Find Transport proposal

How can I find my transport proposal since it is not in my inbox.
Is there a table i can put in my transport request number and gets it proposal number?

Thanks for your reply.
I have released the request with transport proposal and in the inbox its showing approved. but its not yet imported into the target system its is showing status restart import. What to do? Should I manually import?

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    i'm using version 4.7. Also I've checked the wf template there is no fork. It's a standard wf... template number I've mentioned in my first mail.
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    hope this small backgroung will help you to get into my actual issue.
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    Thanks for any help,
    Diane Merrill
    Oak Ridge National Lab

    Hi Diane,
    I'm not that familiar with this area but I agree there doesn't appear to be any userexits around these programs.  I checked out the screens in function group TMSU and they all appear to be hardcoded (after a very quick look!

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    Sap Guru

    hi Guru,
    do you mean transport request? Than go to tcode SE01 and click create, choose customizing request (or workbench, if you want to transport abap programs, tables, etc.), enter some name and you have a transport reuqest.
    hope this helps

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    Hi there,
    You will just find transportation planning date in  delivery. Transportation planning point will be in shipment doc in VT03.
    In VT03, give the shipment num --> click on doc flow or top left hand corner icon shipments & deliveries. It will show the the num of deliveries in the hsipment of it is a collective shipment. If it is an individual shipment it will show the single delivery num.
    In the shipmnet doc you will find the transportation planning point.

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    Hi kajol,
    Go through the links,
    Azaz Ali.

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    You can find that entries in E07* tables.
    CLcik on that particluar request,,
    See if that helps u
    Best Regards,

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    On the object you have, you can look for the transport orders checking the versions control,  for example on the data dictionary (SE11) go to utilities -> Versions->Version Management.

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    There are a few way's.
    here is quick one:
    go to RSA1,'Transport Connection',Query here look for the Query name and copy its technical name.
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    BD3K901829   EHAYUT       Repair                                                                               
    5  Elements of the Query Builder                                                                               
    08PZF7C9RLQDY096E84FDEP5P                                0FKIJTURI31LH2H7YB9QIH8RF                                0NFU8RCIYLVISNUB70IQN6653                               

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    I'd like to find my transport-request for a special ABAP I coded.
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    Regards, Mario

    1) From SE09 / SE10 - Give your SAP user ID - Check Workbench requests - so that it will display all the transport requests which were created under your user id. go to each transport request and open then you can see task number and attached object (your program name).
    2) From SE38 - Give your program Name - then go to 'Utilities -> Version Management' in menu path. So you can able to see transport for your program.

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    You can use import histroty in the STMS or stms_import. It shows all the details.

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    Yes it is possible and available in standard
    enter tcode Solar_eval and goto change request management reporting
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    moreover it you can also filter in the selection based upon transport request itself.
    Hope it problem solved
    Edited by: Prakhar Saxena on Jun 1, 2011 10:41 AM

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