Firmware 1.1.5 actualizacion

hola.. tengo un ipod touch 1g con firmware 1.1.5
no conecta desde el ipod el itunes store
no puedo actualizar un firmware mas avanzado
si funciona el safari
el tema es que me gustaria bajar aplicaciones pero, incluso si lo hago desde el itunes de la pc para luego sincronizar, no incluye la opcion de aplicaciones (solo puedo sincronizar musica, fotos, contactos, peliculas y programas de TV!).
alguien me podria decir si esto tiene solucion?

Google translate:
hello .. I have an ipod touch 1g with 1.1.5 firmware
ipod not connecting from the iTunes Store
I can not update a more advanced firmware
if it works on safari
the issue is that I would like to download applications, but even if I do it from the pc to itunes then sync, does not include the application (I can only sync music, pictures, contacts, movies and TV shows!).
someone could tell me if this is a solution?
iPod touch, iOS 1.x, iOS 1.1.5 upgrade looking
For apps you need at least iOS 2. The last iOS for the 1G iPod is 3.1.3 that you get here:
Purchasing iOS 3.1 Software Update for iPod touch (1st generation)

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    It looks like there's not going to be any further firmware update for our n93. I wrote to Nokia Care Spain and this is what they answered me:
    Dear Mr. Parra:
    Thank you for contacting Nokia Care.
    There's no scheduled firmware update for this device. It was designed as a mobile phone that featured a videocamera, but it doesn't have any 3D acceleration chip, so it's not designed to be used as a gaming console.
    Please, don't hessitate to contact us for future asking
    Yours faithfully,
    Christian B.
    Nokia Service Professional
    Nokia Care
    902 404 414"
    The original in Spanish:
    "Estimado Sr. Parra:
    Gracias por contactar con Nokia Care.
    No esta previsto que salga ninguna actualizacion mas de firmware para este modelo. Inicialmente fue diseñado y pensado como un movil con capacidad multimedia como camara de video, pero no dispone de ningun chip de aceleracion 3D, de modo que no esta pensado para usarse como consola de videojuegos.
    Por favor no dude en contactar de nuevo con nosotros para futuras consultas.
    Christian B.
    Nokia Service Professional
    Nokia Care
    902 404 414"
    I can't believe it!! Nokia has decided to completely abbandon the users of the device that once was his flagship phone, and one of the most expensive ever!! I hope he isn't well informed, because the n93 does have a 3d hardware graphics acceleration chip...or not?

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    En nuestra empresa TEMEMOS las actualizaciones de FIRMWARE de las NAS de IOMEGA.
    Desde que LENOVO adquirió IOMEGA en TODAS las actualizaciones siempre pasa algo. En la última: el CLOUD no conecta más con el ROUTER. La redirección del router no se cambió, y se ha verificado. Es más ya ni te deja borrar el CLOUD para poder reconfigurarlo. He leido en el soporte en inglés que no es el único caso. Acaso no revisais los parches de Firmware es que siempre pasa algo ,para deciros que llevamos tiempo pensando en no aplicarlas porque ya no nos fiamos.
    ¿Van a hacer una nueva actualización para arreglar el tema del CLOUD? ¿Como podemos borrar el cloud y reconfigurar otro si no nos deja ni borrarlo?
    Fijaros que estuvimos pensando en no actualizar el firmware porque dudabamos de que algo se estropeara y se estropeo el corazón de una NAS IOMEGA el CLOUD!

    Hola davidjose,
    El soporte de IOMEGA no se maneja en el foro, te recomiendo ponerte en contacto con el soporte de IOMEGA.
    Gracias y Saludos,
    Miguel A. González
    Spanish Community Manager
    Comunidad en Español  English Community  Deutsche Community   Русскоязычное Сообщество
    Los puntos de vista y asesoria que expreso aquí son míos y no reflejan necesariamente la posicion oficial de Lenovo.
    Es importante recalcar también que los foros suplementan los recursos de los usuarios de Lenovo pero no reemplazan el servicio técnico oficial. Para un listado de números de servicio sigue el enlace: Numeros de Soporte

  • Macbook4,1 10.6.8 and firmware update - what went wrong?

    Macbook 4,1 2008 2.4Ghz (not unibody). I recently reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled 10.6 from the Retail DVD and all seemed to go well. The MB was working fine up to that point. I then set up the MB (network, date and time, etc.) and repaired permissions.
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    Again, all seemed to go fine. System booted and I repaired Permissions again. I went to the Apple web site, a couple of other web sites, and Software Update found another update to install: Firmware. Though I don't remember what version.
    I clicked OK and it installed.
    Upon reboot, it seemed to install okay.
    But then I left the Macbook and it went into Sleep.
    I didn't come back to it again until the next day.
    When I pressed a key to wake it, I got what I now know is the screen that appears after you wake it from SAFE SLEEP. As per this Apple KB article:
    And this is where the problems started.
    After the MB woke to the Safe Sleep screen, which shows the desktop a little "out of focus", the progress bars started filling in from left to right, BUT before they completed, the screen went BLACK.
    And it has had a problem with black screen ever since. I can boot the MB from internal or external HD or from DVD, and it seems to boot fine. Boot chime, Apple logo, spinning wheel, then at the point where it pauses, blue screen, then goes to desktop, instead the screen goes black.
    It finishes booting, but seems to go into Sleep.
    I can wake it by pressing a key, but the screen either comes on and goes black again after 10 seconds, or I get the Safe Sleep wake screen, and then it goes black after 10 seconds.
    And at boot or when waking the MB, the front LED flashes 5 times. There are no error beeps.
    I've tried changing RAM, but problems remain.
    So what's all this? Any ideas?
    The display doesn't seem dead, as it works to boot and wake. The MB works fine with external monitor.
    It's weird, but I can't think of anything apart from the Firmware update. The problems started right after installing it.
    Unfortunately, this model of Macbook doesn't have a Firmware Restoration image to download and burn to CD. It is the ONLY Mac at this point that doesn't have this!
    I called Apple support and even bought the 49 Euro Pay Per Incident service, which proved to be the same as throwing 49 Euro out the window. The only "technical" support they provided was to Reset the SMC, which you can find out about FOR FREE at the Apple website. And which I'd done anyway. I'd also reinstalled the MacOS. Don't want to beef too much, but sheesh, you've already got a Macbook that might need costly repairs, and they make you pay 49 Euro BEFORE they even ask you about the problem and what you've done to try to solve it. I'm tempted to say "ripoff". I mean, if all they can offer you is the advice to reset the SMC - which Apple offers for free at their website - then that's pretty poor service for 49 Euro, to say the least.
    Apart from the wasted 49 Euro, I'm pretty peeved about the Firmware update (or so it seems) wrecking a perfectly working 2008 Macbook. I don't know how to convince Apple of this, but I'm certainly going to try.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Re. the Displays setting, the Macbook display isn't recognized and mirroring isn't an available option.
    I've scoured the net and the idea of replacing the PRAM battery may be something to try. I read a post by a guy with a Macbook logic board screwed up by a Firmware update, which he solved by replacing the PRAM battery, as when you disconnect it you reset the logic board.
    Which capacitor?
    No luck so far with talking to Apple. I will try to get hold of someone a little more tech savvy and/or in a position of authority, as it seems that the Firmware is the culprit. Obviously a million other things could go wrong with a Macbook, but given the timing here it looks like the Firmware. Firmware updates can and occasionally do screw up a computer, as most manufacturers will warn you before you apply the update: PC makers, printer makers, etc. And they probably warn you that it's all your responsibility if anything goes wrong. But re. the Apple Firmware update:
    1) it came thru Software Update
    2) there was no warning
    3) to make things worse, there's no Firmware Restoration image that I can burn to a CD to reflash the logic board: this is the only Apple computer that doesn't have a Firmware Restoration option
    I'll try to get thru to a manager and convince him/her that the firmware may have been the cause.
    Do you think an authorized Apple tech might have access to some way to do a firmware restoration? Something not avaiable to mere mortals? Because if not, the only solution looks like a new logic board.

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    (Quoting Karl Petersen here:)
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  • New to the WRT300N - Firmware & help needed

    Hi. First off, I apologize that this is going to be very long.  I really hope someone will take the time to read it all and give me some help.
    I posted about a week ago about problems with my WRT54GS.  All of a sudden with no changes, the wireless stopped working.  I tried for a few days to fix it with no luck.  I decided to order the WRT300N (I figured if I was going to buy a new one, I'd upgrade and this is the one that Linksys recommended).
    I should mention that after ordering the new router, the wireless on the old one started working again but it wasn't working normal.  The signal quality had always pretty much been excellent and now it started going up & down but at least it was staying connected.
    The new router came today.  I disconnected the old one and connected the new one and everything went smoothly.  Both my wired & wireless computers worked great.  Less than an hour later, the wireless disconnected.  I went to view available networks and my network (I use our last name) was gone.  I shut off the laptop and it still didn't see the network.  So I started looking at the router settings just to be sure that nothing had changed.  About 15 minutes later, the laptop found the network and connected again.  The signal quality dropped to good and has stayed there ever since.
    Just for information, when the laptop is on the desk (which it is 90% of the time), it's only about 5 feet away from the router.  I have not tried to take the laptop out of the room yet.  Also more information if it helps.  I have a large "U" shaped desk.  My monitor for my desktop sits in the middle.  On either side are the speakers.  To my left (in front of me) is a UPS (plugged into this UPS is the tower, monitor, speakers, cradle for my mouse, modem & router), then the tower (I can't put it on the floor because I have physical issues that would prevent me from accessing it there).  Now if I turn my chair to the left, the desk has an upper level.  This is where my DSL modem & the router are.  They are on the end near where the computer is on the lower level.  This is the same setup we were using before.  Old router worked great for almost 2 years with signal strength at excellant on the laptop.  It just started acting up all of a sudden.  If I go back to facing center and then turn to the right, that's where my husband's laptop sits.  The only other equipment there is a calculator and a lamp and on the floor is another UPS which has his laptop (which has an Intel wireless G card in it), a laser printer, and the above mentioned calculator & lamp plugged in.
    Prior to today, I had the Logitech MX3100 keyboard & mouse set.  I had purchased a new mouse (Logitech MX Revolution).  So I was using the keyboard from the MX3100 with the new mouse and everything was fine running that way for weeks before the problem kicked in.  So I don't think it's got anything to do with the mouse.  Today's setup is a little different.  I am no longer using the MX3100 keyboard.  I am using Logitech DiNovo Edge, which uses a bluetooth dongle.  I also don't think it's any interference from this keyboard since this is a pre-existing problem.
    I do have a cordless phone in the room (it's on the left hand side of the desk from where I sit at the opposite end from the modem & router...also it's one of those that doesn't need a phone line)but it's a 5.8 ghz.
    The old router had the option to change the channel, etc.  This one has auto for standard channel & wide channel & there's no way to change it that I can see.  Radio band is also set to auto but does have 2 choices under it (standard & wide).  As I said before, I use our last name for our SSID.  It's the same one I've been using for years.  There is no one else around here with that SSID.  Network mode is mixed.
    Concerning the firmware....the information for mine is WRT300N V1.1 firmware v1.51.2.  I tried to look for an update but the only one in the list is the WRT300N V1.0.  I did click on that but the firmware version is lower and I don't want to screw anything up.  Is there a firmware update for me or not?  If so, please point me in the right direction as I can't find it.
    Concerning the signal strength....would it help to buy a new wireless card for the laptop?  The Intel card has been updated with the newest software.  The card is internal and to my knowledge can only be replaced with the same card or a bluetooth card.  (Computer is a Dell XPS M140.)  I do have a card slot but I'm confused because I think Dell called it an Express Card slot and I don't know whether or not the Linksys notebook card that is recommended for this router would work in this slot.  If the card would work, is it worth the expense?
    What else can I try.  I thought about moving the router furthur to the left but it would require moving a few other items and I'm not sure if the cords are long enough.  Would it help if the router & modem were not plugged into the same UPS?  I do have a regular surge protecter near where my phone is.  I would really rather leave them plugged into the UPS though for obvious reasons.
    Also if it helps, I have the router on it's side with the 2 antennas on the end pointing straight up and the flat one in the middle I have angled this way.
    I hope I have given enough information for some suggestions.

    Thanks for the response.  I was wondering if anyone would take the time to read such a long post.  I wanted to be sure to try to give as much information as possible.
    My desktop (Dell XPS400) tower is made out of metal...but the router is actually not sitting on it.  There is a shelf to the left of my tower (when I'm facing it, otherwise it's to the right of it).  That's where the modem & router sit.  The shelf sits about 3" over from the edge of the computer and it's about 7" above it.
    As far as the wireless card for my husband's laptop...I'm still thinking about it.  I'm wondering if there would be any improvement in speed or the quality of the connection with the N card.
    Now I just went into the router's settings and tried to make the changes you suggested.  I was able to change  the radio band from auto to wide BUT once I do that, I loose the ability to leave the wide channel & standard channels on auto.  The options for the wide channel are 3-9 and the standard are 1 & 5.  I don't know which ones are best to pick so for now I'm not changing anything.  I didn't change the advanced settings either as I wasn't sure if I could do that without changing the other settings first.
    My husband has noted that he does see the quality of the connection occasionally jump to excellant.  For the most part it's staying on good in here.  We haven't brought it out into the living room yet to see what it does out there.  He hasn't needed to.  He has had it disconnect on him a couple of times as well.
    I did forgot to mention in that book I wrote that we do live in an apartment building.  We are on the 1st floor in the back of the building.  Our office is between our living room & another bedroom.  There is an apartment above us.  There is another apartment on the other side of the other bedroom.  Our bathroom is across the hall from this room, other side of that is the kitchen and then there is an apartment in the front of the building.  Our front door is off the living room, a hallway seperates our apartment from another one.  There are 4 apartments on each floor.  Laundry (directly under us) & storage in basement.
    I give all these details to try to get the best help.  I don't know if all this extra info is helpful or not.  We have been using Linksys routers for quite a few years now.  This is our 3rd one and our 2nd wireless one.  We have been in this apartment for a year now and had no trouble until a few weeks ago.  Previously lived in another apartment of the same floor plan in the same complex but on the 3rd floor (boy did we hate walking up those stairs!) with no trouble.
    Looking forward to hearing back from  you so I can try to make the changes you suggested.

  • 27: iMac Apple Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter quits working post-firmware

    I iMac Apple Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter suddenly quit working after I installed Apple's latest iMac display firmware update. This is an Intel Core i5; the monitor is an LG Flatron 24" Wide, and when it powers up it says "no video input" and goes into power-saving mode. No amount of replugging cables helps, but the monitor works fine on other computers.
    The Displays control panel just shows one monitor, and clicking Detect Displays does nothing.
    I suspect Apple's Display Firmware Update. My installer log shows the following, but the problem only happened today after the latest update:
    6/1/10 9:45 AM 27-inch iMac EFI Firmware Update 1.0
    6/1/10 9:45 AM 27-inch iMac Display Update 1.0
    6/4/10 11:47 AM 27-inch iMac SMC Firmware Update 1.0
    6/4/10 11:47 AM 27-inch iMac Display Update 1.0
    6/5/10 7:29 AM 27-inch iMac Display Update 1.0
    I have automatic updates disabled, but after each update I would see more firmware updates ready, but caution leads me to never install more than one of these at a time, and then to wait a while to see if anything bad happens. The odd thing is that the Display Update 1.0 seems to have been installed three times in this course of events. Alas, there appears to be no way to uninstall a firmware update.
    Here is the System Profiler Graphics/Displays output:
    Chipset Model: ATI Radeon HD 4850
    Type: GPU
    Bus: PCIe
    PCIe Lane Width: x16
    VRAM (Total): 512 MB
    Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x944a
    Revision ID: 0x0000
    ROM Revision: 113-B9110C-425
    EFI Driver Version: 01.00.383
    Resolution: 2560 x 1440
    Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
    Main Display: Yes
    Mirror: Off
    Online: Yes
    Built-In: Yes
    Connection Type: DisplayPort
    Display Connector:
    Status: No Display Connected
    It says the Mac sees no display connected, and the display gets no video signal. Since the adapter is an active device (it has powered electronics to convert DisplayPort signals to DVI signals) I suppose it could have just coincidentally died. But that seems unlikely given that the thing worked perfectly just before the last firmware update.
    Does anybody have similar experience, or better yet, a fix?

    Unfortunately the Apple Knowledge Base does not give much information about this update. Such has how to tell if it has been successfully installed. I suspect that because it keeps recurring in the install log that it has not been installed successfully as yet. Are you receiving this update through Software Update? Can you locate the installer for this update? It maybe located in Apps/Utilities.
    Some firmware update installations can be interrupted/corrupted by attached devices. If you find the update's installer on your iMac, I suggest that you detach all external devices from the iMac, use an Apple USB keyboard & mouse if available, follow the instructions carefully and install the update manually. If you do not locate the installer I suggest downloading manually from the link below and installing it.
    The Knowledge Base article mentions that your iMac should also have a Graphics Firmware Update. I suggest that you download and install that as well.
    27-inch iMac Display Firmware Update 1.0
    27-inch iMac Graphics Firmware Update 1.0

  • Start-up problems, black screen or open firmware

    My iBook G4 1.33GHz Dual USB, with 1 gb RAM memory has been troublesome lately. It's installed with the latest version of OS 10.4.9
    When starting up the ibook, it will sometimes only show a black screen after the boot chime. Repeated force restart sometimes makes it boot up the open firmware (white screen).
    Then I see the error message:
    "Illegal instructions at: %SRR0:ff85e778 %SRR1:00081000"
    When I continue on with "mac-boot", I get the blue screen with a question marked box. So it can't find the startup disk.
    This usually only happens when I'm done working for the day and close the lid on my ibook without manually clicking on the sleep mode when I put in in my drawer,. I've seen several times that the screen is still on when I close the lid, so it will continue to burn battery time.
    I've managed to get the ibook to boot properly after removing the battery and letting it "cool-down" for 15-20 min. Also, zapping pram, vram sometimes works, but I don't know how much that actually helped. It worked once when I typed in the reset-nvram in the open firmware screen too.
    I'd rather not have this happen at all! Any suggestions? Is this the much-talked about RAM memory failure?
    Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
    Message was edited by: antony chen

    *"I get the blue screen with a question marked box."*
    That can mean several things. One, the drive is failing. Two, your iBook can't find a System Folder to boot from. Try booting while holding down the Option key which will prompt the Startup Manager window.
    Boot from your install disk and check the hard disk for errors.
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger and later) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    (Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    While you have the Disk Utility window open, look at the bottom of the window where you see Capacity and Available. Make sure there is always 15% free disk space. Not enough disk space can cause directory corruption.
    If you cannot boot from your install disk, try booting in Safe Mode
    A flashing question mark appears when you start your Mac

  • PETITION: This is what I would like to see in a new firmware upgrade for the MTP ZEN TO

    -Ensures correct playback on the player of Zencast audio content that has been transferred using Zencast organiser. Remaining time is displayed correctly, and rewind / fast-forward functions can be used
    - Allows users to transfer tracks between folders on the player when using a program such as Creative Mediasource [THIS IS NEEDED FOR ALL MTP PLAYERS]
    - Allows charging via USB when the player is not being used by a program or is low on battery [THIS FEATURE SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN REMOVED BY MTP UPGRADE]
    ) Allows the playback of Audible content types ,2,3,4 on the player, via a plug-in in Audible Manager
    2) Adds bookmarking feature to the player
    3) Adds SmartVolume EQ feature to the player
    4) Adds DJ menu to the player
    5) Allows user to partition a section of the player for data transfer
    6) Allows user to synchronise tasks from Outlook to the player
    7) Allows TXT files/ Ebooks to be stored/ viewed on the player
    8) Adds BassBoost EQ feature to the player
    PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO URGE CREATIVE TO INTRODUCE AT LEAST SOME OF THESE FIXES / FEATURES IN A FIRMWARE UPGRADE FOR THE MTP ZEN TOUCH - also please feel free to add other suggestions that would improve the functionality of the Zen Touch
    Message Edited by joshua32 on <SPAN class=date_text>05-30-2006 <SPAN class=time_text>:7 PM
    Message Edited by joshua32 on 05-30-2006 :8 PM

    all of these would be awesome, as would lyrics support, I REALLY want that

  • ITouch Firmware Upgrade - Can no longer connect to car audio system

    I just upgraded to 3.1.1 last night on my iTouch and can no loger plug in and connect to the audio system on my Infiniti G35x. The iTouch shows that it is connected by the audio system shows that it isn't. I've checked the cables, etc and all is fine and can connect another iPod without any issues. Thoughts...?

    This is a known issue that started with the 3.0 release, and it affects several auto manufacturers. I was hoping that 3.1.1 would fix this for my Honda, but no dice. Something changed either in the communication protocol or timing, but whose fault it is seems to depend on how many Apple products you own
    You can step back down to the 2.x firmware ... search around for "DFU mode", I did it once and may do it again now that 3.1.1 doesn't solve this.

  • Cisco Router tried to take a firmware update and no longer works

    Ok so internet was working fine until Cisco Connect told me to take an update.  My connection is wired and there were no disruptions during the download.  Yet the download still failed and now my power light blinks continuously and there is no internet access.  I tried instructions on "How to unbrick your Cisco Router", even got them to work, it took the firmware update from the cmd line.  Still doesnt work though.  What's wrong with this thing and how do i fix it?
    Go to Solution.

    I ended up downloading a firmware utility program and was able to get it to reload. The power light became solid somewhere between 2-5 mins, however still didnt connect to the internet.  Found that all this factory resetting will change your Internet access name & password, with no way to find out the new one.  You have to remove the Cisco Connect program from your computer and reload it from the original disk.  Only then will you be up and running again.  While I appreciate the response Helm, I was way beyond a 30 second reset button solution when I posted this lol.

  • Ipod Touch 4g doesn´t work after firmware update

    Hello togehther,
    i had two times the same problem with my iPod. Apple sent me two times a new iPod, but i don´t want to have new iPods every two weeks, i want to have an ipod that works a long time.
    The problem:
    -I tried to install Apps, but it didn´t work, iTunes says the apps are "invalid".
    -When I update the firmware, at the end, there is the error message "-1" an the iPod hasn´t any firmware anymore. You couldn´t reset the ipod, because the error "-1" comes everytime and you can´t start the ipod anymore, because it has no firmware.
    Maybe the problem is because of the apps? Maybe a problem with my iTunes? Or what could it be?
    Thanks for help!

    The best place to look for help first is Genuine Apple help directly from Apple.
    Read the iPod Touch Users Guide.
    Also start with the basics from Apple.
    1. *Restart iPod touch:* Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button until the red slider appears. Slide your finger across the slider to turn off iPod touch. To turn iPod touch back on, press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    If you can’t turn off iPod touch or if the problem continues, you may need to reset iPod touch. A reset should be done only if turning iPod touch off and on doesn’t resolve the problem.
    2. *Reset iPod touch:* Press and hold both the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home button for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    For more troubleshooting suggestions, see Appendix B, “Support and Other Information,” on page 214.
    And More..........

  • I have a HP LaserJet M4555h MFP, how do I know if my firmware is corrupt, is it in the event log?

    Model of MFP = HP LaserJet M4555h MFP = CE738A
    With fax accessory for HP LaserJet MFP Analog 500 = CE737A
    Firmware Datecode = 20120623
    Firmware Revision = 2200643_228339
    The inital issue was receiving faxes, so I updated the firmware to the above listed.  In the event log it shows since the firmware was updated on Nov 7th the following:
    The device keeps prompting to restart the printer....  I haven't been able to screen capture the message off the device yet... on the Information tab through the EWS it's shown: "An unexpected error occurred. We apologize for the inconvenience.  Please try again."   What is that suppose to mean?
    Faxing has stopped working completely....
    Can you tell me if this means the firmware is corrupt and show be re-loaded?
    Or suggest what my next steps would be?
    Anything is helpful...Thanks  HP Seeker.

    Hello, you can also try a partial clean and reload the latest firmware, see if that will work.

  • Firmware upgrade crippled cp1025nw

    LaserJet CP1025nw color: was working flawlessly
    received email from HP 4/3/2012, recommending firmware upgrade to v 20120130.
    ran upgrade 4/3/2012 from iMac, OS10.6.8.
    got error: 'update failed'
    print queue says 'printing', cp1025nw doesn't respond.
    printer lights:  orange triangle enclosed exclamation mark plus green semicircle 
      This means: fatal error, per the user manual.  
       manual instructs to turn off, unplug, plug-in, turn on.  I did this several times.
    printer lights still indicate: fatal error.
    HP utility says: device status: unknown, service ID: unknown, FW version: unknown, driver version 2.0.20110727
                      tried to print configuration page: got error 'cannot establish two-way communication with the device'
                      printer and computer are connected with USB cable,  (this cable / port communicates without issue to Epson inkjet printer)
    Tried printing from Dell laptop: Latitude E6410 with USB cable: Windows XP professional, 2002, service pack 3.
                      has routinely printed from this computer previously.
    error message in printer queue: 'error - printing', 
    Dell said 'found new hardware'  tried to install with HP cd-rom
                      error message said 'the hardware was not installed because the wizard cannot find the necessary software'
    ran the HP print diagnostic utility HPPDU.exe file from the Dell with USB cable: 'Everything checks out okay with your printer'
     print test page: no response from the cp1025nw
    What should I try next?

    Since my last post I’ve retried the same troubleshooting described before, this time just from the PC.  The result is still the same.  Lights on the cp1025nw indicate “fatal error”.
    Does anyone know how to put this printer into ‘bootcode’ mode?  I’ve read about this in some other posts about HP firmware updates trashing printers.
    Is there some combination of button presses that sends the printer into bootcode so it is ready to accept the firmware?
    HP:  How do you start up these printers when they are just manufactured to load the firmware?

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