FCP Quartz Extreme - Help Please!

I need help. I work on a MacBook Pro w/ the latest version of Final Cut Pro. I recently updated the 'Pro Apps' after Apple's software update popped up on my desktop. After upgrading, then restarting I went to start up my FCP. It won't start/open. What I do get is a "Minimum Systems Checks" box that reads as follows:
This system does not meet the following minimum requirements: • Final Cut Pro requires that your system have a Quartz Extreme capable video card. This configuration is not supported. The software will not function properly with your with your current system configuration.
Somebody please help. What is this? This couldn't have happened at a worse time. Why does it seem every time an upgrade comes out - Apple seems to try to get its consumers to upgrade themselves out of a application.
David - Merry Christmas

If you depend on your system professionally, you need to either never automatically do a software update, or (and here's what I do), when you have a stable OS/Application combo, clone your startup drive using a program like carbon copy cloner (available for free on versiontracker.com) to create a bootable copy of your startup drive. When and if problems occur (either from a software update, some sort of system corruption, or a hard drive meltdown) you can quickly restore your startup drive to a working state. I have a second internal drive which I use for my clone, but you can actually boot off an external firewire drive if it's formatted properly.

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    THANK YOU!!!!

    Try these in this order:
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    2. Repair Permissions on all drives.
    3. Trash Preferences for offending apps.
    4. Wipe and re-install fresh OS and apps every 6-18 months.

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    G4 Cube    
    PowerMac G5 Dual 2.5GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   4.5GB RAM

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    I bet you used Software update to download a few items recently (including a recent system update), and have not yet restarted your Mac. To confirm this, launch software update, and follow the instructions. Once you restart and the install completes, relaunch FCP, and you'll probably be good.
    (I just did that to myself the other day).
    Hope it helps!

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    I have the same problem on my brand new MacBook running 10.5.4... One suggestion was to change the colors from millions and then back but I don't even have that option in my display panels. In another thread I found something that worksL
    If I simply log off and back on, then everything is fine again (no need to restart). It will show it as supported in the system info. At first I used to restart, but for the sake of trying it out once, I decided to just log off and on. It had the same effect as restarting, so that's what I do now.
    ANd in yet another answer I found something that worked for me: change the display resolution and then change it back.
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    I have been running Final Cut Pro on my Mac Pro (MacPro1,1) for over a year but recently have been unable to open it due to a minimum system checks dialog box that tells me my system is not quartz extreme capable. I have been told that if I am running Snow Leopard, which I am (10.6.7), my system is quartz extreme compatible. I have read other posts that suggest using the esc key - this does not work for me. Other posts suggest changing the resolution down and up again, still no joy. Still other posts suggest changing the colour settings between millions and thousands - no such option exists for my system.
    Any help would be appreciated as I would like to get FCP up and running ASAP. Thanks.
    (On a side note, I have been having intermittent troubles with my current graphics card, ATI Radeon X1900 XT, overheating and crashing.Can i purchase a graphics upgrade kit form Apple such as the NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 or ATI Radeon HD 5770 and expect it to work correctly, I am having trouble locating an appropriate card for such an old machine, MacPro 1,1 as mentioned above.)

    I'm not sure how many restarts I did - I did connect a different monitor in between - but i doubt that had anything to do with it. I have now installed a new graphics card (ATI Radeon HD 5770) and have not had any such trouble since.

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