Files in root map of Gwia that don't belong there

There are a lot of files now in our Gwia root map. We don't know how they are coming there.
It is just of the last few days, and after an abuse notification.
When I look into the files, there are several containing calendar data (appointments).
Anybody heard about this and can give a solution to solve this ?
Thanks in advance
Gert Vrieling

* gertv wrote, On 05/11/2012 08:36 AM:
> The filenames are only numbers (5 digits), no extension, owner is
> supervisor, nobody has filrights to that directory
Double check your GWIA configuration. Where exactly do they show up, the full path, please?
Novell Knowledge Partner (NKP)
Please don't send me support related e-mail unless I ask you to do so.

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    Welcome to Discussions.
    Use one of these scripts:
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    Hope this helps.
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    Settings -> general -> reset -> erase all content and settings.

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    Thanks in advance.

    ... what I really cannot understand is why the heck is Dreamweaver automatically uploading files that do not belong to the currently open site to the ftp server? I cannot think of any scenario in which this would be appropriate behaviour. I'd understand it if the files somehow contained links (CSS, JS, PHP, etc.) to the currently open site, but they don't! Dreamweaver simply sets out, every now and again, to creating a totally "dumb" folder structure on my ftp servers when I open a file from outside of the site - which I do very often to copy code I used in other projects.
    Dreamweaver doesn't "automatically upload" anything unless you have it set to on save. This is a bad practice if you aren't 100% sure of what you're doing. You may see it as a time saver, but if you have to go back two or three times and clean everything up, it isn't. Additionally, you select what is uploaded or not uploaded. If you choose to upload the entire root folder every time, then Dreamweaver will upload everything inside it... not automatically, but because you chose it.
    As to the "dumb folder structure", when you define a site, YOU and YOU ALONE define the folder structure. If you are working in multiple sites at once (bad practice unless your are extremely meticulous about details) odds are you will sooner or later save a file from one site, with another site open in the Files Panel and Dreamweaver will save the file to the open site, not the one you opened it from (see why it's a bad practice to do this?).
    It's just frustrating having to cleanup the ftp servers because
    Dreamweaver created folders like this
    "c:\localhost_root_folder\client_folder\client_project_folder\www\... .
    and so on", and saves a file in there that has nothing to do with the
    currently open site.
    It reads like you have defined a testing server and are using it when  you put files. C:\localhost is a testing server protocol. If you are  testing files and then attempt to put files from the testing server  instead of the root folder, they will have the filepath from the testing  server and not from the root folder file structure. Again a bad  practice unless you are meticulous about details and remember to switch  back to the root folder from the testing server panel BEFORE you put  files.

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    Help please.
    Thank you in advance

    They don't get there by accident.
    The System folder belongs at the root of the hard drive where the Applications, Library, and Users folders are also located.
    Backups.backupd is a TM backup folder and should be on your TM backup drive. It would only appear on your hard drive if you designated it as the TM backup drive (a definite no-no.)

  • "Files that don't belong" & "Stray file clips"

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    About 2 & 1/2 years ago, this forum had this topic, & the message was, never empty the Trash until the project is finished. I'd read in a book not to empty trash, but it didn't emphasize "until the project is finished." I've emptied Trash lots of times & I think this caused my problems. iMovie 4 is befuddled.
    I've read the danslagle Website on this, but it doesn't seem to help. Can anyone tell me what I need to do? Because, these issues are going to be constant & maybe things will get worse.

    Can anyone tell me what I need to do?
    1. As you said, stop emptying the iMovie Trash.
    2. Is the project saved on an external drive? Make sure the disk uses the Mac OS Extended disk format. If it doesn't use that format, iMovie can have trouble saving the project to the disk. If the project file isn't properly saved to disk, iMovie can't "remember" where the clips go, so it puts them in the Trash.
    From time to time we've seen reports of LaCie drives formatted with Mac OS Extended from the factory needing to be re-formatted to work correctly. I don't know if it's happening here, but keep it in mind.
    If more problems develop after you stop emptying the Trash, you might want to consider erasing the drive. That will erased the files on the drive, so make backups.

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    I guess with the metaphor of film rolls fading quickly as digital cameras advance, a new moniker for the base catalog entry was necessary. Suits me fine as long as the equivalent functionality is preserved with new features a bonus worth the price of "upgrading".
    I have not tried the switch to the new iLife iPhoto version yet (iMovie 8 is a HUGE step backwards so my caution meter is on FULL alert), as I have the same reservations. I have scrupulously kept Rolls organized by import date and require all that existing metadata be transferred perfectly.

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    Same problem here!!!

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