Using bash as your file manager?

My belief is that all file managers suck. There are no exceptions to this. So, for the past few months, I've been sourcing a file with a bunch of tricks I've invented / found through browsing the web to make using just bash as a file manager much more convenient.
Here's what I currently use:
# fm v1.9.1 by Kiah Morante
# A very simple file manager.
# Depends on pycp/pymv, and feh
# 'source' this file in a BASH shell
showHidden=0 # Hidden files not shown
showDetails=0 # ls is replaced with ls -lh if showDetails is 1
shopt -s autocd # cd to a dir just by typing its name
PROMPT_COMMAND='[[ ${__new_wd:=$PWD} != $PWD ]] && list; __new_wd=$PWD' # ls after cding
# Shortcuts
source ~/.config/fm/shortcuts # Call all custom shortcuts
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
alias ....='cd ../../..'
alias h='cd ~'
alias n='cd "$n"'
# Keybindings
bind '"\C-l":"list\C-m"'
bind '"\C-h":"hide\C-m"'
bind '"\C-o":"details\C-m"'
bind '"\C-f":"makedir\C-m"'
bind '"\C-n":"n\C-m"'
bind '"\C-y":"cpwd\C-m"'
bind '"\C-p":"cd "$OLDPWD"\C-m"' # Hint: You could also type '~-'
# FM prompt appearance
if [[ $(whoami) == 'root' ]]; then
# So that the user knows if they have root privileges:
PS1="\[\e[0;32\]mf\[m\e[m\] \[\e[0;31m\]root\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;34m\]\w \[\e[m\]\[\e[0;31m\]> \[\e[m\]"
PS1="\[\e[0;32\]mf\[m\e[m\] \[\e[0;34m\]\w \[\e[m\]\[\e[0;31m\]> \[\e[m\]"
# Functions
# Usage
fmhelp () {
echo "hide - toggle hidden (hidden by default)
ls - lists contents of dir(s) passed in args.
lsd - list directories
cd - changed to directory \$1
cp \$@ \$2 - copies file from \$1 to \$2
mv \$@ \$2 - moves file from \$1 to \$2
rm \$@ - deletes \$@
sc \$1 \$2 - make a shortcut called \$1 pointing to \$2. If no \$2 is passed, it is evaluated as \$PWD
cpwd - copy current working directory
.., ..., .... - cd .. etc.
o \$1 - opens \$1 with xdg-open
hm - how many files are in the current directory
details - show file details (ls -lh)
fmhelp - this help menu
n - Intelligent guess of the next dir you wish to cd to. Last $1 in open, list, or makedir; last argument in copy or move; pwd before a cd
~- - BASH shortcut for \$OLDPWD
img - feh frontend with the following usage:
img -t \$2 - views the dirs/images specified in \$2..\$n as clickable thumbnails
img -s \$2 \$3 - views the images specified in \$3..\$n as a slideshow with a slide change speed of \$2 seconds
img \$@ - views the dirs/images specified
Ctrl-f - mkdir
Ctrl-h - hide
Ctrl-l - ls
Ctrl-n - cd \$n
Ctrl-o - details
Ctrl-p - cd \$OLDPWD
Ctrl-y - cpwd
Ctrl-u - clear line # urxvt default"
# Toggle display hidden files
# If $showHidden is 1, hidden files are shown
hide () {
showHidden=$(( 1 - $showHidden ))
# Toggle display file details
# If $showDetails is 1, file details are shown
details () {
showDetails=$(( 1 - $showDetails ))
# ls
listToggle () {
if [[ $showHidden == 1 && $showDetails == 1 ]]; then
ls -C --color -A -lh "$dir"
elif [[ $showHidden == 1 && $showDetails == 0 ]]; then
ls -C --color -A "$dir"
elif [[ $showHidden == 0 && $showDetails == 1 ]]; then
ls -C --color -lh "$dir"
ls -C --color "$dir"
list () {
clear # Unclutter the screen
# List pwd if no $1
if [[ $@ == "" ]]; then
set '.'
# List multiple folders:
for dir in "$@"
n="$1" # See 'n' in fmhelp
# use feh to view thumbnails/images/slideshow
img () {
case "$1" in
-t) nohup feh --thumbnails "${@:2}" --thumb-height 120 --thumb-width 120 -S filename -d --cache-thumbnails -B black > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
-s) nohup feh "${@:3}" -S filename -d -B black --slideshow-delay "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*) nohup feh "$@" -S filename -d -B black > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
# cp
copy () {
if [[ $showHidden == 1 ]]; then
pycp --interactive --all "$@"
pycp --interactive "$@"
n="${@:(-1)}" # n is the last argument (where stuff is moved to)
# mv
move () {
if [[ $showHidden == 1 ]]; then
pymv --interactive --all "$@"
pymv --interactive "$@"
makedir () {
if [[ $1 == "" ]]; then
read -e n
set "$n"
if mkdir -- "$1"; then
list # Update pwd to show new dir(s) that have been made.
# rm
remove () {
rm -rfI "$@"
# open files
o () {
# To use xdg-open
#nohup xdg-open "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
if [ -f "$1" ] ; then
case "$1" in
*.tar.bz2) tar xjf "$1" ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xzf "$1" ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 "$1" ;;
*.rar) rar x "$1" ;;
*.gz) gunzip "$1" ;;
*.tar) tar xf "$1" ;;
*.tbz2) tar xjf "$1" ;;
*.tgz) tar xzf "$1" ;;
*.zip) unzip "$1" ;;
*.Z) uncompress "$1" ;;
*.7z) 7z x "$1" ;;
*.pdf) nohup zathura "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*.html) nohup luakit "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*.blend) nohup blender "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*.avi) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
*.wmv) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
*.rmvb) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
*.mp3) nohup urxvtc -si -sw -sh 30 -e mplayer "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*.flv) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
*.mp4) nohup mplayer "$1" ;;
*.ogg) nohup urxvt -si -sw -sh 30 -e mplayer "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*.wav) nohup audacity "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*.jpg) img "$1" ;;
*.jpeg) img "$1" ;;
*.JPG) img "$1" ;;
*.png) img "$1" ;;
*.gif) nohup gpicview "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*) nohup urxvt -si -sw -sh 30 -e vim "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
# Add shortcuts
makeShortcut () {
if [[ $2 == "" ]]; then
set $1 .
echo ""$1"=\""$2"\"
alias "$1"='cd \""$2"\"'
" >> ~/.config/fm/shortcuts
source ~/.config/fm/shortcuts
# Copy pwd to clipboard
cpwd () {
echo \"$(pwd)\" | xclip
# List directories
lsd () {
ls -F "$@" | grep \/$
# Command aliases
alias mv="move"
alias sc="makeShortcut"
alias cp="copy"
alias ls="list"
alias rm="remove"
alias mkdir="makedir"
alias hm="ls -l . | egrep -c '^-'"
list # ls when fm starts
Could all of you fellow file manager-haters post your little tricks, whether just a few lines added to ~/.bashrc or fully fledged files that you source like mine?
Last edited by greenmanwitch (2011-02-07 19:58:40)

3]) wrote: once you have video files cluttered all throughout your hard drive and folders all over, thats where the 'bash' filemanager system lacks its use in terms of effectiveness.
Actually, I found this to be one of the best advantages of using bash is that it forces a user to think about file organization and making useful naming schemes for files.
For example, instead of having 1000+ media files in one directory I subcategorize theme by genre or whatever, and then probably subcategorize them again.
Then I usually rename the files to something meaningful, like if I have 50 pictures of my kids birthday, just do a for each loop on the directory and rename all the files donovan_birthdayX.jpg where X is an integer incrementation.
essentially. just don't "have files cluttered all throughout you hard drive and folders all over". and your life will be much happier regardless of how you manage your files.

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    what will you be using for your file manager?  Or do you even know yet?
    I do not have tons of experience but if I had to come up with a solution I would build the interface with APEX and use the database to store the files inside so you can control access.
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    Please make sure you are in the system context to take the back up or restore. It only appears in the system context.
    Varun Rao
    Security Team,
    Cisco TAC

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    Thanks in advance /o/

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  • Prompt Command File Manager: tiny bash FM

    Last year pyfmii, now this. What's with these crazy file managers.
    wget -O ~/bin/pcfm; chmod +x ~/bin/pcfm
    By avoiding ncurses the program only takes up a few lines and doesn't clear the screen (and speed is still OK). It can paste right into the bash prompt using xdotool and xsel for a very transparent approach to the "subshell" in some file managers (like mc).
    Features include bookmarks (you can actually call the program as a general selector for a list (try pcfm ls /)), sessions to keep track of last selected/marked files in a dir, searching in the list, some navigation things like trying to find the closest match when the previously selected item was deleted and auto-selecting the parent directory on `cd ..`, and a launcher for filenames.
    It can generate the file list with any command you want, but will need a few functions to get the filename, and tell whether it's a directory and such. I have added a few of these "profiles".
    The bad thing is that it needs xdotool and xsel, which I mentioned in this thread. xdotool can give bugs (I ran into shift lock a lot, which can be avoided by using an emulated click instead of Shift+Insert), will be a bit slow, and when you use it to paste, the mouse needs to be on the window. I actually wrote a function that moves the mouse on the window! So that is quite bad.
    On the other hand, if a string only has ascii ([[:print:]] in C locale), it can be typed by `xdotool type --window xxx ...`, and xsel and pasting won't be needed. This speeds things up and makes it a little more stable (mouse doesn't have to be on the window, etc).
    Anyway, if you use screen and like this file manager, be sure to try the different approach in the linked thread.
    Screenshot? Try your ls alias. On a related note, make sure you have a good LS_COLORS variable.

    EDIT: wget '' -O - | tr -d '\r' > ~/bin/pcfm; chmod +x ~/bin/pcfm
    (before edit version: '', it didn't restore selected files if you didn't have a dir-specific profile)
    github and an rc file is a bit too much for a tiny program. In a case like this, an rc file is good if you have frequent updates, but unless someone has more good feature requests, there won't be anything to update. (new profiles, keybindings, file associations, it's all up to the user)
    I made the start of the file look more organized so it's easier to change. Note that F9 takes you immediately to edit the script.
    find-as-you-type searches the entire line: directory entries start with d.
    alias is a good idea (up to the user), auto-setting the prompt requires sending a command, so that's too tricky.
    I added a command line switch -t, to set the default profile.
    The profile keys are now:
    ^H: toggle iso / iso-no-hidden
    (commented) ^H: iso-no-hidden
    ^S: time sorted (based on iso)
    ^E: extension sort (based on iso)
    ^T: traditional (full ls -l)
    ^I: iso (-g -G and long-iso time) (^I is also TAB)
    ^N: minimal (size, filename, ID character)
    ^U: custom (e.g. `find -maxdepth 1`, it brings up a prompt), since directory status can't be checked (actually you can, with `file`, I will look into it later), you have to type F2 and cd
    ^P: show the profile list and choose one (like bookmarks)
    Last edited by Procyon (2010-02-13 13:28:46)

  • Sorry, we couldn't open your file using this feature. Visio Web Access is not available on this site.

    Recently installed Service Pack 1 in SharePoint Server 2013 Farm, post upgrade we are experiencing issue when opening visio documents:
    I am trying to open .vsdx (visio 2013) file but encounter following issue:
    Sorry, we couldn't open your file using this feature. Visio Web Access is not available on this site.
    Under Document library-->Library settings-->Advanced Settings
    Still I cant open file in browser as we always used to. Unfortunately we don't have Visio services in Farm.
    can you share your experiences regarding this issue post Sp1 SharePoint Server 2013.
    Thank You

    Hi Octopus,
    Based on the error message, it seems that the Visio Graphics Service is not started or the Enterprise feature is not enabled.
    I recommend to check the things below:
    Go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage service on server > check if the Visio Graphics Service is started > then click Application Management > Manage service applications > check if the Visio Graphics Service application
    is created.
    Go to the root site settings page of the site where you got this error, click Site collection features to check if the SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection Features is enabled.
    Go to the site settings page of the site where you got this error, click Manage site feature to check if the SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Features is enabled.
    More information about the Visio Graphics Service:
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Is there any downside to using a reference type library if I use Time Capsule and will do file management only from within Aperture?

    Have done a lot of reading to get prepared to convert to Aperture 3 and have this question regarding setting up my library type.
    I'm not a professional -just a heavy user hobbyist.
    It appears that the major factors in using reference style is to backup the images with Time Capsule and always do moves or deletes from within the Aperture application.
    If my architecture matters here's what I have that may be involved in photo management and editing:
    iMac (latest 27" high power version with lots of memory)
    Internal 2TB HD where the library is stored
    External (FireWire) 2TB HD where the images are stored
    External (FireWire) 6TB HD backup drive
    In the future an iPad for remote work on images (when/if available) and a Mac laptop (for same remote use)
    I see major downside issues to letting the library manage my files - such as inaccessibility (or awkward accessibility) to the images for other programs, and performance issues when the library gets large (thousands of images or 100+ gb in size)
    The chief complaints I've seen regarding using a reference mode is the broken link issues created if file management is done outside of Aperture (adds, deletes, moves of files) and the inability to use the Vault function for backup.
    One feature that I imagine I'd like to have is maximum integration with Final Cut Pro X and that's one area I haven't seen much on and would be interested to hear about if that integration is affected with the choice of managed vs referenced library types. (I like to produce film clips that are combinations of pics and video and want to be set up so that is done in the easiest fashion when working in FCP X)
    I'm sure I've not seen all sides of this issue and would like to see some discussion around this question.
    Thanks to everyone contributing!

    Goody, Goody, you hit a few of my favorite subjects! Herewith some comments, with the usual caveats - true to the best of my knowledge and experience, others may have different results, YMMV, and I could be wrong.
    I run Aperture on two machines:
    -- 2007 Mac Pro with 2x2.66 GHz Xeon, 21 GB of RAM, a 5770 GPU, and multiple HD. I have about 11,000 images, taking up 150 GB. (Many are 100 MB TIFF, scanned slides)
    -- 2006 Mac Book Pro with 1 2.0 GHz Core Duo, 2 GB of RAM and a 240 GB SSD.
    Two very different machines.
    -- Aperture Libraries are all the same - Managed or Referenced. If Managed, then the Master image files are inside the Package, if Referenced, they are outside, and you can have any combination you want. Managed is easier, but Referenced is not hard if you are the least bit careful.
    -- While the sheer size of an Aperture Library is not a big issue, the location on disk of the different components can have a tremendous impact on performance.
    -- Solid State Drives (SSD) read and write faster than regular Hard Disks (HD) and, what is more important, empty HD read and write much faster than full HD.
    -- Aperture speed requires a combination of RAM, CPU, graphics processing unit (GPU) speed, and disk speed. The more RAM you have, the less paging you will see. With enough RAM, the next bottle neck is CPU (speed and cores) and GPU speed. But even then you will still have to fetch an image (longer if you pull the full resolution Master, read and rewrite the Version file, and update the Preview and Thumbs.
    So what works?
    -- RAM, RAM, and more RAM. 4 GB will work, but you will page a bit. 8 GB is much faster. On my old MacPro the sweet spot was about 16 GB of RAM.
    -- Keep your Library on your fastest (usually internal) drive. Keep that disk as unloaded as possible. How do you keep it unloaded? Either buy BIG, 1 TB+ or move your Masters off onto another disk. The good news here is that as Master files are written only once and never rewritten, speed of this disk, as opposed to the disk that holds the Library, is not important. There is a one second pause as the Master is read into memory and, if you have enough RAM, that is it - the Master will never be paged out. If, on the other hand, you do not have enough RAM, and you do a lot of adjusting at full resolution, then the speed of the disk that holds your Masters will become very important due to paging.
    -- I found that I picked up a tiny bit of speed by keeping the Masters on a dedicated disk. Thus, in your configuration, if you can dedicate that 2 TB FW HD to your Masters, you should see very nice performance.
    Final notes on backups and archives:
    -- One conventional wisdom is that you should make an archive copy of every image file before or as you load them into your system. (Aperture in this case.) This archive is then never touched or deleted.
    -- An alternative approach is that you do not keep such an archive, but only the images that you have in your Aperture Library. And when you delete from the Library, you no longer keep a copy anywhere.
    I do the following:
    -- Card to Aperture. Card is then kept at least 24 hours until all of my backups have run. (I use three - Time Machine, Clone, and off site.)
    -- I do not keep archive copies. If I decide to delete a file, my only recourse is to recover it from Time Machine during the six month cycle of my Time Machine backups. Thereafter, it is lost.
    There are merits to both approaches.
    Hope this is clear, correct, and responsive to your needs.

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