FiOS Quantum installed only 2 days ago, running slow no matter what

FiOS Plan: 50mbps/25mbps
Actual: 15-20mbps/25-30mbps
Issue: Internet speed tests show my download rate is very, very slow while my upload rate is amazing.
I recently signed up for FiOS because I had Charter and their 30mbps plan, which was terrible (speeds were good at 30mbps, but at least once a week internet went down). I had FiOS installed on the 1st (2 days ago) and the install went great. Tech set everything up and even checked my wireless from my computer room to the area where the router is installed and it was a solid connection rate, but he didn't check the speed test (not sure if that's standard, but I didn't even think about it).
Anyhow, so he left and after browsing a few pages, I noticed that the speed was pretty good, but not a noticable difference (which I expected). I started checking out my online Netflix, Youtube and Hulu accounts, only to notice that the buffer rates were significantly slower than the Charter I had gotten rid of. I figured that it was just the sites I was using at the time and so I did a speed test from a few different places: Verizon's online test, Speakeasy, Speedtest and All of these sites resulted in something unexpected: My download rate never, ever went above 20mbps, while my upload rate would fluxuate between 25mbps to 31mbps. I checked my work FTP for my web building host and tried to upload and download some large Access data files (400mb-8gb database table links) and saw a dramatic difference in what I had before. The average upload was much, much quicker than my old service, but my download rate was horrible. It took me approximately 22 minutes to download a ~1Gb accdb file Since I have to download large, fragmented database files from my work regularly, this severely limits my ability to work from home (which is why I signed up for FiOS in the first place).
Although I knew that the wireless was not the issue, seeing as how it made no sense why my upload rate would be rocking while my downstream was lagging bad, I tried the ethernet hardline anyway. The same result occured: 15-20mbps on the downstream, but 25-30mbps on the upstream, the same exact outcome.
I decided to try my other desktop and my laptop on the hard line, just to make sure it wasn't my current system, and the same results occured.
I returned all systems back to where they usually are and tried to reboot the router, reset to factory settings, chose a channel that nobody in my area was broadcasting on (via inSSIDer) and even tried a few other tricks, all to no avail. I reset the router again to factory and still nothing (once again using the inSSIDer to set a proper channel nobody is using from 1-11).
The thing is, before FiOS, I had everything setup exactly the same, just with a different ISP and different router. My other service worked very, very quickly on this wireless (30mbps solid) and so the problem cannot possibly be with my own hardware. I have the dual-antenna Actiontec Rev. I, and its signal is really amazing because it's stronger than the signal I got from my old Charter router (I'm getting a SOLID 54mbps rate right now thanks to Verizon's router and the fact that I have a Wireless-G adapter and not an N, which I am purchasing next week when I can).
At this point, I've tried everything. Oh, yes, forgot to mention I HAVE already used Verizon's speed optimizer tool to optimize my connection. Yes, I did shut the computer down, not just rebooting.
I'm stumped, because I'm usually very good at troubleshooting problems like this. I was sure that rebooting the router, setting to factory and having everything just plugged directly into the hardline ethernet would solve the issue (assumed my wireless was going funky) but it did not; and, if it had, wouldn't have made sense since just less than 72 hours ago everything worked flawlessly with a different provider.
Please, any help is appreciated!
P.S. Yes, I've already tried disabling the WMM. Not sure who thought that was a good idea

FiOS Plan: 50mbps/25mbps
Actual: 15-20mbps/25-30mbps
Issue: Internet speed tests show my download rate is very, very slow while my upload rate is amazing.
I recently signed up for FiOS because I had Charter and their 30mbps plan, which was terrible (speeds were good at 30mbps, but at least once a week internet went down). I had FiOS installed on the 1st (2 days ago) and the install went great. Tech set everything up and even checked my wireless from my computer room to the area where the router is installed and it was a solid connection rate, but he didn't check the speed test (not sure if that's standard, but I didn't even think about it).
Anyhow, so he left and after browsing a few pages, I noticed that the speed was pretty good, but not a noticable difference (which I expected). I started checking out my online Netflix, Youtube and Hulu accounts, only to notice that the buffer rates were significantly slower than the Charter I had gotten rid of. I figured that it was just the sites I was using at the time and so I did a speed test from a few different places: Verizon's online test, Speakeasy, Speedtest and All of these sites resulted in something unexpected: My download rate never, ever went above 20mbps, while my upload rate would fluxuate between 25mbps to 31mbps. I checked my work FTP for my web building host and tried to upload and download some large Access data files (400mb-8gb database table links) and saw a dramatic difference in what I had before. The average upload was much, much quicker than my old service, but my download rate was horrible. It took me approximately 22 minutes to download a ~1Gb accdb file Since I have to download large, fragmented database files from my work regularly, this severely limits my ability to work from home (which is why I signed up for FiOS in the first place).
Although I knew that the wireless was not the issue, seeing as how it made no sense why my upload rate would be rocking while my downstream was lagging bad, I tried the ethernet hardline anyway. The same result occured: 15-20mbps on the downstream, but 25-30mbps on the upstream, the same exact outcome.
I decided to try my other desktop and my laptop on the hard line, just to make sure it wasn't my current system, and the same results occured.
I returned all systems back to where they usually are and tried to reboot the router, reset to factory settings, chose a channel that nobody in my area was broadcasting on (via inSSIDer) and even tried a few other tricks, all to no avail. I reset the router again to factory and still nothing (once again using the inSSIDer to set a proper channel nobody is using from 1-11).
The thing is, before FiOS, I had everything setup exactly the same, just with a different ISP and different router. My other service worked very, very quickly on this wireless (30mbps solid) and so the problem cannot possibly be with my own hardware. I have the dual-antenna Actiontec Rev. I, and its signal is really amazing because it's stronger than the signal I got from my old Charter router (I'm getting a SOLID 54mbps rate right now thanks to Verizon's router and the fact that I have a Wireless-G adapter and not an N, which I am purchasing next week when I can).
At this point, I've tried everything. Oh, yes, forgot to mention I HAVE already used Verizon's speed optimizer tool to optimize my connection. Yes, I did shut the computer down, not just rebooting.
I'm stumped, because I'm usually very good at troubleshooting problems like this. I was sure that rebooting the router, setting to factory and having everything just plugged directly into the hardline ethernet would solve the issue (assumed my wireless was going funky) but it did not; and, if it had, wouldn't have made sense since just less than 72 hours ago everything worked flawlessly with a different provider.
Please, any help is appreciated!
P.S. Yes, I've already tried disabling the WMM. Not sure who thought that was a good idea

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  • Issue pulling EventLogs from only 31 days ago.

    Hello everyone,
    I am a first time poster, but have used this site numerous times to troubleshoot the various Powershell issues I have run into.
    unfortunately I haven't had much luck on the below problem.
    I cannot get the below script to pull Event Logs from only 31 days ago until the current date. Regardless of what I set it pulls everything.
    Everything else in the script works. my eventual goal is to pull the event logs from 50+ servers create a CSV for each one that shows only each unique Event-ID and then imports it into an Excel file with cell formatting and each $computer gets their
    own sheet.
    I have most of that already done but this $Day issue is stumping me.
    Thank you for all your help.
    param([string]$days= "-31" )
    $servers = @("sea-db-2", "sea-db-3")
    $user = Get-Credential
    #Set namespace and calculate the date to start from
    $namespace = "root\CIMV2" 
    $store = "C:\Powershell\MonthlyMaintenance"  # No trailing slash, Folder must already exist
    foreach ($computer in $servers)
        # Get the Application Log and export to CSV
        Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Credential $user `
            -Query "SELECT ComputerName,Logfile,Type,TimeWritten,SourceName,Message,Category,EventCode,User `
                FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE (logfile='Application') AND (type='Warning') OR (type='Error') OR (type='FailureAudit') AND (TimeWritten > '$BeginDate')" | `
                SELECT ComputerName,Logfile,Type,@{name='TimeWritten';Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.TimeWritten)}},SourceName,Message,Category,EventCode,User | `
                Export-Csv "$store\$computer-Application.csv" 
        # Get the System Log and export to CSV
        Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Credential $user `
            -Query "SELECT ComputerName,Logfile,Type,TimeWritten,SourceName,Message,Category,EventCode,User `
                FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE (logfile='System') AND (type='Warning') OR (type='Error') OR (type='FailureAudit') AND (TimeWritten > '$BeginDate')" | `
                SELECT ComputerName,Logfile,Type,@{name='TimeWritten';Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.TimeWritten)}},SourceName,Message,Category,EventCode,User | `
                Export-Csv "$store\$computer-System.csv" 
        # Get the Security Log and export to CSV
        Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Credential $user `
            -Query "SELECT ComputerName,Logfile,Type,TimeWritten,SourceName,Message,Category,EventCode,User `
                FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE (logfile='Security') AND (type='Warning') OR (type='Error') OR (type='FailureAudit') AND (TimeWritten > '$BeginDate')" | `
                SELECT ComputerName,Logfile,Type,@{name='TimeWritten';Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.TimeWritten)}},SourceName,Message,Category,EventCode,User | `
                Export-Csv "$store\$computer-Security.csv" 
    #filters all csv files removes all duplicate EventIDs and then moves them all into one CSV file
    dir C:\Powershell\MonthlyMaintenance -Filter *.csv | ? {$_.basename -like "*$computer*"} | Import-Csv | sort EventCode –Unique | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Powershell\MonthlyMaintenance\$computer-All.csv"
    Bonus issue if anyone is interested: I would like to show how many times each unique event ID occurred, but I was not able to figure it out with the .count or -group functions.
    Thanks again,

    Below are the 2 scripts, I apologize if they look a bit clunky, but they work:
    Below is the script to pull all Event Logs for each server, filter them to only display Warnings, Failures, and FailureAudits for Application, System, and Security logs and then remove all duplicate EventIDs so only 1
    of each is shown. it then exports that info into a .CSV per server.
    param([string]$days= "31" )
    $servers = @("Server1", "Server2" "Server3", "Etc")
    $user = Get-Credential
    #Set namespace and calculate the date to start from
    $namespace = "root\CIMV2"
    $store = "C:\Powershell\MonthlyMaintenance"
    foreach ($computer in $servers)
    $filter="TimeWritten >= '$BeginDate' AND (type='Warning' OR type='Error' OR type='FailureAudit')"
    Echo "Pulling Event Logs for $computer ..."
    Get-WmiObject Win32_NTLogEvent -computername $computer -Filter $filter |
    sort eventcode -unique |
    select Computername,
    User |
    Export-CSV C:\Powershell\MonthlyMaintenance\$computer-Filter.csv
    Echo "Done."
    Below is the script that creates an Excel workbook and then imports each Server .CSV file into an excel sheet, it also formats the cells a bit for size.
    #Implantation of Sheet_Formater function
    Function Sheet_Formater ($Sheet) {
    $Sheet.Range('B1').cells = "Logfile"
    $Sheet.Range('A2').columnWidth = 13
    $Sheet.Range('B2').columnWidth = 13
    $Sheet.Range('C2').columnWidth = 15
    $Sheet.Range('D2').columnWidth = 20
    $Sheet.Range('E2').columnWidth = 20
    $Sheet.Range('F2').columnWidth = 80
    $Sheet.Range('G2').columnWidth = 13
    $Sheet.Range('H2').columnWidth = 13
    $Sheet.Range('I2').columnWidth = 30
    $Excel.Rows.Item(6).WrapText = $True
    # Variables
    $CurrentDay = Get-Date -UFormat "%m_%d_%Y"
    $SaveLocation = "C:\Powershell\MonthlyMaintenance\$CurrentDay_ANN_MonthlyMaintenance_EventLogs.xlsx"
    $servers = @("Server1", "Server2", "Server3", "Etc")
    $i = 3
    $Excel = new-object -comobject Excel.Application # Create Excel object
    $Workbook = $Excel.workbooks.add() # Create a new Workbook
    #Delete Extra Worksheets
    $SheetDel = $Workbook.sheets | where {$ -eq "Sheet1"}
    $SheetDel = $Workbook.sheets | where {$ -eq "Sheet2"}
    foreach ($computer in $servers)
    # Get sheet and update sheet name
    $Sheet1 = $Workbook.sheets | where {$ -eq "Sheet$i"}
    Write-Host "Exporting $computer Event logs to Sheet$i..."
    $ = "$computer"
    # Add another worksheet
    $b = $Workbook.sheets.Add() ,$workbook
    # Call SheetFormater function
    Sheet_Formater $Sheet1
    #Exporting Event logs in excel
    $intRow1 = 1
    Import-Csv C:\Powershell\MonthlyMaintenance\$computer-Filter.csv |`
    ForEach-Object {
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,1) = $_.ComputerName
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,2) = $_.Logfile
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,3) = $_.Type
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,4) = $_.TimeWritten
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,5) = $_.SourceName
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,6) = $_.Message
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,7) = $_.Category
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,8) = $_.EventCode
    $Sheet1.cells.Item($intRow1,9) = $_.User
    # Make Excel visible
    #$Excel.visible = $true
    # And save it away:
    Write-Host "Done"

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    Contact HP to set up your Fax, as edmister said.
    Browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) have no interaction with your fax machine, faxes are analog technology run over telephone lines, browsers are digital technology, that while it can be run over a phone line (like in DSL) Has no impact on your fax.

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    Try a Spotlight search for the name you gave the document or use ⌘ + F & define your search criteria similar to what I have done in this screenshot.

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    See this User Tip by turingtest2
    JimmieJag wrote:
    2. If I reinstall it, will I lose my store credit and non-iTunes songs?
    Nothing should be lost... However... it is both Prudent and Recommended that a backup should have been created and maintained.

Maybe you are looking for