Filters for posts

Hi all,
I'm a regular visitor of the Abap forum and I'm wondering if it would be possible to add some filters on the "standard overview".
For instance: the number of posts (moreover replies) in the Abap forum is so large that posts without any reply are moved to next pages. Looking at myself I don't take the time to scroll through all pages to find any unreplied posts. It would be a great help if it would possible to filter all posts without replies.
The same for posts already answered completely.

Hi John,
Till the time we get the filering option, there's one setting that I have found to be useful. You can try it if you haven't already done so.
In your Control Panel of SDN, Under the general settings tab, you can set the number of posts per page to 50. That should reduce the scrolling considerably...:-)
Anand Mandalika.

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    What are some good filters to fix blown out camer and color shots in CS5?

    Hi Bill, Here's the link the of the blown out footage.
    Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 17:20:37 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Filters for Blown out camera and color shots for CS5
        Re: Filters for Blown out camera and color shots for CS5
        created by Bill Hunt in Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, & CS6 - View the full discussion
    Well, a few Effects, that might help - a little, would be Curves, Levels and Shadow & Highlight, along with the Three-way Color Corrector. However, the success will depend on the footage. Can you post a Vimeo, or YouTube example, as once one sees what you are working with, they may have other ideas. Good luck, and welcome to the forums, Hunt
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  • How can i check for posted but not yet commited changes in a form

    I make changes programmatically in a form then i post it using (Post built in).
    If the user exits the form, i make check for any changes in the form to commit it using the system variable :system.form_status
    Unfortunately the value of this system variable is 'Query' not 'Changed' because of using the post built in.
    Is ther another system variable ( or any another way ) that check for posted but not yet commited changes in the form ?
    Thanks a lot
    Mostafa Abolaynain

    I had faced similar situation. Using of package variable which identifies, what is the user's latest action.
    This is just a workaround.
    Capture what the user has performed into a variable say, PKG_VAR.ACTION,
    This will be assigned values like List L, and Create C, Update U and Saved S.
    If commit is executed,assing the status S to the variable.
    So while closing,
    IF :system.form_status = 'CHANGED' or PKG_VAR.ACTION in ('C','U') THEN     
    -- validate the data, n perform commit.
    -- just close the form.
    end if;
    Deepz : )

  • Change in start date of tax depreciation not for posting in mid of year

    Hi Experts,
    Tax depreciation area is not for posting. The fiscal year is from Jan to Dec. I want to calculate tax depreciation from May 2011 based on Net Book Value of tax depreciation as on 30.04.2011. But once I change the start date of tax depreciation in asset master to 01.05.2011, the system ignores the previous depreciation so I am not getting the NBV of tax depreciation of 30.04.2011.
    Is any setting is required to get this. I can not do changes in posting rules since this tax depreciation is not for posting any thing.
    The fiscal year 2010 is closed and NBV of tax depreciation as on 31.12.2010 of one asset is 80000, If I change the start date of tax depreciation from 1.1.2011 then system correcly take NBV of 31.12.2010 for further depreciation calculation. But if i change the start date of depreciation in between of year the system is calculating depreciation based on NBV of 31.12.2010 but ignores the tax depreciation from 1.1.2011 to 30.04.2011, which I previously run using AFAB.
    Need your assistance to know is it feasible to do this.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Harshad
    The behaviour of the system is very much correct, it is designed to behave that way...
    One, you should not have changed the dep start date....
    two, NBV in SAP is always taken to be NBV @ the start of the year....
    The best wayout I can suggest here is, if you are on EhP4 and EA-FIN active
    a. Change the Dep Key in the asset... You can maintain Time Dependant Dep Terms in asset master i.e. Dep Key X from Jan-Apr and Dep Key Y from MAy onwards
    b. This will however, calculate dep based on NBV at the start of the year, but based on new useful life
    c. Considering your eg: The system is posting more depreciation i.e. 5333 instead of 5155.... So, calculate this amount outside the system and post a Manual Write up ABZU inorder to reduce the Dep and increase the NBV
    Even if you are on not on EhP4, you can follow the same approach as above.... i.e.
    a. Change the Dep Key in asset master.... This will throw up new dep figure, on the basis of New Useful life and NBV at the start of the year
    b. Post a write up from ABZU....
    No need to do Asset to asset transfer in my opinion
    Only diff between EhP4 and Non EhP4 is that the differential depreciation would be lesser if you are on EhP4... i.e. instead of 5333 now, system may throw up depreciation amount of 5666.. So, you may need to post write up of 5666-5155
    br, Ajay M

  • If current period is closed, use next period for posting...

    Hello Experts,
    I am currently developing a report that posts via F-02. Now, my functional said
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    For example, period 12 is closed, then I need to use period 13. Can you guys help
    me in the logic?
    Thanks and take care!

    Check with your FI consultant as which table to use to determine the posting period is closed or not. It is customizing table.

  • Standard IDOCS, Programs for posting FI & bank related data.

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    (2)Are there any outbound idocs, programs for sending data to banks. EG:positive pay etc?
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    There is message type BANK_CREATE for posting the FI related Bank details. Using the change pointers you can trigger the idocs for posting the bank related data.

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    BAPI_COSTACTPLN_POSTACTINPUT   Activity Input Planning: Posting                
    BAPI_COSTACTPLN_POSTACTOUTPUT  Activity/Price Planning: Posting                
    BAPI_COSTACTPLN_POSTKEYFIGURE  Stat. Key Figure Planning: Postings             
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    Thank you.

    KSB1 is CCtr report..
    if it is revenue normally it will be treated as statistical posting in CCtr accounting- for the cost element when it is defined as revenue element.. - check Cost elements - whether it is Cost and cost reducing or revenue element--
    possibility this can be one of the reason.
    check and confirm

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    This is an old bug that keeps popping up:

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  • This Applescript will correct links & programs for posting

    Since I have been posting to these forms, I have been annoyed by the conversions that are done to my posts. A word surrounded by asterisks gets bolded. When I decide to make a link to a post, I can never remember the exact format. When I posted AppleScript code, I found that it is squish to the left. The AppleScript I have posted here gets around these problems.
    The first thing that you need to do is to make the text into an AppleScript program.
    start the AppleScript Editor
    copy the text to the Applescript editor.
    save the text to a file as an application and do not check any of the boxes below.
    now, let's build a link to a post.
    get the link to a reply.
    Goto this Webpage:!reply.jspa?messageID=9003196
    Copy the Web page address from the top of your Web browser page. This is the standard highlight the address then do a command+c
    Now you should run my AppleScript program by going back to the Script Editor. Optional, click the words event log to see the debug information. Click on the run icon.
    The link has been modified. Paste the link onto your Web page. This is the standard command+v.
    For a more typical usage, placed the program on the dock or make an alias on the desktop.
    Name: alter-clipboard
    Input: Clipboard
    Output: Clipboard
    This AppleScript program is designed to convert a forum-reply web address  to a link to a forum post, to convert special characters to their HTML symbols, and to convert programming language code to a  form that does not get mangled.
    1)   When you wish to reference another Apple discussion forum post, I found the process convoluted.  The Apple form software does not provide for the display of a form post link.  Instead, you must  construct the link from a reply post.  This AppleScript simplifies the process.
      When the clipboard contains a link to a forum reply page, do the conversion.
      Here is that way:
      a) Find the particular post you wish to reference.  
      b) Click on the reply icon.  
      c) Copy  the Web address to the clipboard  (command+c).  
      d) Run this AppleScript to convert the Web address.  
      e) Paste (command+v) the converted Web address into your post.
       For example, you:  
       • Want to reference a post on how to improve the performance of Tiger.  You find a post by Texas Mac Man with a list of possibilities.  
       • Click on the Reply option and highlight the Web address because you know the address contains a reference to this post.
       • Type command+c to copy the address to the clipboard.  The clipboard now contains:!reply.jspa?messageID=9124252
       •  Run this AppleScript to convert the Web address. The clipboard now contains:   
       • Type command+v to paste the address   into your new post.
    2)  Assume that the clipboard contains  special symbols or formated programming language code to convert.  
      The simpleFormatting property switch in the code selects teletype text ( tt ) when true and selets preformated text ( pre ) when false.      
      This AppleScript will converted special symbols used in these forums to a form not used by the forum software in order to preserve the original characters.
      For the symbols, see:
      See "Other formating tags are available as shown below" in
      An alternative to using these symbols is document in this post:
      Also, this AppleScript preserves indentation used in programs or Terminal output.
      a) Copy  the text to the clipboard .  
      b) Run this AppleScript to convert the text
      c) Paste the converted text into your post.
      For example,  the asterisks will be preserved:
         mac $ ls *oup*
         Youpi Key Editor.plist  Youpi alias  
      For example,  the indentation will be preserved:
         on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving dropped_items
            repeat with dropped_item_ref in dropped_items
               display dialog "dropped files is " & dropped_item_ref
            end repeat
         end adding folder items to
      Author: rccharles
      Copyright 2009 rccharles
      GNU General Public License
       This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       the Free Software Foundation,  version 3
       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       GNU General Public License for more details.
       For a copy of the GNU General Public License see <>.
    property simpleFormatting : true -- when true use tt tag to enclose; when false use pre tab to enclose
    on run
      -- Write a message into the event log.
      log "  --- Starting on " & ((current date) as string) & " --- "
      set theClip to the clipboard
      if length of theClip > 33 and characters 1 thru 33 of theClip as string = "" then
       convert to:
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "post!reply", "message")
         set {frontPart, postNumber} to textToList(theClip, "=")
         set theClip to theClip & "#" & postNumber
         --  see for the ASCII translations
         -- must be the first change so as not to cause problems.
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "#", "&#035;")
         --  You need to use either the numeric form of the HTML symbol or
         --  translate HTML character enties as seen below.
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "&amp;", "&amp;amp;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, " ", "&amp;nbsp;")
         -- Preserve blanks
         -- converts two spaces to a space and non-breaking space
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "  ", "  ")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "!", "&#033;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "[", "&#091;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "]", "&#093;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "<", "&#060;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "*", "&#042;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "+", "&#043;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "_", "&#095;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "--", "&#045;&#045;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, tab, "   ")
         -- suggested by red_menace from the Mac forums
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "-", "&#45;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "^", "&#94;")
         set theClip to alterString(theClip, "~", "&#126;")
         if simpleFormatting then
            set theClip to "<tt>" & theClip & "</tt>"
            set theClip to addWrapper(theClip)
         end if
      end if
      set the clipboard to theClip
    end run
    on alterString(thisText, delim, replacement)
      set resultList to {}
      set {tid, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, delim}
         set resultList to every text item of thisText
         set text item delimiters to replacement
         set resultString to resultList as string
         set my text item delimiters to tid
      on error
         set my text item delimiters to tid
      end try
      return resultString
    end alterString
    -- textToList was found here:
    on textToList(thisText, delim)
      set resultList to {}
      set {tid, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, delim}
         set resultList to every text item of thisText
         set my text item delimiters to tid
      on error
         set my text item delimiters to tid
      end try
      return resultList
    end textToList
    -- suggested by red_menace from the Mac forums
    -- some constants and switches
    property TextColor : "#000000" -- black  (see;colornames.asp)
    property BackgroundColor : "#FFEE80" -- medium/canary yellow -- "#FFDDFF" -- a light plum/purple
    property BorderColor : "#000000" -- black
    property TheWidth : "width: 720px; " -- a width attribute
    property UseWidth : true -- use the width attribute?
    property LineCount : 25 -- the number of lines before including the height attribute
    property TheHeight : "height: " & ((LineCount * 13.6) as integer) & "px; " -- a (rough) maximum height for the formatted box
    on addWrapper(SomeText)
      fix up some formatting and add a tag wrapper  (see
         parameters -      SomeText  text to add the wrapper to
         global items -   LineCount, TheHeight, UseWidth, TheWidth,  KeepFormatting,                         
                     BorderColor, TextColor, BackgroundColor
         returns [text]:      the wrapped text
      set {Height, Width} to {"", ""}
      if (count paragraphs of SomeText) is greater than LineCount then set Height to TheHeight
      if UseWidth then set Width to TheWidth
      -- hack...
      -- seems like the apple forum software doubles the returns in a pre tag
      set SomeText to alterString(SomeText, return, "<br>")
      -- change the style properties as needed
      set SomeText to "<pre style=\"
         font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
         font-size: 10px;
         font-weight: normal;
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 5px;
         border: 1px solid " & BorderColor & ";
         " & Width & Height & "
         color: " & TextColor & ";
         background-color: " & BackgroundColor & ";
         overflow: auto;\"
         title=\"\">" & SomeText & "</pre>
      return SomeText
    end addWrapper

    There is message type BANK_CREATE for posting the FI related Bank details. Using the change pointers you can trigger the idocs for posting the bank related data.

  • Disable 'Delete' button for posted invoices  in GOS Attachment List

    when i open the attachement list of a generic object i see the attached files. In this dialog i want to disable the   "Delete" ( attachment)  button  for Posted invoices ( In MIR4 tcode -> If the invoice is already posted it should not allow to delete the attachment )
    I read oss notes and some ides of copying diverse classes but nothing really helps.
    I found two badis
    but i dont know where we have to write our code .
    I read so many posts related to attachments but all the places described about authoriztion object .
    Can you please give some ideas to disable the delete button for posted invoices.

    For GOS there is no SAP Standard authorization concept. The only way to
    manage GOS authorizations is implementing it via custom code as
    described in SAP Note: 491271.
    Please have a look at the SAP notes:
    491271 Authorizations for generic object services
    701609 Authorizations for services: Final classes
    For the use of S_OC_ROLE: this object states if a user is an office
    administrator he can create, modify or delete every document, even
    those created by other users. If the user is not an office admin, the
    user is still able to create his own attachments.
    Regarding to the issue, there is an role object S_GUI for upload.
    To match your inquiry, pleaes find the user's role and active the
    object S_GUI.

  • Account is blocked for posting, while releasing the billing doc to FI

    While releasing the document to FI, I am getting the error Account is blocked for posting .
    The GL account does not contain any entry for that company code. What can be the reason of this error?

    It might sound bit different to you...................even then hava look at the following settings
    Transaction Code VKOA - Check the GL Account , the system is determining on the basis of Access Sequence.
    Transaction Code FS00 - Check whether the GL Account is blocked for posting or not.

  • No quants exist for posting changes. Creating TOu00B4s in LU04.

    When creating transfer orders in LU04, we get an error message "No quants exist for posting changes'. We are using batch managed and serialized materials. Using QM interface, so, inspection lots are created at Goods Receipt. When QM team "accepts" batch materials during inspection lot, there is no problem, but when "accepts" serialized materials, the system creates posting changes notices but can not create transfer orders sending the message before described. This is because after receiving the serialized materials, we receive one piece at a time in order to create one inspection lot for every serial number. But when we put away the materials, we put them away in the same bin. so, system assigns one quant and one inspection lot to the bin, updating the last one every time we put away one serial number. When system tries to look for the inspection lot number selected in QA32, is not finding it in the bin at WM level because the bin only contains the last inspection lot that was put it away.
    With batch managed numbers there is no problem since SAP divides the bin in different quants with the correspondent batches assigning an inspection lot to each quant.
    Is there any alternative to solve the issue with the serialized materials? We are using SAP ECC 6.0.
    Thanks for any help.

    The reason why we put away serialized materials into the same bin is because materials are physically small and they fit more than one in each bin. The warehouse is structured in this way and we plan to use it like that because it wouldn´t be feasible to create one bin for each serialized material. Is there any other way to manage this situation?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Maintain acct determination (table T030B) for posting key IRX / IGX (M8395)

    Dear Guru,
    I am testing IS-Oil & Gas (Downstream) - Exchanges.
    Created Exchange Agreement and Purchase Contract and Sales Contract, Purchase Contract and Sales Contract are assigned to the Exchange Contract.
    A PO is created with reference to the Purchase Contract.
    Upon post goods receipt in MIGO, encountered error message "Maintain account determination (table T030B) for posting key IRX (Message no. M8395)" that does not allow PGR to get through.
    A call-off is created with reference to the Sales Contract.
    Similarly, when PGI is performed in VL01N, encountered error message "Maintain account determination (table T030B) for posting key IGX (Message no. M8395)" that does not allow PGI to get through.
    Checked in OBYC, there is no transaction key for IRX and IGX.
    Please advise. Thank you.

    Hi WL,
    Please use transaction code O54E to maintain the required configuration.
    I hope this helps you.
    Thanks & Regards
    Kalpesh Chavda

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