FDM v11.1

Please advise if FDMv11 is compatible HFM v9.3.1.1

Please note thar Sri is incorrect. Per the documentation FDM v11.1.1.x is compatible with HFM 9.3.1
Please see the matrix in the FDM ReadMe documentation.
Thank you,

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    I am working with FDM v11.1.2 trying to add the target account description to
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    Has anyone had any luck adding the account description to FDM reports? Thank

    The method is the same. The tDimXXXX tables must be populated.
    Also, the table editor has been removed since v11.
    The population of the table is still done via a script. The script is imported with the adapter and is named: "HFM_LoadDimTables"
    If you do not have that script in your application; than the import of the adapter was not done properly.
    I just checked my v11. environment and the Adapter XML for verification.
    Also I believe it is also noted in the HFM Adapter ReadMe Documentation.
    Thank you,

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    Thank you!

    Hello Melody,
    If you are using FDM v11. the file-encoding is defaulted to Unicode. It might be helpful to contact support.
    It could be your DB isn't setup to handle unicode characters (in this event the information would be stored in the SQL*Loader or MSSQL Logs). It could also be the file you are trying to import actually isn't "unicode" but more of a local ANSI/ASCII format.
    Most 'European' characters were supported in that release; and I know several clients that use it as expected.
    Thank you,

  • V11.1.2.1: Cannot create new application - Cannot create connection to db

    I have installed Hyperion Planning + essbase + FDM v11.1.2.1 in a distributed environment on Windows 2008 R2 64-bit servers.
    All configurations is set up with no problems, have created users, planning apps etc etc. Only thing missing is creating the FDM apps however this fails!
    The folders are created on the FDM app server but it cannot connect to the oracle db it says. No error number is given.
    I have no problems accessing the oracle db via sqlplus with the same user/password info.
    And I cant find any log file that contains any errors so I am at a loss as to what can be the problem!?

    Check out KM document
    Unable to Create FDM Application From Workbench Client on Windows 2008 R2 (Doc ID 1324303.1)
    This will provide the solution to the issue.

  • Adapters not visiable in FDM

    Hi All,
    We are using FDM V11.1.2, every thing is installed and working fine
    but the problem is we are able to see only ES11X-G4-G(Essbase) as a target adapter there are no other adapters visiable and the same for Source Adapters also we are not able to see a single adapter....
    can one help us in gettting this solved...

    Each Adapter is a seperate installation. That is why they are seperate .zip files on the eDelivery and also seperate documentation/installation notes on OTN. If you need multiple target adapters; then you will need to import multiple XMLs ... or duplicate the one you have.
    Thank you,

  • ES11X-G4-H essbase export adapter issue

    i have this problem with essbase export adapter for FDM:
    When i perform export step everything seems to be fine but /APPS/myFdmApp/myFile.dat doesn't contain records that i can find with both on web interface and with a query on oracle fdm's system views "VDATAFACT" or "VDATA" (on repository database).
    No errors or reject records infos are shown nor in fdm neither in essbase (system and app) log.
    This happens with very large input file (300mb). Anyone has some ideas on what's happening?
    Thank you in advance,
    FDM: v11.1.2.1
    EsbAdapter: ES11X-G4-H
    S.O.: Win2008 SE R2 (x64)
    RDBMS: Oracle (on linux)

    I've opened a service request. Here it is the last message i got from them. Please note that this SR had lasted over 2 month.
    What they say basically is: it doesen't work but FDM is not designed for big amount of data, so we are not going to fix it.
    Which is the max filesize handled by FDM is unknown....
    Hi Daniele,
    Good Morning!
    I tried to Reach you on the Number Mentioned in the SR.We Discussed This Issue With the Product Specialist and They have Suggested Not to Use 200Mb File, because it is too Big for FDM to Handle it, Please Try to Split the File and Load it, FDM is not a ETL tool to Handle Such big File.Please let me know if you want anything Else on This.
    With Regards,
    Hello xxxxx,
    could you please provide me the max file size handled by fdm? I'd like to have some docs on that also.
    Hi Daniele,
    There is No Limitation as such FDM is not designed to load Millions of records. It's a End user fiinancial tool, not designed to be used as an ETL tool, so there is not a restriction per say, but it's not designed to be used in that manner.
    With Regards,

  • Missing Data Value on Export

    I am using FDM v11.1.2.2, and I am receiving an error during the export step. The export message shows that there is no Value for the record. I have set the Data Value for the location as <Entity Currency>, and I am not sure why the Value dimension is missing from dat file that is produced. The adapter is FM11X-G6-A. I have no scripts in the application.
    Has anyone seen this before?
    Line: 2, Error: Invalid cell for Period Jan.
    Actual;2012;Jan;YTD;2891_DIVN;;FFS;[ICP None];[None];OM;LOAD;-182.49
    Error Message in Error Log
    ** Begin fdmFM11XG6A Runtime Error Log Entry [2013-01-23-11:54:06] **
    Description.....Data Load Errors.
    Computer Name...XXXXXXXX
    App Name........
    Cluster Name....
    Connect Status.... Connection Open

    That did it, thank you. Should be my last question... if I have 50 locations, would I have to go in and edit each one manually? I tried changing just the parent location, but that didn't work.
    Also, I found this in the latest FDM guide:
    Data Value—An extra dimension that is used only for integration with multi-dimension
    target systems. This dimension is associated with a data load location. When FDM creates
    the load file, the dimension value is entered for every data line that is loaded by the location.
    For example, the Data Value dimension is associated with the Value dimension in Financial
    Management. By default, if no value is entered in this field, for integration with Financial
    Management, the Data Value <Entity Currency> is the default value.
    Message was edited by: ffba8d4a-2fdd-47a4-9925-b9293ba8db38

  • Complex Logic - Custom Script - Some other solution?

    Evening All,
    FDM v11.1.1.3
    Goal:_ To have conditional mapping based on a currency column. Original accts translate to summary account plus specific C2 member based on the currency. Solution is needed to aid in Currency Exposure reporting.
    I have been trying to use complex logic with no luck.
    Dimension Background:_
    Custom2 dimension has been built with duel purpose. For P&L accounts it provides Cost Center detail. For Balance Sheet it will provide Currency Exposure Detail. For any P&L accounts C2 is either the exact matching member from the file or C2#0000 if no Cost Center applies.
    So the intent was to read the Account/Currency combination and if Acct=<focus aact> then change C2#0000 to hard-coded C2 value as depicted in the example below.
    Curr=USD A#1020?? -> A#102001.C2#USD_USD
    Curr=AUD A#102038 -> A#102001.C2#USD_AUD
    Curr=GBP A#102047 -> A#102047.C2#USD_GBP
    Curr=GBP A#102051 -> A#102051.C2#USD_GBP
    Attempted Solution:_
    I previously had various Explicit/Between/In/Like definitions. I have tried to create Complex Logic accounts. When I IMPORT the source file. It creates the proper Logic Account records with the proper C2. But two issues emerge:
    1> I have one logical record and one original record
    2> When I VALIDATE I get converted dimension as per normal mapping not the hard coded value (C2#USD_AUD).
    I tried the following but still not getting expected results:
    Explicit Map 102038 -> IGNORE
    Explicit Map L102001_AUD -> 102001 Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    You don't need a logic group for this. This is just conditional mapping. Take a look at the admin guide for examples.

  • Converting Unicode in File

    I am using an event script (AftExportToDat) to create a file to clear data in the target system. When I open the .dat file (in Notepad) it contains characters like 吀䔀䴀倀㬀㈀ ㄀㄀㬀倀 㘀㬀夀吀䐀㬀䠀䔀开䄀唀匀吀刀䄀䰀䤀䄀㬀㰀䔀渀琀椀琀礀 . I believe it is due to the fact that FDM v11.1.1.3 saves files as Unicode. I have tried different formats such as 0,-1,-2, and they are not working. Is there another way to format the file?
    Function AppendDataFile(sFilePath1, sFilePath2)
    Dim filesys
    Dim sBuf
    Dim oFile1
    Dim oFile2
    AppendDataFile = ""
    Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
    Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set oFile1 = filesys.OpenTextFile(sFilePath1, ForAppending, True)
    If err > 0 Then AppendDataFile = err.Description
    Set oFile2 = filesys.OpenTextFile(sFilePath2, ForReading, False)
    If err > 0 Then AppendDataFile = err.Description
    Do While Not oFile2.AtEndOfStream
    sBuf = oFile2.ReadLine
    If UCase(Left(sBuf, 5)) <> "!DATA" Then
    End If

    OpenTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", ForAppending,0)
    Should open the output file in ASCII.
    Looking at your output, it would appear to me the issue is that the source data is coming in as ASCII and it is being interpreted as Unicode. I don't think the file you are writing to is the problem, rather wherever the data is coming in from.
    If the situation was reversed (i.e. you started with Unicode and wrote it as ASCII) it would still be readable.
    This is a test (in Unicode) would look like T h i s i s a t e s t (in ASCII)
    This is a test (in ASCII) would like like a bunch of Japanese characters (in Unicode)
    ASCII characters are represented as one byte while Unicode are represented as two bytes.
    T in ASCII is 54 (hex)
    T in Unicode is 54 00 (hex)
    If you interpret a Unicode data stream as ASCII, each byte in the stream would be treated as its own character. 54 is still T. 00 is a non printable value (null) which would most likely be shown as an empty space.
    If you interpret an ASCII data stream as Unicode, you would need to grab two bytes to make one character. Using the example string 'This is a test', the two bytes grabbed would be 54 (T) and 68 (h). The Unicode display character for 5468 is Japanese .....

  • Simple logic group to operate prior to custom import script?

    Hi all,
    Thanks for taking the time to read my question. I will gladly mark this thread as helpful or answered if you can help me. I'm a novice at FDM so please bear with.
    I have a custom import script that assigns ICP None to a specific account (overriding any ICP detail). However, now I need the ICP detail for that account in a second statistical account. I setup a simple logic group to create the logic account that I can map to the statistical but then realized that the import script runs prior to the logic group so I lose all ICP detail in the logic account as well.
    Is there a way to run the logic group prior to import script or is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
    I'm not sure how critical this is but I'm using FDM v11. adapter 11x-G5-C
    Edited by: user4591089 on Aug 17, 2011 2:10 PM
    Edited by: user4591089 on Aug 17, 2011 2:50 PM

    Do the following:
    1) Remove the custom import script.
    2) Create a complex logic account and override the ICP dimension in the Group By Column with the Value [ICP None]. This will then be what is diplayed on the import screen for this logic account.
    3) Map the original source as the statistical account and the logic account as appropriate
    Edited by: SH on Aug 18, 2011 9:48 AM

  • Mail loses thread when receiving replies with foreign language

    I have OSX set to english, but I receive a lot of mails in another language, meaning the replies often come in SV: , RES:, WG:, ANT: instead of RE:. When they come in anything other than RE: they don't get threaded.. what to do? Maybe edit the header? How?
    Thanks a lot to those that would know how to do this!

    Hello Melody,
    If you are using FDM v11. the file-encoding is defaulted to Unicode. It might be helpful to contact support.
    It could be your DB isn't setup to handle unicode characters (in this event the information would be stored in the SQL*Loader or MSSQL Logs). It could also be the file you are trying to import actually isn't "unicode" but more of a local ANSI/ASCII format.
    Most 'European' characters were supported in that release; and I know several clients that use it as expected.
    Thank you,

  • FDM Migration from v9 to v11

    We have a client requirement of migrating system 9.3.1 FDM to v11.1.2.0
    As per I know v11.1.2.0 is no more supported and it is v11.1.2.1 only.
    Hence I have thought of two approaches:-
    1>FDM 9.3.1 to 9.3.3 and then to (As Oracle recommended)
    2>FDM 9.3.1 to and then to
    As per my understanding in both cases,we need to freshly install
    and configure FDM on new system.
    Please validate above two approaches and let me know which will be best approach.
    Also any data migration procedure followed could also be shared.
    Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestions and inputs!

    1>FDM 9.3.1 to 9.3.3 and then to (As Oracle recommended)

  • Is it possible to use FDM ERPI drill-through via Add-in Excel V11

    I am using FDM ERPI to load data from Oracle eBS GL (11.5) to Hyperion Planning
    The drill-through from Hyperion Planning to Oracle eBS GL via FDM ERPI is ok through Smartview and the data forms.
    Do you know if it is ok through the Add-In Excel V11?
    Thanks in advance for your help

    You cannot use the Classic Spreadsheet (Excel) Add-In if that is what you are referring to.
    As the other post indicates it will only work via Smart View.
    Thank you,
    Todd Rebner

  • What is the procedure for FDM App Migration from v9 to v11

    Kindly provide the procedure for Migrating of FDM application from system 9.3.1 to v11.1.2.1.
    and also Please share the documents if you folks having.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Edited by: 948364 on Jul 24, 2012 5:07 AM

    This is covered in the documentation pretty well I believe; however, here's the outline I followed...
    - Copy FDM databases to v11 database server. (I renamed mine to follow my v11 naming scheme, but ...)
    - Copy FDMApps folders over (i.e. Inbox files, scripts, etc)
    - Add the applications to the new FDM. (i.e. from the login screen, pick Add Application
    - Run Schema Update tool on your FDM applications
    - Run User Migration Tool on your FDM applications
    - Extract Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\FinancialDataQuality\SharedComponents\DBSetup.zip to /Data/Scripts/Custom folder for each FDM App
    - Update Machine Profiles (Workbench) (Repeat for each application)
    - Add Adapter (Repeat for each application)
    - Configure Adapter (Repeat for each application)
    - Fix mappings*
    In v9, you don't have to map dimensions you don't use. In v11 you do.... Instead of doing it that hard way and manually updating hundreds of maps, I used SQL to do it. In my environment ICP, UD3, UD1, and UD2 generally were not mapped. You would need to update this accordingly.
       Function    : Bulk Create Import File Format field creator
       Author      : Charles Beyer
       Date        : 5/10/2012
       Description : This routine will automatically create a new record for each Import File Format
                     Corresponding to the supplied information.  This may come in handy if you find
                     yourself needing to map a field that you have never needed before and MOST
                     of the locations are not actively mapping it yet.
                     It will also take care of the incrementing of the ImpSeq field automatically for you
                     Finally, it will create a * to * mapping to serve as a generic placeholder in the location's
       Input(s)    :
                     @FDMField = This is the FDM field name such as UD2
                     @FieldValue = This is the hardcoded value to start with such as [None]
    --Declare Working Memory
    DECLARE @FDMField varchar(50)
    DECLARE @FieldValue varchar(50)
    DECLARE @ImpSeq int
    --Initialize Working Memory
    SET @FDMField = 'UD2'
    SET @FieldValue = '[None]'
    SET @ImpSeq = (select top 1 ImpSeq from tBhvImpItemFile order by ImpSeq DESC)
    -- Insert a Import File Field corresponding to the supplied Field Name
    -- For each location that *DOES NOT* already have that field defined in their
    -- Import Format
    insert into tBhvImpItemFile (ImpGroupKey, ImpSeq, ImpFldFieldName, ImpFldFixedText, ImpFldStartPos, ImpFldLength)     
         select distinct (ImpGroupKey), 0 as ImpSeq, @FDMField, @FieldValue, 1, 1 from tBhvImpItemFile where ImpGroupKey not in (Select ImpGroupKey from tBhvImpItemFile where ImpFldFieldName = @FDMField)
    -- Since for some silly reason ImpSeq is not an identity field, we need to increment the values
    -- To play nice
    update tBhvImpItemFile set @ImpSeq = ImpSeq = @ImpSeq + 1 where ImpSeq = 0
    --Add a '* to *' type mapping
    insert into tdatamap (PartitionKey, DimName, SrcKey, SrcDesc, TargKey, WhereClauseType, WhereClauseValue, ChangeSign, Sequence,  VBScript)           
         select distinct partitionkey, @FDMField, '*','* to * Default Map', '*', 'Like', '*',0, 0, '' from tDataMap     
              where PartitionKey not in (select distinct partitionkey from tDataMap where DimName = @FDMField)

  • How to use import script with FDM using adapter ERPI?

    I use FDM and ERPI 11.1.2 to load data from EBS R12 to Planning 11.1.2
    Data loaded from eBS are YTD data.
    I have seen that I could use an import script to calculate manually the amount with the periodic_net_cr and periodic_net_dr fields.
    But how to use this import script? Because in my import format in FDM, I don't use a file but directly the adapter, so no "Expression" field.
    Thanks in advance for your help

    Hello Fanny,
    No you will not need to put anything in the BatchAction. If you review the FDM API Documentation posted it will outline all the scripts that will execute for a particular event ... and the order in which they execute. The BatchAciton only affects the execution of the batch ... it does not control processing of data. Processing of data is controlled by many others.
    There is a script that can be written and placed (as Tony mentioned) in the ImportAction that will be able to recaculate the values from ERPi to be YTD values. You can possibly open an SR and a support Engineer can help you .... or you can search the current KM base and use that information there from the v11. version to build your own for v11.1.2.x
    Thank you,

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