Firmware Package best pratices... ???

I do not understand the advantage(s) to use a host firmware policies.
It seems to me that it is more flexible to upgrades endpoints for each server with apply a maintenance policy "Uer Ack" in order to get "Pending Activies" for servers which need a reboot when we need tp upgrade firmware.
What is the best practices ?
I could see that Management Firmware Package  is not longer supported with UCS 2.1 ; all firmware package are drived via Hist Firmware Packages.
Last question, why do we have 2 package version for Set Bundle :
2.1(1a)A/2.1(1a)B, 2.0(3c)A/2.0(3c)B and so on..
best regards

Host firmware package policies are nice because you can guarantee that all server level firmware is the same for every server in the system. Another advantage is when new servers are added. If you install a new server it is probably going to come with a different firmware than your other servers but if you have a Host Firmware package assigned to a Service Profile template and you create a Service Profile for the new server from that template the new server will match your other servers.
Host firmware package policies are the only way to upgrade the BIOS of a server.
As for the bundles, all infrastructure components (FIs, IOM, UCSM) will be the .A and all server level firmware for B-Series will be the .B. C-Series will be .C

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    Yes, you can package them together.
    Now Cisco has a better way. Cisco UCS Manager provides two main advantages over past firmware provisioning:
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    • The capability to apply a firmware package to any compatible server in a single operation
    Cisco  UCS Manager provides an accurate, easier, faster, more flexible, and  centralized solution for managing firmware across the entire hardware  stack. Service profiles in Cisco UCS Manager abstract the physical  hardware from its software properties. Service profiles allow  administrators to associate any compatible firmware with any component  of the hardware stack. Simply download the firmware versions needed from  Cisco and then, within minutes, totally provision firmware on  components within the server, fabric interconnect, and fabric extender  based on required network, server, and storage policies per application  and operating system.
    here is the document

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    Best regards

    There are few how to guides on SDN which will give you a basic idea on script logic. Apart from this, you can refer to the help guide on help.
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    Hello Ram
    Please check this wiki page - it has good content and some useful links
    APO-GATP General Information - Supply Chain Management (SCM) - SCN Wiki
    Find out more on RDS solution for GATP at :
    if you search you will find a documents about best practice in GATP.  The for GATP is a good resource too to start with as well.
    Also you can read below blog written by me
    Global Available To Promise (GATP) Overview
    Hope this will help
    Thank you
    Satish Waghmare

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    Edited by: Sabey on 9-Feb-2011 8:01 AM

    Sabey wrote:
    Ok a bit more information.
    Storage : SAN, RAID 5 disk onlySince it's SAN, the RAID 5 (which is generically bad for performance in any update environment) will have minimal adverse effect (because the RAID 5 is hidden by massive cache). Just try to spread the data files across as many disks as possible.
    Oracle works best for datafiles on 'SAME' (Stripe and Mirror Everything). Spread the data files across all possible disks and mix data and index to try to get randomization.
    No ASMPity. A lot of potential transparency will be side-stepped.
    OS: Solaris 10 on a M4000, (2 SPARC 2.1GHz, 4 core each), 16GB RAMFinally some meat. ;-)
    I assume Enterprise Edition, although for the size, the transaction rate proposed, and for the configuration, Standard Edition would likely be sufficient. Assuming you don't need EE-specific features.
    You don't talk about the other things that will be stealing CPU cycles from Oracle, such as the app itself or batch jobs. As a result, it's not easy to suggest an initial guess to memory size. App behaviour will dictate PGA sizing, which can be as important as SGA size - if not more so. For the bland description of app you provide, I'd leave 2GB for OS, subtract whatever else required (app & batch, other stuff running on machine) and split the remaining memory at 50/50 for SGA and PGA until I had stats to change that.
    Like I said, I espect a change rate of 50k/s, is there a rule of thumbs for the size of redo log, the amount, etc.. No bulk load, data is entered by people from a user interface, no machine generated data. Query in read for report but not a lot.Not too much to worry about then. I'd shoot for a minimum of 8 redo logs, mirrored by Oracle s/w to separate disks if at all possible, and size the log files to switch roughly every 15 minutes under typical load. From the looks, that would be (50k/s * 60 sec/min * 15 min) or about 50M - moderately tiny. And set the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET to thrum at 15 minutes so you have a predictable switch frequency.
    BTW, what about direct I/O. Should I mount all oracle FS in that mode to prevent the use of OS buffer cache?Again, this would be eliminated by using ASM, but ... here is Tom Kyte's answer confirming direct IO
    Your environment is very very small in Oracle terms. Not too much to fuss over. Just make sure you have a decent backup/recovery/failover strategy in place and tested. Use RMAN for the BR and either DataGuard (or DBVisit for Standard Edition)

  • Board Controller not updated with Host Firmware Package

    UCS V2.2.1c.
    New B200-M3 Blade inserted, and associated with a SP, that references a Host Firmware Package 2.2.1c
    Although the HFP has Version 11 for the Board Controller; the Blade however has a Version of 13 ?
    Is this a bug, or a feature ?

    What happens is that the downgrade is not supported... if you try yo do it manually through a SSH session, the system will tell you "downgrade is not supported"
    Try the commands (for future users, you may know them already ):
    # scope server X/Y (chassis X blade Y)
    # scope boardcontroller
    # show image (this will list all of the firmware versions)
    # activate firmware version.0 force (Select a lower version than the one already running)
    # commit-buffer   <<<<< Here you will see that message I mentioned

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    Thanks and bye

    ottocolori wrote:
    I' m trying to have a clearer picture of it, and as far as I know:
    1 -
    Assuming you need to use the whole disk,
    Partitioning it is mandatory only if you use ASMLIB as it works only on partitioned disk.
    Yes you need to partition the disk first before presented to ASMLib
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    rpm -vih /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/kernel-uek-2.6.32-200.20.1uek.x86_64.rpm
    error: Failed dependencies:
    kernel-firmware >= 2.6.32-200.20.1uek is needed by
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    as part of this. I compiled using:
    rpmbuild -ba --target x86_64 kernel-uek.rpm
    Any ideas? How do I get and compile the kernel-firmware package?
    Thanks in advance.

    user754933 wrote:
    I know very well how to compile it, so does anyone know where I can
    obtain the source for the kernel-uek-firmware for kernel-uek-2.6.32-200.20.1 ?The source for the firmware is contained with the same kernel src you've already downloaded, however it's compiled separately. You need to enable it in the .spec file for the UEK build:
    # kernel-firmware
    %define with_firmware  0Switch that to 1 and rebuild the kernel RPM from the .spec file.

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    monthly updates each month, then at the end 2014, combine them all in 1 package, and restart the process for 2015.  Is this a sound plan or is there a better course of action?
    If this the best practice method, is there any way to automatically create these packages?  I tried the Automatic Deployment Rules, but I can not set a Year of release, only the a time frame of the release,(older then 9 Months), unless I am missing
    something.  The only way I can see doing this is going into All Software Updates, and filtering on my requirements, and then manually creating the package, but this would less desirable, as after each year I would like to remove the superseded and expired
    without having to recreate the package.

    First, please learn what the different objects are -- not trying to be rude, just stating that if you don't do this, you will have fundamental issues. Packages are effectively meaningless when it comes to deploying updates. Packages are simply a way of grouping
    the binary files so they can be distributed to DPs and in-turn made available to clients. The package an update is in is irrelevant. Also, you do not "deploy" update packages and packages are not scanned by clients. The terminology is very important because
    there are implications that go along with it).
    What you are actually talking about above are software update groups. These are separate and distinct objects from update packages. Software Update groups group updates (not the update binaries) into logical groups that can be in-turn deployed or used for
    compliance reporting.
    Thus, you have two different containers that you need to be concerned about, update packages and update groups. As mentioned, the update package an update is in is pretty meaningless as long as the update is in a package that is also available to the clients
    that need it. Thus, the best way (IMO) to organize packages is by calendar period. Yearly or semi-annually usually works well. This is done more less to avoid putting all the updates into a single package that could get corrupted or will be difficult to deploy
    to new DPs.
    As for update groups, IMO, the best way is to create a new group every month for each class of products. This typically equates to one for servers, one for workstations, and one for Office every month. Then at the end of every year (or some other timeframe),
    rolling these monthly updates into a larger update group. Keep in mind that a single update group can have no more than 1,000 updates in it though. (There is no explicit limit on packages at all except see my comments above about not wanting one huge package
    for all updates.)
    Initially populating packages (like 2009, 2010, 2011, etc) is a manual process as is populating the update groups. From then on, you can use an ADR (or really three: one for workstations, one for servers, and one for Office) that runs every month, scans
    for updates released in the past month, and creates a new update group.
    Depending upon your update process, you may have to go back and add additional deployments to each update group also, but that won't take too long. Also, always QC your update groups created by an ADR. You don't want IE11 slipping through if it will break
    your main LOB application.
    Jason |

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    I want to import the SAP best practices, then how to import?
      can use the transaction code SAINT?
    i read the document Quick guide, but cant understand that how to upload the files means which transaction   code is used?
    how to directly create the a transport request and workbench request
    anybody, please suggest me how to do?

    Go through the Note 847091 and at the bottom of the note you will find "".
    You can follow that document for BP installation.
    Note : This note is for SAP Best Practices Baseline Package UK,SG,MY V1.500 but your requirement may be different search accordingly.

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    for storage - LSI MegaRaid SAS 2004 ROMB
    for bios and cimc - UCSB-B200-M3
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