False calculation result

Hello expert,
                   I make an enhancement in PO when i make some calculation the result get zero as the example below
EKKO_VAL = 15000,00
EKPO_VAL = 50000,00
BALANCE must be 0.03 but it is coming zero ,any body can help ,thanks.

If the enhancement belongs to a program with the flag "fixed point arithmetic" switched off, you will get 0. If it is switched on, you will get 0.30.
In older ABAP programs, find the "fixed point arithmetic" flag switched off. In more recent programs, and when creating new programs, the flag will be switched on by default.
If "fixed point arithmetic" is switched off, all decimal points will be ignored, and all intermediate results will be rounded to integers.
data: x type p length 7 decimals 2,
         y type p length 7 decimals 2,
         z type p length 7 decimals 2.
   x = '15000.00'.
   y = '50000.00'.
   z = x / y.
write z. " --> 0.30 with fixed point arithmetic, 0.00 without fixed point arithmetic

Similar Messages

  • Warning 'Calculating result as....' was not executed

    Hi all,
    At the time of executing a report, after giving the inputs for variables I am getting an warning messager: Warning 'Calculating result as....' was not executed'.
    Kindly advise.
    Thank you,


  • 'Calculating result as...' was not executed ???

    can anyone explain me the warning message that i received.
    I have a query, and in its definition, three characteristcs are added to the "rows" (Region, District, StoreId) and the option "Display as hierarchy" is selected, expanding to "Region". Region has 4 values (north, south, east, west) So when query is run, it displays 4 nodes.
    When i execute the query, this warning message shows up "<b>'Calculating result as...' was not executed</b> ". It calculates the results correctly for the first three nodes and fails to calculate it for the last node. The result displayed for the last node is wrong.
    Could you please share your comments on this.
    This is the detailed message.
    The function 'Calcualte Results As ...' could not be applied everywhere.
    The recalculation of a result cell always takes place based on the amount of detail cells that are subordinate to this cell, that is the detail of this drilldown. For this reason it is not possible to recalculate results in hierarchical lists, that is calculate of a results cell is not performed if a row or column with expansion symbol is subordinate to it. This is because otherwise this newly calculated results would have to change every time a node subordinate to it was expanded. This is not supported for technical reasons and would also confuse the user.
    Note however, that calculate as "Suppress Results" is always executed
    because the above exception does not apply in this case.
    Any answers please. I am known to be generous in assigning points

    Did you ever receive any further information on this topic?  I am receiving the exact error you received and I know this was possible in BW 3.2.  My customers have been using this report now for months.  I would like to know how to activate this same reporting in BW 3.5 
    Thanks so much! 

  • Calculation result in the form

    Can I have the field that calculate the List Price x Qty as Amount
    And the field that sums up all the amount.
    Can Form could do this?

    Thank you for the e-mail.
    Response table are for my use not customer or fillers can see.
    There is always the need on the part of the filler that they would like to
    confirm the calculated result.
    If not yet supported, I strongly request the formula be supported in the
    future release of forms central.
    2013/12/9 Josh_Corey <[email protected]>
        Re: Calculation result in the form  created by Josh_Corey<http://forums.adobe.com/people/Josh_Corey>in
    FormsCentral - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/5911986#5911986

  • Warning message "Calculating result as"

    When i execute the query i get a warning message as
    "Warning 'Calculating result as .....'was not executed.
    I am worried that something did not caluclate or the results are incorrect.
    Could any one of you tell me what is causing this error to occur and the nature of the way.I will assign points.

    Hi subhashini,
    "Calculate result as " is something which you find in the "Calculations" tab of the corresponding selection or formula in the query designer. What it usually does is perform Calculations on the displayed result set like count, average and many other aggregate calculations. Check what calculation is defined for the selections in that query and see if you can remove that warning..
    Check this link to help you debugging the issue
    Regards, Uday
    Assign points for helpful answers and get one point for yourself.

  • Strange double calculation result with JDK 1.4.2

    I've written a small benchmark to test the power of a Sharp Zaurus PDA. Wanting to compare it with my workstation, I ran it on the PC with JDK1.4.2 Beta and was really surprised to discover that the double calculation of Pi gave a non-correct result: Pi = 3.1413934230804443!!!
    I've tried to isolate the bug without success at the moment. It only happens when run from the Zjb program in JDK1.4.2, either from the command line or from Eclipse.
    The result is correct when run with JDK1.4.1, JDK1.4.1_01, JDK1.1.8 that are also setup on the PC. I extracted the faulty loop and executed the sniplet, but the result is OK. I added the previous lines (running the Ackerman function to test recursivity and stack management): still OK, from Eclipse and command line.
    I think the problem must be a configuration one on my computer: a 2xPII 350, Win2K SP3. Perhaps the 1.4.2 JVM is using an old library... I can't imagine that the Beta JVM would have such problem.
    Or there is a bug in the program which make the stack or the FPU registers break, but I can't find where: all other platforms I tested gave correct results.
    Could someone with a JDK1.4.2 installation test my program and post what were the results for the Pi calculation?
    The 10KB source is available on http://www.alterna.tv/zjb/Zjb.java

    Yes, it was the Pentium, at the time when 100MHz was top speed...
    My CPUs are supposed not to suffer from that old disease.
    But if it were the case, new JVM can't drop software patches like this. Today, Intel started again the release of the new P4 at 3GHz, after adding a software patch for the hardware defect they had detected...
    I post the code for my small program here as my Web site is frequently down this week:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Button;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Dialog;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.FlowLayout;
    import java.awt.Frame;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.Label;
    import java.awt.List;
    import java.awt.Panel;
    import java.awt.TextField;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
    import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.math.BigInteger;
    * Zjb: Zaurus Java Bechmark
    * @author GenePi
    class Zjb
         extends Frame
         static Zjb _mainWindow;
          * Number of benchmark runs.
         private final TextField _runs;
          * Results list
         private final List _results;
          * Wait, program is thinking...
         private final Label _wait;
          * Start button
         private final Button _start;
          * Benchmark running
         private volatile boolean _running = false;
          * Layout the main window.
              super("Zaurus java benchmark 1.0");
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              // Input fields
              Panel top = new Panel(new GridLayout(1, 0));
              top.add(new Label("Number of runs"));
              _runs = new TextField("1");
              add(top, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              // Results list
              _results = new List();
              add(_results, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              // Start button
              final Panel bottom = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
              _wait = new Label();
              _start = new Button("Start");
              _start.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt)
                        if (!_running)
                             // Clear previous results and start benchmark.
                             _wait.setText("Running...          ");
                             _running = true;
                             _running = false;
              // Quit button
              final Button quit = new Button("Quit");
              quit.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt)
              add(bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              // Exit when main window closes
              addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                   public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent evt)
              Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
          * The benchmarks
          * @param runs Number of runs
         private static void runBenchmarks(final int runs)
              long start;
              long end;
              long totalStart;
              long totalEnd;
              // Integer arithmetic
              start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              totalStart = start;
              int resultInt = 0;
              for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
                   resultInt = ackerman(3, 9);
                   // resultInt = ackerman(3, 7);
              end = System.currentTimeMillis();
              _mainWindow._results.add("Integer arithmetic: " + ((end - start) / 1000.0) + " s [Ack(3,9)=" + resultInt + "]");
              if (!_mainWindow._running)
              // Float and double
              start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              double resultDouble = 0.0;
              for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
                   resultDouble = 0.0;
                   for (int j = 1; j < 1000000; j++)
                        resultDouble += 1.0 / ((double) j * (double) j);
                   System.out.println("resultDouble=" + resultDouble);
                   resultDouble = Math.sqrt(resultDouble * 6.0);
              end = System.currentTimeMillis();
              _mainWindow._results.add("Double arithmetic: " + ((end - start) / 1000.0) + " s [Pi=" + resultDouble + "]");
              if (!_mainWindow._running)
              // Big operations
              start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              BigInteger resultBig = new BigInteger("1");
              for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
                   resultBig = fact(3000);
              end = System.currentTimeMillis();
              _mainWindow._results.add("Infinite arithmetic: " + ((end - start) / 1000.0) + " s [3000!=" + resultBig.toString().substring(1, 20) + "...]");
              if (!_mainWindow._running)
              // Strings
              start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              String resultString = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
                   final String alphabet = " qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm0789456123./*";
                   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                   for (int j = 0; j < 100000; j++)
                        int pos = j % alphabet.length();
                        buf.append(alphabet.substring(pos, pos + 1));
                   resultString = buf.toString();
              end = System.currentTimeMillis();
              _mainWindow._results.add("Strings: " + ((end - start) / 1000.0) + " s [" + resultString.substring(1, 20) + "...]");
              if (!_mainWindow._running)
              // Drawing
              start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
                   final int size = 200;
                   Dialog dialog = new Dialog(_mainWindow, "Drawing...", true);
                   dialog.add(new TestPanel(dialog));
                   dialog.setSize(size, size);
              end = System.currentTimeMillis();
              _mainWindow._results.add("Drawing: " + ((end - start) / 1000.0) + " s");
              if (!_mainWindow._running)
              // File copy
              start = System.currentTimeMillis();
              String resultIO = "OK";
              for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
                   final String tempName = "/tmp/Zjb.tmp";
                        BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempName));
                        for (int j = 0; j < 1000000; j++)
                             out.write((byte) j);
                        BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempName));
                        for (int j = 0; j < 1000000; j++)
                             int r = in.read();
                             if ((byte) r != (byte) j)
                                  resultIO = "Failed";
                                  System.err.println("Content mismatch at " + j);
                                  break loopIO;
                        new File(tempName).delete();
                   catch(IOException ioe)
                        resultIO = "Failed";
                        break loopIO;
              end = System.currentTimeMillis();
              _mainWindow._results.add("Files I/O: " + ((end - start) / 1000.0) + " s [1MB written/read/deleted: " + resultIO + "]");
              totalEnd = end;
              _mainWindow._results.add("Total: " + ((totalEnd - totalStart) / 1000.0) + " s");
          * Utility functions: Ackerman function
          * @param m
          * @param n
         private static int ackerman(final int m, final int n)
              if (m == 0)
                   return (n + 1);
              else if (n == 0)
                   return (ackerman(m - 1, 1));
                   return ackerman(m - 1, ackerman(m, (n - 1)));
          * Factorial of big numbers.
          * @param n
          * @return
         private static BigInteger fact(final int n)
              final BigInteger one = new BigInteger("1");
              BigInteger num = new BigInteger("1");
              BigInteger fact = new BigInteger("1");
              for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
                   num = num.add(one);
                   fact = fact.multiply(num);
              return fact;
          * Benchmark entry point.
          * @param args Command line arguments
         public static void main(String[] args)
              _mainWindow = new Zjb();
              synchronized (Zjb.class)
                   while (true)
                        catch (InterruptedException ie)
                             // Wake
                        if (_mainWindow._running)
                             catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
                             _mainWindow._running = false;
    class TestPanel
         extends Panel
          * The dialog containing the panel.
         private final Dialog _dialog;
         TestPanel(final Dialog dialog)
              _dialog = dialog;
         public void paint(final Graphics g)
              Dimension dim = getSize();
              g.fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);
              for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                   Color color = new Color((int) (Math.random() * Integer.MAX_VALUE));
                   int x = (int) (Math.random() * dim.width);
                   int y = (int) (Math.random() * dim.height);
                   int width = (int) (Math.random() * dim.width);
                   int height = (int) (Math.random() * dim.height);
                   g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
              g.fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);
              for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                   Color color = new Color((int) (Math.random() * Integer.MAX_VALUE));
                   int x = (int) (Math.random() * dim.width);
                   int y = (int) (Math.random() * dim.height);
                   int width = (int) (Math.random() * dim.width);
                   int height = (int) (Math.random() * dim.height);
                   g.fillOval(x, y, width, height);
              // Hide dialog when finished

  • In iWork 09, Numbers, how do I replace a formula with calculated results for a whole column?

    I have a rather large Numbers spreadsheet.  I have used a formula to create a new column of information.  I now want to replace the formula with the actual results calculated by that formula for each cell in that column, so that I can delete some of the other columns.  How do I do that?

    Copy the cells with the results, then select the destination cell, and use the menu item "Edit > Paste Values".
    You may want to paste to a different location in case you need the source data or formulas in the future.

  • Calculating result as 'Last Value' on a formula

    I'm using the following formula STOCK_on_HAND in a query:
       ( 'Calmonth' < 'Current Month (Number)' ) * 'Stock ACT'
    + ( 'Calmonth' >= 'Current Month (Number)' ) * 'Stock PLAN'
    Calmonth is in collums, Current month is a variable containing the current month.
    'Stock ACT' is keyfigure containing actual inventory figures from R/3
    'Stock PLAN' is keyfigure containing planned (future) inventory figures filled via planning layout from BPS.
    Everything is fine so far. Problem is now that I want to use the result calculation from Bex using the 'Last Value' aggregation result for my selected reporting period. This seems not to work as I always get an 'X' in the result collumn.
    Any ideas?

    You can set the property of the KF under "Calcualtion" tab. Calcualte Result as "last Value" and then based on your report layout, either calcualtion is to be done row or column wise.
    That should diplay the last value in the Total.
    - Danny

  • Strange calculation results

    Hi all,
    The situation is as follows:
    I created a pivot table which shows profits. The measures, which are shown as the columns of the pivot, are 'Sales', 'Costs', 'Profit' (= 'Sales'-'Costs') & %Profit (= 'Profit' / 'Sales'). The left edge of the pivot 'hosts' a 'Products' hierarchy (Category -> Top Group -> Group -> Family -> Item). I also added OBIEE's default summary calculation. While the sums of all the 'normal' measures are calculated fine, the sum of '%Profit' doesn't show the correct results.
    For example (first column is 'Sales', second is 'Cost', third is 'Profit', fourth '%Profit') -
    Prod4 8089.61 5588.80 2501.81 30.93
    Prod2 13111.26 9716.86 3394.40 25.89
    Prod3 4001.14 2746.07 1255.07 31.37
    Prod 27232.92 16476.41 10756.51 39.50
    Prod5 22100.00 14828.77 7271.23 32.90
    Prod6 3581.25 2336.80 1244.45 34.75
    Prod7 11731.10 7750.91 3980.19 33.93
    Total: 89847.28 59443.60 30403.68 33.60
    While the 0.02 incorrectness in the PROFIT column is solved when 5 digits after the point are shown, the % is correct for all the products but not for their summaries (even in the extreme case when the values are shown with 15 digits after the point, just for curiosity).
    Doens anyone have a clue?

    Ha! Rock on, blemmo. :) Glad you found it.
    stiller (at) quip (dot) net
    Dev essays:
    "Luck is the residue of good design."
    "blemmo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e6u6rs$a41$[email protected]..
    > d'oh... just realized the numbers came in as strings...
    so it all looked
    > good
    > in the trace, but calculating strings with numbers isn't
    very exact...
    > darn... I should remember to use the debugger more
    > cheers,
    > blemmo

  • How do I round a formcalc calculation result to round $.725 to show $.73

    I am not an expert with Livecyle ES and I am not a programmer. I found a time calculation and modified and created this form.
    The purpose of the form is for student time to be daily and totaled per week. The hours and minutes are converted to decimal
    and then multiplied by the rate of pay to get Week 1 Total and the same process is used for the Week 2 Total. The Week 1 rounded
    calcualtion added to the Week 2 rounded calculation give the student's total gross pay.
    Student works 21.3 hours Week 1 @ 8.25/hr (calculator total) equals $175.725 (I want figure to round to $175.73)
    Student works 10.7 hours Week 2 @ 8.25/hr (calculator total) equals $88.275 (I want figure to round to $88.28)
    Student's total gross pay equals $264.01
    Payroll certificaiton shows 32 hours worked @ $8.25/hour with a gross pay of $264.01.
    I am trying to get the Week 1 Total Pay calculated figure to round properly.
    Everything I try rounds to $175.72.
    Current settings are as follows:
    Under Object Tab:
    Field Tab
    Field: Numeric Field
    Pattern: Currently no patterns are set - I tried multiple patterns, but did not get the result I want
    Value Tab
    Type: Calculated - Read Only
    Binding Tab
    The Object is named: WK1TotalPay
    Data Binding (open, Save, Submit): Use name (WK1TotalPay)
    The Data Format: Float
    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    You should be able to get this using a pattern (eg without script).
    If you set a display pattern num{$z,zzz,zz9.99} it will round up to the second decimal place.
    The 'z' is a digit picture symbol which will display a number if it exists. The '9' is a digit picture symbol which will display '0' if there isn't a number.
    So if the calculation is 0, the field will display $0.00. If you are paying the students a cool million, then it will display $1,000,000.99.
    This display pattern will round up the third decimal place.
    Hope that helps,
    Assure Dynamics

  • Calculation result query

    Hi all,
    I have a query with the following key figure:
    ZCOUNT    Counter of the order items
    X = Y/Z   global calculated key figure
    A = X/ZCOUNT
    I need the following result in my query:
             X  ZCOUNT A
             50       10    5
             30        5     6
    result 80       15    5,33
    but the real result is not as above in the example because in the result row the system don't use the formula A = X/ZCOUNT
    How can I do please?

    Hi Gianmarco,
    I hope that key figure A you have created is a local one.
    Ususallly whatever formula we specify's in a key figure that's also applicable to result row as well untill unless we dont specify anything in 'Calculate result as ' in calculation tab of calculated key figure.
    So please check this that you are not having total or any other option selected in Calculate result as option.
    We need not to do anything extra for ur above requirement as the same thing is a very normal thing expected by customer's and logically correct as well. We also have done for many of our customers by creating local key figures and choosing 'Nothing defined' in calculation tab and that worked absolutely fine.

  • Help needed in calculating result

    Hi Experts ,
    In a report i have 3 columns let say Col A , Col B & Col C.Col C is a CKF in query
    and the desired data is like below :
                       A      B       C
                      50     20     1000
                      60     10     600
    result        110    30     3300
    Means Column C is the multiplication of Col A & Col B. And we want this fuctionality in the result rows too. But when we are executing the report we are getting the result as :
                      A      B       C
                      50     20     1000
                      60     10     600
    result        110    30     1600
    Can anybody help me out how to achieve this fuctinality in the result rows ??
    Thanks in Advance...

    Hi Sam,
      This is due to the formula collision at the result row of the column C.
    Go to calculate key figure and in fomula collision u use the fomula across the rows.

  • 'Calculated Result' (profit/loss) is not displayed in BW query (NW04s)

    The hierachy for financial statement item (0GLACCEXT) contains the folowing nodes:
    -> Stocholder's Equity
    > Profit/Loss current year
    > Calculated profit (0COA/0BSRESULT-)
    > Calculated profit
    > Calculated loss
    > Calculated loss (0COA/0BSRESULT+)
    When I run a balance sheet query against virtual cube 0FIGL_V11, I don't get any data for nodes 'Calculated profit' & 'Calculated loss'.

    Dear gurus,
    I am searching to solve the same issue you Raynald reported...
    Unfortunately, despite the 0BAL_DEPEND information correctly updated, this note  0COA/0BSRESULT+) does not appear.
    Everything looks OK on the configuration side...Anyone has an idea what could cause the calculation not to be done ?

  • How to not show detail but keep aggregated calculation results.

    I have some calculations performed through variables. For some reason, to keep the correct calculation displayed i can only do it by displaying the detail data I'm doing the calculations with. Is there anyway around this? I've attached an attachment giving a little more explanation of what i have and what i need .
    any help would be appreciated

    Please follow below steps and let me know how it works
    1. Right click on Centre column Init ID Rpt> hide > hide dimension (if you are not able to hide then make the column as small as possible).
    2. Copy the formula of the left most in to the footer, so that the footer in the last row will also show BaseL
    3. Now modify the formula of the cell containing 2.8 as = Nofilter(whtever it used to be there earlier)
    4. Now apply filter and on the Basel column and give some value which cannot be true like 9999999 etc.,
    5. Now Right click your table and uncheck the property Display table header.
    6. You will have BaseL and 2.8 as per your requirement

  • KSII (Price Calculation Results) - Actual

    When I execute the said transaction; result for activity prices is as follows:
    Same rule is assigned to all activity types in Cost Splitting Structure.

    Yes activity quantity is posted for each activity type.
    thanks for reply

Maybe you are looking for