Financial Reporting - Ability to Expand based on Custom list

Within financial reporting, Is there a way by which I can pick 3 or 4 different accounts and create a Calculated row that can expand or collapse and it is a sum total of those 4 accounts.
For Eg.
Under COGS we have Account A , B, C , D and I want to show
in the Report a column with Text title Others and Others is a sum of C and D.
When the user runs the report they see
Now if the user wants to zoom, they can zoom Others and it would show C & D.
I was wondering if such a functionality existed ?

That can be done ..
In HFR member selection Cell , please do the following :
View -> Advanced  Select Not operation .
then , In functions select Descendants and move to Right column and select your Particular account - >@Descendants ( "Account ")
In the next row select the Account member which you do not want in the hierarchy and from second row on the right column select Not Operation.
By this way , the new Hierarchy of Account , will not display the members you dont want to be ( Selective Member selection , it can be called)

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    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    Hi Kittu,
    I got the answer using @section command.
    Below are the complete syntax in my case.
    Form field         --Xml Tag
    If Data Found --<?choose@section:?><?when:count(G_SETUP)!=0?>
    Group G_SETUP  --<?for-each@section:G_SETUP?>
    Group G_STATEMENT --<?for-each-group@section:G_STATEMENT;STATEMENT_DATE?><?for-each-group@section:current-group();SEND_TO_ADDRESS_ID?>
    Its working for me.
    Let me know if you required more information.

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    Edited by: 808808 on Jan 5, 2012 3:41 AM

    OK, thanks, it almost works !!
    I've just a problem. 2 tabs are opening.
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  • [Forum FAQ] A content management tool with dashboard based on SharePoint List

    The SharePoint OOTB List has saved us a lot of time on managing mess data. It provides three forms to create/view/edit items, the ability to save the views we want with some specific filtering and sorting condition, versioning for easy restoring, and we
    can make it advanced with workflow contains the specific business logic.
    However, if there is a need for better user experience, interacting with the public APIs and a bit of script to customize the web page would be required.
    Suppose there is a requirement like this:
    We need a content collection tool which collects ideas from contributors, the newly ideas will be reviewed by reviewers.
    We may need to filter the list in a convenient way, get the wanted result with the data from the list and display in a chart or rank list. 
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    in some beautiful charts.  If we want to find out some outstanding contributors, top contributor board would be more comfortable than the top N items in the OOTB list view.
    The page would look like this:
    Engineers will come up with some ideas in the daily job and write a content to enlighten others. Reviewers will help to review ideas or contents and publish the contents if qualified.
    The complete process looks like this:
    As we can see, only the approved idea can be written as a content and only the approved content can be published.
    How it works
    We build the whole tool in one page. All ideas and contents will be saved in a custom list. This is how it looks like:
    There are three parts in this page:
    Top menu
    The top menu contains three elements:
    A Drop Down menu for filtering data by team, it will refresh the other two parts with the filtered data:
    A hyperlink “STATISTIC” links to a PowerBI report whose data source is the custom list.
    A hyperlink “FEEDBACK” for collecting feedbacks:
    The feedbacks will be saved in another list:
    Information menu
    This part will display the calculated data retrieved from the list within tiles, chart and ranking list.
    The tiles can be clicked to filter and refresh the list view.
    List view
    A list stores all ideas and contents with the properties needed. It can be filtered by the Top menu and Information menu.
    The customization on the OOTB custom list template makes it more powerful and more suit for this scenario:
    1. An item leveled comment feature (based on OOTB Tags & Notes feature) for other users make comments to an idea or content:
    2. Title column: When there is no attachment in the current item, it redirects to the default DisplayForm page. If there is, it will open the attachment (usually a .docx file) in Word Online in a new tab.
    3. ECB menu: Add some custom shortcuts for popular actions:
    4. A hyperlink column stores the hyperlink points to the website where the content is published to.
    How to achieve it
    This solution will be hosted in SharePoint Online environment, so we do all the job using JavaScript, REST API and Client Object Model.
    The Drop Down menu, tiles, rank list are generated with some HTML+CSS.
    The Trend Chart, we take advantage of the Combo chart in the Google chart library.  
    The list view is hosted in a <iframe> which can be easily filtered and refreshed by just passing a generated URL with query string.
    For the customization on the list view and the ECB menu, JSLink with Client Object Model would be OK.
    Specific to every part
    Top menu 
    Drop Down menu for retrieving filtered data and refreshing the display of the related controls
    When user selects a team here, there will be a request sent out for retrieving items of the list. By default, the limit is 100 when using REST API to get list items, so we can append a “$top=1000” to require more items from server.
    Code snippet like this:
    url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('" + listName + "')/items?$top=1000",
    method: "GET",
    headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
    success: function (data) {
    console.log("getListItems succ");
    error: function (data) {
    alert("getListItems error");
    Then we will get the “data” as a JSON format string, it contains all the values we need from the list:
    We can get the values we want like this:
    //get item Count
    var arr = [], len;
    for(key in data.d.results)
    len = arr.length;
    for(var ii=0; ii<len; ii++)
    var team = data.d.results[ii].Team;
    var month = data.d.results[ii].Month;
    As we need to know the counts of each type of ideas or contents, we use an array for saving the counters:
    //ary to store all counters for tiles: all/pendingIdea/pendingContent/my/approvedIdea/approvedContent
    var aryAllCounters = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
    for(var ii=0; ii<len; ii++)
    //get pendingIdeaCount
    if(data.d.results[ii].Statuss === 'Pending')
    Once all the numbers are ready, we can do the refreshing.
    As the list view page is hosted in a <iframe>, all we need to do is passing a constructed URL with query string:
    url_team = URL + "?FilterField1="+FIELD_MYTEAM+"&FilterValue1=" + sel_val;
    $iframe.attr('src', url_team); 
    Hyperlink for popping up a dialog to collect feedbacks
    The feedback dialog hosts another page which contains two buttons and one text area.
    The HTML code of the FEEDBACK button:
    <a id="feedback" href="#" onclick="javascript:openDialogBox('../SitePages/Feedback.aspx');">FEEDBACK</a>
    The openDialogBox() function:
    function openDialogBox(url){
    var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions();
    options.url = url;
    options.height = 130;
    options.width = 425;
    options.title = "Feedback";
    In the Feedback.aspx page, when user click submit button, we will save the content of the text area into the feedback list:
    function addListItem()
    this.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    this.oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('Feedback');
    var itemCreateInfo = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation();
    this.oListItem = this.oList.addItem(itemCreateInfo);
    //set person field
    var userValue = new SP.FieldUserValue();
    oListItem.set_item('Provider', userValue);
    //Sets the specified field value
    oListItem.set_item('Title', str);
    //datetime field
    var currDate = new Date();
    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded_add), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed));
    Information menu 
    Tile shortcut
    In the click event of the tiles, the code will pass a generated URL with query string to the <iframe>:
    //filter list only
    //distinguish tiles by id
    var v = $(this).attr('id');
    case S_MY_CONTENT:
    url_team1 = URL + "?FilterField1="+FIELD_COMPOSER+"&FilterValue1=" + currentUsername;
    case S_PENDING_IDEA:
    url_team1 = url_team + "&FilterField2="+FIELD_STATUS+"&FilterValue2=Pending&FilterField3="+FIELD_IDEATYPE+"&FilterValue3=Idea";
    $iframe.attr('src', url_team1); 
    Trend chart
    The chart will be initialized with the numbers by month stored in a 3D array:
    google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
    function drawVisualization(ary)
    // Some raw data (not necessarily accurate)
    var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(ary);
    var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);
    view.setColumns([0, 1,
    { calc: "stringify",
    sourceColumn: 1,
    type: "string",
    role: "annotation"
    // Create and draw the visualization.
    var ac = new google.visualization.ComboChart(document.getElementById('chart1'));
    ac.draw(view, {
    //legend: 'top',
    legend: {
    title : '',
    //width: 0,
    //height: 285,
    vAxis: {title: "", format:'#',viewWindowMode:'explicit',
    },ticks: ticks
    //hAxis: {title: ""},
    lineWidth: 4,
    bar: {groupWidth: "60%"},
    seriesType: "bars",
    series: {1: {type: "line"}},
    colors: ['#A4C400', '#F9A13B'] 
    Top contributors rank list
    When retrieving list items, we can get the “AuthorId” which represents the id of the user in the siteUserInfoList. We run another request to retrieve all items in the siteUserInfoList which stores the username with the URL of profile.
    Then we can use a hash table(provided by jshashtable.js) to store the user id, username and profile URL:
    url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/siteUserInfoList/Items",
    method: "GET",
    headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
    success: function (data) {
    //get item Count
    var arr = [], len;
    for(key in data.d.results)
    len = arr.length;
    var ht_authors = new Hashtable();
    for(var ii=0; ii<len; ii++)
    if(data.d.results[ii].Picture != null)
    ht_authors.put(data.d.results[ii].Id, data.d.results[ii].Title+'|'+data.d.results[ii].Picture.Url);
    ht_authors.put(data.d.results[ii].Id, data.d.results[ii].Title+'|');
    console.log("ht_authors.keys(): "+ht_authors.keys());
    console.log("ht_authors.values(): "+ht_authors.values());
    error: function (data) {
    List view
    For the Comment button, custom title link and the custom published link of each item, we can use JSLink to achieve.
    Comment button: It is supposed to be the OOTB “Type” column, I change the icon and modify the click event of it to pop up a comment dialog which take advantage of the OOTB “Tags&Notes” feature;
    Custom Title link: As there will be two situations of an item: has attachment or not. We will need to run a request to get the URL of attachment and change the hyperlink of the Title field accordingly:
    (function () {
    // Create object that have the context information about the field that we want to change it output render
    var linkFiledContext = {};
    linkFiledContext.Templates = {};
    linkFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
    //"Attachments": { "View": AttachmentsFiledTemplate }
    "LinkTitle": { "View": TitleFieldTemplate },
    "Published_x0020_Link": { "View": PublishedLinkFieldTemplate },
    "DocIcon": { "View": DocIconFieldTemplate },
    "MyTeam": { "View": MyTeamFieldTemplate }
    function DocIconFieldTemplate(ctx)
    var htmlStr = "";
    var listId = ctx.listName;
    var itemId = ctx.CurrentItem.ID;
    var s = listId + "," + itemId;
    htmlStr += "<img width='16' height='16' class=' ms-draggable' alt='Comment' src='"+_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl+"/Shared%20Documents/img/comment-icon.png' border='0' ms-draggableragId='0' onclick='CommentIcon(\""+ s +"\")'></img>";
    return htmlStr;
    function CommentIcon(s)
    var listId = s.split(',')[0];
    var itemId = s.split(',')[1];
    var url=_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl+"/_layouts/15/socialdataframe.aspx?listid="+listId+"&id="+itemId+"&mode=1";
    function openCustomDialog(pageUrl,title,width,height)
    url: pageUrl,
    width: width,
    height: height,
    title: title,
    dialogReturnValueCallback: function (result){
    if(result== SP.UI.DialogResult.OK)
    function PublishedLinkFieldTemplate(ctx)
    var htmlStr = "";
    var itemPublishedLink = "";
    var itemPublishedLinkDesc = "";
    if((ctx.CurrentItem.Published_x0020_Link != ''))
    itemPublishedLink = ctx.CurrentItem.Published_x0020_Link;
    itemPublishedLinkDesc = ctx.CurrentItem["Published_x0020_Link.desc"];
    htmlStr = "<a href='" + itemPublishedLink + "' target='_blank'>" + itemPublishedLinkDesc + "</a>";
    return htmlStr;
    function MyTeamFieldTemplate(ctx)
    var htmlStr = "";
    var itemMyTeam = "";
    if((ctx.CurrentItem.MyTeam[0] != undefined) && (ctx.CurrentItem.MyTeam[0] != null))
    itemMyTeam = ctx.CurrentItem.MyTeam[0].lookupValue;
    htmlStr = itemMyTeam;
    return htmlStr;
    function TitleFieldTemplate(ctx) {
    var itemId = ctx.CurrentItem.ID;
    var itemTitle = ctx.CurrentItem.Title;
    var listName = ctx.ListTitle;
    var siteUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl;
    var listUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/Lists/" +listName;
    var fileNames = getAttachmentsNames(listName, itemId);
    var fileNameAry = fileNames.split("|");
    var htmlStr = "";
    //check the attachment existence
    if(fileNameAry[0] != '')
    for(var j = 0; j < fileNameAry.length; j++)
    var fileName = fileNameAry[j];
    var s1 = "<a class=\"ms-listlink ms-draggable\" onmousedown=\"return VerifyHref(this, event, '1', 'SharePoint.OpenDocuments.3', '1";
    var s2 = "/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=";
    var s3 = "/Attachments/";
    var s4 = "/";
    //4``[Forum FAQ] Highlight the list tab in Quick Launch when the list view changes.docx
    var s5 = "&action=default'); return false;\" href=\"";
    //5`` Pool
    var s6 = "/Attachments/";
    var s7 = "/";
    //7``[Forum FAQ] Highlight the list tab in Quick Launch when the list view changes.docx
    var s8 = "\" target=\"_blank\" DragId=\"1\">";
    //8``Highlight the list tab in Quick Launch when the list view changes
    var s9 = "</a>";
    var s = s1+siteUrl+s2+listUrl+s3+itemId+s4+fileName+s5+listUrl+s6+itemId+s7+fileName+s8+itemTitle+s9;
    htmlStr += s;
    if (j != fileNameAry.length - 1)
    htmlStr += "<br/>";
    //if no attachments, set the <a> point to displayForm
    htmlStr += "<a class='ms-listlink ms-draggable' onclick='EditLink2(this,28);return false;' onfocus='OnLink(this)' href='" + siteUrl + "/_layouts/15/listform.aspx?PageType=4&ListId=%7BE54A4FBB%2DDDC2%2D4F7E%2D8343%2D8A1C78757CF4%7D&ID=" + itemId + "&ContentTypeID=0x010079A1D928FF77984C80BFEF1D65C3809F' target='_blank' DragId='0'>" + itemTitle + "</a>";
    return htmlStr;
    function getAttachmentsNames(listName,itemId) {
    var url = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl;
    var requestUri = url + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('" + listName + "')/items(" + itemId + ")/AttachmentFiles";
    var str = "";
    // execute AJAX request
    url: requestUri,
    type: "GET",
    headers: { "ACCEPT": "application/json;odata=verbose" },
    async: false,
    success: function (data) {
    for (var i = 0; i < data.d.results.length; i++)
    if(i != 0)
    str += "|";
    str += data.d.results[i].FileName;
    error: function (err) {
    return str;
    How to make them work together
    When selecting an option in the Drop Down menu, the Information menu and the List view will be refreshed separately.
    When clicking the tiles, only the list view will be filtered and refreshed, the other parts will not be influenced.
    When items created/modified, the whole page will be refreshed to keep all the numbers in each part updated.  A workflow will also be triggered to inform engineers or reviewers the progress of an item or content.
    Other customizations
    ECB menu and permission control
    As we need to refresh the page when new item or modify item, we put all the form pages in a custom modal dialog and execute the refresh in the success callback function.
    There are three roles: Site owner, reviewer and engineer. They have limited privileges according to the roles they are:
    Site owner: Full control on the list, can see all the buttons in the ECB menu;
    Reviewer: There is another list which stores the names of each team and reviewers’ names of each team. The reviewer has limited full control only on the team they belong to. To other teams, the role can be seen as a visitor;
    (create owner): The one who contribute an idea. For the ideas\contents from other teams, this role can be seen as visitor.
    The ECB menu they can see is:
    For the visitor, the ECB menu will only display a few buttons:
    The code:
    (function () {
    var viewContext = {};
    viewContext.Templates = {};
    viewContext.OnPostRender = OnViewPostRender;
    function OnViewPostRender(ctx) {
    $("a[title='More options']").removeAttr("onclick");
    $("a[title='More options']").attr("onclick", "showMenuList(this);return false;");
    function showMenuList(obj) {
    var itemId = $(obj).parents("tr").attr("id").split(",")[1];
    //show ECB menu
    CoreInvoke('ShowECBMenuForTr', obj, event);
    var teamId = getCurrentTeamId("Content Pool", itemId);
    var styles = "";
    if (isSiteOwner("Technet SharePoint Team Owners")) {
    styles = "li[text='Delete Item ']{display:block;}{display:block;} > li:nth-last-child(5){display:block;} li[text='Edit Item ']{display:block;} li[text='Upload Document']{display:block;} li[text='Approve']{display:block;} li[text='Reject']{display:block;} li[text='Add Publish Link']{display:block;}";
    } else if (isReviewer("List1_FAQ_team", teamId, "Reviewers")) {
    styles = "li[text='Delete Item ']{display:block;}{display:block;} > li:nth-last-child(5){display:block;} li[text='Edit Item ']{display:block;} li[text='Upload Document']{display:block;} li[text='Approve']{display:block;} li[text='Reject']{display:block;} li[text='Add Publish Link']{display:block;}";
    } else if (isComposer(obj)) {
    styles = "li[text='Delete Item ']{display:block;}{display:block;} > li:nth-last-child(5){display:block;} li[text='Edit Item ']{display:block;} li[text='Upload Document']{display:block;} li[text='Approve']{display:none;} li[text='Reject']{display:none;} li[text='Add Publish Link']{display:none;}";
    } else {
    styles = "li[text='Delete Item ']{display:none;}{display:none;} > li:nth-last-child(5){display:none;} li[text='Edit Item ']{display:none;} li[text='Upload Document']{display:none;} li[text='Approve']{display:none;} li[text='Reject']{display:none;} li[text='Add Publish Link']{display:none;}";
    //get current team id
    function getCurrentTeamId(listName,itemId){
    var teamId="";
    var requestUri = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl +
    // execute AJAX request
    url: requestUri,
    type: "GET",
    headers: { "ACCEPT": "application/json;odata=verbose" },
    async: false,
    success: function (data) {
    error: function () {
    //alert("Failed to get details");
    return teamId;
    //check whether is owner
    //Technet SharePoint Team Owners
    function isSiteOwner(groupName) {
    var flag = false;
    var requestUri = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/Web/effectiveBasePermissions";
    // execute AJAX request
    url: requestUri,
    type: "GET",
    headers: { "ACCEPT": "application/json;odata=verbose" },
    async: false,
    success: function (data) {
    var permissions = new SP.BasePermissions();
    flag = permissions.has(SP.PermissionKind.managePermissions);
    error: function () {
    //alert("Failed to get details");
    return flag;
    function isComposer(obj) {
    var flag = false;
    var userId = _spPageContextInfo.userId;
    var composerId = $(obj).parents("tr").find("a[href*='userdisp.aspx']").attr("href").split("ID=")[1];
    if (composerId == userId) {
    flag = true;
    return flag;
    //check whether is reviewer
    function isReviewer(listName,teamId,peopleColumn){
    var flag=false;
    var userId=_spPageContextInfo.userId;
    // begin work to call across network
    var requestUri = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl +
    "/_api/Web/Lists/getByTitle('"+listName+"')/items?$select=ID&$filter=(ID eq '"+teamId+"' and "+peopleColumn+"Id eq '"+userId+"')";
    // execute AJAX request
    url: requestUri,
    type: "GET",
    headers: { "ACCEPT": "application/json;odata=verbose" },
    async: false,
    success: function (data) {
    error: function () {
    //alert("Failed to get details");
    return flag;
    //insert style into page
    function includeStyleElement(styles) {
    var style = document.createElement("style");
    style.type = "text/css";
    (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.body).appendChild(style);
    if (style.styleSheet) {
    //for ie
    style.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
    } else {
    //for w3c
    Workflow email customization
    The email will only be sent to engineer or team reviewer in the three scenarios:
    When engineer uploads an idea or content, reviewer will receive an email;
    When engineer uploads a content to an existing idea, reviewer will receive an email;
    When reviewer approve/reject an idea or content, engineer will receive an email;
    The design of the workflow process  :
     The email design like this:
    Email to engineer
    Email to reviewer
    Let us know if you are interested in it. Happy coding!
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    A good solution. Liked it very much. Can you please make it a technet blog for others.
    [email protected]

  • Report based on custom Query - Question about Data Source

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    1. Using Oracle Server: This method works fine on my local & Infoview. But since I have lot of reports, I do not want the DB username/password associated to the report. I neither want BO to prompt username/pwd to my user.
    2. Using ODBC(RDO):
    Again, works fine on my local. Once I export to Infoview, it fails with this error: "Failed to open the connection"
    Which makes sense, because the DSN is created on my local machine and not on the server.
    How and what do I create on the server, so that the reports run?
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    Can any of you please help me here
    Edited by: SBat22 on Apr 13, 2011 5:58 PM

    Thanks for moving it to the right forum!!
    But, if I setup in CMC, a default username/password that the report needs....what would happen if my password changes?
    I would need to go to each and every report and update the password.
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    Can anyone please help!

  • Financial Reports-Summary based on external code

    Is it possible to select different accounts from different drawer to show the summarized report.
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    I think it can be done with financial report template but if i choose B/S template i can't group profit/loss account similarly P/L template i can't chose
    Please suggest the solution
    Thanks and Regards
    md.nazeer shaikh

    Thanks Gordon,
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    Requirement - I am having the CUSTOM data at Shop Order Maintenance that is called as XXX, I need some report in SAP ME which can display the SFC related to particular Shop order based on XXX Number.

    As far as I remember there is no such base report. So, you may try to create it using SDK or request it as custom enhancement from SAP.
    If you want to create it using SDK, you can find the required data for report in CUSTOM_FIELDS table.

  • Limit member selection based on access in running Hyperion Financial Report

    Hi there
    I am wondering, is it possible to limit the member selection in a prompt box based on what access they have when running a Hyperion Financial Report?
    I know its possible to limit the user POV based on the members they have access to (in Preferences) but we have a reporting requirement on the page dimension to prompt the user for what cost centres they want to run the report for. When I used a prompt function the user gets to select any cost centre in the "choices" range regardless of whether they have access or not. We just want it to show what cost centres they have access to.

    If the datasource is ready only and not writeable for the users, then you can use MetaRead filters for cost centre, which will only show the hierarchies the users have access to.
    (You cannot mix Write and MetaRead filters in the same filter, it would be Write and Read).
    Let me know if that's an option.
    Cheers, Iain

  • Can We generate Check report based on Custom Dimension in FDM

    Hi All,
    We got a requirement in our project to generate the check report based on custom dimension. As far as i know the check reports that got generated in FDM are based on Entity Dimension.
    So, will you please let me know whether it is possible to generate report based on any one of the custom dimension.

    I guess I am not understanding the question here?
    The check report is based on the location/entity that you are running the report for.  You can pull values for a specific intersection in the target application with the check report, so you could specify the custom dim in the intersection.

  • Access is denied error when launching HFM based Financial Reports

    When attempting to run Financial Reports where the data source is an HFM application, users sometimes get the following error(s):
    Access is denied
    <BR>Access is denied
    Sometimes the error is more detailed:
    1001:datasourcename=HOLX;errorMsg=Access is Denied. <BR>Access is denied. (The more detailed error is followed by references to POV members display names and member names, etc.)
    The error is intermittent and cannot be easily reproduced. Sometimes users get it for hours at a time, other times they can log out and log back in and run the report fine. The users are running the reports via Workspace.
    We are running the following versions, and Web Logic is our application server.
    HFM Server:
    Financial Reports:
    I did increased the JVM heap size allocation on the Reports server from:
    That setting change appears to have made the issue not appear as frequently, but it is still occurring. I may have bandwidth to increase the heap size limits to 1024 and 1536.
    Any advice and / or help would be appreciated! The fact that I cannot easily reproduce the error and the lack of references to it in the application logs are making it very frustrating!

    We had gotten this exact same error with some users getting it, some not getting it, and other users getting it sometimes.
    We were told it happened when a certain number of users are in HFM reports at the same time.
    To fix it you need to do the following on the HFM production servers (Foundation/Core Servers, Application Servers, and Web Servers)
    Apply registry changes to prod servers:
    On the server click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK
    Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Rpc
    Click the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
    Type Server2003NegotiateDisable as the name of the new DWORD Value
    Right-click Server2003NegotiateDisable, and then click Modify.
    In the Value Data box, type 1, and then click OK.

  • Financial Reporting using BPC 5.1: A few questions

    A client of mine is doing an assessment of using BPC 5.1 as a financial report writing tool versus BI/BEx. They are not currently using BPC for either planning or consolidations but that might happen in the future. The financial data is being extracted from the SAP BI system and being reported on in this pilot implementation. There are a few questions I have:
    1) How common is it for organizations to be using BPC as just a financial report writing tool but not for planning & consolidations?
    2) We have come across some constraints in using hierarchies in BPC which was not the case in BEx. We are having issues picking and choosing hierarchies. We have not been able to select a particular dependent node of a hierarchy. Let's say that A is the parent node and B and C are child nodes in a hierarchy. We've tried every trick but are not able to select either B or C individually. Moreover if we want both B and C, we are forced to create a hierarchy for B and C. This is not correct. This is a pretty basic requirement. Has anyone come across this restriction? If this is how BPC 5.1 works, is SAP planning on fixing this in BPC 7.0 do that it works like BEx works today?
    I look forward to your help, advice and inputs. We are in a bind and relevant responses will be awarded full points.

    I think it is very common for customer to utilize the tool JUST for reporting.  The idea is to utilize the tool for as many purposes as possible.  Customers use it purly for Operational reporting, planning specific, functional specific, or just plain simplified way to get needed data into the users hands via excel and the ability to build reports on the fly or using predefined templates which are highly flexible.
    As for your second question, There is no direct method for selecting or "checking" a bundle of members to use in a report from the current view.  However, there is an indirect method that may be built using EVDRE.  It involves building an opening Tab in an BPC for Excel report, selecting the members viia the copy function in the current view, pasteing them to a section in the tab, running basic excel tests that aggregarte the members into a useable list for an EVDRE function, used in the MEMBBERSET section of a given dimension, that will then expand and retrieve the data for those members  in the that will be run in a second Excel tab.  Once you see it in action, it does the same thing  or almost the same function you are requesting.
    I am not certain if the process will be fixed in future releases, but if you like the feature, please contact product support and log an enhancement request, so as to formalize the request.  There are other who hold the same sentiment.
    Hope this helps.

  • Attaching a financial report URL to planning tasklist

    Hi I have tried in to attach a URL (Smartcut of a financial report) to an item in a Planning tasklist.
    from there i got the following message:
    " EPM Workspace cannot function inside of a frame. Contact your system administrator."
    So i found a first workaround based on this article of the knowledge base
    How to Open Planning Task List and Menu Items (Financial Reporting or Web Analysis) Within a Workspace Tab (Doc ID 1339568.1)
    which suggests to encode the smartcut url and attach a customized version.
    This solution in my case worked for a couple of days and than not anymore: Now i get half of the initial message only:
    " EPM Workspace cannot function inside of a frame."
    and at times a pop up which wants me to leave this page to open the report. If i follow it the report opens on a new window and my planning/workspace application where i came from closes..
    I'm completely lost on this one and oracle support as well. Anybody discovered another way?

    Hi Celvin,
    i am a fan of your blog and i want to thank you for posting this here but it was DJSmeadly that gave me a push to try / test again in several ways.
    turns out that it works without any pop-ups and strange messages (not even to leave the page and so on) for me using this format:
    so thanks for responsing to this thread and giving the motivation to give it another try!
    Hope i can help more people as well

  • SSRS - Financial Report

    Hi ,
    I have a table in sql server with Data like below . A Financial Report is required to be built based on the below data

    The above image for the report filter . Now am very confused on its development .
    The requirement is if the Admin selects only Current Cycle from the Month Parameter data for the current month
    and previous month should be displayed and their difference . If the Admin selects current quarter data for the current quarter should be displayed . Data is grouped  and sum based on the Type and Customer .
    Please have a look on the table below which explains the desired outcome for current cycle and current quarter .
    Current Cycle
    Month Data 
    Month Data .
    Feb 14 - Mar14
    Now if the Admin selected Current Quarter data for 3 months should be displayed with month Names on top .
    Report Data will look like below
    Month Data ..
    Month Data 2
    Month Data .
    Jan-14 - Feb-14
    Feb 14 - Mar14

  • Financial Reporting and Microsoft OLAP - issues with MDX

    We have installed Oracle/Hyperion Financial Reporting 11 for a client. They are using a Microsoft Analysis Services 2000 'cube' as the data source. The cube has an Account Dimension with 9 levels in its hierarchy. We have found Financial Reporting truncates the MDX when querying Accounts at the lowest level (around 100 characters in the length of the MDX string) or when querying multiple account groups at a higher level (and displaying descendants). Does anyone have any workarounds or solutions? Is there a better way of doing things? Is there any documentaion on the limitations of using FR over MSOLAP? We have have built the cube with an Account No as the Short Name (Key) and the Account Description as the Name but FR insists on only displaying (and using in the MDX) the long Account Descriiption - whereas using Essabase you can drill down on the Member Names [Account No] but display the Alias [Account Name]

    I don’t found the similar issue, please confirm your hardware compliant with the server 2012, update your BIOS at last release.
    Please rerun the validation test then post the error or warning part, that report will quickly locate the issue.
    Please try to install the recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012-based failover clusters then try again.
    Recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012-based failover clusters
    More information:
    Windows Server Catalog
    Hyper-V Virtual Fibre Channel Overview
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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