Find text place image

I have a script that find text and replaced it with a image, but it makes a new document and i want it in the same document that i have open.
Can somebody help me with this problem. See script below. I work with Indesign CS 5 mac.
Kinde regards,
#target indesign
var myDialogResult = CreateDialog();
if (myDialogResult == undefined) exit();
var myIndFiles = [];
var mySubFolders = [];
if (myIndFiles.length == 0) err("No InDesign files have been found in the selected folder and its subfolders.");
var myStartFolder = myDialogResult.imagesFolder.parent;
mySubFolders = getSubFolders(myStartFolder);
WriteToFile("\r--------------------- Script started -- " + GetDate() + "---------------------\n");
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract;
for (f = 0; f < myIndFiles.length; f++) {
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
WriteToFile("--------------------- Script finished -- " + GetDate() + "---------------------\r\r");
alert("All done!");
// ------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------
function PlaceImages() {
          app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
          app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = '@.+?@';
          var myFoundItems = app.activeDocument.findGrep();
          for (i = 0; i < myFoundItems.length; i++) {
                    var myName = myFoundItems[i].contents.replace (/@/g, "");
                    var myFile = new File(myDialogResult.imagesFolder + "/" + myName);
                    var myFrame = myFoundItems[i].parentTextFrames[0];
                    if (myFile.exists) {
                              PlaceIntoFrame(myFrame, myFile);
                    if (!SearchInSubfolders(myName, myFrame)) {
                              WriteToFile("\tNOT FOUND  -- " + myFile.fsName + "\n");
function SearchInSubfolders(myName, myFrame) {
          for (j = 0; j < mySubFolders.length; j++) {
                    var myFolder = mySubFolders[j];
                    var myFile = new File(myFolder + "/" + myName);
                    if (myFile.exists) {
                              PlaceIntoFrame(myFrame, myFile);
                              return true;
          return false;
function PlaceIntoFrame(myFrame, myFile) {
          try {
                    if (myFrame.characters.length < 100) {
                              switch(myDialogResult.myRadSelected)          {
                                        case 2:
                                        case 3:
                                        case 4:
                                        // do nothing
                    WriteToFile("\tPlaced -- " + myFile.fsName+ "\n");
          catch(e) {
                    WriteToFile("\tSome error occured while placing -- " + myFile.fsName + "\n");
function CheckFolder(folder) {
          var fileList = folder.getFiles()
          for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
                    var file = fileList[i];
                    if (file instanceof File &&\.indd$/i)) {
                    else if (file instanceof Folder) {
function getSubFolders(theFolder) {
          var myFileList = theFolder.getFiles();
          for (var i = 0; i < myFileList.length; i++) {
                    var myFile = myFileList[i];
                    if (myFile instanceof Folder){
          return mySubFolders;
function err(e, icon){
          alert(e, "Place Images Script", icon);
function ProcessIndFile(myFile) {
          try {
                    var myDoc =;
                    WriteToFile( + "\n");
                    var myNewFile = new File(myFile.fsName.replace(/\.indd$/i, "_Backup.indd"));
          catch(e) {
                    WriteToFile("Cannot open file -- " + myFile.fsName + "\nError: " + e.message + " (Error# " + e.number  + ")\n");
          myDoc =;
function CreateDialog() {
          var myIndFolder, myImagesFolder;
          if (app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_IndFolderPath") != "") {
                    var myIndFolderPath = app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_IndFolderPath");
          else {
                    var myIndFolderPath = "No folder has been selected";
          if (app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_ImageFolderPath") != "") {
                    var myImageFolderPath = app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_ImageFolderPath");
          else {
                    var myImageFolderPath = "No folder has been selected";
          var myDialog = new Window('dialog', 'Place Images');
          myDialog.orientation = 'row';
          myDialog.alignChildren = 'top';
          var myPanel = myDialog.add('panel', undefined, 'Choose folders for:');
          var myIndFolderStTxt = myPanel.add('statictext', undefined, myIndFolderPath);
          var myButtonInd = myPanel.add('button', undefined, 'InDesign files', {name:'indd'});
          var myImagesFolderStTxt = myPanel.add('statictext', undefined, myImageFolderPath);
          var myButtonImages = myPanel.add('button', undefined, 'Image files', {name:'images'});
          var myGroup = myDialog.add('group');
          myGroup.orientation = 'column';
          var myRadioPanel = myGroup.add('panel', undefined, 'After placing:');
          myRadioPanel.alignChildren = 'left';
          var myRadioBtn1 = myRadioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, 'do nothing');
          var myRadioBtn2 = myRadioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, 'center content');
          var myRadioBtn3 = myRadioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, 'fit frame to content');
          var myRadioBtn4 = myRadioPanel.add('radiobutton', undefined, 'fit content proportionally');
          if (app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_RadioSelected") != "") {
                    eval("myRadioBtn" + app.extractLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_RadioSelected") + ".value= true");
          else {
                    myRadioBtn1.value = true;
          var myOkCancelGroup = myGroup.add('group');
          myOkCancelGroup.orientation = 'row';
          var myOkBtn = myOkCancelGroup.add('button', undefined, 'Place', {name:'ok'});
          var myCancelBtn = myOkCancelGroup.add('button', undefined, 'Quit', {name:'cancel'});
          myButtonInd.onClick = function() {
                    myIndFolder = Folder.selectDialog ('Chose a folder for InDesign documents');
                    if (myIndFolder != null) {
                              myIndFolderStTxt.text = myIndFolder.fsName;
          myButtonImages.onClick = function() {
                    myImagesFolder = Folder.selectDialog ('Chose a folder for Images');
                    if (myImagesFolder != null) {
                              myImagesFolderStTxt.text = myImagesFolder.fsName;
          var myShowDialog =;
          if (myIndFolder == undefined) {
                    if (myIndFolderStTxt.text == "No folder has been selected") {
                              myIndFolder = null;
                    else {
                              myIndFolder = new Folder(myIndFolderStTxt.text);
          if (myImagesFolder == undefined) {
                    if (myImagesFolderStTxt.text == "No folder has been selected") {
                              myImagesFolder = null;
                    else {
                              myImagesFolder = new Folder(myImagesFolderStTxt.text);
          var myRadSelected;
          if (myRadioBtn1.value) {
                    myRadSelected = 1;
          else if(myRadioBtn2.value) {
                    myRadSelected = 2;
          else if(myRadioBtn3.value) {
                    myRadSelected = 3;
          else if(myRadioBtn4.value) {
                    myRadSelected = 4;
          app.insertLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_RadioSelected", myRadSelected + "");
          app.insertLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_IndFolderPath", myIndFolderStTxt.text);
          app.insertLabel("Kas_PlaceImages_ImageFolderPath", myImagesFolderStTxt.text);
          if (myShowDialog== 1) {
                    var myResult = {};
                    myResult.indFolder = myIndFolder;
                    myResult.imagesFolder = myImagesFolder;
                    myResult.myRadSelected = myRadSelected;
          return myResult;
function WriteToFile(myText) {
          myFile = new File("~/Desktop/Place Images Report.txt");
          if ( myFile.exists ) {
          , 2);
          else {
function GetDate() {
          var myDate = new Date();
          if ((myDate.getYear() - 100) < 10) {
                    var myYear = "0" + new String((myDate.getYear() - 100));
          } else {
                    var myYear = new String ((myDate.getYear() - 100));
          var myDateString = (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + myDate.getDate() + "/" + myYear + " " + myDate.getHours() + ":" + myDate.getMinutes() + ":" + myDate.getSeconds();
          return myDateString;
function CheckIfChosenFoldersExist() {
           if (myDialogResult.indFolder == null) {
                    err("No folder has been chosen for InDesign files.", true);
          else if ( == "Folder") {
                    if (!myDialogResult.indFolder.exists) {
                              err("Folder \"" + myDialogResult.indFolder.fsName + "\" chosen for InDesign files does not exist.", true);
          if (myDialogResult.imagesFolder == null) {
                    err("No folder has been chosen for pictures.", true);
          else if ( == "Folder") {
                    if (!myDialogResult.imagesFolder.exists) {
                              err("Folder \"" + myDialogResult.imagesFolder.fsName + "\" chosen for images does not exist.", true);

Try this, I use it every day
    this script will addimages to the document by
    substituting them with the name of the image file
    between @s (file format included[@mypic.bmp@]),
    selecting them from a specified file (see below)
    and applying object styles to them, as well as
    applying the right tab i necesary.
    It then looks for overflows in the document. If an
    overset is found, it will resize to margin size the
    text frame and if overset continues, it will add a
    new page and frame, which then will be linked
    to the previous frame, allowing the story flow.
    Questo file deve essere copiato nella cartella Script di InDesign
//Creates a new document using the specified document preset.
//Replace "myDocumentPreset" in the following line with the name
//of the document preset you want to use.
var myDocument = app.documents.add(true,app.documentPresets.item("MyPreset"));
//If the active document has not been saved (ever), save it.
if(app.activeDocument.saved == false){
//If you do not provide a file name, InDesign displays the Save dialog box. File("/Users/paolbot/Desktop/Document.indd"));
function main()
var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
var myPage = myDocument.pages.item(0);
var myTextFrame = myPage.textFrames.add({geometricBounds:myGetBounds(myDocument,myPage)});
myTextFrame.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 7;"/Users/paolbot/Desktop/text.txt"));
//Place a text file in the text frame.
//Parameters for
//File as File object,
//[ShowingOptions as Boolean = False]
//You'll have to fill in your own file path.
//Define GREP search
var grepFind ="@@@.+@@@";
//Name of the folder where pdf are
var myFiguresFolder = "pictures";
// Stile Paragrafo applicato
var myPStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Normal");
var NextPStyleCS = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Par_Style");
var NextPStyleEN = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Par_Style_en");
var NextPStyleDE = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Par_Style_de");
// Text style applied
var myCStyle = myDocument.characterStyles.item("text");
//Object style applyed
var myOStyle = "";
var oStyle_1 = myDocument.objectStyles.item("Pictures");
var oStyle_2 = myDocument.objectStyles.item("Pictures");
var oStyle_3 = myDocument.objectStyles.item("Pictures");
var maxWidth = 467; //Maximum width of an image
var maxHeight = 666; //Maximum Height of an image
var colWidth = 468; //Width of the main columb (340pt) + maximum Tab (128pt)
var maxTab = 0;
var xTab;
var xtTab;
var minTWidth = 340; //any image with a width below this will have the maximum Tab (maxTab) applied.
var PWidth; //Width of the Picture
var PHeight;//Picture Height
var myTotal;

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  • How do i place image instead of text  in swing button  ?

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    You'll need to use CSS floats.
    .floatLt {
    <div class="floatLt">
    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal floatLt">
    Coding skills are essential to using DW.  Learn HTML & CSS first.  DW will be much easier.
    HTML, CSS & Web Design Theory Tutorials -
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    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
              set myDocument to active document
              set myPage to page 1 of myDocument
              set stringsToReplace to {"111", "222"}
      repeat with iterator from 1 to (count stringsToReplace)
           set find text preferences to nothing
           set change text preferences to nothing
           set myFoundItems to nothing
           set element to item iterator of stringsToReplace
          if element is "111" then
               set find what of find text preferences to "111"
               set change to of change text preferences to "ONE"
               set myFoundItems to change text
               display dialog ("Found : " & (count myFoundItems) & " occurences of " & element)
          else if element is "222" then
               set find what of find text preferences to "222"
               set change to of change text preferences to "TWO"
               set myFoundItems to change text
               display dialog ("Found : " & (count myFoundItems) & " occurences of " & element)
          end if
              end repeat
      set find text preferences to nothing
      set change text preferences to nothing
    end tell
    Can you hel me?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello, I have a couple of questions for you… How come you have strings in text frames… Would you not be better off using labels for this…? ( thats how I would do this ). Off the top of my head I think you will need to remove any text content from the frame to be able to change it's content type… only then will you be able to place a graphic… How are you associating your strings with the required image files… Do you have this in some extenal file Excel or FMP.

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    What you want to do can be done but it is complex and actions have some limitations and can not use logic without using a script or two. File saving  can be tricky for an action will always save the same file name or use the current document name saved either overwriting the file or saving it to some other particular folder. Action that populate a template can be created but it will always populate the same number of images because an action can not use logic to find out how many spots there are to populate. There are different ways to drop an image into the active document you can paste into an area or just past in the image in as a new layer.  You can also Place images in as smart objects. Each method has some advantages and disadvantages. Layers can also be aligned with selections and layers can be transformed in size.  Your best off creating rule for creating a template and have a plan as to how your going to populate these templates that follow your rules. To protect the template from alteration you may want to dupe the template close the original and work on the duped version. When you dupe the template you can give the dupe a name if you do not name it the new document will have the same name with copy appended.
    Scripting is more powerful then Action but they are programs that are written in a scripting language. Photoshop supports three languages. VBS, Applescript and Javascript. Only Javascript is supported on both the MAC and PC platforms.  Even using Javascript you may need to code the script to work on both platforms for I'm sure there are some differences in the OS and file system the may need special handling to work on both platform.  From you description of you work-flow it is hard to tell exactly what you are doing.   If you trying simple create a photo Collage.  You may want to have a look at my free Package for Photoshop called "Photo Collage Toolkit" . I have been told this package works on a MAC but I created it and tested it on widows and got it To work with CS2, CS3, CS4 and CS5.
    Photo Collage Toolkit UPDATED Sept 24, 2011 added a script to replace a Populated Layered Collage Smart Object Image with an other image with resizing.
    Photoshop scripting is powerful and I believe this package demonstrates this.
    The package includes four simple rules to follow when making Photo Collage Template PSD files so they will be compatible with my Photoshop scripts.
    There are eight scripts in this package they provide the following functions:
    TestCollageTemplate.jsx - Used to test a Photo Collage Template while you are making it with Photoshop.
    CollageTemplateBuilder.jsx - Can build Templates compatible with this toolkit's scripts.
    LayerToAlphaChan.jsx - Used to convert a Prototype Image Layer stack into a template document.
    InteractivePopulateCollage.jsx - Used to interactively populate Any Photo Collage template. Offers most user control inserting pictures and text.
    ReplaceCollageImage.jsx - use to replace a populated collage image Smart Object layer with an other image correctly resized and positioned.
    PopulateCollageTemplate.jsx - Used to Automatically populate a Photo Collage template and leave the populated copy open in Photoshop.
    BatchOneImageCollage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Collage templates that only have one image inserted. The Collage or Image may be stamped with text.
    BatchMultiImageCollage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Any Photo Collage template with images in a source image folder. Easier to use than the interactive script. Saved collages can be tweaked.
    Note: Rags Gardner Photoshop Collage Template Builder script Copyright (c) 2006 builds layered Photo Collage Template psd files. Rags's has given me permission to include a modified version of his script in my package. The modification converts Rags's layered image template document into a flattened template compatible with Photoshop "Photo Collage Toolkit" package. There is also an option that will instead create a layered image stack like Rags's templates are these are also produced if you attempt to create a template with more then 53 images.
    Photoshop only supports up to 53 Alpha channels therefore with its design the Photo Collage Toolkit can only support collages with 1 to 53 images. I do not feel this is a big limitation for if you put 53 3:2 aspect ratio images on a large 16" x 20" paper they would need to be less then 1.9" x 2.86" in size if you wanted a frame around each and less then .95" x 1.43" on a 8" x 10" year book page size.
    While the maximum number of images in a collage is 53 you can actually create larger collages by populating a large number of images into several collages and then populate yet an other collage template with these populated collages. Each will be placed into the collage of collages as a single smart object layer. You may want to save the populates PSD file as Jpeg files first to cut down on the overhead of having large PSD file smart object layers in the collage of collages.
    Documentation and Examples

  • Text and Image component Image placing not working!

    Hi Guys,
    For some odd reason, when I drop text and image component to the page I do not see the left or right option to place image in "Styles" tab.  The styles tab shows blank and by default paragraph gets placed after image.  This only happens in my site, not in Geomatrix. Am I missing something to include??
    Thanks in advance.

    geometrixx site has extended the text&image component thats why it shows that option. earlier in 5.4 version they directly overrided in geometrixx apps but now you wont find it there. But if you want to achieve this functionality then you have to override same component locally in your apps and add some more configuration to style tab as below.
                <items jcr:primaryType="cq:WidgetCollection">
                        <options jcr:primaryType="cq:WidgetCollection">
                                text="Left Align"
                                text="Right Align"

  • Dynamic text box, HTML Text with Image

    Hello Everyone,
    I am using Flash version 8. I have used the text tool and
    created a dynamic text box and have attached the UIScrollBar
    component to it. This text box is configured to allow the use of
    html text to be inputted to it. I have code that reads a file which
    contains a list of text files that I then read and place them into
    the text box. The user can use the scroll bar to scroll through all
    the text.
    I have created an image that is a picture of the tab portion
    of a file folder. On the tab I have place some text. This was all
    done in Photoshop. This tab image is used to separate the different
    stories in the text box. The image is save as a jpeg file
    Everything you have just read works with out any problems.
    Now for the problem!
    This image is only 20 pixels tall and the text is not very
    readable. As we all know the HTML tags are very limited in Flash 8.
    Ideally I would like to put the text and image in to the text
    box as I would normally do. Then place text on top of the image and
    have it all scroll properly with in the text box.
    I have taken the tab image and converted it in to a graph
    symbol and then put the text on top of the image. This looks good;
    however I don’t know how (or if it is even possible) to place
    the graphic symbol in to the text box at the correct place within
    the text.
    Does anyone have ideas on what may work? Remember that the
    image I am working with is only 20 pixels tall which is why the
    text quality on the image is so poor.
    Thank you all for any help you may provide,

    Yes Tim I am using the <img> tag and I know that I
    can’t place text over the image. I have set the height and
    width to be the exact size of the image. However When you go to the
    webpage it will open the movie to the maximum size based on the
    resolution of your display; however I do maintain the aspect ratio
    of the movie. For testing I did set a fix size to the size of the
    movie. Sometimes the fix size (1000x750) looks better and sometimes
    a larger size (example 1280x1024). I believe that the main problem
    is the fact the size of the image is 670 pixels wide by 25 pixels
    high and of the 25 pixels the text is only 18 pixels tall. In
    Photoshop this makes it about a 1.75 point font. As you can see the
    real problem is that I don’t have enough pixels to make up
    the text. This is why I am looking for an alterative way to create
    the text.
    I tried importing the image into flash as a graphic symbol
    and then using the text tool to create the text. The results looked
    real sharp, the text was nice and crisp (just what I wanted). The
    problem is that I could not find a way to place the graphic symbol
    into the dynamic text area like id did using the <img> tag.
    This symbol needs to scroll as you scroll the text in the text
    This is why I am asking for help. I am looking for some ideas
    that may work.
    Thank you,

  • Resizing text and images with actions and keeping it resized for the next slides, how to?

    Hello everybody,
    I searched over the net and in this support section for a solution to my problem, but i didnt find any, I am asking you experts.
    Through a particular use of different actions I make a logo "compose" in the first slide of my presentation (the logo is composed by text and images that interact), then in the second slide i make it resize so it goes 50% of its size and moves down like a TV logo, in the corner of the slide, and I want it to stay there for all the lenght of the presentation.
    It might be a stupid problem, but I didnt understand how to keep it there, 50% of its size and always in that position. If i duplicate the slide I obviously duplicate the 100%-size-logo, not its 50%-size-version, and if i shrink it in order to make it be 50% of its size the text size doesnt shrink so i have to change the text size manually, but the visual effect is imperfect.
    Lets summarize:
    slide 1: text appears, image appears, the text and the image move and "compose" the logo
    slide 2: the complete logo reduces its size to 50% and moves in the lower corner of the presentation, in the place I want it to be for, lets say, 20 slides
    slide 3: i want to have this logo already reduced in size and in its position, in the right lower corner, but if i try to group the different parts of the composed logo and i try to squeeze them the font doesnt change its size, I only squeeze the area that the text occupies.
    Some help please guys?
    Thanks in advance,
    (add: the problem is kind of similar to this: . the idea of making a slide that contains the logo and text in the exact positions they would be after the move and scale actions is good and that was my first attempt, the probem is that it looks impossible to me to create a second "little" version of the logo that looks exactly the same of the first one that i reduced, so i hope there is some way to tell the app to use "the first logo, only resized the way i want", and thats the point where the problem with the size of the text comes out)

    Hi pritam,
    The “maintain proportions of window for different monitor
    resolutions” property will maintain the proportional size of the front panel
    (its x and y sizes) when opened in a different resolution. The front panel
    objects will not be resized and will appear larger (and may not fit inside the
    front panel) when saved in a higher resolution, and moved to a lower
    resolution. You can use the “Keep window proportions” property to achieve the
    same results.
    To have both the front panel dimensions and front panel
    controls scale, you need to have both the above property and the “scale all
    objects on front panel as the window resizes” selected. The labels will not be
    resized by this.
    I tried using both properties on two monitors and noticed
    that the change does not occur when the resolutions between the monitors are
    different. I had to lower both monitors’ resolution to see the change work
    Please post back if you have any questions. Have a great day!
    Ryan D.
    District Sales Manager for Boston & Northern New England
    National Instruments

  • Paste selected text AND images from a webpage to Pages/Word?

    I'm a new Mac user (also running virtual Windows XP via vmware fusion), and I know next to nothing about my Mac. Please bear with me if this is something that has been answered (I looked, but didn't find a specific answer for my may be here, but I can't find it).
    On a Windows-based PC, all I need to do is select, copy, then paste into a Word document. All text and images would paste. I can't seem to figure out how to do that in Pages or Word (have MS Office for Mac, too).
    Thanks for any help.

    I suppose I was hoping I could do on my Mac, what I did on my Dell...that doesn't appear to be the case.
    Specifically, I'm talking about clicking/dragging to select what I want (including images), opening a Word document then pasting everying, including ALL selected images. More specifically, at sites with game walkthroughs. I prefer to save them to a document and refer to them offline, if I need to. I actually tried it at 2 different sites (one that hosts their own images and one that does not), with the same results.
    While I was waiting for a response (thank you, so much, by the way), I tried again and actually managed to get the first 3 images (of 60+) to paste into Word. There were blank places in Word, but the invisible images were clickable. In Pages, only the text pasted.
    Tried it every which way, but Sunday, LOL, and nothing worked. If it can't be done on my Mac, then I'll just keep using my Dell (I knew there was a reason I decided to keep it) for that sort of thing and then email them to myself...or try installing my MS Office '07 under virtual Windows.
    Thanks, again.

  • Search .docx and replace text with image

    I've got a directory containing a series of images. The images will always be the same name and I need to insert them into placeholders in a Word document which will be a template. I thought of using the image names as placeholders, opening the document
    and searching for the image name, replacing it by inserting the image, and doing so for each image in the directory.
    $file is the name of the image in the directory and it loops through them okay.
    foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $savepath -Filter *.jpg)
            # search word doc and replace selected text with image ($file)    
    Also inserting the image seems simple enough from a TechNet article I found, but I've got no idea how to open the Word document and do a search and replace. I found a few articles related to the subject but I couldn't get them to work when I tried to adapt
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    This 'might' be possible, but I'm having a hard time finding good references to the com object capabilities for inserting an image into a word document.  Creating new, converting format, that sort of thing is straightforward.
    I'd do a search on "powershell word comobject" and variations of insert image update edit, etc.  Or maybe someone else with more experience/knowledge has a magic bullet for you.  Once you get some info on doing it with powershell, expand
    your search by omitting the powershell keyword, there's gotta be some solid documentation for the comobject somwhere, but it will probably be a bit complex.
    You can also:
    $word = new-object -comobject word.application
    $doc = $word.documents.add("<path to word document>"
    and get-member to your heart's content, but finding references and/or documentation might be easier.  
    Good luck!
    Edit:  This could help, but really doesn't give much insight into placement of the image, only helps getting the image into the doc:
    If you do find something useful, post it here, I'm sure others could benefit!
    SubEdit:  Should have thought of this already...

  • Replace text with images

    I'm using a script found here, to replace @equ001.pdf@ with the corresponding image, same for eq002 etc.
    This script works more or less ok for me.
    Sometimes, it removes some image names without replacing the image, sometimes it was leaving some "@" here and there.
    Sometimes, it's giving me an error on the "place image" code, saying it cannot find the image, giving it's path ending with the grep expression $2 and doesn't work at all.
    Sometimes it does part of the job, stops, gives the same error as above, and continues to work when I click ok.
    Today, it didn't worked on a document. I copied the text to work on into a new InDesign document an there, it worked (but in two times).
    Is there any other way of doing this ?
    if(app.documents.length != 0){
        var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog ('Choose a folder with images');
        if(myFolder != null){
            // reset the Find/Change dialog
            app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
            // formulate a grep search string
            app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = '@.+?@';
            // find all occurrence, last one first
            f = app.activeDocument.findGrep (true);
            for (i = 0; i < f.length; i++){
                // construct file name
                name = f[i].contents.replace (/@/g, '');
                // place the image
                var placedObjects = f[i].insertionPoints[0].place (File (myFolder.fsName + '/' + name));
        // delete all @??@ codes
       alert('Please open a document and try again.');

    You should process the found instances back to front:
    for (i = f.length-1; i >= 0; i--)

  • I'm working in Photoshop CS6 on a Mac and am having trouble when I select a Path it automatically feathers the selection border. I can't seem to find any place to adjust a feather setting. Does anyone have a suggestion? I'm using paths to silhouette an im

    How do I change a default from feathered edge to sharp edge when I select a path?
    I'm working in Photoshop CS6 on a Mac and am having trouble when I select a Path it automatically feathers the selection border. I can't seem to find any place to adjust a feather setting. Does anyone have a suggestion? I'm using paths to silhouette an image on a photograph to use in another document and I need a hard edge on it, not a feathered one.

    In the Paths panel, click the flyout menu (in the top right of the panel) and choose Make Selection (this option will only be available if you have a path selected). Reduce the Feather Radius to 0 (zero) and click OK. This setting will be the default even when clicking the Load Path as Selection button.

  • Need help with adding formatted text and images to Crystal Report?

    Here's my scenario:
    I have a customer statement that's generated as a crystal report and that has a placeholder for advertisement. The advertisement is mixture of formatted text and images. Until now we only had one advertisement that was always used on the report. The new requirement is that we would have a pool of hundreds of advertisements and would need to display one specific advertisement on the customer statement based on various marketing criteria. They key is that the advertisement content will be determined programmatically and cannot be hardcoded into the report. I'm using Crystal2008 with .net SDK.
    Here are the solutions I thought of, but I'm still rather lost and would appreciate your help/opinion.
    1) Pass HTML or RTF to the report
    Not really sure if this is possible and how to get it done. Also how would I pass in images? Would display formatting be reliable when exporting to PDF?
    2) Create each add as a subreport and append it programatically
    I actually have this working, but I only know how to append a new section to the end of the report and then load the subreport to the section. I have no other controll of the placement. Is there a way to dynamically load a subreport to a predefined section in the main report? How about adding a dummy subreport in the main report as a placeholder and then replacing it with a different subreport? How could I do this?
    3) Pass an Image to the report
    I would create each advertisement as an image and then would somehow add the image to the report. How would I load the image and control the placement? Could I somehow define a placeholder for the image in the main report-maybe a dummy image to be replaced?
    Thank you.

    Hello Pavel,
    I would got the third way.
    You can use dynamic images in your report.
    Just by changing the URL to the image the image can be changed.
    Please see the [Crystal Manual|] and search for images.
    or directly here
    [Setting a Dynamic Graphic Location Path on an Image Object|]
    [Dynamic image and HTTP://|]
    [codesample for .NET|]
    Please also use
    [Crystal Reports 2008 SDK Documentation and Sample Code|]
    [Crystal Reports 2008 .NET SDK Tutorial Samples|]
    Hope this helps

  • Text placement problem in photoshop 4

    I can't control text placement in photoshop 4. When I enter 2 letters, the line then zooms off to the right - right off the image. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it didn't help

    Your talking about photoshop elements 4?
    Or another version such as the old ps4 or photoshop cs4?
    If it's photoshop elements 4, you might try resetting the Text Tool by clicking on the big T in the tool options bar and then clicking on Reset Tool

  • Most efficient way to place images

    I am composing a Catalog with a lot of images along with the text.  The source images are often not square (perfectly vertical, portrait).  I also want to add a thin line frame around each one in InDesign to spurce up the look.  I'm spending a lot of time in Photoshop straightening images, because rotating in Indesign to get the image straight results in a non-straight frame.
    Should I create a small library of frames that I place, then place non-straight images in them (and how do I do that) and rotate in InDesign?  Etc?
    What would be the most efficient way to do this?

    To tag onto what Peter said, when you click on the image with the Direct Selection tool you can also use the up and down arrow in the rotation Dialog (where you enter the angle, at the top) to easily change the rotation.
    Also, when you place images in InDesign you can select a number of images at once and continually click the document (or image frame) and place all the images you selected to import. To clarify, you can have a whole bunch of empty image frames on the page then go to file > place and select all your images, then continually click and place them inside each empty frame.

Maybe you are looking for

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