Failure to Burn

When ever I try to burn an audio cd the following error message comes up: "The Attempt to burn the disc has failed. The device failed to calibrate laser power level for this media". I have tried reducing the burning speed in the preferences, but to no avail. Any ideas?

I get the same error message when trying to burn an audio CD but haven't figured out the reason. I've tried a couple different CD-Rs but no luck. Changing speeds doesn't work either.

Similar Messages

  • Failure to burn CD error message

    Everything has been working fine until recently when every CD that is burned only records the first 5-6 songs and then ejects the CD and the message "failure to burn CD error" message is displayed.

    I don't think this problem has been "answered". The problem is random. Sometimes I burn with no problem. This morning my first burn worked fine. Then I had 4 failures in a row. Tried changing nothing. Tried changing burn speed. Eventually I am now having a sucessful burn. Thank goodness that it does not ruin the blank but it seems to be increasing in frequency. Why doesn't apple address this problem? I see hundreds of posts with the same problem. Many are archived. Some like this thread claim to answered. But the problem is that, in my experience, the problem comes and goes. Sometimes I have sucess without changing anything after a failure. Today I quit iTunes and when I started it up again it failed once and now its just finished a sucessful burn. I'm burning the same playlist each time of unprotected music but I notice no difference whether I'm burning purchased music, ripped music, downloaded music, aiff, aac, acc protected, mpeg or a mixture of same.
    iMac 1ghz g4   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

  • To BALTWO:I really appreciate the fast sent solution about my failure to burn DVDs with Lion, but I am 89 years old and think I know something about computers, but don't have a clue about ZAPPing PRAM nor RESET SMC.  I also can't find any evidence of a p

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    Blue colored text in these forums usually indicates a clickable link. The two I posted in bring up Apple's articles on those subjects. For partitioning information, peruse Disk Utilities help files, especially
    Changing a disk’s formatting and partitions
    BTW, the proper way to respond to a post is to use the Reply button and not start another. Good luck and hope you make it to your tenth decade—I'm in my eighth.

  • IDVD encoding causes system failure during burn process

    I have iDVD 5 on my work computer (dual 2.7Ghz G5 / 2.5 G RAM), and have burned successfully before my current project.
    My current project has a 28:45 movie and I have tried two different themes with different combinations of drop zones (one with the movie as the drop zone and one with stills only) and everything previews okay, but when I start the burn process it will get to a certain point in the encoding and then the whole system crashes. I come back to check on the process, and my screen is filled with black squares with error info in it... (looks like a DOS screen or something) and it says something about system failure and that I need to restart my computer.
    I'm so stubborn that I keep trying different combinations of possibilities but I'm having no luck. The movie that it's hangin up on was captured in Final Cut Pro from a VHS, edited in Final Cut to trim the excess black, and exported as a Final Cut Movie that I imported into iDVD.
    As I said above, I have burned successfully on this computer and this iDVD, so the fact that this one project refuses to burn is perplexing.
    any thoughts?

    A gap in video would be a space between one clip and another. This is a problem when you are editing your footage, not capturing it. In other words, it is a user introduced problem.
    In FCP when you say "Ignore Timecode Breaks" it just means to continue capturing video even if there is a timecode break. If you do not select this option, FCP would immediately stop catpturing whenever it hit a timecode break. A timecode break is not the same thing as a gap you create during editing. A timecode break could be as simple as rewinding your camera footage and then recording over it... the timecode now has a break because it is not continuous timecode, it jumps from one timecode to another.
    Depending on what device you are capturing from, your audio may come in a few frames before or after the video. This would be especially true for a non-controllable device. It is a simple fix to adjust this as you would have noticed any sync issues right in the timeline during playback.
    A system reboot in the middle of encoding is a serious crash... I doubt if it is the footage per se that is causing this to happen. Footage has been known to force an application to abort a process (or stay in an infinite loop), but an actual system shutdown would be extremely rare.
    Consider recapturing the footage into a new FCP project and then creating a new iDVD project for it, this will eliminate either a corrupted FCP file or an iDVD project from the equation. Also, are you burning directly to disc or are you preparing a disc image? I'd go with the disc image approach because you can test your final build that way.

  • Frequent failures to burn DVDs

    I have a new Macbook Pro 13", June 2009 (unibody.) Almost every other DVD+R DL I burn from finder (burning files to a DVD) results in a failure (a "coaster.") This is my first mac, I've only ever used Windows PCs before this and I can't remember the last time I actually had a CD or DVD fail on any PC before this. It hasn't happened to me in many years, but I get them a lot on the Mac.
    The question is, is this normal? Or is there something wrong with my drive?
    I could certainly go in to visit a Genius and have them check it out, but before I do I wanted to check in here on expectations.
    It's a brand new laptop, so I know it's not dirty.

    I've had these discs for a very long time, so they aren't going back. I'll just bring them to work and/or use them with my external USB burner. They're still find for my other computers.
    Odd, I thought Memorex was supposed to be decent. Now I know. You know, you think you're avoiding the garbage and going with a good name brand only to get garbage. The whole point is to avoid media problems in the first place.
    Well now I know it's likely the media. For whatever reason the Macbook burner just doesn't like this media.
    Awesome, thanks for all of the help. I'll definitely go get some Verbatim (and stick to them.) Good advice on getting something I can return if they don't work.
    Thanks again for all of the responses.

  • Failure to Burn due to menu length

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    The problem usually is that you have used a long movie clip in a menu drop zone (say a 15 minute clip) - even though you only display a short segment of the movie (say 30 seconds), the entire 15 minutes is included.
    Shorten your menu clips to say a minute or two.
    F Shippey

  • Failure to burn disk

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    Have never had this problem, having burned many cd's in the past. Help!

    No problemo; glad it worked out

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    It starts to write the DVD and actually finishes burning but when verifying the disk gives an error at 83% (I've tried 4 times so far). Then asks for a new as disk1.
    I appreciate any help.
    Go to Solution.

    You may have a bad batch of DVDs.  Some brands work better then others, IE Sony vs memorex, etc.
    A free disc analysis tool is available at NERO.COM Select the download button,free tools. Nero Discspeed is the utility you want.  Install it, and scan your DVDs for errors.  

  • Failure to burn dics.

    I attempted to burn a dics and failed. An unknown error(2131) have occured.
    Please help.

    I am running iTunes 8 on XPO and had the same issue. I am not sure where I found the fix but I was told to go to and install the latest drivers. I did and then I shut down and restarted a IT WORKED!
    Hope this helps.

  • Failure to burn DVD

    I created a movie in i Movie. It includes stills, video clips, sound effects and music. It plays perfectly in i Movie but during the i DVD process, it seems to crash during the "encoding audio" mode.
    Help.... and thank you

    What kind of iMac (Processor and speed) do you have?
    How long is your iDVD in minutes, including movies and slideshows?
    Just trying to guess at how long should be "normal" for your machine. My first iDVDs on a G4 TiBook always took about 12 bours.....
    Where did the audio come from?
    Can you check the audio in your movies and see if it is 12 bit or 16 bit? iDVD needs 16 bit.
    Not only will it produce sync issues noted above, it will very often crash iDVD.
    One other note, the "not responding" upon force quite (or in activity monitor) is also normal.
    John B

  • Won't burn ... "spindle servo failure"

    looks like a drive problem ... any comments/assistance?
    iTunes: Burn started, Sun Nov 11 12:58:58 2007
    iTunes: Burning to CD-R media with SAO strategy in MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-85J FCQ5 via ATAPI.
    iTunes: Requested burn speed was 12x, actual burn speed is 8x.
    iTunes: Burn underrun protection is supported, and enabled.
    iTunes: Burn failed, Sun Nov 11 12:59:22 2007
    iTunes: Burn sense: 4/09/03 Hardware Error, Spindle servo failure
    iTunes: Burn error: 0x80020022 The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.

    copythat wrote:
    iTunes: *Requested burn speed was 12x*, actual burn speed is 8x.
    iTunes: Burn sense: 4/09/03 Hardware Error, *Spindle servo failure*
    It's probably a real hardware failure, but there's an outside chance that some piece of firmware/software "didn't get the memo" about the automatic speed reduction. What happens if you try it again with a "requested burn speed" of 8x or less?

  • Can't burn DVDs? Try this first...

    Like a number of other folks, I had an unexplained failure to burn DVDs and thought something Very Bad had happened to my drive. However, doing some research before buying a new drive (if I had to buy one, might as well get the Latest and Greatest right?) I found there's a lot of really bad media out there. Companies are buying some really cheap junk, slapping their label on it, and putting it on the shelves.
    So before doing anything drastic, try this:
    Go to Applications -> Utilities and start "System Profiler".
    In System Profiler, left hand column (labeled "contents") click "Disc Burning".
    Insert a disk you haven't been able to burn.
    When (sometimes "if") the disc mounts, refresh System Profiler (command-R or from the View menu select "Refresh"). At some point, you should get something like this:
    Type: DVD-R
    ID: CMC MAG. AM3
    Blank: No
    Erasable: No
    Overwritable: No
    Appendable: No
    Pay attention to the ID field. In this case, "CMC MAG. AM3"
    Pop over to:
    And search for your disc ID. This likely is "all run together". That is, for "CMC MAG. AM3", you look for:
    And, presto, the discs my drive "quit" on are listed in the section:
    "Pathetic garbage media, landfill material, about 0-50% success rate. These discs are pretty much only suited for preventing drink cup rings from forming on a table. Most of the time, these are ready-made coasters. If you can actually get a burner to acknowledge the disc, do not expect much. And if the burn actually succeeds, do not be surprised if a DVD-ROM or player chokes on the disc (read/play errors). Cheap prices, cheap junk quality."
    How nice!
    Mind you, I did not buy "CMC Magnetics" discs. I bought a "brand name". I got CMC Magnetics discs with a "brand name" label. And, apparently, their lowest quality (they do have some listed as "3rd Class Media" but not the ones I have).
    This would also explain why I managed to get several burns from the spindle then everything just up and stopped. A "0-50% success rate" means I can expect half *or more* of the discs to fail. I managed about 30% before reaching a run of total garbage in the spindle.
    (In fact, many of the remaining discs--I've taken different ones out of the spindle at random--won't even mount.)
    Also, the fact that companies are "out sourcing" means that even though you may have tried different "brands", you may actually still be getting discs from the same crappy factory! Scroll down to "Branding Guide" at the site and you find that CMC is supplying (among many):
    Datawrite, HP, Maxell, Memorex, Staples, and some TDK even!
    Buying different "brands" doesn't necessarily mean you've bought different discs.
    So before doing anything drastic, before assuming the drive has konked out, buy some one packs or three packs of the "1st Class Media" and try them. I haven't a problem with the ones I bought from companies listed as providing "1st Class Media".
    Based on the "Branding Guide", I suggest buying a few from one or more of:
    Then see if your drive problem suddenly clears up. Did for me. Now to figure out what to do with the 60+ CMC coasters I have left...

    Matt Clifton wrote:
    A great tip that works in OS X 10.5.
    Does anyone know how to get the same information under 10.4?
    If Disk Utility in 10.4 doesn't do it, there are two things I've seen that could help though I cannot vouch for them. One is a little utility here:
    Now, that's a Google translated page in Japanese. But I could find no other widgets out there that read the info. I did download the program from here:
    And tried it out. It worked for me. Just leave the "Format" setting to: Pre-recorded Information in Lead-in. Insert a disk, click on the drive name in the top box of the window when the name appears (takes a sec as the disk is mounted). You get hex (which to most folks is known as "gibberish" <g>). But in the first couple of lines on the right hand side, you should see the manufacturer info such as:
    read DVD structure [0E]
    00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 84 0D 12 [email protected].....
    98 99 90 00 03 43 4D 43 20 4D 41 00 04 47 2E 20 .....CMC MA..G.
    41 4D 33 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 02 00 06 09 0D 14 AM3.............
    Second line, far right, you see the "CMC MAG AM3" (with some spaces in "MAG", no I don't know why). Of course, you'll be looking for codes from here:
    They should show up somewhere in those first few lines.
    According to this discussion:
    You can get the info in Toast. I can't verify that myself as I don't have the software.

  • Superdrive only burns a few songs to CD on MacBook Pro Retina

    I don't know if this is a SuperDrive issue (that's my guess), or an iTunes issue, or a Mountain Lion issue, or a MacBook Pro Retina issue... but I got a SuperDrive the other day for burning CDs and DVDs. My first attempt at burning a MP3 CD of about 50 songs was a failure—it burned 5 songs to the CD and acted like it was finished. No errors, no warnings, no problems, just didn't burn the rest of them. And it wasn't the first 5 songs, it was a random selection of 5 songs.
    So I tried again with another playlist of about 30 songs. Same thing, except only 1 song burned this time. I haven't found anything else online about a problem like this (although I've seen LOTS of other SuperDrive problems). Any ideas about what's going on and what to do? I don't want to waste any more time or CDs if I should just return the SuperDrive and get a different burner instead.
    Thanks for any help and suggestions you can offer.

    It's an Apple SuperDrive, and I haven't contacted them yet to ask about it. I guess I could take it to the Genuis bar but I am already wary of the product since I've read about so many problems with it.

  • Error code 0x8002006e burn issue

    Hi, I have read all the threads on this issue and no answer.
    Apparently this is happening a lot. I have burned one cd-r that worked on my new mac pro, (month old) and now I cannot burn anymore without the error code 0x8002006e unable to verify. I can although reinsert the disk and it will read and can open random files, but who trusts a disk with errors??
    I have shut down all programs to burn the disk and have restarted my finder.
    I've used Sony CD-R's and Memorex DVD-R which both worked fine on Tiger on my other computer,my pc dell laptop and my external duplicator.
    Running 10.5.2 all updated installed.
    I have wasted about 7 cd-r / dvd-r both. I have the standard superdrive from apple, and I have installed a pioneer from an old imac g4, (apple techs said it was compatible), and received the error in both drives. I can burn via my external lightscribe duplicator and it works great.
    Apple doesn't reopen until Monday and hopefully it's an issue that can be resolved now.
    Any suggestions would be wonderful!!! Unfortunately the nearest Apple store is 2 hours away

    I'm having this problem with CD-Rs on my new iMac. So far 3 good burns from the Finder against 5 bad. The first 4 failures died with 0x8002006E and the most recent with "Burning the disc failed because communication to the disc drive failed. (Error code 0x80020022)". Visually all the burns failed with about the same amount of the diskwritten. The DiscRecording.log visible in the Console app shows the writes failing at the same spot (except for the first which is a nonsense number):
    +Finder: Write (10), block: 4294967146, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
    +Finder: Write (10), block: 94240, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
    +Finder: Write (10), block: 94080, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
    +Finder: Write (10), block: 94144, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
    The last failure showed this:
    +Finder: Burn sense: 4/09/01 Hardware Error, Tracking servo failure+
    +Finder: Burn error: 0x80020022 The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.+
    Which is beginning to look like a hardware or firmware failure (some other forums seem to suggesting that the problem started with a firmware upgrade). I'll be checking with Apple support directly.
    One other oddity, I've tried selecting 8x burn speed - the default is 24x - but DiscRecording.log records this in every case:
    +Finder: Requested burn speed was max, actual burn speed is 24x.+
    For the record I'm not using a particularly reputable brand of media (Infiniti's from, bought locally) because I thought I'd start with the cheap ones and work up. Messages in this forum and others suggest that the 0x8002006e problem occurs with all brands of media so I'm not confident that upgrading would fix the problem.

  • Cannot Burn CDs

    I have tried to burn discs many times using itunes, and usually when i try it intializes and starts writing the first track then it cancels right away and an error message come up and says "The attempt to burn a disc failed. An unknown error occured (4261)" andi know its not my discs because i bought a brand new pack and tried them and ive tried multiple brands of dics and they all do this to me. Now the even weirder thing is that it doesnt always do this, sometimes, though it rare, it actaully copies the disc. please help me.

    I have the same problem reported by shoeshank. I have a Dell desktop with Windows XP Pro; iTunes is ver. 7. I am able to burn text files to CDs using Roxio software without difficulty, so I presume my CD drive works okay. After iTunes' first failure to burn, the error message included the option to "calibrate the cd" which box I checked, but that did not seem to help, as I continue to get the error message "The attempt to burn a disc failed. An unknown error occurred (4261)". Like shoeshank, iTunes on my computer seems to recognize the CD drive and the CD because the burn process does initiate. The error message appears after the sliding progress bar has gone about a fifth of the way. In iTunes, I ran Help>Run Diagnostics, which generated the following report:
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Dell Computer Corporation XPS-Z
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    LowerFilters: iomdisk (5.0.1636.1), Cdr4_xp (,
    UpperFilters: cdralw2k (, pwd_2k (, GEARAspiWDM (,
    Video Driver: Radeon DDR\1002-5144-04
    IDE\DiskIOMEGAZIP_100__________________________14.A___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [1,0]
    IDE\DiskWDCWD400BB-75DEA0_____________________05.03E05, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    IDE\CdRomLGCD-RW_CED-8080B______________________1.04___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    If you have multiple drives on the same IDE or SCSI bus, these drives may interfere with each other.
    Some computers need an update to the ATA or IDE bus driver, or Intel chipset. If iTunes has problems recognizing CDs or hanging or crashing while importing or burning CDs, check the support site for the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
    Current user is an administrator.
    D: LG CD-RW CED-8080B, Rev 1.04
    Media in drive is blank.
    Get drive speed succeeded.
    The drive CDR speeds are: 2 4 8.
    The drive CDRW speeds are: 2 4 8.
    Force Optical Power Calibration before burn is turned on in the preferences.
    The last failed audio CD burn had error code 4261(0x000010a5). It happened on drive D: LG CD-RW CED-8080B on CDR media at speed 8X."
      Windows XP Pro  

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