FCP hd on Tiger

I tried to install FCP 4 in tiger but it says that
need higher or faster processor and AGP graphic card.
I do not know why this happened. Is that mean Tiger only need FCP 5?
Please help me

#29: Need AGP Graphics card
Shane's Stock Answer #29
You either need to either:
1) use the following hack -
2) Upgrade to FCP 5

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    I run FCP 5, DVDSP4, SoundTrack Pro and some other apps on an iBook G4 and an G4 Dual.
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    To force your drives to never sleep:
    Launch the Terminal application (Applications>Utilities>Terminal) and type:
    sudo pmset spindown x
    type your password when it asks for it.
    x=the number of minutes that you want till your drive spins down.
    0 = never
    More info on using pmset here:
    http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/pmset.1. html
    And I found this here
    I hope that this helps.
    And note that this is a more 'controlled' way of putting the hard disk to sleep than is possible in >system preferences>energy saver>sleep>
    If you go that way, checked means 10 minutes and unchecked means 180 minutes (not never).
    Good luck.

  • FCP 4 under Tiger?

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    I have Final Cut Pro 4 -- will I screw myself if I upgrade to Tiger? I already have a retail 10.4 someone gave me, and I'm tempted to use it since my iMac G4 and iBook G4 (both 800MHz, 768MB and 1.125GB RAM respectively) are probably the only Tiger-capable PowerPC Macs I'll ever own. Since I've never been able to get Compressor to work ("unable to connect to background process"), I've been relying on QT Export. Unless Compress will actually work under Tiger, I'm screwed under QT 7 since there's no more QT Export... right?
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    Some people run FCP 4 and 4.5 OK in Tiger ... but others do have problems. It isn't Tiger so much but QT 7 that seems to cause much of the issues. FCP 4 and 4.5 run best with OS 10.3.9 and QT 6.5.2.
    Yes, the OS and QT upgrade will eliminate the MPEG-2 export option in QT. But Compressor should work for you.

  • FCP upgrade with Tiger

    Mark (or whoever can help)
    I have FCP 4 and I am having the same freeze on capture issues that first appeared when I upgraded to Tiger. Will I be able to download a fix for this (as I have FCP, not version 5.)

    #45 - FCP 4.5 and Mac OS 10.4.9 - how to get it working again
    Shane's Stock Answer #45 - How to get FCP 4.5 working again under Mac OS 10.4.9
    Apple's solution: Archive and install the OS again, this time updating only to 10.4.8.
    Another COOL solution: Samba2007 posted that a friend solved the FCP 4.5 + OSX 10.4.9 capture issue adding the Capture Scratch folder to the Privacy of Spotlight in this thread:
    OlSchoolCutter tried with SUCCESS (see post in that thread).
    Then follow these stesp and try (it's free!):
    1. From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
    2. From the View menu, choose Spotlight.
    3. Click the Privacy tab to reveal the areas that Spotlight will not index.
    4. In the Finder, open your "Final Cut Pro Documents" folder.
    5. Drag the Capture Scratch folder into Spotlight's list.

  • FCP Novice needs help with video quality and FCP 5!!

    I have a real problme that I cannot seem to fix. I think its because I am doing something really wrong!
    I have a Sony HC42E MiniDV Camcorder which by default records video in full widescreen. I recorded several tapes this way and have now begun trying to edit them in FCP 5.04 (Tiger 10.4.6). Whenever I log and capture my clips they appear to be fuzzzy and unclear on the Mac monitor whilst being totally crisp and sharp on the camcorder viewfinder. I tried capturing using the DV PAL 48Khz Anamorphic Preset which keeps everything the right size (the final output needs to be true widescreen and not with black bars added) but the resulting video on screen is blurry and bitty. I then tried capturing using the DV PAL 720 x 576 normal preset and the video is a little clearer on the screen (for both presets I have chosen lower field dominance) but when I play back it plays back in widescreen on the mac canvas window but at 4:3 on the camera's viewfinder.
    I then assumed that maybe this is just becuase the mac screen (CRT by the way) doesn't use fields. So I exported the sequence as a QT movie using DV PAL 16:9 and used quicktime (OS9 Classic - my compressor has never worked because of the dreaded "unable to connect to baackground process" problem which I've never managed to correct) to convert it to MPEG2. When I import this as an asset into DVD Studio pro 4 and set the track size to 16:9 it comes through at the right aspect ratio. However it looks blurry on screen. Thinking that this will be fine on a TV I burned the disc - inserted it into my DVD player (a good one!) and watched it on my new 32" widescreen TV (a good one!) and the picture qualitty is poor. Its so much blurrier and bittier than the original footage looks when played through the camcorder's viewfinder!
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    Does anyone know how I can capture my footage in FCP with the maximum quality, edit it without quality loss and the export it for DVD again without such significant quality loss whilst all the time keeping it at proper 16:9 widescreen?
    Is there some presets I should be working to?
    I'm tearing my hair out! Help!

    Hi Guys,
    thanx for your replies.
    here's the latest:
    Brian, I followed your instructions and the DVD burned successfully. However the video quality of the dvd when viewed on my TV ('ve tried on all 3 of my tvs now) is still a lot poorer than the quicktime movie that was imported into DVDSP4. When I play the original QT Movie on my Mac CRT monitor it looks a little blurry and grainy because I guess its non interlaced however when viewed on an external Video monitor it looks great - very sharp.
    When I view the burned DVD on my television the picture quality looks like the non interlaced version of the original QT Movie that appeared on my Mac CRT and not the sharp interlaced (lower field) version that appeared on my external video monitor.
    Its almost like taking a sharp jpeg into Photoshop and applying a gaussian blur of about 0.3 followed by jepg compression compressing it down to 5% quality!
    I'm totally mystified. Can the conversion to Mpeg2 be removing all interlacing so that you get the less sharp computer monitor look? I just want the video on my final DVDs to be as good as the original source footage! I appreciate that along the way there might be loss of some quality but surely not that much?
    Does this make sense to you guys or am I still doing something very wrong?
    Robert: I have tried setting all manner of drives including a fresh external firewire HD with nothing on it (clean out of the box) but it doesn't seem to help.
    Brian: I tried the no network suggestion a few months back but I'm not sure if I got it right. At the moment I have broadband through an external speedtouch usb modem and am also connected (occasionally although not for the last 3 months) via a crossover cable to my PCs ethernet card. When I last tried the No Network solution I had immense trouble getting my internet to work again! Can you please help me by directing me to the best ay to do this while protecting my internet settings?
    any more help guys would be greatfully appreciated.

  • File Error - FCP-6 - "not enough memory" ---DVDPro disk is slightly jerky..

    I have a macbook. 2GHz Intel Core Duo, 1 GB 667 DDr2 SDRAM. Final Cut Pro 6.0.1
    OS 10.4.11
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    and it seems this started to occur after working on that project.
    What else is there? Why is it doing this - of all things, now?
    Please advise - ASAP!?
    Also, one other small detail. If I have my sequence settings in FCP at DVCPRO-HD720p60, and I set my compressor file at 23.98fps - could that be responsible for a subtle jerking in the DVD Studio Pro Disk print? When I pull up the file in DVDpro - and play it on the simulator, the jerking is not present, only in the disk burn.

    The memory that FCP is referring to is RAM. If you're running with less than a couple of gigs, larger projects will report that there's not enough memory... a gig isn't really enough to run FCP anymore. Tiger and Leopard use a LOT of it up so you probably need more RAM.
    The other things that can use up RAM fast are graphics from photoshop, and if they have a blank layer in them, you'll get an out of memory error too. So might check that out, but my guts say you need more RAM for your laptop.

  • Fcp menus gray out for some reason

    what does it mean if your menus gray out after a render (i have to force quit)?? i upgraded to tiger, is there conflict problem with fcp 4 in tiger? i don't remember having this problem in panther.
    FCP 4.5 HD, latest quicktime, Mac OS 10.4.1, 1 gig memory, dual 867mhz g4

    I have only had this happen twice and the second time was just this morning. On my laptop running Tiger latest version and FCP 4.5 and QT 7.1 (I think)
    Did a long overnight render and this morning... all greyed out.
    It's one of those things that make you question wether you're really awake or not because you think it's just that you haven't got the program selected or something equally as simple. And of course, I couldn't remember what caused it last time. (which I believe was pre Tiger)
    But after trying everything I could think of, I finally had to Force Quit. Good news is that the only thing I could get to work was SAVE from the keyboard. But it would not quit from the keyboard.
    Opened the project after the restart and all was fine.
    PS, my computer was set to not sleep.
    I had no second monitor attached or selected.
    This is the only small issue I've had when using FCP 4.5 and Tiger, otherwise all has been worjing great including capture and PTV.

  • Upgrading To Leopard While Working On An FCP Project

    Working in FCP 5 in Tiger - thinking of upgrading to Leopard - any issues reported with FCP when upgrading to Leopard?

    Only upgrade if your not in the middle of a project. Sometimes things don't go as smooth as they should. Also, backup your main drive and settings to another drive before upgrading, so if you need to, you can downgrade to where you were, (just a word of caution, learned from experience.)
    Personally, I have not upgraded yet, due to some third party software that doesn't play nice with Leopard yet and that I depend on daily. As far as I can see Leopard works quit well with it's own Apple software products.
    You will also loose OS 9 classic mode under Leopard, it isn't supported in Leopard.
    If your wondering, I did upgrade and then almost immediately downgraded after my third party software stop working.

  • FCP 5 kernal crash

    Before i go into too much detail, how many of you are having KERNAL ERRORS with FCP 5 and Tiger with the latest updates?
    Errors notified after a sudden crash and FCP vanishing completely.
    Initially thought it was a good old corrupt render file but now seem to be hearing of update gribbles.

    We have fixed our problem. (http://www.pogofilms.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=000011)
    I can't tell you what we tried, and in the end the problem was a simple fact staring us in the face. What's worse, i think we had encountered it before.
    We had over 150 TIFF images in a feature length sequence. As the number had build up, things got slower until suddenly it all collapsed.
    We downgraded, upgraded, reinstalled, deleted prefs...etc etc
    What fixed it? Reducing the size of the Tiffs. These files were whoppers, some of them anyway. 64MB and about 3000x3000. So i think FCP was just working away with DV offline footage going, "tum te tum" then suddenly, thump, bam, whap! Smash. Huge Tiff files tripped it up and it collapsed.
    All files down res'd by 90% or so, HDV sized in terms of res and now all is cool.
    Thank you all for your time. I hope this helps.

  • Missing waveforms in hybrid synth

    anyone seen this before, in the waveform dialogue of the synth's editing window it always says "MISSING" in front of every waveform. cannot make any other selection there.

    Yep. I had a lovely FCP system under Tiger, just upgraded to Leopard last week along with our XSAN upgrade. Now FCP is screwed up in a number of ways. The disappearing waveforms not the least of which. I've trashed my waveform cache...NEIN! It did not help the situation. I need waveforms to edit. This needs to be fixed. We're a half AVID half FCP house and I'm tired of seeing the AVID guys edit without issue and all of us who are stuck with FCP are struggling to get it to work properly while running Leopard.
    It has nothing to do with processor speed. I'm running a 3GHZ Quad processor and this issue is persisting.

  • Compressor 2 black level/chroma issue

    I have discovered a problem about making MPEG2s with Compressor 2. I have two suites one of which has recently been upgraded to FCP Studio with Tiger; I used Compressor 2 to make a batch of MPEG2s and some QT’s for the web. The QT’s were fine but the MPEG’s were oversaturated and had crushed blacks. I have tried both the new and old setting and the problem is common to both. I have tried recompressing material that I already have MPEGs of – that were made with FCP 4.5 and Compressor 1. The new ones are different and all exhibit high chroma low black levels.
    Since my second suite is still running FCP 4.5 and compressor I ran the same tests in the old suite and the levels looked fine, suggesting that there is an issue with Compressor 2.
    I tried to alert Apple directly and was told that they had no way of putting me in touch with anyone directly. So I hope that for the sake of other users and myself this posting will ring some alarm bells.
    Robb Hart
    an ideal world
    [email protected]

    Let me be clear, I am not seeing any significant differences in the black levels and colors between Compressor 1.2.1 and Compressor 2.0.1 and yes I am using the same decoder when I compare the clips (Apple's MPEG2 Playback component). I've compared the clips side-by-side on the same display under both OS X 10.3.8 and 10.4.2. However, I haven't done an extensive set of comparison with a wide range of source material (at least not in any detailed manner).
    As for being CoreImage accelerated, under 10.4.X I do have support for CoreImage functions but they are not GPU hardware accelerated. Thus under 10.4.2 I do not get QuickTime's realtime color corrections. My PowerBook also supports Quartz Extreme.
    However, if you're talking about the so-called Quartz 2D Extreme then my system doesn't support such acceleration (and as far as I know Q2DE isn't even enabled yet -- not on any system -- you need a developer debug tool to turn it on).

  • Suggestions for VERY sluggish timeline?

    Does anyone have any ideas for how to remedy a very sluggish timeline? I have searched this forum and I've seen problems with FCP 5 and Tiger that sound similar to mine, but I'm running FCP 4.5 and OS 10.3.9.
    My timeline has slowed to the point where I can barely use the drag and drop functions anymore. When I do, and two clips butt up next to eachother, I get the pinwheel for a few seconds before I can drop the clip and when I do, it generally shifts past where I wanted to drop it - even in snapping mode!
    You can forget about using slip and slide - these have been rendered useless. Right now, I am forced to use the blade tool, cut the selected clip out of the timeline and paste it in where I want it. What a pain!
    My timelines are not that long - only 20 minutes. the only suspicion I have is that all my media is running off of firewire drives, rather than internals. But it's the internal drive that is spinning when the timeline hangs up. The other thing I've noticed is that this doesn't happen nearly as badly when I am working on a 30fps timeline, as opposed to the 24fps timeline that I am working in now.
    Any ideas? It's not a processor issue (dual 2.5 ghz) or a RAM issue (2.5 ghz RAM). What's up?!???!

    There are many reasons why we ALL get dropped frames on playback. Some have been addressed here.
    For me, I always seem to get them when I'm viewing on external monitor and don't have things rendered properly. A small crossfade that "looks" rendered but is only actually 'kind-of-rendered' so it plays in RT can easily clog playback so you get dropped frame warnings. Do you have ANY non rendered things in the timeline? If you don't want to go through and trash your render files and re-render... at least do Command-A -- Option-R... the Option R should render out everything to FULL render and not just what FCP things it needs to render it to to get it to play in your RT settings... FCP's often wrong there.

  • Erratic transition duration problem - changes to 00:00;01 and stays

    FCP 5.1, Tiger 10.4.11 - FCP Rescue run, preferences dumped manually, FCP 5.1 (crossgrade) re-installed, and problem remains - i.e. Near the end of a 1 hour wedding edit FCP got really weird and I can't recover. While applying my transitions to wrap the edit it began changing the default transition duration time to 1 frame. When I try to change the duration it stays at 1 frame. Trick is, after each of the recovery efforts above the 1 sec default works for 2-3 applications, then reverts to unchangeable 1 frame. There are at least 5 sec on either side of the edit point.
    Please - don't pile on with "clean installs" and check the threads...I'm old, stuck in the backwoods with only dial-up and 10.4.1 discs. If you can help me I appreciate it and if not I'll pull the post. Thanks!

    welcome to the forum,
    Bearing in mind what you said in the last few lines of your post I would suggest to keep a positive and constructive attitude. People here don't usually make random and careless suggestions.
    Based on the amount of info that you provided I can only suggest two things:
    1) Delete all your renders and render everything again
    2) Create a new project and sequence and copy and paste everything.
    Genuinely trying to help basing my suggestions more on intuition rather than deduction.

  • XDCam to ProRes utility?

    Has one been invented yet? I need it badly. My FCP just hates any MPEG2 footage. It's a crash-fest. And a utility that does this would save me a step and the time of transcoding to ProRes after importing the XDCam.
    Thanks if anybody has advice. Google didn't turn anything up. The Sony Log and Transfer plugin software doesn't work. Not sure why. It seems to have been made for FCP 6 and Tiger/Leopard. And I found a lot of articles that suggest a transcode after re-wrap to QT. That's what I'm doing now, but it seems like a waste of time.

    Hey Jim
    Yes, I expect David probably just misinterpreted what it is you were asking. Neither XDCAM Transfer, nor XDCAM Browser nor the FCP Log and Transfer plugin (for XDCAM EX) will allow you to transcode to ProRes as part of the import process, they all do a rewrap only ie they maintain the video in its XDCAM camera native encoding and simply place that "essence" in a Quicktime wrapper so that it's directly readable by FCP.
    ProxyMill is the only app I've seen that is purported to transcode XDCAM HD files directly to ProRes as part of the ingest process ... I've never used it so can't attest to the fact from personal experience. I'd encourage you to download the demo and see if it works as you need it to.
    Hope it helps

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