File Manager (alpha) Removed?

File Manager (alpha) along with Partner tab has been removed from my Admin Page recently.  I have webCommerce package...anybody have any idea why this is happening?  File Manager within Site Manager does not let me move or rename!

Hey Travis Nam,
As Liam mentioned, the alpha/beta features such as the File Manager are only visible for Partner Users. If you log in as an admin only user not associated with a partner portal, you will not see these features - they will be hidden (along with the link to the Partner Portal).
I’ve taken a look at the account associated with the site I believe you are referencing and I can see that you have two accounts that are very similar, one is an admin only user and one is a partner user (censored for anonymity):
Admin only, no partner portal associated (Not an Adobe ID): [email protected]
Partner User (Adobe ID): [email protected]
What I suspect is occurring here is that you are logging into your site as [email protected], and as it’s not a partner user you do not see these alpha/beta features.
If you were to log in as [email protected], you will then see these features (Note that in order to log in, you may need to add yourself to the site via Partner Portal > Clients > [select site] > Add myself as a user).
If you would like to create [email protected] as a Partner User and merge it with an Adobe ID, let me know and I can action this for you.
If you would like to follow up through a support ticket, please submit a support ticket via the admin console/partner portal > Help & Support. Provide me with the ticket number and I’ll handle it for you.

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    Try this:
    Files & Folders, the unified file & cloud manager for PlayBook and BB10 with SkyDrive, SugarSync, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Docs. Free 3-day trial! - Jon Webb - Innovatology - Utrecht, Netherlands

  • Using bash as your file manager?

    My belief is that all file managers suck. There are no exceptions to this. So, for the past few months, I've been sourcing a file with a bunch of tricks I've invented / found through browsing the web to make using just bash as a file manager much more convenient.
    Here's what I currently use:
    # fm v1.9.1 by Kiah Morante
    # A very simple file manager.
    # Depends on pycp/pymv, and feh
    # 'source' this file in a BASH shell
    showHidden=0 # Hidden files not shown
    showDetails=0 # ls is replaced with ls -lh if showDetails is 1
    shopt -s autocd # cd to a dir just by typing its name
    PROMPT_COMMAND='[[ ${__new_wd:=$PWD} != $PWD ]] && list; __new_wd=$PWD' # ls after cding
    # Shortcuts
    source ~/.config/fm/shortcuts # Call all custom shortcuts
    alias ..='cd ..'
    alias ...='cd ../..'
    alias ....='cd ../../..'
    alias h='cd ~'
    alias n='cd "$n"'
    # Keybindings
    bind '"\C-l":"list\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-h":"hide\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-o":"details\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-f":"makedir\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-n":"n\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-y":"cpwd\C-m"'
    bind '"\C-p":"cd "$OLDPWD"\C-m"' # Hint: You could also type '~-'
    # FM prompt appearance
    if [[ $(whoami) == 'root' ]]; then
    # So that the user knows if they have root privileges:
    PS1="\[\e[0;32\]mf\[m\e[m\] \[\e[0;31m\]root\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;34m\]\w \[\e[m\]\[\e[0;31m\]> \[\e[m\]"
    PS1="\[\e[0;32\]mf\[m\e[m\] \[\e[0;34m\]\w \[\e[m\]\[\e[0;31m\]> \[\e[m\]"
    # Functions
    # Usage
    fmhelp () {
    echo "hide - toggle hidden (hidden by default)
    ls - lists contents of dir(s) passed in args.
    lsd - list directories
    cd - changed to directory \$1
    cp \$@ \$2 - copies file from \$1 to \$2
    mv \$@ \$2 - moves file from \$1 to \$2
    rm \$@ - deletes \$@
    sc \$1 \$2 - make a shortcut called \$1 pointing to \$2. If no \$2 is passed, it is evaluated as \$PWD
    cpwd - copy current working directory
    .., ..., .... - cd .. etc.
    o \$1 - opens \$1 with xdg-open
    hm - how many files are in the current directory
    details - show file details (ls -lh)
    fmhelp - this help menu
    n - Intelligent guess of the next dir you wish to cd to. Last $1 in open, list, or makedir; last argument in copy or move; pwd before a cd
    ~- - BASH shortcut for \$OLDPWD
    img - feh frontend with the following usage:
    img -t \$2 - views the dirs/images specified in \$2..\$n as clickable thumbnails
    img -s \$2 \$3 - views the images specified in \$3..\$n as a slideshow with a slide change speed of \$2 seconds
    img \$@ - views the dirs/images specified
    Ctrl-f - mkdir
    Ctrl-h - hide
    Ctrl-l - ls
    Ctrl-n - cd \$n
    Ctrl-o - details
    Ctrl-p - cd \$OLDPWD
    Ctrl-y - cpwd
    Ctrl-u - clear line # urxvt default"
    # Toggle display hidden files
    # If $showHidden is 1, hidden files are shown
    hide () {
    showHidden=$(( 1 - $showHidden ))
    # Toggle display file details
    # If $showDetails is 1, file details are shown
    details () {
    showDetails=$(( 1 - $showDetails ))
    # ls
    listToggle () {
    if [[ $showHidden == 1 && $showDetails == 1 ]]; then
    ls -C --color -A -lh "$dir"
    elif [[ $showHidden == 1 && $showDetails == 0 ]]; then
    ls -C --color -A "$dir"
    elif [[ $showHidden == 0 && $showDetails == 1 ]]; then
    ls -C --color -lh "$dir"
    ls -C --color "$dir"
    list () {
    clear # Unclutter the screen
    # List pwd if no $1
    if [[ $@ == "" ]]; then
    set '.'
    # List multiple folders:
    for dir in "$@"
    n="$1" # See 'n' in fmhelp
    # use feh to view thumbnails/images/slideshow
    img () {
    case "$1" in
    -t) nohup feh --thumbnails "${@:2}" --thumb-height 120 --thumb-width 120 -S filename -d --cache-thumbnails -B black > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    -s) nohup feh "${@:3}" -S filename -d -B black --slideshow-delay "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *) nohup feh "$@" -S filename -d -B black > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    # cp
    copy () {
    if [[ $showHidden == 1 ]]; then
    pycp --interactive --all "$@"
    pycp --interactive "$@"
    n="${@:(-1)}" # n is the last argument (where stuff is moved to)
    # mv
    move () {
    if [[ $showHidden == 1 ]]; then
    pymv --interactive --all "$@"
    pymv --interactive "$@"
    makedir () {
    if [[ $1 == "" ]]; then
    read -e n
    set "$n"
    if mkdir -- "$1"; then
    list # Update pwd to show new dir(s) that have been made.
    # rm
    remove () {
    rm -rfI "$@"
    # open files
    o () {
    # To use xdg-open
    #nohup xdg-open "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
    if [ -f "$1" ] ; then
    case "$1" in
    *.tar.bz2) tar xjf "$1" ;;
    *.tar.gz) tar xzf "$1" ;;
    *.bz2) bunzip2 "$1" ;;
    *.rar) rar x "$1" ;;
    *.gz) gunzip "$1" ;;
    *.tar) tar xf "$1" ;;
    *.tbz2) tar xjf "$1" ;;
    *.tgz) tar xzf "$1" ;;
    *.zip) unzip "$1" ;;
    *.Z) uncompress "$1" ;;
    *.7z) 7z x "$1" ;;
    *.pdf) nohup zathura "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.html) nohup luakit "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.blend) nohup blender "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.avi) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.wmv) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.rmvb) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.mp3) nohup urxvtc -si -sw -sh 30 -e mplayer "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.flv) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.mp4) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
    *.ogg) nohup urxvt -si -sw -sh 30 -e mplayer "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.wav) nohup audacity "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *.jpg) img "$1" ;;
    *.jpeg) img "$1" ;;
    *.JPG) img "$1" ;;
    *.png) img "$1" ;;
    *.gif) nohup gpicview "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    *) nohup urxvt -si -sw -sh 30 -e vim "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
    echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
    # Add shortcuts
    makeShortcut () {
    if [[ $2 == "" ]]; then
    set $1 .
    echo ""$1"=\""$2"\"
    alias "$1"='cd \""$2"\"'
    " >> ~/.config/fm/shortcuts
    source ~/.config/fm/shortcuts
    # Copy pwd to clipboard
    cpwd () {
    echo \"$(pwd)\" | xclip
    # List directories
    lsd () {
    ls -F "$@" | grep \/$
    # Command aliases
    alias mv="move"
    alias sc="makeShortcut"
    alias cp="copy"
    alias ls="list"
    alias rm="remove"
    alias mkdir="makedir"
    alias hm="ls -l . | egrep -c '^-'"
    list # ls when fm starts
    Could all of you fellow file manager-haters post your little tricks, whether just a few lines added to ~/.bashrc or fully fledged files that you source like mine?
    Last edited by greenmanwitch (2011-02-07 19:58:40)

    3]) wrote: once you have video files cluttered all throughout your hard drive and folders all over, thats where the 'bash' filemanager system lacks its use in terms of effectiveness.
    Actually, I found this to be one of the best advantages of using bash is that it forces a user to think about file organization and making useful naming schemes for files.
    For example, instead of having 1000+ media files in one directory I subcategorize theme by genre or whatever, and then probably subcategorize them again.
    Then I usually rename the files to something meaningful, like if I have 50 pictures of my kids birthday, just do a for each loop on the directory and rename all the files donovan_birthdayX.jpg where X is an integer incrementation.
    essentially. just don't "have files cluttered all throughout you hard drive and folders all over". and your life will be much happier regardless of how you manage your files.

  • File Manager with tree view

    I've been using Cinnamon with the Nemo file manager for a while now but I'm wanting to remove Cinnamon and have only Openbox and Awesome installed. The only thing that's stopping me now is I'm unsure of what to use for a file manager. The feature of Nemo that I really like is the ability to show folders in tree view in the main pane when in detailed list view. I know that most of them probably have the tree feature in a side pane but I want it in the main pane.
    I'd like something with as few dependencies as possible since I'm wanting a more minimal approach to my system. Nemo requires Cinnamon, I'm guessing that Nautilus has the feature that I'm looking for as well but that requires Gnome.
    Can anyone recommend another file manager with this feature? Or is there any way to install Nemo/Nautilus without their desktop dependencies?

    drcouzelis wrote:It doesn't look like Nemo requires Cinnamon. What do you mean?
    claire ~ % pacman -Qi nemo
    Name : nemo
    Depends On : libexif gvfs dconf desktop-file-utils exempi python2
    cinnamon-desktop gnome-icon-theme libnotify libxml2
    I think this is what is meant.
    d72 wrote:Can anyone recommend another file manager with this feature? Or is there any way to install Nemo/Nautilus without their desktop dependencies?
    Not really, since those libraries are required to run the respective file manager.

  • Thunar as default file manager for firefox

    i am using xubuntu 9.04..
    I'm using Openbox as windows manager[pure openbox session], it's working great, but i have a problem ...
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    how can fix this problem?
    thank you in advance

    I am having a similiar issue... when I hit open folder it pops up sometype of file search program
    EDIT: Perhaps this works for you... for some reason it doesn't for me... … nder-linux
    Basically navigate to about:config and create the following three:
    network.protocol-handler.expose.file = true (Boolean)
    network.protocol-handler.external.file = true (Boolean) = /usr/bin/thunar (String)
    The program that runs instead of thunar has a title "Find Files" -- I did a quick search of installed programs related to "search" and I only have catfish installed and I know that is not the program... How would I go about determing what this application is or what it is a part of? Is there a way I can click on the program and it output the PID so I can then match it up with the entry in top/htop?
    SOLVED : figured it out... it was pcmanfm search program... for some reason it was not opening the folder but instead opening its search program... removing pcmanfm from my system fixed it and now folders are properly opening with thunar
    Last edited by ugkbunb (2009-09-18 20:23:35)

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    Last edited by Cdh (2011-01-19 09:36:41)

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    You should be able to detect if a given drive is removable by using Win32 API function GetDriveType (): you'll need to #include windows.h to your code.
    On my systems it correcftly detects a USB stick.
    Among Volume Management Functions there are several functions that may come in handy when you need to perform non-trivial functions on disks.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Where is the file management utility on my HP Pavilion dv5-1150us Entertainment notebook pc?

    I am trying to hookup a WD My Passport Ultra 2TB external drive for backup on my notebook.  It tells me to check the file management utility to see if the WD File Setup is listed.  How do I go to and find that utility?

    Try the following.
    Download the IDT Audio installer on the link below and save it to your Downloads folder.
    When done, open windows Control Panel, open Device Manager and open up Sound, Video and Game Controllers.  Right click the IDT device and select Uninstall - you should also get a prompt to remove the current driver, tick the box to allow this and then proceed with the uninstall.
    When complete,download and reinstall the Chipset driver on the link below.
    Chipset Driver - Windows Vista.
    When the reinstallation has completed, shut down the notebook, unplug the AC Adapter and then remove the battery.  Hold down the Power button for 30 seconds.  Re-insert the battery and plug in the AC Adapter.
    Tap away at the esc key as you start the notebook to launch the Start-up Menu and then select f10 to enter the bios menu.  Press f5 to load the defaults ( this is sometimes f9, but the menu at the bottom will show the correct key ), use the arrow keys to select 'Yes' and hit enter.  Press f10 to save the setting and again use the arrow keys to select 'Yes' and hit enter.
    Let Windows fully load - it will automatically load an audio driver, but just let this complete.  Then open your Downloads folder, right click on the IDT installer and select 'Run as Administrator' to start the installation.  When this has completed, right click the speaker icon in the Taskbar and select Playback Devices.  Left click 'Speakers and Headphones' once to highlight it and then click the Set Default button - check if you now have audio.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

  • Can't see files on MAC from File Manager on Passport

    Don't know if this is truly a Link issue, but in File Manager on the Passport (both in 10.3.0 and I have the option of selecting either of my Mac's (both Yosemite, both on the same network) in the device menu. However no amount of waiting ever shows files on the computer.
    This is such a great feature it would be great if it worked.
    If I create a folder in the Passport on the Mac, I can see that. If I add files to it on the Passport or the Mac I can see them.
    I have removed all the folders in Link and re-added them. I initially started with having my Home open, but also tried just Documents folder, or Music. Same result. The only difference is where the test folder is created on the Mac when I add a folder on the Passport.
    Are there settings on the Mac to allow this?
    Torch 9810; PlayBook 64g; iPad1 64g; iPad2 64g; iPhone6 64g Passport
    Provider Bell (tablets all WiFi)
    Go to Solution.

    Both Macs on Yosemite. Have not been successful at loading on old XP computer as it creates a VPN connection which will not connect to the Internet.
    I did notice on the Mac that I now have a new admin user - access-bpf. Don't know what this is I did not add it and I am the administrator. I added it to the file sharing user list with full access, but no difference. So I removed it from the access list - no difference. So I then removed the account - no difference.
    Torch 9810; PlayBook 64g; iPad1 64g; iPad2 64g; iPhone6 64g Passport
    Provider Bell (tablets all WiFi)

  • Automator or Applescript using png files with alpha channel

    I have hundred of png files with alpha channel.
    I want to suppress alpha channel.
    How can i do it using Automator or Applescript ?
    Thank you very much.

    You can use the free command line image processing tool ImageMagick in your Applescripts or Automator workflows, as well as from a Terminal shell.
    You can download ImageMagick from, but Cactuslab has simplified installation by putting together an installer package. It’s available at Download the package and double-click on it. Follow the instructions to install. It will install ImageMagick into /opt/ImageMagick and add it to your $PATH by creating a file in /etc/paths.d/. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
    The two ImageMagick commands we’re concerned with are “convert” and “mogrify”. Convert is more efficient for multiple and piped operations on the same image file, and mogrify is more efficient for batch processing. Generally speaking, convert will output a file separate from the input file. Unless a path is specified, mogrify will overwrite the input file with the output file. An important distinction.
    You can perform various operations on the alpha channel using arguments after either the convert or mogrify command. Two of the available arguments are:
    -alpha off - Disables the image's transparency channel. Does not delete or change the existing data, just turns off the use of that data.
    -alpha remove - Composite the image over the background color.
    Also of use are the -flatten and -background options:
    -flatten - overlay all the image layers into a final image and may be used to underlay an opaque color to remove transparency from an image.
    -background - sets the background color.
    Start off using the convert command with a single image to see the effect and adjust to your liking. Once you’ve achieved the desired outcome, then use the mogrify command to batch process the chosen images.
    Before getting into how to use Automator or Applescript in your workflow, use Terminal and the command line to see the effect on a single image. Copy one image to your ~/Desktop. In Terminal change the directory to ~/Desktop by typing the following command and pressing the Enter key:
    cd ~/Desktop
    Then choose the option you are looking for, -alpha remove for instance, type the following command and press the Enter key:
    convert input-photo.png -alpha remove output-photo.png
    You can check the alpha channel (transparency) and background in the Preview app, go View > Show Image Background from the menu bar.
    Once you’re ready to batch proces, place all the photos you want to convert with the same command into one folder. Copy the folder to your ~/Desktop. Let’s assume you’ve labeled the folder “InPhotos”. It’s prudent to manipulate copies in case something goes amiss. In that event you can copy the folder with the originals again and start over. Create a new empty folder on your ~/Desktop and call it “OutPhotos”. Let’s also assume your home directory is called “Me”. The following command will process the photos from the InPhotos folder and put them in the OutPhotos folder:
    mogrify -alpha remove -path /Users/me/Desktop/OutPhotos/ /Users/me/Desktop/InPhotos/*png
    According to Apple Technical Note TN2065:
    "when you use just a command name instead of a complete path, the shell uses a list of directories (known as your PATH) to try and find the complete path to the command. For security and portability reasons, do shell script ignores the configuration files that an interactive shell would read"
    So, you need to use the full path to to ImageMagick commands, unlike in the shell where you can just use the command name.
    To batch process using Automator, use the “Run Shell Script” action (note: retain the single space at the beginning of the last line):
    /opt/ImageMagick/bin/mogrify \
    -alpha remove \
    -path /Users/Me/Desktop/OutPhotos/ \
    To batch process using Script Editor (Applescript), use the “do shell script” command:
    do shell script "/opt/ImageMagick/bin/mogrify -alpha remove -path /Users/pd/Desktop/OutPhotos/ /Users/pd/Desktop/InPhotos/*png"
    Further info on ImageMagick:
    The original PNG image:
    -alpha off:
    -alpha remove:
    -background black -flatten:
    -background blue -flatten:
    -channel alpha -evaluate Divide 2:
    -channel alpha -evaluate Divide 2 -background black -flatten:

  • Thunar as default file manager

    Hi, i've installed today kdemod and now the default file manager in gnome is konqueror. I used thunar and i want to put it back to default file manager. I've found this tuturial but i can't execute the command sudo. i've already add my user trought visudo but i doesn't apear on /etc/sudoers so when i try to run sudo when it asks me the password even if I put the root password it doesn't allow me to execute the command.. Any sugestion to solve the problems?? I really want to get back thunar to default manager.

    What is your user name and the output of cat /etc/sudoers ?
    With sudo you should use your user password not your root password
    You can also use the "su" command built-in linux,
    typing "su" or "su root" prompt a root password query dialog and then gives you a root terminal
    sudo is a mean to gain root privilege that's all, you can follow the tuto without it.
    Edit : I haven't see that actually sudo is called in the scripts
    you can edit the script removing calls to sudo. and run them as root
    the part with aptitude is ubuntu specific, it's their package manager like pacman is ours
    so adapt the command accordingly
    Also maybe archlinux doesn't put gnome .desktop like ubuntu
    use the locate command to find it
    example "locate nautilus" or "locate nautilus |grep /usr/share" (to limit the result to /usr/share if you have too much result)
    if you had just installed something and want to look for it don't forget to run "updatedb" beforehand
    Last edited by ChoK (2008-10-24 21:24:29)

  • File Manager Issue on Z10

    Anyone else having this issue - my File Manager started appearing blank and I can not view any of the folder (files) and can't change between my SD card, Box accoutn and Device.  It was working no problem up until a couple of days ago. I tried resetting my Z10 and still no luck.
    Hoepfuylly someone can help.

    It appears that my SD card is corrupt - it was causing the issues.  I removed it and had no problems with it. So looks liek the OS is fine.

  • File manager does not working

    file manager does not showing files which are installed by me on Nokia 5233. Please help me. Due to this I can't delete unwanted files

    File manager wont show you the apps installed. You will find them thru menu>settings>app manager >installed applications. Press and hold the app you want to remove.
    In Love With My C6-01:Now running on Nokia Belle!

  • Best file manager with SMB and streaming support? Time Capsule access?

    Constantly having to jump through hoops it seems, because of no file manager in iOS. Another simple scenario: have 2 disks connected to my Apple Time Capsule. Can accesss them with Android phones, always in trouble finding a good app on iPhone. Any tips? Wish I could also stream my home videos, etc from these disks. Documents 5 (Readdle) can access them via SMB, but not stream, which is nasty for large videos.
    Thank you,

    I was experiencing the same problem when I upgraded to a Time Capsule. To fix the problem remove all personal file sharing port mapping settings. Then make sure that the enable  file share, and enable over WAN is on and checked for the TC, then update the TC. While that's updating go into the server app and remove any old file sharing protocols from the TC on the server app. Next add a new custom protocol by hitting the + name it file share and set the port to 140. hit the update button and wait for it to finish. Once that's finish go back to the airport utility and find the newly made file share protocol by selecting it under port mapping for the TC. If you don't have the newly made one in there make a new one your self. Name it the same as you did in the server app and set the public TCP ports to 140 and the private TCP ports to 548, make sure the private IP address is set to the same as your server in the reserve. Update the time capsule and you should be able to access both by putting in the appropriate afp:// for the server and afp://  for the TC. Have fun, lion server can be a little fussy!

  • [FIXED] No video thumbnails in File Manager (Thunar or PCManFM)

    I have a problem of video thumbnails in my file manager. I browse the web a lot to found a answer.
    The only solution I found are:
    - install tumbler
    - remove all cache: .thumbnails, .cache/Thunar and .config/Thunar
    - try the svn version of ffmpegthumbnailer in aur
    I try all of those 3 solution, none fix my probleme.
    And in Thunar or PCManFM I have thumbnails for picture and pdf but not for videos.
    I'm up to date and here the version installed on my computer:
    extra/thunar 1.2.3-1 (xfce4) [installed]
    extra/tumbler 0.1.22-3 (xfce4) [installed]
    extra/ffmpegthumbnailer 2.0.7-1 [installed]
    I have a desktop file for ffmpegthumbnailer in /usr/share/thumbnailers/ffmpegthumbnailer.desktop, and when I try ffmpegthumbnailer in a shell it's works fine.
    here the content of the file:
    [Thumbnailer Entry]
    Exec=ffmpegthumbnailer -s %s -i %u -o %o -c png -f -t 10
    To finish I will add that I'm on awesome.
    Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
    Last edited by hush-hush (2011-10-17 15:17:07)

    mobad wrote:I have the same problem as you, no video thumbnails.
    I've tried just about everything to fix it and I can't find the old version of tumbler anywhere do you think you could upload it? … ckages#ARM

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    Hi All, i have a problem in dealing with SOAPMessages in jdev 1013. the problem as follow... i have an MMSC application that send and recives MMS for mobile applications, we also have web UI for sending and receiving the MMS the Application uses serv

  • Web Application- Printing in draft mode

    From JSP, I need to print a document in draft mode to local machine. I used the below code for doing the same. The report is getting printed to the server machine. I want the report to be printed in client machine (i.e if the printed is attached to c