Failed Core Validation

How to diagnose why XMLSignature.validate is returning "failed core validation"?
JWSDP 2.0 demos GenDetached and Validate work fine. Modified both to function properly with "file:" input rather than "http:", thus inserted calls to SetBaseURI for the JDK bug work around. Modified versions work fine also [with file: input].
Then moved both pieces of code into my application. Unlike, which simply generates an internal KeyPair, I create a keystore using keytool -genkeypair. Modified the GenDetached code to read the keystore, extract the cert and thus the public key, and separately the private key. Signed with the private key. Transformed a JAXB object and inserted it into an XML file my application creates. Output looks good. But the code imported from indicates "failed core validation", though the one and only reference validation status is "true", i.e., successful.
If I run on the XML generated by my app, not, it too indicates "failed core validation". So something must be wrong with the signing process.
How does one go about diagnosing "failed core validation"? The whole process appears to be simple pass/fail, with no explanation or diagnostic available. Thanks.

More information...
Have modified my app to not only transform a JAXB object and an OutputStream object but also a DOM object, see code as follows:
// output the resulting document to a JAXBResult
TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer trans = tf.newTransformer();
JAXBContext jcs = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.jaxb");
JAXBResult jaxbResult = new JAXBResult(jcs);
trans.transform(new DOMSource(doc), jaxbResult);
JAXBElement<SignatureType> jaxbElement = (JAXBElement<SignatureType>)jaxbResult.getResult();
// output the resulting document to stdout
trans.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream("signature.xml")));
// output the resulting document to a DOMResult
DOMResult domResult = new DOMResult();
trans.transform(new DOMSource(doc), domResult);"dom " + domResult.toString());
DumpNode(domResult.getNode(), 0);
Very curiously, DumpNode is revealing a <SignatureValue> identical to that produced by the JAXB object, i.e., a value which rejects for "failed core validation" but approves reference validation.
Here is the log data for the JAXB transform object and the DOM transform object. Note <SignatureValue> in both cases is the same:
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - dom javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult@14ce5eb
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [#document: null] name #document type 9 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [Signature: null] name Signature type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [SignedInfo: null] name SignedInfo type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [CanonicalizationMethod: null] name CanonicalizationMethod type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [SignatureMethod: null] name SignatureMethod type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [Reference: null] name Reference type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [DigestMethod: null] name DigestMethod type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [DigestValue: null] name DigestValue type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [#text: HNq7BMuL4wdr6g6YJOuS8DlTcDA=] name #text type 3 value HNq7BMuL4wdr6g6YJOuS8DlTcDA=
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [SignatureValue: null] name SignatureValue type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [#text: gdnCqYJAy7z2xFV35trujkinUluBfp5rbif14yfDPrmrYIZCWlekeA==] name #text type 3 value gdnCqYJAy7z2xFV35trujkinUluBfp5rbif14yfDPrmrYIZCWlekeA==
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [KeyInfo: null] name KeyInfo type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [KeyValue: null] name KeyValue type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [DSAKeyValue: null] name DSAKeyValue type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,468 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [P: null] name P type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,484 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [#text: /KaCzo4Syrom78z3EQ5SbbB4sF7ey80etKII864WF64B81uRpH5t9jQTxeEu0ImbzRMqzVDZkVG9
xD7nN1kuFw==] name #text type 3 value /KaCzo4Syrom78z3EQ5SbbB4sF7ey80etKII864WF64B81uRpH5t9jQTxeEu0ImbzRMqzVDZkVG9
2007-07-27 10:00:09,484 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [Q: null] name Q type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,484 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [#text: li7dzDacuo67Jg7mtqEm2TRuOMU=] name #text type 3 value li7dzDacuo67Jg7mtqEm2TRuOMU=
2007-07-27 10:00:09,500 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [G: null] name G type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,500 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [#text: Z4Rxsnqc9E7pGknFFH2xqaryRPBaQ01khpMdLRQnG541Awtx/XPaF5Bpsy4pNWMOHCBiNU0Nogps
QW5QvnlMpA==] name #text type 3 value Z4Rxsnqc9E7pGknFFH2xqaryRPBaQ01khpMdLRQnG541Awtx/XPaF5Bpsy4pNWMOHCBiNU0Nogps
2007-07-27 10:00:09,500 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [Y: null] name Y type 1 value null
2007-07-27 10:00:09,500 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - node [#text: MFc9VKzBT0ilHvURWYyFmwhPyCMdzVSqqkLe/SH+Y40vbZmUbyUboJHA/da0ad1CTjQjvCORXDb1
wml6N+/DOQ==] name #text type 3 value MFc9VKzBT0ilHvURWYyFmwhPyCMdzVSqqkLe/SH+Y40vbZmUbyUboJHA/da0ad1CTjQjvCORXDb1
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - schemaVersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v1.0
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - schemaPublicationStatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Published
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - processingUrgencyIndicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . false
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.schemaVersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v1.0
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.schemaPublicationStatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Published
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.CanonicalizationMethodType.Algorithm . . . .
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.SignatureMethodType.HMACOutputLength[0] . . .
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.SignatureMethodType.Algorithm . . . . . . . .
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.ReferenceType[0].DigestMethodType.Other[0] .
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.ReferenceType[0].DigestMethodType.Algorithm .
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.ReferenceType[0].DigestValue . . . . . . . . HNq7BMuL4wdr6g6YJOuS8DlTcDA=
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.ReferenceType[0].id . . . . . . . . . . . . . null
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.ReferenceType[0].URI . . . . . . . . . . . . file:/C:/JTDITransport_svn/foo.txt
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignedInfoType.ReferenceType[0].Type . . . . . . . . . . . . null
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . null
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.SignatureValueType.value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gdnCqYJAy7z2xFV35trujkinUluBfp5rbif14yfDPrmrYIZCWlekeA==
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.KeyInfoType.KeyValueType.DSAKeyValueType.P . . . . . . . . . /KaCzo4Syrom78z3EQ5SbbB4sF7ey80etKII864WF64B81uRpH5t9jQTxeEu0ImbzRMqzVDZkVG9
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.KeyInfoType.KeyValueType.DSAKeyValueType.Q . . . . . . . . . li7dzDacuo67Jg7mtqEm2TRuOMU=
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.KeyInfoType.KeyValueType.DSAKeyValueType.G . . . . . . . . . Z4Rxsnqc9E7pGknFFH2xqaryRPBaQ01khpMdLRQnG541Awtx/XPaF5Bpsy4pNWMOHCBiNU0Nogps
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.KeyInfoType.KeyValueType.DSAKeyValueType.Y . . . . . . . . . MFc9VKzBT0ilHvURWYyFmwhPyCMdzVSqqkLe/SH+Y40vbZmUbyUboJHA/da0ad1CTjQjvCORXDb1
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.KeyInfoType.KeyValueType.DSAKeyValueType.J . . . . . . . . . null
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.KeyInfoType.KeyValueType.DSAKeyValueType.Seed . . . . . . . null
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - JtdiData.Signature.KeyInfoType.KeyValueType.DSAKeyValueType.PgenCounter . . . . null
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - . .
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - . .
2007-07-27 10:00:10,187 [main] INFO com.cryptek.jtdi.dim.dmt.JTDITransportImpl - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . null
And here is the OutputStream result. Note <SignatureValue> is NOT the same as the above, and that approves these results:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Signature xmlns="">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
<SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
<Reference URI="file:/C:/JTDITransport_svn/foo.txt">
<DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

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         *                   arg1value="${var:minlength}"
         * @struts.validator-var name="minlength" value="8"
         * @struts.validator type="maxlength"
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            <label for="selectedAdminRole"><bean:message key="userForm.adminType"/></label>
              <html:radio styleId="selectedAdminRole" property="selectedAdminRole" value="None"
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         </div>As you can see above, the struts validator requires passwords to be at least 8 characters long. So if the user tries to change their password to something with less than that, they'll fail validation and they'll end up back on the form with the validation errors in red at the top of the page. However, the form data that they've edited will be preserved. So if John had tried to change his first name to 'Fred,' he'd still see 'Fred' in the First Name text field, even though it wouldn't actually get saved to the user object until he submitted the form with no errors. This works with radio buttons too - if John had tried to set his admin status down to 'none' from 'admin,' the radio button 'none' would still be checked. Basically, it preserves all your progress on the form until you navigate away.
    Unfortunately, it does NOT do this when you create a new user. Creating a new user uses the same form, and since there's no user object to get the fields from, they all get initialized to blank - except for one of the checkboxes ('user is active') and the radio buttons for admin (starts with 'none' checked). Now, if the user fills out the form and hits submit, but fails the struts validation, it preserves all the form data in the text fields, but reverts the checkboxes and the radio buttons to their default state.
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    My question is, why does it reset the radio buttons and checkboxes - but not the text fields - on failed validation when a new user is being created, but resets nothing at all when an existing user is being edited? I'd like it to reset none of the information when a new user is being created, but I cannot figure out the reason for this inconsistent behavior.
    If anyone can help me figure out how to get this working so that nothing gets reset - or at least explain to me the reason for this inconsistent behavior - I would be very grateful. I will also try to provide any additional information I can if this isn't enough.

    So what you are saying is that radio and checkboxes don't retain their state when validation fails?
    Checkboxes are always troublesome because of their design. If not selected, they don't submit any value - so you have to specifically unset them.
    My first instinct would be to look at the formbean which you are populating from, and see what (if anything) modifies its values.
    - for originally loading the new user page is it an action or JSP? Does it apply any default values to the form?
    - check the "input" page you redirect to when validation fails. Is it an action or a JSP?
    - is the same form being uses on the newUser jsp and whatever action you are submitting it to?
    - is there a form reset() method?
    My theory is that the "input" page you are redirecting to when validation fails is an action, and it sets some values on the form prior to loading.
    But thats just a guess at this point. Its hard to debug this without a working example. Its been a while since I worked with struts, and never with annotations providing the validation.
    Suggestion for debugging: dump the contents of the form bean at strategic points in the process to see that the values are what you think they should be.
    - running the save action
    - just after validation
    - on the jsp page.
    Hope this helps some,

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    Hello Pal,
    Please go to RAR configuration -> Risk Analysis -> Additional Options. Here check if you have the parameter Enable Monitor Notification set to YES. If you do then set this one to NO. Also, kindly check and make sure that you have a valid email address maintained for each of the mitigation control monitor in Mitigation tab.
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    Regards, Varun
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    weekend_error EXCEPTION;
    not_authentocated_user EXCEPTION;
    if TO_CHAR(SysDate,'DY') = 'SAT' or TO_CHAR(SysDate,'DY') = 'SUN' THEN
    RAISE weekend_error;
    end if;
    if SUBSTR(User,1,3) <> 'ATN' THEN
    RAISE not_authentocated_user ;
    end if;
    WHEN weekend_error THEN
    'Deletions not allowed on weekends');
    WHEN not_authentocated_user THEN
    'Deletions only allowed by authentocated users');
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    Now Try the DML that causes the Trigger to fire.
    And post the details.
    PS:- Please use {noformat}{noformat} before and after the SQL statements/results or code samples.
    It makes post more readable and you get better help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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       at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Workflow.Hosting.SendMailWorkItemProcessor.ProcessWorkItem(WorkItem workItem
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    format are allowed: [email protected]
    but SPRY fails on validating this email address. Is there a
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    Hi Nils,
    You need to modify d.js
    Open that file and do a search for 'email', you should see a
    regular expression after it that looks something like this:
    var rx = /^[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w+$/i;
    You'll probably want to add the + to it like this:
    var rx = /^[\w\.-\+]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w+$/i;
    I'll file a bug on our side to make sure we allow all chars
    specified in the RFC.
    --== Kin ==--

  • Failed Cluster Validation Wizard - Active Directory

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    Using a Management Server on a remote subnet (Domain Account, local admin of all concerned servers, except the DC, and having read/write on the target OU), the Cluster Validation Wizard fails, on one node only.
    I'm getting an error message on "System Configuration\Validate Active Directory Configuration" of:
    Connectivity to a writable domain controller from node could not be determined because of this error: Could not get domain controller name from machine DEN1NTHV02.
    Node(s) can reach a writable domain controller.
    Node(s) cannot reach a writable domain controller. Please check connectivity of these nodes to the domain controllers.
    The computer accounts are in the same OU, and both are enabled and have no (seeming) other problems.
    So, (1) does anyone have any idea, or (2) where can I find the verbose output text of the failed test?

    Re-check your IP configuration.  Ensure the only NICs with a gateway defined is the primary NIC that will be used for client access.
    "a flat network for the LAN and Management on another switch. The heartbeat is connected via a directly connected cable."
    Just FYI.  Though a cross-over cable between the two nodes works for a two-node cluster, it is not recommended if there is even a chance of the cluster going beyond two nodes.
    Secondly, from your above statement, it sounds like you have the other, non-iSCSI networks plugged into a single switch.  That becomes a single point of failure.
    . : | : . : | : . tim

  • Failed Item Validation = Process Before Headers isn't run? (APEX 2.2.0)

    Hi, all,
    I have an item validation that fails. When the page reloads, I see the following in the debug output:
    Do not run process "P41_BEFORE_HEADER", process point=BEFORE_HEADER, condition type=, when button pressed=If that process doesn't run, a flag I used to decide whether or not to display certain Page 0 regions never gets set properly, resulting in a mess.
    Is there a way around this? The only thing that I can think of is to run the same code in a failed validation that gets run in my process. Is there a more elegant way?

    I ended up finding Page rendering process doesn't run after validation error which basically says to make a PL/SQL region with an empty template and put any display-related PL/SQL there. I set the PL/SQL region's display point to "After Header", which is before any of my other regions.
    I have a bunch of P0 regions that get conditionally displayed based on session state items set in the "Before Headers" process. All of the items are cleared by an application After Footer process. I don't want to rely on the session state, however, as the user might navigate using the browser buttons on a failed submit, and that might produce odd results. Unfortunately, I've realized that the application-wide processes don't get run either.
    It seems that my option is just to create a PL/SQL function
    and call that function from my empty PL/SQL region, passing in true values for the regions that I want to show. Either this function would set application-level items, or other functions to get the individual flags could be called from each of the Page 0 region conditional display code. I think I will do the latter, unless there is some better way.
    Message was edited by:
        my_flag_one BOOLEAN := FALSE;
        my_flag_two BOOLEAN := FALSE;
                FLAG_ONE BOOLEAN := FALSE,
              , FLAG_TWO BOOLEAN := FALSE
            my_flag_one := FLAG_ONE;
            my_flag_two := FLAG_TWO;
            RETURN BOOLEAN
            RETURN my_flag_one;
            RETURN BOOLEAN
            RETURN my_flag_two;

  • Clean Install Solaris 10 05/09 - Update Manager Fails with Valid Acct

    I have a clean install of Solaris 10 05/09, and Update Manager fails to register using a valid accout which I can login with at the Sun website. Why is this happening? How can this be fixed?

    Here's the output from the script....
    User: root
    Logname: root
    Tue Oct 6 15:35:18 EDT 2009
    smpatch settings: - "" - /var/sadm/spool - /var/sadm/spool
    patchpro.install.types - rebootafter:reconfigafter:standard
    patchpro.patch.source -
    patchpro.patchset - current2 - ""
    patchpro.proxy.passwd **** ****
    patchpro.proxy.port - 8080
    patchpro.proxy.user - ""
    smpatch analyze:
    Failure: Cannot connect to retrieve This system is currently unreg istered and is unable to retrieve patches from the Sun Update Connection. Please register your system using the Update Manager, /usr/bin/updatemanager or provid e valid Sun Online Account(SOA) credentials.
    cat: cannot open /var/sadm/spool/cache/entitlement/*entitlement_client
    Sun UC patch revision:
    Solaris release:
    Solaris 10 5/09 s10x_u7wos_08 X86
    Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    Assembled 30 March 2009
    Solaris Kernel: Generic_141415-10
    Machine Type: i86pc
    Platform: i86pc
    Java versions:
    System default:
    java version "1.5.0_21"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_21-b01)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_21-b01, mixed mode, sharing)
    Java 5:
    java version "1.5.0_21"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_21-b01)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_21-b01, mixed mode, sharing)
    Java 6:
    Unable to locate JRE meeting specification "1.6*"
    Java used by smpatch and updatemanager:
    /usr/sbin/pprosvc:JAVACMD="/usr/jdk/latest/bin/java -version:1.5*"
    /bin/updatemanager:JAVA_EXEC="/usr/jdk/latest/bin/java -version:1.5*"
    Cacao Java version:
    Cacao Base Directories:
    Software Cluster:
    All ccr properties:
    Property not defined: 18
    patchsvr not installed.
    Sun UC package status:
    SUNWbreg not installed
    SUNWdc not installed
    Cacao instances:
    online 15:19:45 svc:/application/management/common-agent-container-1:def ault
    Services in maintenance/disabled state:
    svc:/application/print/server:default (LP print server)
    State: disabled since Tue Oct 06 15:15:37 2009
    Reason: Disabled by an administrator.
    See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M lpsched
    Impact: 2 dependent services are not running:
    Please attach /tmp/unknown-061009-suc-out.Z in your reply to the Sun Update Conn ection Technical Support Team.

  • Crystal Reports 12 merge module fails ICE validation during installation

    Hi there,
    I am using the CR 2008 merge module that I downloaded from this site, and am using MSI Factory 2.0 to install my product.  The ICE validation fails during the build with the following errors.
    C:\v9.wxs(6680) : warning LGHT1056 : The Directory table contains a row with primary key(s) 'INSTALLDIR' which cannot be merged from the merge module 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\CRRuntime_12_0.msm'.  This is likely due to collision of rows with the same primary key(s) (but other different values in other columns) between the database and the merge module.
    C:\v9.wxs(6680) : warning LGHT1056 : The Directory table contains a row with primary key(s) 'ProgramMenuFolder' which cannot be merged from the merge module 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\CRRuntime_12_0.msm'.  This is likely due to collision of rows with the same primary key(s) (but other different values in other columns) between the database and the merge module.
    C:\v9.wxs(6680) : warning LGHT1056 : The Directory table contains a row with primary key(s) 'CommonAppDataFolder' which cannot be merged from the merge module 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\CRRuntime_12_0.msm'.  This is likely due to collision of rows with the same primary key(s) (but other different values in other columns) between the database and the merge module.
    C:v9.wxs(6680) : warning LGHT1056 : The Directory table contains a row with primary key(s) 'ProgramFilesFolder' which cannot be merged from the merge module 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\CRRuntime_12_0.msm'.  This is likely due to collision of rows with the same primary key(s) (but other different values in other columns) between the database and the merge module.
    light.exe : error LGHT0204 : ICE79: Feature 'CMS' referenced in column 'InstallExecuteSequence'.'Condition' of row 'CMSsetupConfiguration.9CED35E4_C9E6_11D3_9833_00A0C9DA4FE9' is invalid.
    Any ideas what this means?

    Hi Falk, thanks for your interest.
    Yes, I can build the setup, but I need to have zero ICE validation warnings in order to pass the Vista Certification process.  It seems to me that the default merge module for CR2008 has been put together in a way that fails best practice - eg.  ICE validation.
    The merge module is simply added to a feature within the installer product, and if I turn on the switch to "Ignore ICE warnings", then the build works OK and I can install the product no problems.  However if I turn off the "Ignore ICE warnings", then the build fails and stops dead.
    The snippet I posted here was from the log file.
    Hope this helps,
    Best regards,

  • Problem when attribute fails schema validation

    I have got a problem during schema validation... let's say i have the following record:
    <employee ssn="123456789D" recordNum="10">
    <address>123 America Ave</address>
    apparently the attribute ssn will fail the schema, since ssn has to be all digit and length 9. Currently my schema vaildation process will keep on going to the next record if the current one fails, and write the current bad record to a error log file. the problem i have found is that if the ssn attribute validation fails, then there is no way for me to obtain the value of recordNum attribute (all elements can still be obtained).
    just wondering if anyone had similar problem...

    My understanding of schmemas was that once an error is found the whole document is considered invalid. Kind of like if the XML file format is bad.
    If you don't mind me asking are you using DocumentBuilder to parse and is it giving you a SAXParseException?

  • Pop up error messages for failed custom validation

    I am using jdev-
    My application is in ADF BC
    I am writing custom validation through managed bean, I want pop-up error message for this failed validation.
    My problem scenario is:
    I had some list box as "status"-when this status changes to failed then the other field namely "closed date" should become madantory and also date in closed date field can't be in future.I am able to have all this validation through managed bean and also able to use af:messages through which i am able to print error message on the top of the form, but i am not able to give pop up error message for this failed validation.
    I had gone thru jdev guide but there is nothing like what i am asking.
    it would be of great help if someone can give me some example also.
    thanks in advance.

    ADF has global setting where you can configure the way messages are shown to user:
    You can make this setting in adf-faces-config.xml
    The <client-validation> element controls how client-side converters and validators are run.
    Three values are supported:
    "INLINE": validation is shown inline in a page (the default)
    "ALERT": validation is shown in an Javascript alert
    "DISABLED": validation is only handled on the server
    IN your case, set it to 'ALERT'.

  • Clientdeploy fails whilst validating user

    I cannot join client computers to the domain on the Server Essentials 2012 system. When ever I try, the clientdeploy wizard fails with a message that it can't find the server, just after it has collected the domain account name and password. I'm assuming
    this is some configuration issue with IIS on the server, but I haven't got any handle on what it might be.
    In the ClientDeploy Log, this is what I see:
    [2064] 131227.171658.4208: ClientSetup: Validating User
    [2064] 131227.171658.4208: ClientSetup: Call MachineIdentityManager.GetMachineStatus
    [2064] 131227.171658.6611: ClientSetup: MachineIdentityManager.GetMachineStatus had errors: ErrorCatalog:NetworkError ErrorCode:-1
    BaseException: Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Devices.Identity.MachineIdentityException: MachineIdentityManager.GetMachineStatus ---> System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException: The remote server returned an unexpected response: (405) Method Not Allowed. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (405) Method Not Allowed.
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    Server stack trace:
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelUtilities.ValidateRequestReplyResponse(HttpWebRequest request, HttpWebResponse response, HttpChannelFactory`1 factory, WebException responseException, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.RequestChannelBinder.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
    at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
    Exception rethrown at [0]:
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
    at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Devices.Identity.ICertService.GetMachineStatus(MachineStatus& status, Boolean& isAdmin, Int32& maxClientNum, Int32& currentClientNum, String userName, String password, String machineName)
    at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Devices.Identity.MachineIdentityManager.GetMachineStatus(String serverName, String userName, String password, String machineName, Boolean& isAdmin)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Devices.Identity.MachineIdentityManager.GetMachineStatus(String serverName, String userName, String password, String machineName, Boolean& isAdmin)
    at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.ClientSetup.ClientDeploy.ValidateUserTask.Run(WizData data)
    [2064] 131227.171658.6611: ClientSetup: Exiting ValidateUserTask.Run
    [2064] 131227.171658.6611: ClientSetup: Task with Id=ClientDeploy.ValidateUser has TaskStatus=Failed
    [2064] 131227.171658.6611: ClientSetup: Task with Id=ClientDeploy.ValidateUser has RebootStatus=NoReboot
    [2064] 131227.171658.6611: ClientSetup: Exting ConnectorWizardForm.RunTasks
    [164] 131227.171658.6711: ClientSetup: JoinNetwork Tasks returned TaskStatus=Failed
    [164] 131228.000408.7404: ClientSetup: Back from the Client Deployment Wizard
    [164] 131228.000408.7805: ClientSetup: Saving Wizard Data
    [164] 131228.000408.7805: ClientSetup: End of ClientDeploy: ErrorCode=1603
    Searching the web, I can only find this error in items about  people programming web services in ASP.
    Can anyone help to figure out what's wrong?

    Can you check the IIS log file for "WSS Certificate Web Service"
    Web Application. Log files should ben the folder C:\Inetpub\Logs\LogFiles\W3SVC2.
    Check for error 405. 
    If you are getting error 405 check for Web Handler for *.svc
    You can do this by running the PowerShell command Get-WebHandler | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "*.svc"} 
    This should result in the following Web Handlers
    Name                          Path                         
    Verb                          Modules
    svc-Integrated-4.0     *.svc                         *                            
    svc-ISAPI-4.0_32bit   *.svc                         *                            
    svc-ISAPI-4.0_64bit   *.svc                         *                            
    If the command does not return any result, you need to add the Web Handler for *.svc
    This post is "AS IS" and confers no rights. Mohammed Sabir [MSFT]

  • Bug 2.1: Export to Excel fails: no valid colums available...

    I read some threads about the error
    No valid columns available for export,
    we do not currently support clob or blob columnsand none of the workarounds work for me
    [Create View|]: I only have a read only user without any permissions
    [Scroll Count Cancel|]
    [(Re)Activate Completion Insight|]
    [No dblink|]
    My query has only NUMBER and VARCHAR2 as results and 1200 rows.
    Log says WARNING     34     10656     
    oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.actions.TableExportAction     oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.TabCol.getTableNodes( export works in 1.2, does not work in 1.5.5 (with message "WARNING     29     17954     oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.actions.TableExportAction     oracle.dbtools.parser.TabCol.getTableNodes("
    Add: I played around with the query: the export fails when the query is like
    SELECT col1
          ,(SELECT something
            FROM   whatever
           ) AS col2
    FROM   some_table;while the following works
    SELECT col1
    FROM   some_table;Regards
    Edited by: Marwim on 22.12.2009 15:35

    Bug 9246364 - otn: export to xls is not working for a query

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