or the microphone gain (System Preferences->Sound->Input->Input Volume).

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    ellis911 wrote:
    I have a Macbook, in Ottawa Canada, My mac has internet provided by rogers, (at home). My niece in Victoria has a Macbook, internet provide is a western provider, Not rogers. I can facetime her because I have her email account in my contacts.... Question is < and maybe this forum is not the scope for the question> How does one Mac in Ottawa communicate via Facetime with another Mac. The only thing is the email address to go by. If someone can explain how that works that would be great.
    If you mean to ask about the technical mechanisms involved in a FT connection, see this topic:
    If you are only asking generally about how the email address is used, I will offer my best guess, The email address is apparently added to Apple's FT server database during activation. When FT invitation is initiated, that database could then direct the calls using the associated FT device information.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz Mac OS X (10.6.5); MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.5)
    LED Cinema Display; G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11); iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9); External iSight; iPod4touch4.2.1

  • Conflict Facetime with email registered on Macbook

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    However, my Macbook Pro is using Facetime with that gmail account. So when someone Facetime me on the gmail account, both the iphone and MB pro would see the call coming then both stop. I can't answer fast enough on either one. It happens all the time. People have to facetime me on my phone number for a stable connection. Or I call them back from the MB pro. I can never answer the call towards my gmail on either devices.
    I've check on the phone to REMOVE THAT EMAIL but it's greyed out. anyone has a proper solution to this??? I want the iphone only get Facetime call on my phone number, not the gmail address.

    What you need to do is add another (different) Email in the FaceTime settings and then you will be able to remove / delete the gmail address from you iPhone FaceTime settings. You should then be able to get FaceTime calls on you iPhone with your phone number and FaceTime call on you MB Pro with the gmail address.

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    how do you get two devices to facetime on one apple id

    Yes you can use the same apple id to facetime with two devices. I just tried it between my macbook air and my iphone 5S using the same apple id. You just need to make sure the ipod is trying to call the iphone number.

  • How to use facetime with same apple id

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    It's only 99 cents, and I do believe you'll be charged for the second download to the Macbook.  Your Mac book must have osx, 10.6.6 or later, installed.   You can use the same apple ID, but you must supply a different individual e-mail for address to the ipad, and you should also supply another different individual e-mail address to the Mac book. 

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    help, i use this alot!!!!

    My Wife is having same problems
    With the same iMessage account, or a different one?

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