Feeling stupid and need a tip

I am looking for a hero, I have all my footage and
imported it into a swf as FLV and nothing, i get the black box but
it does not play? not native on my machine nor when i upload it
even though the path is correct, can any one help, i followed the
help files but no joy, please, please, please sinkling fast here.
Thanks in advance

OK now i feel real stupid, OK in my fla i went import video,
Selected FLV already uploaded and put in the root, placed the flv
on to the swf no problem, i published the movie and uploaded it.
put my url in to IE, the swf plays lovely but no FLV as before.
went back and followed instructions to the letter and again nothing
either local or online. Am i missing something, almost bold, sorry
to be a pain.

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    lovingunity wrote:
    Re: I feel stupid and frustrated I feel like I'm new at this technology and
    I have no idea what I did. Congratulations breaking things means you are learning! (not valid it you are a diamond cutter! Things were going fine and now I cannot get the email to work on my blackberry torch. I even went to the AT& T store for them to help.  An email was sent that instructed me on how to change my password.  It said that my user name was my email address but when I put that in as a user name, I keep getting a message saying that is incorrect as it is an internet name.  I really wish there were a LIVE person that could help me. 
    Hello and welcome to the forums!
    I am a real live person (well my wife does have doubts.)  Let's see what we can do.
    Is this an AT&T email address? Can you login via PC to the AT&T website where you get your email and is it valid? ? Did you delete the aborted setup on the Blackberry device? Unlike hand grenades and nuclear weapons you get another chance at this.
    Let me know if the links below describe your situation.
    KB30131 "Your BlackBerry Internet Service account is suspended or deactivated" is displayed when accessing the email setup application
    KB14355 Unable to validate or delete a hosted BlackBerry email address
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

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    I'd try the "Add to Library" option under the File menu.  I'd try it on a single artist first to make sure I didn't get a whole bunch of duplicates.  And, if I didn't (and I don't expect you will), then I'd just add the rest to the library.
    Before doing all that, though, you might want to try the steps here:

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    Which phone? If you mean the "SMS Accellerator" that fixes the problem some phones have, then see, e.g., the N80 support pages:

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    Include your iTunes library with your computer's backup per the instructions included with this link.

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    Take it back to Apple and have them look at it.

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    You need to import the contacts with a supported address book application on your computer.
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  • Just Switched To  Mac's and Need Help With A Few Issues!

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    I finally did it and switched to a Mac!! Never thought it would happen as I always felt guilty about the cost but after 5 laptops crashing on me - well, I just could not take it anymore! I managed to get a fairly good deal on a 15" Macbook Pro - 2.2/120GB version. I still don't know much about the mac way but am trying to learn so any help would be appreciated!
    1). Is there any kind of video tutorial (preferably free!) that I can use that will help me learn the Ma OS X? I have Tiger 10.4.11 on my MBP (Did you hear that - MY MBP!!!)
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    Thank You All From A PC to Mac Switcher (and NO! I do not feel guilty or scared anymore)!

    I can help you with your questions about AppleCare, and can also reassure you that both the macbook pro and Leopard will be worth your investment and the time you are putting into figuring out how to get your data across. I switched from windows when I bought my macbook a year and a half ago and would not use any other system now. The other day I completed the transition by erasing parallels and Windows from my system entirely.
    As for AppleCare, you can get warranty care anywhere in the world, no matter where you buy your AppleCare. Mine was bought and is registered in the US, I live in Slovakia, and have had it serviced several times in Austria and Slovakia under the warranty without any problems at all. There are differences, however, in exactly what the warranty covers from place to place, in accordance with the law in each place that AppleCare is issued. Even though I live in the EU, my agreement with Apple is an American one, and the American guarantees hold. If EU law would demand that Apple fix more things, for instance, than American law does, I could not get those things repaired under my agreement, and vice versa.
    Basically, though, I understand my agreement with AppleCare to be that they will fix all problems/damage that are not my fault free of charge for two years after my initial one-year warranty runs out, and that is good enough for me.

  • Too stupid and/or lazy for anything but Arch?

    Many times during the last 15 years, I made an effort to use GNU/Linux, mostly so-called "beginner-friendly" distributions, as my main operating system but never successfully. There were always some issues that I was too stupid or too lazy to understand and fix. So I kept using Windows and later on Mac OS X.
    While still using Mac OS X, I inexplicably stumbled upon Arch some months ago and gave it a try. I followed the awesome Beginner's Guide to setup Arch on my notebook. For the first time there were no issues I could not resolve. Overall, it was beginner-friendly, transparent and fun. I have been using Arch as my sole operating system since then. Best computing experience ever.
    Recently, I am becoming more and more interested in other GNU/Linux distributions and *BSDs. I tried to find a (desktop) system that:
    1) followed KISS,
    2) (easily) allowed a minimal installation,
    3) was documented for the stupid and/or lazy.
    I looked at Debian but its init system scared me. I looked at Gentoo but its compiling scared me. I looked at Slackware but its documentation scared me.
    I am wondering: Am I unfoundedly scared by either of these? Have I overlooked a system? Or am I just too stupid and/or lazy for anything but Arch?

    it sounds to me like Arch is just the best fit for you
    ...and i can share my own perspective on the matter...
    I've used many many distro's; gentoo (and a few derivatives), Fedora (and a few remixes), Ubuntu (and many of it's derivatives), puppy (and...same goes..), slackware, FreeBSD, PClinuxOS, debian (various versions), etc, etc....
    i haven't found any distribution that i like better than Arch....and i do not 'distro-hop' anymore at all. there is absolutely no point for me to do so...
    So I don't think you're too stupid or lazy for anything but Arch, it's quite the opposite... Arch is simple/easy to use, but does require the user to be somewhat competent, right? - i say this because things can break (although not too often), and the end-user has to be able to do things a little more hands on than some of the so-called 'user-friendly distro's'. we also all tend to be aware of where all config files are, how to edit them, where they are located, etc...the average archer knows the underlying system fairly well, i tend to think.
    Arch also tends to offer some of the advantages of both meta/binary distributions; ie: ubuntu, fedora, etc....while also offering the advantages of source-based distributions; ie: gentoo, yoper, etc.  because it covers both types, you also do away with some of the disadvantages of both types; ie: compiling from source is more often than not as simple as using tools like 'yum' or 'apt-get' (which i suppose could be taken as laziness, but i tend to think it is just a better design), while in say Fedora or Ubuntu, there is more to do, to accomplish the exact same end-result... another example, we also don't have to sit around and wait for the whole system to compile on system upgrades (unless you choose too, using pacbuilder), this to me is a significant advantage over source-based distro's too....
    I feel as an Archer i reap the benefits of all distros, in other ways too. for example, if i want some patch from Ubuntu, or say some software that is found in a PPA - usually i can find it in AUR. i need not bother with adding software sources, or any of that stuff, all i have to do is use 'yaourt -S *pkgname*'... the whole thing is automated, it grabs the source, builds it, installs it and i am done. easy peasy
    then, there is the part, where using the kernel (with the patches i want), is much easier than say Fedora or Ubuntu, etc. I used to have to download and patch everything myself for the most part. but same goes as the example above - now all that it requires it 'yaourt -S *pkgname*'... which is much better, you want to use your applications, not spend your evening patching and compiling everything manually, when you don't have too - right?  I am a tinkerer, but i still try to take the most sensible approach, ya know...?
    then, as someone else pointed out. We have some of the best documentation available in ArchWiki - this is why i switched to Arch in the first place. i had been using ArchWiki with other distributions for a long time. it got to the point, that i started to realize that maybe Arch as a better fit for me...and the wiki showed me some of the other advantages of using Arch over other distros...
    anyway, that's my 2 cents on the matter

  • Re: Starting out, feel stupid.... :o(

    Good advice....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "cdeatherage" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:eoo98b$ccv$[email protected]..
    > Lia,
    > No need to feel stupid. Everyone can only start from
    where he or she is.
    > All
    > you need to do is figure out your next step, which I
    think would be to
    > read the
    > F1 help files. If you (like me) get frustrated rooting
    around electronic
    > help
    > files, you might want to pick up a copy of The Missing
    Manual series at
    > your
    > local bookstore for the Dreamweaver version you have. (I
    presume it's
    > DW8.)
    > Having said that, you might also want to learn about
    writing HTML and CSS
    > code. Those are the basics. Once you understand them, DW
    will not feel
    > like
    > such a challenge.
    > Personal story to inspsire you: A number of years ago
    when my company
    > wanted
    > to launch a website and design/maintain it ourselves, we
    first contracted
    > a web
    > host. That company recommended a couple of programs for
    us to use, one of
    > which
    > was DW. (At that point in time, it was version 2.) Our
    contact cautioned
    > that
    > DW had a higher learning curve, but was better than the
    others. As it was
    > the
    > only one of the recommendations compatible with the Macs
    in the office, we
    > had
    > to go with it. I found it intuitive and easier to pick
    up than I'd been
    > led to
    > believe. I don't know your level of experience, but with
    a little
    > determination
    > and perseverence, I'm sure you'll figure it all out.
    > Chris

    Hang in there. I was a total novice (still am) as of August,
    and I've since learned enough to publish my own website. The
    biggest help I afforded myself was to sign up for a few night
    classes at the local community college. Once I broke throught the
    barrier, I was off and running.
    Two books that helped immensely:
    Dreamweaver 8 Revealed, by Bishop
    Dreamweaver 8 Visual Quickstart Guide, by

  • Adobe Reader 8.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience

    Ver 8 installed fine but can't get it to launch from any application. Have tried going back to earlier versions (6.1,6.2,7) but the same problem occurs.
    Same error message each time:
    "Adobe Reader 8.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience"
    AppName: acrord32.exe AppVer: ModName: acrord32.dll
    ModVer: Offset: 00020916
    Tried every troubleshooting tip in the Support Knowledgebase to no avail.
    Have been using Reader for years with never any problems and now I can't seem to get this fixed after numerous hours.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Is there a free support line I can call or is it paid support only?

    Like others my problem was Adobe Reader 8.1.2 died terribly and with a buggy stench with the following error:
    AppName: acrord32.exe AppVer: ModName: msvcr70.dll
    ModVer: 7.0.9466.0 Offset: 000013d6
    1. Control Panel, Users
    2. Create a new user account NewUser (for example)
    3. Start, Log Off
    4. Switch Users to the NewUser
    5. Wait the mini eternity for new user to be set up.
    6. Start Adobe Acrobat 8.1.2 and you will see a red splash screen along with some license updating things.
    7. Adobe 8.1.2 now starts fine under NewUser
    8. Switch back to your regular user name. Start, Log off, Switch Users
    Now a note to Adobe. Do you folks really have to make this such a frickin pain to get working? Do you at Acrobat have any idea of how much time we users blow and how much of our lives pass by while we try to re-download and work with this product? You are directly responsible for a small slow down in the world economy by this. Get the hint.... create an 8.1.3 that omits the secret code steps above.
    The only thing that kept my sanity during this were nice songs on channel 86 on SIRIUS. Thank you SIRIUS.

  • Adobe Acrobat 9.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close

    I'd like to start using Adobe Acrobat 9.0 with Acrobat.com, but I don't get very far before I get the error message "
    Adobe Acrobat 9.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close." This happens after I click "distribute form" and fill out the email addresses. It get to the point of starting to publish the response files and then the error message pops up and I can't go any further. I've made sure to uninstall older versions of Acrobat and I restarted my computer. I have a PC and am running Windows XP and IE 7. Help!

    Thanks for all the tips. Actually I already did most of this (multiple times) to no avail.
    ·         I’m running Win XP Pro SP3 on a Dell Latitude D630 laptop with 2GB memory.
    ·         I Bought Acrobat 7 Standard (it came bundled with my scanner) so I do have that CD and the key
    ·         I purchased the upgrade to Acrobat 9 Standard on-line for $99.
    ·         Actually, everything was working fine until I uninstalled ATM. (I did that because my laptop wouldn’t undock or hibernate and I read that ATM could be the cause.)
    ·         I’ve done several repairs from Control Panel. Didn’t help.
    ·         Finally, this morning I decided to uninstall everything and install a trial version of Adobe 9 PRO from their web site. That didn’t work either.
    ·         I notice that none of these actions has brought ATM back. On the other hand, I can’t find a place from where I can download ATM either.
    Here’s the really funny thing. Acrobat is not completely broken. I can actually get it to work for the first few seconds. And if I type real fast, I can even save the pdf file that it opens before it crashes! For example, if I click on a pdf file on a web page and it is small enough that it opens right away, I can click the save button and hit OK immediately (don’t mind where it saves the file, I can find and move it later) before I get the “Adobe Acrobat 9.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.” message. The same happens if I just open Acrobat and let it sit. It doesn’t crash immediately. It takes about 5 seconds before it does.
    This should give a clue as to where/why it is crashing.
    Tomorrow I’m going to try and get Adobe on a chat line and have them take a look.
    Let me know if you get any other good ideas. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
    Jamshed Mulla

  • New to PRE and need feedback on my system build

    I played around with the trial version on my old computer and decided to go ahead and purchase PRE 9 and PSE 9 together. I have built a few PC's in my day and recently completed my current build running my purchased software. I was hoping that I could get some feedback on what I have and what I might change to get better performance. PRE is very jittery when scrolling through content and playing back the timeline. Sometimes I don't even see a transition. I am new to video editing in general and capture in HD with my Canon HF S100, so I am planning on editing in HD as well. Sorry for the NoBo question, but my machine smokes until I fire up PRE. I may be using the application incorrectly, but I am assuming that my low end video card, is an area of concern/bottleneck. I don't want to blow $800 on a Quadro 4000 if it won't make a huge difference, but I assume it will. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
    High level build
    MoBo - ASUS P6X58D Premium LGA 1366 Intel X58 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard
    PSW - CORSAIR HX Series CMPSU-620HX 620W ATX12V v2.2 and EPS12V 2.91 SLI Certified
    Proc - Intel Core i7-950 Bloomfield 3.06GHz LGA 1366 130W Quad-Core Processor
    Mem - 12GB Mushkin Enhanced Redline 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM
         OS - Crucial RealSSD C300
         Media - Western Digital VelociRaptor WD6000HLHX 600GB 10000 RPM SATA 6.0Gb
    OS - Windows 7 x64 SP1
    Video - NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
    Detailed DxDiag output below.
    System Information
    Time of this report: 2/27/2011, 19:30:14
    Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
    System Model: System Product Name
    BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/25/10 14:57:23 Ver: 08.00.15
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         950  @ 3.07GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
    Memory: 12288MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 12280MB RAM
    Page File: 8908MB used, 15647MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode
    Display Devices
    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    Chip type: GeForce 9500 GT
    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
    Display Memory: 4069 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 997 MB
    Shared Memory: 3071 MB
    Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
    Monitor Model: ASUS VH242
    Monitor Id: ACI24FA
    Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)
    Output Type: DVI
    Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Driver File Version: 8.17.0012.5896 (English)
    Driver Version:
    DDI Version: 10
    Driver Model: WDDM 1.1
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail
    Driver Date/Size: 7/10/2010 04:38:00, 12471400 bytes
    WHQL Logo'd: n/a
    WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
    Driver Strong Name: oem3.inf:NVIDIA_SetA_Devices.NTamd64.6.1:Section003:\ven_10de&dev_0640
    Rank Of Driver: 00E62001
    Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_C ModeWMV9_C
    D3D9 Overlay: Supported
    DXVA-HD: Supported
    DDraw Status: Enabled
    D3D Status: Enabled
    AGP Status: Enabled

    This ARTICLE will give you some tips on your I/O sub-system setup for video-editing.
    As for the Scratch Disks, think of those as the "working files," that PrE produces and needs to edit video. Part of those will be the Media Cache, where you will have the CFA (Conformed Audio) files, the PEK files for Waveform Display, etc. For a bit of background on Conforming, see this ARTICLE.
    Now, for ultimate performance, one would want to spread the I/O load over as many discs, as is possible. The OS and programs accessing the HDD is a given, but you have already segregated them onto C:\. Then, one has the Scratch Disks, which also require quite a bit of access. The media is accessed often for many operations, and then there is the need to Export/Share. In a perfect world, one would allocate a separate HDD for each of those operations, with one caveat: when one has finished a Project, there will then be the cleanup of the files. If one has spread the Project over multiple physical HDD's, they must go to each, and do the cleanup. OTOH, and at the sacrifice of ultimate spead with I/O access, if one has placed their Project into a root folder, say [Project Name], and then accepted the default location for the Scratch Disks, for Same As Project, all they have to do is Delete that Project Name root folder, and everything else comes with it. As I migrate Projects between computers, I locate everything in a Project Name root folder on an external, and then everything is below that folder structure. For media, I leave my Assets on an NAS, and just Copy over what I need to the various media sub-folders, like Video, Stills, Music, Audio, etc. I give up performance, but have everything that I need to move the Project about, and cleanup is easy. In my case, each external has a permanent drive letter assignment in the OS of each computer, so that drive Z:\ is always Z:\ on each computer, and regardless of what else might be plugged-in to that computer. Makes life simple for me.
    Hope that this helps.
    Good luck,

  • Itunes wont open, says Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    When I click on my Itunes icon a big box pops up and says Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience. And says tell microsoft about the problem, you know. And I've been trying to access the program for three days and it's doing the same thing, I got a trojan horse right before it started doing it, but I've gotten rid of it and scanned many times, it's gone. I also uninstalled and reinstalled both Itunes and quicktime but it still doesen't work, I really need ideas here..lol.

    Please help me someone. I bought this Ipod 2 weeks ago for my daughters 18th and all we get is this stupid error message all the time. "Itunes have to close - error report etc etc." Have re-installed some many times I have lost count. Know very little about computers so need really simple instructions. I am really not impressed with this if any Apple technicans are reading this and want my money back!!!!

  • Replacement Needed. This iphone is not able to complete the activation process and needs to be replaced. Please visit your nearest apple store or authorized service center.

    Probably will never ever think of buying a locked phone from AT&T cause its one of the worst system integrations ever that these companies could think of.
    The entire problem started when I put in a request with at&t to unlock my iphone 4s (ios7) which did get approved. I performed the entire instructions they asked me to do, which is to backup and restore. After doing those instructions my iphone gave me an error message below
    The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported.
    The SIM card that you currently installed in this iPhone is from a carrier that is not supported under the activation policy that is currently assigned by the activation server. This is not a hardware issue with the iPhone. Please insert another SIM card from a supported carrier or request that this iPhone be unlocked by your carrier. Please contact Apple for more information.
    Basically saying that at&t hasn't still unlocked the iphone which a really helpful apple executive was able to confirm. I initiated another unlock process from at&t in order to unlock the iphone, just to be sure that its not something wrong from my end. The nice at&t lady stayed on chat with me to unlock the iphone step my step while I was calling the apple tech too. And the apple tech confirmed again that the iphone is locked to at&t.
    Now, just a few minutes ago I tried another restore to see if any progress is being made and to my surprise I got an error message saying
    Replacement Needed. This iphone is not able to complete the activation process and needs to be replaced. Please visit your nearest apple store or authorized service center.
    I feel like I am just going around these two different "money hogger" companies which set certain rules and regulations to screw a regular phone buyer. I purchased this iphone in USA and trying to unlock in India, is it really this hard to simply unlock a device.
    For now I am going to try to call a apple office in india (apprently we don't have very many out here) and see if they can help me. But any other assistance regarding unlocking an iphone 4s would be helpful. I have however, tried checking IMEI.info, called up apple, talked to at&t (which always say go talk to apple) I do have a case number from apple as well in case an apple executive reads this discussion forum (case number: 566383594)

    You got a confirmation from AT&amp;T that it was authorized. Is this correct? - Yes i did get an email authorization on the 21st.
    Then you connected the phone to a computer with the latest version of iTunes installed. You clicked on the phone's name in iTunes, then clicked "Backup Now". - Yes
    When that finished you clicked "Restore iPhone" (NOT "Restore Backup") - Yes
    Are you with me so far? - Yes.
    And @ Varjak is right that after the 3rd restore I get the replacement error. 
    Plus I have NEVER jailbroken the iPhone. To give you another update, I spoke to a really nice apple tech in India who was atleast able to get me out of the replacement error by doing a recovery mode option. However, the lastest restore still gives me the same error
    The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported.
    The SIM card that you currently installed in this iPhone is from a carrier that is not supported under the activation policy that is currently assigned by the activation server. This is not a hardware issue with the iPhone. Please insert another SIM card from a supported carrier or request that this iPhone be unlocked by your carrier. Please contact Apple for more information.
    Message was edited by: jabgars

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