Firefox 9 causing flashes/black boxes?

Ever since i updated to firefox 9 just about 10 minutes ago, my web browsers start to flash and make blocks of black screens randomly on it. Sometimes it fixes itself, other times it just does it nonstop until I close it. Once reopened it's fine but ~10 minutes later the problem comes back. What do i do?

Again, my original post specifically asks what else I can check for in prefs.js. I don't know what to look for. I suspect that something has hung-around somewhere, but don't know what to look for in the prefs file to detect it. No malware or anti-virus software detects anything other than the prefs.js file itself. Safe mode fixes the problem. So obviously something is starting up with FF in normal mode which is causing this, but no clue where/what to look for at this point.

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    In case this is caused by Firefox 33 being incompatible with your graphics card/chipset driver software, could you test for a while in Firefox's Safe Mode? That's a standard diagnostic tool to deactivate extensions, hardware acceleration, and some other advanced features of Firefox. More info: [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]].
    You can restart Firefox in Safe Mode using either:
    * "3-bar" menu button > "?" button > Restart with Add-ons Disabled
    * Help menu > Restart with Add-ons Disabled
    Not all add-ons are disabled: Flash and other plugins still run
    After Firefox shuts down, a small dialog should appear. Click "Start in Safe Mode" (''not'' Reset).
    Any difference?
    You can disable hardware acceleration for all modes in the Options dialog.
    "3-bar" menu button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced
    On the "General" mini-tab, uncheck the box for "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    This takes effect the next time you exit Firefox and start it up again.

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    You will have to wait for Firefox 6 to get this fixed. It is a bug only in Firefox 5. That bug existed when the Firefox 5 code was split off and Firefox 5 didn't get the fix that later version got.

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    Try to uninstall and reinstall Flash
    You can find the latest Flash player versions for Firefox on this page.
    You can check for problems with current Flash plugin versions and try these:
    *disable a possible RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin extension for Firefox and update the RealPlayer if installed
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    Hi kasey102,
    Possibly the fonts used in the pdf do not exist on your system.
    Is the behaviour true for any pdfs?

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    Thanks, I was remiss in not having already tried safe mode, good shout.
    Unfortunately it didn't resolve the problem even after turning off HW acceleration (in Firefox).
    Guess we can rule out extensions. :(
    Is this a common bug with Win7, FF and Flash 11.7? Or is the presumption that something on my system is bugged?
    Thanks for the on going help!

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    I am facing the same issues as well. In particular, I can't play flash videos on as the video controls doesn't show up.
    YouTube and Facebook flash videos work fine.
    After deleting ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player and ~/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash Player, the controls appeared.
    Perhaps you may want to try that?

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    Try the offline installers:
    Internet Explorer:
    Firefox and other NPAPI browsers:

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    Hi Tim
    if it was a Click to flash extension - just remove it or turn extensions off in Safari-Preferences
    if the 'plugin type' -
    check there's no ClickToFlash.webplugin file in Home/Library/Internet Plug-Ins (the usual install location) or HD/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
    Restart any browsers & no more click to flash.
    Assuming it's gone (which very likely it already has, since yours sounds like the common recent youtube problem... you restarted Safari after the 32 bit change ?
    tried a different user agent ? (Safari-Develop-user Agent)

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    This could be caused by an incompatibility between Firefox 33 and your graphics card/chipset drivers. Please disable hardware acceleration as a temporary workaround. Step-by-step directions in this thread:
    Does that work?

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    JackieMars71 I would recommend reviewing your installation log files to determine if there are any errors during the installation process.  You can find information on how to locate and interpret your installation log files at Troubleshoot install issues with log files | CC -  You are welcome to post any specific errors you discover to this discussion.

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    Same question, same answer: use the offline installer

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    Hi albinaaa,
    Thank you for confirming the drivers are up to date.  I apologize for the confusion in terminology.  We refer to the installer downloaded from as the online installer because it is simply an installer shim, less than 2MB that then downloads and installs Flash Player silently.  This requires users to be 'online' for the installation process to work.  What we refer to as the offline installers are the full installers (roughly 15 - 18 MB) that you download and then install Flash Player, which does not require an internet connection as nothing is downloaded silently in the background during installation.
    As I mentioned before, we have received these reports of the online installer displaying without text, however, we have not been able to reproduce, and therefore, the reason I asked you to try the offline installer, since we have not received these reports with the offline installer.

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    were made from either Quark or Indesign documents. The pages
    contain graphics, some of which are bitmap (one-color) images. All
    looks good on screen when displayed in a browser, but when printed
    the graphics become black boxes, as though a black background were
    added to the image. Does anyone know why this is happening or can
    someone suggest a workaround? We have thousands of pages that need
    to print from our user's browsers but find we are plagued with this
    issue. The weird thing is, I found that some of the bitmap images
    were fine while most of them were bad. I used PitStop professional
    to examine the PDFs and there is nothing different about the images
    Len Swierski

    Anybody figure this out???
    We're having the same problem too. All of our flash paper
    documents are being converted from PDFs that orignally came from
    Quark or Indesign. The art department figured out that they could
    fix the problem by converting the bitmaps to grayscale. (Our pages
    are black and white anyway) We also found out that different
    versions of acrobat could fix the probelm. Somtimes version 7 would
    work and sometimes version 4 would work. A lot of trial and error
    and wasting paper.

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