"Find Finder Items" and external volumes

I have a particular file (an Entourage mail database) that I want to automate backup to a USB thumb drive. Once a day I already use the Backup utility to automatically copy it (currently about 350 MB) to the external thumb drive. No problem.
Now I want to be able to delete old backups (say more than a week old). Before I can get there, I need to get the "Find Finder Items" action to work on external drives. Is this an action that only works on internal mounted volumes? I also have an external hard drive that doesn't seem to work with that action either. No matter what criteria I select, when I run the action I get "no results produced" which I know is incorrect.

"Find finder items" works on all drives. But the drives have to be indexed by spotlight. can you do finder search on your thumb drive? also, how is it formatted? it's best if it's formatted mac os extended. thumb drives are usually formatted FAT by default.

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  • Report to find open items and close items for given vendor

    Hi All,
    What are the steps needed to write a REPORT to find out
    open and close items for a given vendor.
    Which are the fields i'll have to take and what are the comparisons i'll have to make.
    I know,
    BSIK is for open Vendor &
    BSAK for closed Vendors..
    what are the conditions i'll have to check.
    Thanks in Advance..
    Pradeep Alex

    Hi Pradeep,
    This report I developed is definitely useful to you.
    *& Report  ZFI_PROV_IT_VENDOR
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    tables: BKPF,
            t005u,           "Region Description
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_bkpf,
            bukrs type bkpf-bukrs,
            belnr TYPE bkpf-belnr,
            gjahr type bkpf-gjahr,
            blart TYPE bkpf-blart,
            budat TYPE bkpf-budat,
           END   OF ty_bkpf.
    types: begin of ty_J_1IMOVEND,
             lifnr     type lfa1-lifnr,
             J_1IPANNO type J_1IMOVEND-J_1IPANNO,
             J_1ICSTNO type J_1IMOVEND-J_1ICSTNO,
             J_1ISERN  type J_1IMOVEND-J_1ISERN,
           end   of ty_J_1IMOVEND.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_bseg,
            belnr TYPE bseg-belnr,
            gjahr type bseg-gjahr,
            bschl TYPE bseg-bschl,
            umskz type bseg-umskz,
            shkzg type bseg-shkzg,
            wrbtr TYPE bseg-wrbtr,
            hkont type bseg-hkont,
            lifnr TYPE bseg-lifnr,
           END   OF ty_bseg.
    types: begin of ty_t005u,
            bland type t005u-bland,
            bezei type t005u-bezei,
           end   of ty_t005u.
    types: begin of ty_lfa1,
            lifnr type lfa1-lifnr,
            name1 type lfa1-name1,   "35
            ort01 type lfa1-ort01,   "35
            ort02 type lfa1-ort02,   "35
            pfach type lfa1-pfach,   "10
            pstlz type lfa1-pstlz,   "10
            regio type lfa1-regio,   "3
            stras type lfa1-stras,   "35
            ktokk type lfa1-ktokk,
            telf1 type lfa1-telf1,   "16
            telf2 type lfa1-telf2,   "16
           end   of ty_lfa1.
    types: begin of ty_bsik,
            bukrs type bsik-bukrs,
            lifnr type bsik-lifnr,
            augdt type bsik-augdt,
            augbl type bsik-augbl,
            belnr type bsik-belnr,
            budat type bsik-budat,
            blart type bsik-blart,
            shkzg type bsik-shkzg,
            wrbtr type bsik-wrbtr,
           end   of ty_bsik.
    types: begin of ty_bsid,
            bukrs type bsid-bukrs,
            lifnr type bsid-kunnr,
            augdt type bsid-augdt,
            augbl type bsid-augbl,
            belnr type bsid-belnr,
            budat type bsid-budat,
            blart type bsid-blart,
            shkzg type bsid-shkzg,
            wrbtr type bsid-wrbtr,
           end   of ty_bsid.
    types: begin of ty_out2,
            lifnr type bsik-lifnr,
            wrbtr type bsik-wrbtr,
            end  of ty_out2.
    types: begin of ty_out,
            lifnr type lfa1-lifnr,
            name1 type lfa1-name1,
            addr(162) type c,
            J_1IPANNO type J_1IMOVEND-J_1IPANNO,
            J_1ICSTNO type J_1IMOVEND-J_1ICSTNO,
            J_1ISERN  type J_1IMOVEND-J_1ISERN,
            opbal  type bseg-wrbtr,
            purch type bseg-wrbtr,
            PAYM  type bseg-wrbtr,
            grdeb type bseg-wrbtr,
            othdeb type bseg-wrbtr,
            othcre type bseg-wrbtr,
            tds   type bseg-wrbtr,
            bal   type bseg-wrbtr,
            blart type bkpf-blart,
            bschl type bseg-bschl,
           end  of ty_out.
    types: begin of ty_bsegtemp,
            lifnr TYPE bseg-lifnr,
           end   of ty_bsegtemp.
    types: begin of ty_bsegnew,
            wrbtr TYPE bseg-wrbtr,
            lifnr TYPE bseg-lifnr,
           end   of ty_bsegnew.
    data: it_bsik type table of ty_bsik with header line,
          it_bsid type table of ty_bsid with header line,
          it_bsak type table of ty_bsik with header line,
          it_out2  type table of ty_out2 with header line,
          it_out3 type table of ty_out2 with header line.
    DATA : it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           it_listheader TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           it_alvevent TYPE slis_t_event,
           gt_events TYPE slis_t_event WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
           wa_listheader TYPE slis_listheader,
           wa_alvevent TYPE slis_alv_event.
    DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader.
    DATA : g_repid  LIKE sy-repid,                  " Program ID
           g_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.           " Layout Workarea
    DEFINE m_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos       = &1.               " Fieldcat column postion
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname     = &2.               " Field name
      wa_fieldcat-DO_SUM        = &3.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_m     = &4.               " Column Text
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen    = &5.
      append wa_fieldcat to it_fieldcat.
      clear wa_fieldcat.
    DATA: wa_lfa1 TYPE ty_lfa1,
          wa_bkpf TYPE ty_bkpf,
          wa_bkpf1 type ty_bkpf,
          wa_bsegtemp type ty_bsegtemp,
          wa_bsegnew type ty_bsegnew,
          wa_bsegnew1 type ty_bsegnew,
          wa_J_1IMOVEND type ty_J_1IMOVEND,
          wa_t005u type ty_t005u,
          wa_bseg TYPE ty_bseg,
          wa_out    TYPE ty_out.
    DATA: gt_out TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out,
          gt_out1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out,
          gt_lfa1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_lfa1,
          gt_bsegtemp type standard table of ty_bsegtemp with header line,
          gt_bsegnew type standard table of ty_bsegnew with header line,
          gt_bsegnew1 type standard table of ty_bsegnew with header line,
          gt_J_1IMOVEND type standard table of ty_J_1IMOVEND,
          gt_bkpf1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bkpf WITH HEADER LINE,
          gt_t005u type standard table of ty_t005u,
          gt_bseg TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bseg WITH HEADER LINE,
          gt_bkpf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bkpf WITH HEADER LINE.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    select-options: s_budat for bkpf-budat obligatory,
                    s_ktokk for lfa1-ktokk obligatory.
                   s_wrbtr for bseg-wrbtr.
    parameters: p_bukrs type bkpf-bukrs obligatory default '1000'.
               p_gjahr type bkpf-gjahr obligatory.
               p_lifnr type bseg-lifnr obligatory default '300040',
               p_ktokk type lfa1-ktokk obligatory default 'Z200'.
    selection-screen end   of block b1.
      PERFORM sub_fetch_data.
      PERFORM sub_process_data.
      PERFORM sub_build_fieldcat.
      PERFORM sub_build_layout.
      PERFORM eventtab_build USING gt_events[].
      PERFORM comment_build USING it_listheader[].
      PERFORM sub_disp_data.
    *&      Form  SUB_BUILD_FIELDCAT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM sub_build_fieldcat .
    sort gt_out by name1.
       WA_SORT-FIELDNAME = &1.
       WA_SORT-UP        = 'X'.
       WA_SORT-SUBTOT    = &2.
    *m_sort 'NAME1' 'X'.
    *M_SORT 'ADDR' 'X'.
      m_fieldcat 1  'LIFNR' ' '  text-026 10.
      m_fieldcat 2  'NAME1' ' '  text-006 35.
      m_fieldcat 3  'ADDR' ' ' text-007 162.
      m_fieldcat 4  'J_1IPANNO' ''  text-008 40.
      m_fieldcat 5  'J_1ICSTNO'  '' text-009 40.
      m_fieldcat 6  'J_1ISERN'  '' text-010 40.
      m_fieldcat 7  'OPBAL'  '' text-011 18.
      m_fieldcat 8  'PURCH'    '' text-012 18.
      m_fieldcat 9  'PAYM' ''  text-013 18.
      m_fieldcat 10  'GRDEB'  '' text-014 18.
      m_fieldcat 11  'OTHDEB'  '' text-020 18.
      m_fieldcat 12  'OTHCRE'  '' text-021 18.
      m_fieldcat 13  'BAL'  '' text-023 18.
      m_fieldcat 14  'TDS'  '' text-022 18.
    ENDFORM.                    " SUB_BUILD_FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  SUB_BUILD_LAYOUT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM sub_build_layout .
      g_layout-zebra             = 'X'.
      g_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " SUB_BUILD_LAYOUT
    *&      Form  EVENTTAB_BUILD
         -->P_GT_EVENTS[]  text
    FORM eventtab_build  USING    gt_events TYPE slis_t_event.
      DATA: ls_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
          i_list_type = 0
          et_events   = gt_events.
      READ TABLE gt_events WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page
                               INTO ls_event.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE 'TOP_OF_PAGE' TO ls_event-form.
        APPEND ls_event TO gt_events.
    ENDFORM.                    " EVENTTAB_BUILD
    *&      Form  COMMENT_BUILD
         -->P_IT_LISTHEADER[]  text
    FORM comment_build  USING    p_it_listheader TYPE
    data: v_text(30) type c,
          v_datelow(10) type c,
          v_datehigh(10) type c,
          v_month(2) type c,
          v_day(2) type c,
          v_year(4) type c.
    v_day  = s_budat-low+6(2).
    v_month = s_budat-low+4(2).
    v_year = s_budat-low+0(4).
    concatenate v_day '.' v_month '.' v_year into v_datelow.
    clear: v_day,v_month,v_year.
    v_day  = s_budat-high+6(2).
    v_month = s_budat-high+4(2).
    v_year = s_budat-high+0(4).
    concatenate v_day '.' v_month '.' v_year into v_datehigh.
    clear: v_day,v_month,v_year.
    concatenate 'From' v_datelow 'To' v_datehigh into v_text
                                        separated by space.
    clear: v_datelow, v_datehigh.
      ls_line-typ  = 'H'.
      ls_line-info = text-116.
      APPEND ls_line TO p_it_listheader.
    ls_line-typ  = 'S'.
      ls_line-key = text-090.
      ls_line-info = v_text.
      APPEND ls_line TO p_it_listheader.
    ENDFORM.                    " COMMENT_BUILD
    *&      Form  TOP_OF_PAGE
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM top_of_page.
          it_list_commentary = it_listheader.
    ENDFORM.                    " TOP_OF_PAGE
    *&      Form  SUB_DISP_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM sub_disp_data .
      g_repid = sy-repid.
          i_callback_program = g_repid
          it_fieldcat        = it_fieldcat[]
          is_layout          = g_layout
          i_save             = 'U'
          it_events          = gt_events[]
        IT_SORT             = I_SORT[]
          t_outtab           = gt_out1[].
    ENDFORM.                    " SUB_DISP_DATA
    *&      Form  sub_fetch_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_fetch_data .
    select bukrs
           from bkpf
           into table gt_bkpf
           where budat in s_budat
           and   bukrs = p_bukrs
          and   gjahr = p_gjahr
           and   blart in ('KR','KG','KZ','RE','DK','Z1','AB','SA','KA','DZ').
    select belnr
           from bseg
           into table gt_bseg
           for all entries in gt_bkpf
           where belnr = gt_bkpf-belnr
           and   gjahr = gt_bkpf-gjahr
          and gjahr = p_gjahr
           and   bschl in (21,25,29,31,50,39,38,19,35).
          and kunnr in gt_
          and lifnr = '0000300019'.
    select belnr
           from bseg
           appending table gt_bseg
           for all entries in gt_bkpf
           where belnr = gt_bkpf-belnr
           and   gjahr = gt_bkpf-gjahr
          and gjahr = p_gjahr
           and   bschl in (21,25,29,31,50,39,38,19).
    break manukapur.
    sort gt_bseg by  lifnr bschl.
    delete adjacent duplicates from gt_bseg comparing all fields.
    loop at gt_bseg into wa_bseg.
    if wa_bseg-lifnr is not initial.
    move: wa_bseg-lifnr to wa_bsegtemp-lifnr.
          append wa_bsegtemp to gt_bsegtemp.
    delete adjacent duplicates from gt_bsegtemp comparing lifnr.
    select lifnr
            from lfa1
            into table gt_lfa1
            for all entries in gt_bseg
            where lifnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
            and ktokk in s_ktokk.
           and lifnr = '0000300030'.
    select  bland
            from t005u
            into table gt_t005u
            for all entries in gt_lfa1
            where bland = gt_lfa1-regio
            and land1 = 'IN'
            and spras = sy-langu.
    select lifnr
           from J_1IMOVEND
           into table gt_J_1IMOVEND
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where lifnr = gt_bseg-lifnr.
    *select bukrs
          from bkpf
          into table gt_bkpf1
          where budat < s_budat-low.
          and zfdbt < s_budat-low.
           from bseg
           into table gt_bsegnew
           for all entries in gt_bkpf
           where belnr = gt_bkpf-belnr
           and xopvw = 'X' .
          and zfbdt < s_budat-low.
    select bukrs
           from bsik
           into table it_bsik
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where lifnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
          and   lifnr = '0000300000'
           and   bukrs = '1000'
           and   budat <= s_budat-low.
    select bukrs
           from bsak
           appending table it_bsik
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where bukrs = '1000'
           and   lifnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
          and   lifnr = '0000300000'
           and   budat <= s_budat-low
           and   augdt > s_budat-low.
    select bukrs
           from bsid
           into table it_bsid
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where bukrs = '1000'
           and   kunnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
          and   kunnr = '0000300000'
           and   budat <= s_budat-low.
    select bukrs
           from bsad
           appending table it_bsid
           for all entries in gt_bseg
           where bukrs = '1000'
           and   kunnr = gt_bseg-lifnr
          and   kunnr = '0000300000'
           and   budat <= s_budat-low
           and   augdt > s_budat-low.
    if it_bsid[] is not initial.
    append lines of it_bsid to it_bsik.
    *delete gt_bsegnew where lifnr  <> '0000300000'.
    *break manukapur.
    *sort gt_bsegnew by lifnr.
    *loop at gt_bsegnew into wa_bsegnew.
    *collect wa_bsegnew into gt_bsegnew1.
    loop at it_bsik .
    it_out2-lifnr = it_bsik-lifnr.
    *it_out1-budat = it_bsik-budat.
    *it_out1-blart = it_bsik-blart.
    if it_bsik-SHKZG = 'H'.
    it_out2-wrbtr = it_bsik-wrbtr.
    else .
    it_out2-wrbtr = it_bsik-wrbtr * -1.
    append it_out2.
    clear: it_out2, it_bsik.
    *clear it1.
    sort it_out2 by lifnr.
    loop at it_out2.
    it_out3-lifnr = it_out2-lifnr.
    it_out3-wrbtr = it_out2-wrbtr.
    collect it_out3.
    clear: it_out3, it_out2.
    *&      Form  sub_process_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_process_data .
    *sort gt_bsegtemp by  lifnr .
    sort gt_bseg by lifnr bschl.
    sort gt_bsegnew by lifnr.
    sort it_out3 by lifnr.
    *loop at gt_bsegnew into wa_bsegnew.
    *at end of lifnr.
    sort gt_bkpf by blart.
    loop at gt_bseg into wa_bseg.
    if wa_bseg-lifnr is not initial.
    read table gt_lfa1 into wa_lfa1 with key lifnr = wa_bseg-lifnr.
    move: wa_lfa1-name1 to wa_out-name1,
         wa_lfa1-lifnr to wa_out-lifnr.
    read table gt_t005u into wa_t005u with key bland = wa_lfa1-regio.
    concatenate wa_lfa1-stras ',' wa_lfa1-ort01 ','
                wa_lfa1-ort02 ',' wa_t005u-bezei ','
                wa_lfa1-pfach ','
                wa_lfa1-pstlz ',' 'Ph:'
                wa_lfa1-telf1 ','
                into wa_out-addr separated by space.
    read table gt_J_1IMOVEND into wa_J_1IMOVEND with key lifnr = wa_bseg-lifnr.
    move: wa_J_1IMOVEND-J_1IPANNO to wa_out-J_1IPANNO,
          wa_J_1IMOVEND-J_1ICSTNO to wa_out-J_1ICSTNO,
          wa_J_1IMOVEND-J_1ISERN  to wa_out-J_1ISERN.
          read table gt_bkpf into wa_bkpf with key belnr = wa_bseg-belnr.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'RE' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31 or
    wa_bkpf-blart = 'KR' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-purch = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-purch = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KR' and wa_bseg-bschl = 50.
    *wa_out-tds = wa_out-tds + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-tds = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-tds = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    *wa_out-tds = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KG' and wa_bseg-bschl = 21.
    *wa_out-grdeb =  wa_out-grdeb + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-grdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-grdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'RE' and wa_bseg-bschl = 21.
    *wa_out-grdeb =  wa_out-grdeb + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-grdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-grdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 25
    *or wa_bkpf-blart = 'KZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 29
    **and wa_bseg-umskz = 'A'
    or wa_bkpf-blart = 'SA' and wa_bseg-bschl = 25.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-paym = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    *wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    wa_out-paym = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'DK' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'AB' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'SA' and wa_bseg-bschl = 31.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 38.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'DZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 19
    and wa_bseg-umskz = 'A'.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KA' and wa_bseg-bschl = 39
    and wa_bseg-umskz = 'G' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'H' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'J' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'L' OR
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'A'.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'KA' and wa_bseg-bschl = 35.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if ( wa_bkpf-blart = 'KZ' and wa_bseg-bschl = 29 )
       and wa_bseg-umskz = 'A' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'B' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'I' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'M' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'O' or
           wa_bseg-umskz = 'V'.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'AB' and wa_bseg-bschl = 27.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    if wa_bkpf-blart = 'Z1' and wa_bseg-bschl = 21 .
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    wa_out-othcre = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    **if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
    ***wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    **wa_out-othdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    **if wa_bseg-shkzg = 'S'.
    ***wa_out-purch = wa_out-purch + wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    **wa_out-othdeb = wa_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    ***if wa_bkpf-blart = 'AB' and wa_bseg-bschl = 27.
          wa_out-othdeb =  wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    ***if wa_bkpf-blart = 'Z1' and wa_bseg-bschl = 21.
          wa_out-othdeb =  wa_bseg-wrbtr.
    read table it_out3 with key lifnr = wa_bseg-lifnr binary search.
    on change of wa_bseg-lifnr.
    *move: wa_lfa1-name1 to wa_out-name1,
        wa_lfa1-lifnr to wa_out-lifnr.
    wa_out-opbal = it_out3-wrbtr.
    *if wa_out-opbal is not initial.
    *wa_out-bal = wa_out-opbal + wa_out-purch - wa_out-grdeb - wa_out-othdeb + wa_out-othcre.
    *wa_out-bal = wa_out-purch - wa_out-grdeb - wa_out-othdeb + wa_out-othcre.
    wa_out-bal = wa_out-opbal + wa_out-purch + wa_out-paym + wa_out-grdeb + wa_out-othdeb + wa_out-othcre.
    at end of lifnr.
    *wa_out-bal = wa_out-opbal + wa_out-purch - wa_out-grdeb - wa_out-othdeb + wa_out-othcre.
    append wa_out to gt_out.
    *collect wa_out into gt_out.
    clear wa_out.
    clear it_out3.
    clear wa_bsegnew1.
    clear: wa_bseg, wa_bkpf, wa_J_1IMOVEND.
    loop at gt_out into wa_out.
    collect wa_out into gt_out1.
    endform.                    " sub_process_data
    Santosh Kumar M.

  • Trying to sync my iPad 4, gets to step 4 of 7 (finding purchased items) and just stops forever!!

    I was having problems with iTunes when i plugged in my iPad as all that came up was 'iPad' i stead of the usual summary and called support and no one knew what to do. I figured put how to sync for now but now it freezes when it gets to step 4. It's happened before and just fixed and to my iPhone too. :( I don't Know if I need to sync my iPad after each purchase (I buy lots of movies in iTunes) or what the eff is going on! Please someone help!!
    Ps I'm on a windows 7 PC if that matters to anyone (joining the Mac side soon)

    Devices can only sync to one library at a time. You can, however, have multiple copies of libraries on different computers though it can be tricky making sure they are always synchronized.  You can put your Windows iTunes on your Mac.
    Moving a library: Quick answer if you use iTunes' default preferences settings:  Copy the entire iTunes folder (and in doing so all its sub-folders and files) intact to the other drive.  Hold down the option (alt) key (shift on Windows) and open iTunes.  At the prompt to create or choose a library choose the copied iTunes folder.
    When this is to a new computer put the copied iTunes folder in the default location of Macintosh HD > Users > *User Name* > Music  then you don't even need to start with the option key held down, iTunes will automatically look for it there.  (Make sure there isn't anything already in the iTunes folder there that you want to keep since you will be replacing it with the one you are moving.)

  • Adobe Indesign Find Change Item Numbers?

    I am using Indesign CS5 on iMac, running OS 10.8.3.
    I designed a product catalog that has 148 pages. Now I need to save the same design and make a new catalog for our wholesalers. On the wholesalers catalog I need to change the item numbers and add FC in front of each item number. How can I use find change to find each item and change them with FC in front of the item numbers? The following are a few examples of the item numbers:
    LED-4042 I want to change it to FCLED-4042
    UA-42 I want to change it to FCUA-42
    SC-110 change it to FCSC-110
    KN-10 change it to FCKN-10
    I am hoping there is a fast way to find and change these. I was looking in to GREP, but I could not figure how to do this.

    This could be a very complex GREP - or a very simple one.
    4 Examples are good, but we need more concrete examples. In particular, the longest and the shortest example.
    LED-4042 I want to change it to FCLED-4042
    UA-42 I want to change it to FCUA-42
    SC-110 change it to FCSC-110
    KN-10 change it to FCKN-10
    This will find your posted item numbers - but …
    change to:
    AND: exists one or more item number/s with FC at the beginning? I hope it is not so.
    A new day, a better solution (This GREP can be used many times in succession. It may already one or more "FC-numbers" be present.):
    Or if no similar strings are exists in your document:
    Have fun and give a feedback.
    edited by pixxxel schubser

  • Itunes freezes at "finding purchased items" when syncing itouch!?!!?

    So I bought an Ipod touch 3rd generation from my friend about 4 months ago. it was working fine and syncing with itunes perfectly. then, about 2 months ago i updated my itunes to itunes 10.2.2 and that was a total mistake. i would open itunes and it would run slow, then when i tried syncing my ipod it would always freeze at "finding purchased items" and i had to force quit every time. i figured i would just wait for another update. now, a couple months later, ive updated to itunes 10.3.1, in high hopes that it would work. but still, nothing. it continues to freeze at "finding purchased items" I've tried to sync my old Ipod nano to the same itunes library and it worked fine! it's just not working with my itouch!!!
    Ive read up on it and done all of the following:
    Deleted ibooks
    Sync from back up
    Reinstall itunes
    Restore itunes
    Made a new library
    Turned off home sharing
    Manually synced music
    Unsubscribed to podcasts
    Allow it to attempt to sync overnight
    And many more things!!!!!
    And just now i tried syncing it again and now it began freezing at step 2:preparing to sync!
    the ONLY conclusion that i can come to is authorizing my computer. Since i bought the ipod off of my friend we decided to share an itunes account so that i could purchase stuff using her itunes account. since i got the ipod i HAVE made many purchases using her account. but when i tried authorizing my computer to her account it says something like "this account can only be authoorized to 5 computers" the problem is, i really need it to sync to more than 5!?
    This has been going on for too long and now its getting extremely frustrating for me. I am a teen and I would love to listen to the newest music! so this is a real problem for me. Someone, PLEASE HELP!!!!! AND FAST!!!!!!!!!!
    -Ipod touch 3rd Gen
    Screenshot of how it froze just now.....

    i just found out how to deauthorize all computers. i deauthorized them and am re-syncing the ipod now-hope it works!

  • Finder: Doesn't search external ntfs drive's volumes

    Hi everyone
    I have an NTFS-formatted external drive connected through USB to my Mac Pro. The drive has four volumes, which show up properly in Finder.
    The problem is that I can't search these volumes with Spotlight.
    What happens is that I select the relevant volume in Finder's sidebar and type in my search phrase, for example ".mp3" without the quotes, in the search box.
    The computer then starts searching "This Mac", instead of the volume I clicked, and lists all the mp3s I have on the internal drive.
    There's a bar above Finder's "column bar" and below the buttons bar where the Spotlight search window is. This bar appears after the search and there I can click the name of the volume, which is next to a button labeled "This Mac". Clicking the drive name starts a search however it invariably ends up displaying zero items, regardless of what I search for.
    I have tried adding the external volumes to Spotlight's "Privacy" list and then remove them from that list in order to hopefully jump start the indexing. But nothing happens. There is neither renewed indexing, nor am I able to display any results when using Spotlight as described above.
    Any thoughts? I've tried to eject the volumes, restart the computer, attach the volumes again etc. I really hope there's nothing serious because the computer is all new and I just want to transfer all my files and then use the external drive for Time Machine. But in order to do so I need to know that I have moved everything first.
    Thanks for your help.

    I am unable to get Spotlight to index my "Journaled" external HD.
    I use External HD for storing music videos. I need to be able to Spotlight the video by the name/metadata. (And I have just a couple of minutes to execute the process.)

  • Unable to open the photos in reviewer, every time I click on the photo on , it says do not have permission to view the photo. Please open the item in the finder choose the item and click on get info . What am I suppose to change in the setting on getinf

    Unable to open the photos in reviewer, every time I click on the photo on , it says do not have permission to view the photo. Please open the item in the finder choose the item and click on <get info>. What am I suppose to change in the setting on <get info>

    Back up all data.
    This procedure will unlock all your user files (not system files) and reset their ownership and access-control lists to the default. If you've set special values for those attributes on any of your files, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. Do so only after verifying that those settings didn't cause the problem. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user, and the one in question is not an administrator, then go to Step 2.
    Triple-click anywhere in the following line on this page to select it:
    { sudo chflags -R nouchg,nouappnd ~ $TMPDIR..; sudo chown -R $UID:staff ~ $_; sudo chmod -R u+rwX ~ $_; chmod -R -N ~ $_; } 2>&-
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    You'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The command may take a few minutes to run, or perhaps longer if you have literally millions of files in your home folder. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2 (optional)
    Take this step only if you have trouble with Step 1, if it frightens you, or if it doesn't solve the problem.
    Start up in Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. A Terminal window will open.
    In the Terminal window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password dialog will open. You’re not going to reset a password.
    In the dialog, select the startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if it's not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if it's not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.

  • HT201210 I'm trying to update my iOS to 6.0, using iTunes (with my 4s connected via USB and WiFi is on also). I get a message that 'there are purchased items on my iPhone that have not been transferred to my iTunes library. Yet, I can't find those items!

    I'm trying to update my iOS to 6.0, using iTunes (with my 4s connected via USB and WiFi is on also). I get a message that 'there are purchased items on my iPhone that have not been transferred to my iTunes library. Yet, I can't find those items! Help!  There is not error message number just the text message. I've searched for an answer but have found nothing on "transfering items purchased to your iTunes library".

    Right click on your device icon on the left pane of iTunes and click on transfer pur....

  • HT1848 I purchased alert tones in itunes and updated my itunes.  Now my alert tones do not show up, although if I were to go re-purchased those items, it says I already purchased them.  Where do I find those tones and how do I get them back into my phone?

    I purchased many alert tones in itunes and then updated my itunes.  Now my alert tones do not show up, although if I were to go re-purchase those items, itunes says I already purchased them.  Where do I find those tones and how do I get them back into my phone without having to repurchase????  This is so frustrating!  Please Help!

    1. iTunes won't offer cloud downloads for songs that it "thinks" are in your library, even if it "knows" the files are missing. If you've exhaustively searched for the missing files and there is no prospect of repair by restoring to them to their original locations, or connecting to new ones, then delete that tracks that display both the missing exclamation mark and are of media kind Purchased/Protected AAC audio file. Don't hide from iTunes in the cloud when asked, close iTunes, then reopen. You can download from the cloud links or iTunes Store > Quicklinks > Purchased > Music > Not on this computer > All songs > Download all.
    2. Why? Not sure, perhaps 3rd party tools or accidental key presses combined with previously hidden warning messages when trying to organize the library. There is a hint that using the feature to downsample media as it is synced to a device may also be involved, though I've not replicated it. Whatever the reason a backup would protect your media.

  • File Share.Could not find the item, this item is no longer here, check the location and try again

    Hi all, I have a failover cluster Wiindows 2012 R2 server with file server.
    A few days ago, when users try to rename folders and the following error can not be appearing:
    "Could not find the item, this item is no longer here, check the location and try again"
    When I enter as a domain administrator, I can rename the directory.
    Do you know that you can be?
    Microsoft Certified IT Professional Server Administrator

    Good afternoon,
    and this solved it was a problem with
    Windows 7 and Windows Vista
    computers, a registry key that affects the
    Explorer process is corrupted.
    This registry key is ejcuta and
    FolderDescriptions x86.reg
    greetings To Your
    Microsoft Certified IT Professional Server Administrator

  • External hard drive connected to my airport extreme will no longer open, when navigating to it in Finder, the Finder window quits and reopens, cannot access hard drive, it is visible in airport utility, since the problem began I have updated firmware

    External hard drive connected to my airport extreme will no longer open, when navigating to it in Finder, the Finder window quits and reopens, cannot access hard drive, it is visible in airport utility, since the problem began I have updated firmware on Extreme as well as both of my Airport Expresses. Hard drive is USB connected to Extreme.

    Reboot the USB drive.. assuming it is powered.. or unplug and replug a self-powered drive.. (you should not use self-powered drives on AE before the latest model.. always use a powered hub).
    Does the drive now appear in finder..
    If not reboot both drive and the AE.. it should now appear.
    If it doesn't work with direct connection try a powered hub.. that can help.

  • I perviously transfered all my iTunes music to an external hard drive. But now when I connect the external hard drive and try to play a song, I get an error message saying that I need to "locate" my music. I don't how to find it on my external hard drive.

    I perviously transfered all my iTunes music to an external hard drive. But now when I connect the external hard drive and try to play a song, I get an error message saying that I need to "locate" my music. I don't how to find it on my external hard drive. Please help for I am not that computer savy and don't want to mess anything up.

    I called Apple Support and they walked me through it. They told me to basically copy and paste my music to the external hard drive. (I think.) Or maybe it was they had me transfer a folder to the EHD. I don't exactally remember it was a few years back. But I tried to plug in the EHD before starting and...nothing. Still says same thing, "locate file."

  • The finder window for an external USB hard disk suddenly started separating files by time (today, yesterday, etc.) and stopped allowing me to change column width, order, etc. Also the header bar shifted to flat white from gray.

    The finder window for an external USB hard disk suddenly started separating files by time (today, yesterday, etc.) and stopped allowing me to change column width, order, etc. Also the header bar shifted to flat white from gray.
    All was normal until the icon for the disk stopped showing up on the desktop when I would plug it in. I rebooted the computer, and the disk icon now shows up but this new look to the finder window started as a result. The hard disk does not have this problem when I use it on another Mac running Snow leopard. Also, two other external hard disks that I use on this computer running lion 7.4 still have the normal header bars with columns that can be reordered, etc.
    I have tried looking in preferences and other places but have not seen this discussed. 

    Well duh - I finally figured out that somehow in the View options for the hard drive, the "arrange by" option had been changed to "by date" from "none". Not sure how that happened, I had never used the "view options" menu tem before. Changing "arrange by" back to "none" gets the gray column headers and the collapsible folder icons back. 

  • I scanned an item from my computer to my documents and it said then scan was complete. However, when I searched my documents the Item was not there. Where can I find the item?

    I scanned an Item from my computer to my documents. The scan was completed.  However, when I searched in my documents, the Item was not there.
    Where can I find the item scanned?

    Most scanners default to Pictures folder or the Desktop.
    If you select All My Files and Arrange by Date Added you should be able to find the file.
    If you turn on Show Path bar and Show Status bar for your Finder Window under View in the Menu bar, when you select the file you will see the path of the file in the bottom of the Finder window.

  • Automator Variable and Find Finder Items

    I am creating a quick Automator file to grab any files within a folder and copy them to another folder.  It prompts the user for a file name.  I used this http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20080213200213250 post to attempt a work around for the Find Finder Items not allowing a variable as an input.  Any ideas how to get this to work?

    Bit late but this came up tops when I was having the same issue.
    You will find your created variable at the bottom of the workflow panel, from ther eyou can just drag them into the drop down menus.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to load jspx page in a ADF popup componenet

    Hi, I am using the jdeveloper11g ,Oracle ADF component's .I met with a problem while i am trying to load the page In ADFPOPUP component. .while i am able to load the component's in the ADFPOPUP why can't i Load jspx page in ADFPopup and have my appli

  • Change a photo to a JPEG file

    i need to take a photo and attach it to get a railcard but the file needs to be in JPEG format . can I change a photo taken on my ipad into this format?

  • Database Shared_pool Configuration Problem

    I have configured shared_pool size to 80 mb in 8i ( database.But looking in TOAD Database Monitor it is showing almost 60+mb Free memory in Shared_Pool Memory Graph... How to reduce this free memory....???

  • Production Order  Start Date

    Hello All, I am facing a problem in a Production order.When I am trying to change the  Production order Start date  and saving the changes I am getting a termination error (program termination). The error message is as below Nested call of PERFORM ON

  • Problem with kernel-headers

    Hi, When I run this [root@localhost Server]# yum install kernel-headers I have got file /usr/include/linux/types.h from install of kernel-headers-2.6.18-308. conflicts with file from package kernel-uek-headers-2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek.i