Feature suggestion - php/amf

I am sure there is a reason for not having something built in
to use php with the amf format as opposed to just rest (IE - adobe
would like you to use cf, etc), but it would be nice for the php
developers to have a more "integrated" feel for more than just one
option (rest). And also when having wizzards, like this, it would
be nice to be able to pick the kind of component that will be used
to populate a field for the "add" form.

One big problem with PHP and AMF is that AMFPHP (which it
appears to most popular library) is both GPL (which restricts his
use) and it seems will lose his main contributor (
Other alternatives will be:
- php5 module for AMF
- SambreAMF - only for PHP5
- WebORB's PHP AMF library
In this respect which AMF solution do you think is more
appropriate for these kinds of samples?

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    Please excuse where I should use the word Tag or Keyword or vice versa!
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    I apologise if I have missed the point on some existing functionality on any of these points and welcome any suggestions.

    This is a great post.
    I couldn't have written it myself better.
    I'm also in dying need of Korean input as I can't communicate with my Korean friends.
    But I second every point.
    I hope the tech teams are reading this.

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    Photographer Brian Fischer, Atascadero CA
    [email protected]

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    The iTunes feedback is confusing indeed. I use the general Feedback page to report bugs and to do suggestions.
    They assure that the messages will be read, but you won't get a reply.
    As this is a user-to-user forum, it is highly unlikely your suggestions will be read by Apple employees (except moderators).
    You can exclude songs from shuffling by checking 'Skip when Shuffling' in the 'Options' tab of the Info window (Get Info of a song; shortcut: command-I)
    Unfortunately, you can only do this song by song.
    Using this script, you can enable/disable 'Skip when Shuffling' of all selected songs.
    You could put the songs/sfx in a playlist, select them all (command-A) and run the script.
    To run multiple libraries, you can choose between these two applications:
    iTunes Library Manager and Libra.
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    Hope this helps.
    17' iMac fp 800 MHz 768 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Several ext. HD (backup and data)

  • Tutorial: The Players demo – Flex, PostgreSQL, PHP/AMF working together

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    Click Here to try the live Demo.
    The 11 page Tutorial along with all the code to do this is available HERE.
    - Alan Gruskoff

    so... while no one find the probleme or even give me an answer to it, i search another solution that correspond to my knowledge and i found : As-SQL it's easy to use and while u don't need to manage a lot of data this solution will be helpfull.
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  • Feature suggestions for Lightroom 3

    Hi team,
    Here's a quick summary of some ideas for LR3.  Not sure how late in the dev cycle you guys are (we've seen one public beta so far, I would expect 2 or 3 before you go RTM, and features have not yet been frozen according to my reading):
    * Perspective correction / Keystoning: This has been mentioned a lot here and on other forums - a no-brainer, especially considering that DNG 1.3 specifications allow for it
    * Individual RGB channel control: Something that Capture One & Bibble 5 also have. It's time LR added this feature also, I think
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    * If not layers, then perhaps a list of Adjustment Brush pins in a scrollable list, so I can select them based on the adjustments I've made.  Perhaps I could then re-order this list?  The key challenge here would be how best to label each one?
    * Selections / Adjustment Brush: Having Bezier, Rectangle, Ellipse and Free-form as selection options (along with the ability to invert these easily so I can do "Negative" selections where that's quicker) would be fantastic - this is something LightZone and Bibble both have
    * Paint with Preset: At the moment, the range of settings I can apply with the Adjustment Brush is limited to a half-dozen or so.  I can't paint White Balance, Sharpening (at least not with masking), Noise Reduction, or HSL adjustments, for example.  This would give me lots of very granular control.  It would be fabulous if we had a "Paint with Preset" option or a "Preset Brush" that let me create a Preset, then paint it on at various opacities (combined with the ability to invert selections, this would be extremely powerful).
    * Blend Brush: An alternative to the Paint With Preset might be the ability to "Paint with another Image" over the current one.  This might be useful for blending multiple exposures (e.g. to remove people in landscapes, or to do simple selective HDR blending from multiple exposures).  Having the ability to set the "Blend Mode" (similar to PS's Blend Modes) might also be helpful.  I imagine this new brush would work in a similar fashion to the current Adjustment brush, only it would be combining information from multiple images.  It might be useful to have a "2-up" display similar to compare mode that shows the "Source" and "Target" images side by side (with the ability to zoom in and out)
    * Grayscale Wedge: Would it be possible to have a greyscale wedge that could be displayed beside or underneath an image in Develop?  LightZone has a fantastic implementation of controlling image Zone information using a simple point and click on the wedge.  Well worth checking out.  It would certainly make adjusting tones in the image a lot more intuitive for some people.  I think this concept could be taken a step further.
    * Luminosity Mask: The ability to "Auto Mask" an image based on its luminosity (i.e. which Zone an area falls into) would be way cool as part of the Adjustment Brush.  That way, you could control individual zones easily.  I imagine this tool would have 2 sliders: "Luminosity" (from light to dark) - which would determine the "target" luminosity to Mask; and "Threshold" which would determine the "Width" of the selection in tonal terms.  Holding down the Option key on either slider would show a dynamically generated Mask overlay to help me determine which areas the Mask is applying to
    * Color Mask: See Luminosity Mask above. Same idea, but based on Color.  Perhaps a Color Picker tool would enable me to isolate a Color and create a Mask (which I could then refine using the Erase or AB tools if necessary).  This would have HSL sliders to select the target color, and a "Threshold" slider to control the "Tolerance" either side.  Again, using the Option key would give me a preview similar to the Sharpening / NR tools
    * Perhaps the Selection Tools,  Luminosity and Color Masks above could be combined into a "Smart Mask" panel (or panels) in the Adjustment Brush tool, making it more consistent with the current interface, and making it much easier to create masks with the Adjustment Brush
    * Ability to Maintain Color Profiles inside LR, without having to restart.  I use the X-rite CC Passport to generate Color Profiles at almost every shoot.  It might be helpful to have an easy way to maintain these Profiles (and to share them like we can share presets!).  At very least, add an option in Preferences to open the appropriate Folder so I don't have to go hunting for it.
    While the early LR3 beta is encouraging, I do think it is missing many user-requested features, and features its "competitors" already have.  In my view, Lightroom needs to stay ahead of the curve to gain market share.
    Once again, congratulations on creating a fantastic tool in Lightroom.  It just keeps getting better with every version (LR3 looks amazing so far for an early beta - love the improved demosaic sharpness and NR).
    Hope these suggestions are helpful.

    Six changes that would be basic improvements - sorry if these look like bug reports, but they have lasted through all the updates and upgrades and I consider them to be overripe for improvement.
    For mouse-heavy users it would be helpful to have a Grid icon in the toolbar in the Develop module, the same as appears in the Library module.
    The consistency of having a Done button in all places that present a secondary work screen would make leaving those screens simpler.
    When organizing folders, keeping the focus local after a Delete would be good, instead of the focus jumping up to a higher level as it does, requiring a search for your location. If you're making a lot of changes this can be time-consuming and frustrating. I know some other program do this, but not all and it's solvable.
    When moving a folder of files, the last file doesn't get moved and could wind up in some random place if you don't suspect this and go after it to move it by itself. This seems to be unique to Lightroom.
    In leaving Compare, it's not clear which image you're keeping because the filename isn't visible, only the rating (if used). Changing the rating to exit can disable the Done button. To get it back it shouldn't be necessary to swap the images. Why not use a more standard release action like the Escape key?
    In LR 3.3, when using the noise reduction slider the option to update the whole filmstrip to use version 2010 is available only if the demonstration "compare" screen is retained with a box checked. If you uncheck that box, there's no way to get that screen back the next time, so the option to update to 2010 for the whole filmstrip at once is gone and subsequently requires one-by-one clicking to update. This could be simpler and faster.
    I use LR every day and teach it, but I may have missed something so forgive my naming ills that have already been mentioned. Thanks for listening. DKD

  • Missing Features in PHP Extension

    The PHP extension is cool but, it is missing one thing. There isn't a design window. Sometimes I don't like to code HTML and it would be cool to have the design window so I can drag and drop html elements onto the page like what you can do with a JSP page. In the design window, Jdeveloper could put an icon in the place where the PHP code is just like it puts an icon in the place where there is a scriptlet on a JSP page.

    JDeveloper certainly is certainly a fully featured IDE with good support for many web technologies. I agree it would be a good feature for the JDeveloper PHP Extension.
    Thanks for the feedback.

  • New feature suggestion:  Graphic Pitch Adjustment

    Hey all -- Digital Performer user here, but soon to make the move to Logic (as soon as the new desktops come out in 2008). There is just one major time-saving feature I am missing in Logic, and I thought I'd post it here. I've also sent this suggestion to Apple .
    That feature is the ability to graphically adjust audio pitch. Digital Performer has, for a couple of years, had the ability to analyze pitch on any audio as soon as it's recorded, and then allow users to graphically adjust it +*right in the audio track*+. I'm an owner of Antares' Auto Tune plugin, which has graphical adjustment ability, but it's a real pain. Also, it's a plug-in, and not inherent right in the audio track. Here's a link to the page for that feature at MOTU's site:
    Again, this feature is a huge time saver, and something I really can't do without.

    So that's basically Melodyne Plugin but built right in the track view. Would be handy I suppose - I've just come from SONAR which has it's own version of this (called V-Vocal) but it's not quite so integrated as the DP example you linked to.

  • XSQL new feature suggestion: transform="url" for xsql:query

    To the Oracle XML developers:
    I'd like to suggest adding the transform="url" attribute/feature to the <xsql:query> action.
    This would allow one to transform and/or apply XSLT conditional logic to the posted XML before it reaches the <xsql:query> action. A couple of key areas where I think this would be very useful are:
    1. handling multiple HTML parameters of the same name.
    Currently, the only way to handle this in an <xsql:query> action is to call a Java program via <xsql:action> that can parse the rowified parameters of the same name, then transform it in a format suitable for the <xsql:query>.
    2. verifying user session login status for password protected XSQL pages.
    If one could use XSLT to check user authentication BEFORE the <xsql:query> action you could display a login page if the user is not authenticated.
    Since the transform="url" feature is already available for other tags (<xsql:update>, <xsql:delete>, etc) I would think adding this to the <xsql:query> action would not require extensive coding from the Oracle XML development team, and yet this simple but powerful feature could help us users to develop pure XML solutions that don't require calls to external Java actions.

    There would also be able to simply add the "perspective"as in Photoshop, probablyeasier to develop and integrate the interface.

  • Feature Suggestion for iCal and Contacts

    Many times, I will have a calendar entry with a conference call dial-in number in the Notes section of the appointment. Unfortunately, the calendar does not allow me to dial that number by touching it like mail does. It would be nice if I could do this right from the notes section of the appointment. Further, I'd like to be able to enter the conference ID into the phone keypad without having to remember the long string. Some kind of a "copy & dial" function would be nice. That feature would be great across all apps.
    Hope somebody has the same thoughts in development.

    Welcome to the discussions,
    you can address Apple directly and leave your suggestions by using the feedback page: http://www.apple.com/support/feedback/

  • Features Suggestions?

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  • Product Feature Suggestions

    Could someone please tell me who i can post or send comments to about feature enhancements/suggested improvements too? Thanks.

    Use either one of these links.
    iPod Feedback.
    iTunes Feedback.

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    2. This coupling of storage to RAM/CPU is undesirable and drives enterprise clients to other cloud providers. 
    When will Microsoft provide us the ability to make VHDX 64TB+ files in Azure block blob storage and
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    Sam Boutros, Senior Consultant, Software Logic, KOP, PA http://superwidgets.wordpress.com (Please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and/or Mark as Answer, where applicable) _________________________________________________________________________________
    Powershell: Learn it before it's an emergency http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/scriptcenter/powershell.aspx http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/scriptcenter/dd793612.aspx

    This is a useful feature. I have voted it. Thanks Sam~~

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