FCP Oddity - HD footage sometimes scale at 100% - sometimes 225%

I am having a final cut pro oddity happening.
Shooting from the same 2 cameras and capturing the footage exactly the same way and sometimes the footage in the sequence is appearing at 100% and sometimes it is appearing at 225% and therefore needs to be rendered.
There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when it is 100% and when it is 225% even in the same sequence timeline. One camera will be at one scale and the other will be at the other.
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
The only adverse effect is high-speed motion that is scaled at 225% is outputting onto DVD with a slight choppy motion.

I've had that happen - let me ask you a few questions.
1 - Is this a discrepancy between footage from the different cameras? OR, is it happening to footage from the same camera.
2 - are you noticing this the moment you drag(or insert) the footage on the timeline?
3 - can you tell me the properties of the capture footage from both cameras and the sequence settings.
(In my experience, this has happened when I dropped 1080 footage on a 720 timeline, and I didn't know that the 1080 footage had been shot at 1080 - or, I just forget which camera shot at which. - the 1080 footage will not self scale to 720 - it will be blown up)
Let me know what you come up with.

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    You the man!
    Thanks for the reply.  Perfect.

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    When you "uncompress" AVCHD files
    You aren't uncompressing. You are RE-COMPRESSING. AVCHD is compressed, and you can't uncompress that. But, you compress it into an editing codec...ProRes.
    would the result be exactly the same if you did it more than once?
    Not sure what you mean by that. There will be slight loss when you recompress, but nothing you'd notice. Transcoding, as it is called, is quite a normal process. ProRes is so well designed of a codec that you can recompress to ProRes again and again 10 times before you see any issues.
    if I logged and transferred using the same settings, would the footage be exactly the same?
    You can't. FCP doesn't work with AVCHD...it must be converted to ProRes.
    My understanding is that FCP "looks" for video footage where it "expects" it to be based on how and where you imported it.
    Yes. Once you set your Capture Scratch to your external drive, say MEDIA_01...FCP keeps looking for it there. If you move it, then FCP loses contact with it. Until you tell FCP where it is again.
    Let's say I had my project saved, but somehow lost my footage. If I logged and transferred it again from the same AVCHD files, would it come out exactly the same so that (if I put it on the right drive in the right folder) my FCP project would work with it as though it was the original logged and transferred footage?
    Yes....absolutely. The project file is the most important thing. Those clips in there point to the media. If the media drive dies, or the media is deleted, simply highlight all the clips and do a BATCH CAPTURE...FCP will look for the original SOURCE files, the AVCHD files, and then re-transcode them. And they will be exactly like the first time you imported them. And your cut will be rebuilt.
    Or would there be small differences that would result in my FCP project not recognizing it?
    Yes. If you move the footage, rename the footage on the FINDER level, meaning opening the drive and renaming the raw footage, or if you rename the folder that they are in, FCP will lose the connection. Which is why you DON'T do that. Designate the Capture Scratch...import the footage, and only deal with the footage in FCP...until you really know how things work and how to get FCP to reconnect to this footage.

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    Mau Vu Huu
    The default is like screenshot below:
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    Mau Vu Huu

    Looks like a bug in CR for Enterprise.
    The same chart shows a scale from 0% to 100% in the CR 2011 designer whereas CR for Enterprise seems to show a number range from 0 to 1.
    Here's a workaround:
    1) Insert a Crosstab. 'Column' should be the field you wish to show on the 'X-axis'. 'Row' should be the field that you wish to stack up on the bars. Summary should be the measure field
    2) Next, right-click one of the summary cells on the Crosstab > Select Format Total > Total > Check 'Show as Percentage of' > Grand Total > Row
    3) Right-click the Crosstab > Select Create Chart from Crosstab Data
    4) Suppress the section that holds the Crosstab
    5) Right-click the chart > Edit Chart Type > Choose 'Stacked Column'
    6) Highlight one of the numbers of the Y-axis > Select Format Total (Y) axis > Format > Currency > Choose 'Fixed' under 'Symbol Format' > Replace '$' under Symbol to '%' > Change Symbol Position to '-123$'.

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    ok now i feel better
    watch yourself Andy, the dark side is calling you ...
    p.s. How much earlier are we talking about - v1, v2, v3 or v4?

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    If you mean your FCP 7 projects - you can use an application called 7toX to transfer them to FCP X.
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    What camera? Specific model type and type of media it records. Without that, we can't offer any substantial advice.
    G5s are getting long in the tooth. Laptops now run circles around them. It was good for a few formats of HD, but not all, and not the newer formats.
    Now, the question about keeping it HD or going SD is all up to you. What is the deliverable? What is the final product going to be? DVD? BluRay? HD tape? That dictates what your working conditions are.

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    Is there a filter out there that can enhance the image somehow so that at a larger size it will look great?
    Or is there a way to export in a higher res?
    I know, it's DV and it can't bump up too much because it distorts. But what about the filters, man...

    DV is DV, and cannot be improved upon. It is compressed 5:1 in the camera onto tape. Dropping it into a 10-bit uncompressed sequence will not make it look any better. The only reason people do that is to make the graphics or titles used with DV to look better.
    In fact, dropping DV into an uncompressed timeline and rendering will add compression and make it look worse.
    "There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

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    So long as your movies are in a compatble format and in the video app they will play just fine.
    Other apps will work, some might require mirroring, which is why it's best to use the in supplied video app.
    Video formats
    H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
    MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
    Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format
    Audio formats supported
    HE-AAC (V1), AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV; Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound pass-through

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    For these vertical images, I can then set the Scale manually, or use "Scale to Sequence" and get it to start at 100, but would like to avoid that extra step. Any ideas on how to have all imported images start at a Basic Motion:Scale of 100, whether taken vertically or horizontally?
    Thanks, in advance, for giving this problem any thoughts.

    I think that your best bet would be to
    1) make the images all the same size - adding black to the edges if necessary. You could add an alpha channel on the ones that you had to add black to the edges.
    2) copy the motion settings from a still that is scaled correctly.
    3) grin and bear it.
    I created a file earlier this morning that FCP didn't scale, but now I can't duplicate it. All the files are getting scaled. According to the manual, FCP isn't supposed to scale past 100%, but they might have changed that with a revised version.
    Good luck!

  • Must still images reside in iPhoto to use in FCP X?

    Delete, sorry.
    Message was edited by: rwbjr

    I think that your best bet would be to
    1) make the images all the same size - adding black to the edges if necessary. You could add an alpha channel on the ones that you had to add black to the edges.
    2) copy the motion settings from a still that is scaled correctly.
    3) grin and bear it.
    I created a file earlier this morning that FCP didn't scale, but now I can't duplicate it. All the files are getting scaled. According to the manual, FCP isn't supposed to scale past 100%, but they might have changed that with a revised version.
    Good luck!

  • FCP-DVDSP sequence PAL footage transcoding

    I write asking of help in order to
    (a) make a proper transcoding workflow and sequence to edit MPG footage with FCP
    (b) output and convert for DVDSP.
    I dont know FCP compression and settings so well, and i think i made some mistakes...
    I use mac 10.5.8 Leopard on POWERpc with FCPStudio 7 (in the past i was using FCS5).
    I need to shrink 2 videos 50min duration each (100min total), in order to fit on DVDSP.
    I get a disc meter error my footage is 5.8 GB and exceeded space limit.
    this is the 2/2 DVD (1rst is burned ok- it is alsmost full).
    My files m2v are about 1.6GB each and inside DVDSP seem that
    occupy 2.5GB each (rendered ?)ps for SD.
    I recently received some mpg files from a sony hdd camcorder Dsr Sr58.
    It has split scenes saved as MPG files which i transcoded to various formats
    and tried to import them in a prores444 sequence in FCP to edit.
    footage is handheld and has shaky parts too for most of the time.
    this does not seem to be an HD camcorder, and i assume, despite the fact
    it has a 1:9 LCD records 4:3 and 16:9 anamorphic. I have attached an image
    of the folder names i get when i plug the camera via usb on my mac.
    I cannot also understand, what is the frame rate recorded by this camera.
    i believe it is INTERLACED 25fps. I see evident lines on my mac @ playback.
    I need to burn PAL SD DVD (50fps) at the end.
    When i open a file in MPEG streamclip, shows 1024x576 frame size unscaled.
    However, when i open it in QT shows 720x404.
    I firstly used MPEG streamclip and exported to QT making 2 versions
    (a) Photo JPG compressor codec @ 80 quality
    (b) Prores444 @ 70 Quality.
    I did not Deinterlaced in the transcoding stage at all.
    I then opened (a) in FCP and i saw i needed to render all clips inc audio
    I exported to mov but files are huge and when i make m2v files are 2GB each.
    i tried (b) and saw i needed to render the clips again. The m2v files are about 2.2GB each
    and there is NO way to bring the quality slider down in FC sequence settings. Seems locked to 100%.
    So... I abandoned temporarily and ask for any help here.
    Can anyone suggest me a procedure, on
    (a) Make a proper project sequence that wont need
    render the files each time i import them from transcoding
    (b) Suggest how to use compressor and the variable bit rate setting to decrease size further ?

    hm... thanks for sugesting JES. it seems when i feed this movie file in JES and choose deinterlace, the program crashes when file gets about 100%.
    yesterday i tried to burn the interlaced footage on DVDsp deleting clip1 to be able to burn it.
    I made the m2v file using compressor and set BIT RATE to 3,7mbps average. max rate=6.4mbps
    Motion estimation= good, and mode= one pass vbr best. i imported them in DVDSP...
    burn was ok. i played the dvd on 2 different dvd players (no pc/mac), on PAL TV.
    the first played image ok. i mean stady shots appeared clean with tiny interlaced lines sometimes.
    The shots that had camera shake and fast PAN (amateur video) showed flickering on TV and during pan
    they were leaving a semi-transparent trail behind peope. like a ghost shadow.
    The second one, played a more smooth version of steady images without showing the interlaced lines. however, same shadows appeared when fast pan occured, with slow prosumer camera speeds i believe.
    JES does not work for a reason on PPC DC 2ghz or i make wrong settings....
    I tried deinterlacing (progressive) with MPEGstreamclip, and worked ok. the
    Now, my question is.... if i make m2v files again, same bit rate, burn in DVDSP, will the dvd player, play them ok on PAL tv (which uses interlaced lines to display the image) ?

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