FFT Spectrum (Mag-Phase​) unit

I used the VI  "FFT Spectrum (Mag-Phase) " for 1 Chanfor 1 channel with input data in V.
The magnitude seems to be in volts-rms (Vrms).
Is it possible to have the result of the magnitude in V?
I have seen different topics about that, but no clearly reponse.
link to LabVIEW help

Hi Massif,
Please Read the following KB - What is the definition of root mean square (RMS) voltage?
Here it mentions how you can convert the Vrms value to a V peak value.
I have attached a small VI which you can use to do this conversion.
Message Edited by Kabul on 06-10-2008 01:09 PM
CLA | LabVIEW 7.1... 2013
VRms to Vpeak1.vi ‏13 KB

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    thank you for the opinions, for now i am not using any express Vi..
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    I am using the FFT Spectrum (Mag-Phase).vi
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    SpectrumAnalyzer.vi ‏104 KB

    There are two problems in the way your are using the VI. First, the re-start averaging is set to "True" which mean you actually re-start your averaging every time. Next, to average correctly you need to place the VI in a loop (Typically a "For" loop if you are doing linear averaging or a "While" loop for exponential averaging). The VI automatically reset (restarts) it self the first time it is called. Then you can activate the restart boolean when you want to restart the avergaging. I have made a simple VI that shows how it work (see attachement).
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    Dear Lisa,
    Are you still here for supporting.
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    Kind Regards
    Go to Solution.
    LabVIEW 6281-50.vi ‏61 KB

    The problem is to know what to use as a reference for the normalization. The image below shows an expanded view of the Instantaneous Current Spectrum with the display style set to show the actual data points. I also moved the frequency indicator wired to the Tone Measurements VI into the image. The frequency as detected is not exactly 50 Hz. Note that the data points in the spectrum are not symmetrical about 50 Hz. This is another indication that the sampling is not perfectly synchronous. The result is that the spectrum contains 11 points fro 49 to 51 Hz which are within 60 dB of the highest point.  If you want to normaize to the fundamental, you need to determine the total energy in the fundamental component. That probably includes the data points in that 2 Hz range or maybe slightly more.
    Although you stated that you are sampling at 25 kHz, the latest VI you posted shows 8 kHz sampling.
    Multiplying the voltage and current waveforms will give you instantaneous power - almost. If you are using a multiplexed A/D converter, then there is a small time delay between channels. That produces a phase shift that will introduce errors in the instantaneous power and other results like power factor. For example sampling two channels at 8 kHz means that each sample on one channel is 12.5 us apart. Consecutive voltage and current samples may be separated by half that much (assuming you are only sampling two channels). The phase shift at 50 Hz from a 6.25 us delay is 0.11 degrees. You will need to decide it that introduces more error than you can tolerate.  Faster sampling will reduce that. Using a simultaneous sampling DAQ device (which contains one A/D converter per channel) will eliminate it.

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    Hi Glen,
    There are several FFT-based VIs in LabVIEW and the output units of each function is different.
    The following table will give you a better idea of what each function does. In your case you might be better off using the FFT VI that comes with the Signal Processing toolkit since you are looking for Volts output instead of the Vrms given by the FFT Spectrum functions.
    If you have doubts about the units returned on a specific function I recommend using the Context Help in LabVIEW. As shown on the image below this gives you more information about the function and the variables used/returned by it. You can open Context Help by going to Help>>Context Help in LabVIEW.
    Hope this helps. Regards,
    Tica T
    Applications Engineer
    Message Edited by Tica T on 04-04-2006 10:38 AM
    units.JPG ‏50 KB
    functions.JPG ‏85 KB

  • Adding a 'minimum hold' option to fft spectrum vi

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    greatly appreciated.

    Hi ramsey,
    I have been trying to find the VI's that you mentioneed but don't seem to be able tofind them in my pallettes. I believe they may be from the modulation toolkit in LV 7.1? Is this the setup that you have? Please let me know as there have been some significant changes with the analysis VI's since that revision.
    Rob L
    NI Applications Engineer
    UK & Ireland
    It only takes a click to rate this message ;-)

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    Complex FFT takes a complex input array and gives a complex output array. Real FFT assumes the input data is real valued only, ie imaginary parts are zero. It can be computed quicker than the complex FFT so if data is real it is better to use this. There is a Power Spectrum vi that computes normalised power of the complex output of the FFT for a real input sequence(sum of squares of real and imaginary parts). Auto Power spectrum gives a single sided output ie positive frequencies only. This is normalised as well. Just check the help on the vis for the normalisation factor. The Zoom FFT isn't in the professional edition of LV. I know zoom FFT comes with the S&V toolkit. It allows one to measure the spectrum of a signal with improved frequency re
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    In advance, thank you!

    The resolution of FFT depends on the sampling rate as well as the number of samples used to compute FFT (Fs/N). When you reduce the number of samples, the resolution of FFT comes down. This means that the peak that you detected prevously might have gone undetected.
    Have a nice day!!!
    LabVIEW | LabWindows/CVI | TestStand
    Certified LabVIEW Architect

  • Finding the mean of a series of complex numbes to generate an avergage FFT spectrum

    Hi All
    I have a a 2d array of complex numbers. In fact I have a 10 x 133210 array that represents the complex result of a series of ffts taken from the time series of 10 mics.
    For example
    Frequency ::::::                 1Hz     2 Hz   3Hz   4Hz   5Hz      ad infinitum(!)
    Amplitude for Mic 1             2+2i    2+2i   2+2i  7+2i  2+2i
    Amplitude for Mic 2             3+2i    5+2i   2+2i  2+2i  2+2i
    Amplitude for Mic 3             4+2i    2+2i   2+2i  8+2i  2+2i
    up to Mic 10
    Now i want to be able to average these spectrums so that I can regenerate the time series that would be found (or heard) if the listener was to perceive all 10 mics timeseries at the ear without the phase cancellation effects of the time domain.
    So I take all 10 mics complex FFTs and I average across every column. I do this by summing all ten mics complex bin values and diving by 10 + 0i.
    The result I get is very close to what I would expect in the frequency domain. I would imagine that if i was to take all ten signals with the same time series what is rengenerated in the frequency and time domain would be the same...
    However the iFFT returns NaN
    There must be a problem with my averaging process - can anyone shed any light?

    1. The phase effects due to the spacing of the microphones is already in the data.  Unless you have a point source, it will be very difficult to sort out which components came from where.
    2. Are there any NaN values in your array of means?
    Can you post a small subset of the data (10 x 1000 rather than 10 x 133210) and your VI so we can see what is going on?

  • How to enhance frequency resolution of fft spectrum on x-axis

    Dear Sir
    I get the frequency spectrum of my real time signal. Frequency span that I want to analyze is 0~500hz. I get that span by setting the sampling rate. But the frequency resolution coming on graph is of 100hz (as shown in attachment). My requirement is to have frequency resolution of 10hz with same frequency span. Please guide me how can I achieve this.
    I shall be thankful to you
    Kind Regards
    Muhammad Irfan
    UTP Malaysia
    Go to Solution.
    fft graph1.JPG ‏40 KB

    I set the dt value to 0.002. For this I set sampling rate 2000hz and no.of samples 1000000. In this way I achieve frequency span of 250hz. But resolution is still 100hz (as shown in attach 1). My question is how can I set resolution to 10hz? I increase the number of samples but from doing this only the frequency span changes and resolution remain same as 100hz. Resolution become 10hz only when I set total frequency span to 50 hz (but My frequency span of intrest is 0~500hz or 0~250hz not below thos).
    I am attaching the gaph in attachment 2 from where you can undersatnd what type of resolution and frequency span I want.
    fft graph2.JPG ‏39 KB
    desired values for scales.JPG ‏35 KB

  • What are the units for the power spectrum output? (units in)^2/Hz?

    I can't seem to find the answer in the manual that came with the software or anywhere online.  Maybe I am just looking in the wrong places.

    Hi David,
    I assume you are referring to the step, "Power Spectrum", in Analysis»Frequency Domain Measurements
    Per the help that I see, "This step can return the spectra in root-mean-square, peak, and peak-to-peak
    Also, in the configuration tab of the step, for magnitude you can select either dB or linear.
    Hope that helps!
    -Sam F, DAQ Marketing Manager
    Learn about measuring temperature
    Learn how to take voltage measurements
    Learn how to measure current

  • Mag Media Unit Location

    I need to implement BAdI PC_TAX_TRP001 for unit location on my file layout for Minnesota Unemployment reporting.  In 4.6c I had used user exit RPCTRPU0, but it seems that exit does not exist in ERP.  I put my code in the above BAdI, and I can see it filling the fields when I debug through it.  When I look at the output file in Tax Reporter, it only shows zeros in the unit location field. 
    This is how I have the field defined in the configuration of HR_F_UNEMP_MN:
    Take from field = EXIT
    Or directly = $DETERMINE_UNIT_NUMBER$
    I tried using BADI instead of EXIT in the "Take from field," but it didn't help.  I cannot find any documentation on how to use this correctly.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Hi Mary,
    Write the code in program RPCTRPUZ to get AGENTID as below
    form $AGENTID$ changing value(retval).
      if t5utl-txcmp = '3000' or t5utl-txcmp = '1010'.
        retval = ' '.
        retval = '1'.
    Now call this AGENTID in the form of Tax Reporter as below.
    Now goto the agent id field in the form & give the values as below
    Take from field  <b>EXIT</b>    Or directly     <b>$AGENTID$</b>                     
    This should solve your problem. If this doesn't work, then put a break-point & check or else please let me know the code in the program RPCTRPUZ, I will check & let you know.
    Hope this helps.
    All the Best!

  • HRV FFT Spectrum

    Hello, Iam trying to perform HRV FFT Spetrcum analysis on filtered ECG Signal, i am facing 1 major problem which is acquiring the RR intervals from the filtered rectified ECG Signal, i have tried to look this up a lot on the internet and tried a lot of things that did not yield to promissing results. Can somebody suggest the most efficient way to extract RR intervals from filtered rectified ECG wave?

    Hi Ayman162,
    What software are you using?  Would it be possible to use arrays to analyze the data? If so, you can use logic combinations to look at the y-values in the array. If we are expecting the peak of the QRS complex to be about 1 mV, we can start using comparison logic when the values exceed .8 mV for example. Then when the y-value (n) is LESS than y-value (n-1), we can store the timestamp associated with the (n-1) value. The next time we get a timestamp from the peak of the QRS complex, we just subtract the first timestamp from it to get the RR interval.
    I didn't get a chance to look through this page, but at first glance it seems like it might be helpful, so I thought I'd include it:
    Jeff Munn
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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