Flash Gordon Ad

Whoever approved the 4th repetition of 'Flash! Ah-Aaaah' rather than a natural resolution musically and thematically to either '…He's a miracle!' or '...King of the impossible!', must be fired instantly, and barred from making decision about ads I might see in the future.

i like the retroness of the ad
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  • Flash player Symbian

    When i surfing on www, my  C6 dont play flash movie.
    a error code says: macromedia flash player activeX plugin is missing. install.   
    ( there is no symbian flash player off adobe ! )
    Browsing with  Opera mobile.
    How solved this problem?

    That is misleading, it is not a problem with Symbian (what is Sybain? One of Flash Gordon's enemies?!).
    The situation is that until relatively recently, Adobe had never made the full version of Flash in a version suitable for mobile operating systems. Flash Lite, which is the version for mobiles, is equivalent (more or less) to Flash 9 in a PC browser, and still not necessarily compatible with all Flash 9 material.
    Adobe finally made a full version of Flash for Android 2.2 in the latter half of 2010, as yet Symbian and Win Mobile are still waiting for their versions.

  • E72 - Honeymoon to Divorce.

    Like many of you here, I've had quite a few mobile phones through the years and it's always a source of great excitement when a brand new phone lands on your desk. The new OS to explore, the Apps, the form factor. The downside of playing around with so many phones through the years is that there is no perfect device, no form factor that's perfect in every situation and no OS that can retain your interest beyond a few months before it's time to convince yourself that you need to try a new 'thing' which will solve everything for you (and make you more productive).
     As long as you know this up front and understand your interest is going to stray, you can get a fairly balanced view of what makes a great, as opposed to a good phone. Here are my thoughts on the E72.
    As a background to my adventure, I recently had an iPhone and although it's far from perfect I was fed up with the lack of a physical keyboard. It's not that I failed to bang an email out but I found it tedious when I made a typo and then had to spend 10 seconds trying to edit the message by tap'n'hold to move cursor, delete (x10), tap'n'hold to continue typing etc. It just got 'old' so I started to look for a device with a keyboard - remembering with fondness the keyboard on the old E61,  Treo680 and even the Blackberry 8700 (love those clicky keys!).
    Last October I bought an E63 because it was 'cheap' and to see if I could get back into using S60 + keyboard after such a long period in iPhone land.  To my surprise, the E63 whilst creaky and a little too 'red' for me, was good, it, I even took it to Hong Kong on a trip and left the laptop behind as an experiment (it worked.. but only just) although it obviously had some shortcomings. Toy like Email client, browser standards, ram, camera etc.overall it was a positive experience that made me want to explore further.
    I had bought a Nexus One in January the day it was released and although it's a super phone, it still had no keyboard and the Droid keyboard is awful so having had a half decent experience of the E63, I decided the E72 was the next best thing and decided to snap one up.
    The Honeymoon / First impressions.
    First impressions of the E72 is that it's a 'handsome' phone - not a good looking phone or a kiddy toy but a good, solid, classy looking phone for business. The keyboard was as good as the E63, the form factor was obviously near identical other than the materials being of higher grade and obviously it's slimmer and easier in the pocket.  First impressions were very good.
    The screen was a step back from most new phones, especially the Nexus One's gorgeous High-res effort but it's certainly clear and as it needs to be judged as a utility, not a spec-sheet competition so it fitted the job of a phone with a keyboard.  The screen was clear and bright and easy to use.
    Software seemed to be not much of a step up from the E63, I was expecting a higher grade of Application to be included and to my surprise (not disappointment) there was little on the surface to distinguish the E72 from the E63. I disliked the new transition effects as they felt like Nokia had iPhone envy rather than functional enhancements.
    Camera quality was very good for a phone although I don't like the viewer application with its spinning wheel of pictures - iPhone envy again? what's wrong with a 5x5 thumb view that would work well with the D-Pad? Once again, it works but it's not designed to optimise the experience of the form-factor.
    The touch-pad, I quite liked it, although I rely on the D-Pad more as it's just too small a surface to be useful.
    The Email client. At first it felt like a step back from the E63, the E72 client seemed 'bare' for some reason and I also wanted to make the font smaller so I could see more email headers on the screen at once (cant do it), I put all of this down to the email client being prosumer rather than consumer
    Overall, first impressions were good with the caveat of some changes to what I was used to, no bad thing.
    Married life / day to day:
    Day to day, as a Phone, the E72 is fantastic. Calling people by typing their name is so much easier than 'flicking' through lists, call quality is absolutely top notch, signal strength and 3G connectivity is years ahead of my old iPhone/Nexus/Blackberry/Treo and really shows that Nokia know how to make connectivity work from a technical perspective, something that almost every other company from HTC to Apple trail considerably behind on.
    Short-cuts to communication 'tasks' are as good as it gets. Series60 is a superb, intuitive and  well polished hierarchy of menus to get your calls and messages answered, read and replied to in record time. I can't praise the work that's been done over the years any higher.
    Setting up email was easy enough as standard manual entries although after a week or so I decided to setup mail through OviMail - this was painful.
    I'm pretty experienced in these things and technically very able (I'm into heavy  tech for a few decades) but this was a challenge for me. Passwords, logins, usernames etc.. it all becomes one mixed up frustrating jumble that I think would  have any mere mortal turned off or turn to their I.T. department in haste. It took me a couple of days to get it set up properly and even then it felt like it was hanging by its fingernails. Blackberry by contrast feels military strength compared to OviMail and BB's are far from a walk in the park when it comes to ease of setup.  Once I did get OviMail setup, it did work but I always had the feeling that it might break at any minute if I touched the wrong option. To its credit, it never actually did break, but it just left a bad taste that I never quite got rid of.
    Nokia are obviously moving heavily into services such as cloud infrastructure with Ovi services, Music etc. This push into services is being implemented the same way as Microsoft did a while back where none of the teams talk to one another other, it's all through a technical specification sheet. The E72 software works as silo-applications with each requiring the same login information being entered independently rather than simply log into Ovi services once, per device, and everything else flows. This constant entering of information per application is what makes S60 feel dated, it's unforgivable for a product manager of an integrated device like the E72 to let this pass. It either shows weak leadership within the product team or it shows a lack of cohesion between the teams within Nokia - again, a failure in leadership although higher up the chain of command. Yes, it's a big company but to let this happen shows the company has too many toothpaste managers and not enough tech savy people that love their work.
    A second level of confusion is the PC software that's bundled and are encouraged to install. Nokia's PC suite is solid, but why am I encouraged to install Ovi software and map loaders which seem to replicate the same job? It's not a problem with the device itself, but it significantly dilutes the user experience to bemused confusion. Obviously this is not the E72 but companies can no longer separate user-experience from device experience, especially when they're intertwined to the degree that they are these days.
    Setting up through a Mac was a lot simpler as you dont get all the Nokia apps, you just use iSync after manually searching for a plugin online. You loose some features but you do that with Macs anyway (yes.. I use one every day so stay away mac fanboys).
    The Calendar and contacts apps are adequate but feel dated and slow and could do with some new views and features.
    No Internet Radio feature as was in the E63.. I needed to scour the web to add this manually for some odd reason.
    OviStore is an average implementation with some average applications. As the E72 is a prosumer phone, not having games and apps, whilst good to pass time on a 747 are far from needed and using the stock built in applications was fair enough.
    Music player is 'functional' and did its duty without a hitch.
    One thing that worked particularly well was Skype. I do a lot of international calls and I think the Nokia implementation is the best around, hopefully they can make more of this feature as times goes by.
    Ovi/Nokia Maps. Where do I start with this? It's absolutely wonderful. I went a few trips to California, installed the map data on the device for California and Nevada and it worked perfectly. I bought a little car stand for $10 in Fry's electronics which worked for the trip and this just blew me away. Even with it's small screen, this has made me give away my Tom-Tom which I took with me on trips and never turned on once. Full marks.
    Battery life is incredible, for a device in this day and age to last 4 days on a single charge is simply stunning. I'll put up with the lack of a decent movie player any day if it means I get 4 days out of a single charge. Once again, Nokia should shout about how awesome this is to anyone that will listen. iPhone users get trained into worrying about battery life and turning things off where possible, not having to worry about battery life is an absolute blessing. Well done Nokia.
    To give an example, I drove from San Francisco to San Diego which takes 9 hours. I had the GPS running giving me directions, I had the Phone wired into AUX in the Car playing some Audio books for the entire duration and the battery life still had a good 2 days before needing a charge. The E72 battery life will forever go down in Legend as an 'I remember when' story.
    Not that this piece is about comparisons with other Phones, but coming from the UK it means heavy roaming charges if I use data. I took a similar business trip with a Nexus One and it was pretty much useless as their GPS mapping software is US only in features and, it can't work with offline maps and would have cost me a pretty penny to use on a roaming contract with all the Data it would download. The Nexus one is arrogantly setup to be of use to US consumers, overseas users get a half-glass feature set (no turn by turn / street-view etc..).
    The Divorce:
    There is a time in the daily life of using a Phone where the 'unique characteristics' of the Phone start to become tedious. This happens with all phones and gadgets, if it didn't we'd all still be using Videostar VHS recorders (does that give my age away?).
    After travelling up and down California, replying to a hundred or so emails over the course of a week, I noticed that I had just sent a handful of emails without being connected to Wifi. After examining a little further I worked out to my horror that the email client does not connect over Wifi - ever. It fails to work with Profiles, connection orders or anything remotely standard on almost any other Nokia/other device. Profiles for the uneducated should remain an unknown, it's a black art from a previous era that has no place in a modern day smartphone. Devices should simply connect over Wifi if connected, otherwise prompt the user if it's roaming - simple as that, no 'profile' needed. This is how all smartphones work, even the senile Blackberry OS does this out the box.
    I foolishly presumed that as the old mule E63 has worked over Wifi, the E72 being an 'evolved' device would also have this feature as standard. Nokia took it out.. what the $£%$£?
    I can only imagine at this point in time, Nokia deliberately engineered this deficiency to keep carriers happy. The E63 being 'consumer' can be used over wifi with a standard phone tariff, the E72 being a 'prosumer' device needs the user to buy a more expensive Smartphone tariff. I can't for the life of me work out why Nokia would remove a standard feature that was in all of their older phones.
    This little oversight of the Email client not connecting or alerting me that it was using a non-wifi connection actually cost me over 100 euros in data charges. This is simply not acceptable, no excuses, no patch-it at some point please. It's simply stupid. Yes, I've used Profimail etc.. but should I need to on a messaging device? I bought the phone for this feature, paying to replace it is simply counter-intuitive when so many other options exist without wrestling with work-arounds.
    Other than creating a hole in my wallet, I also through sheer paranoia removed all my Email accounts from Ovi and set them up as 'pull' accounts where I manually check my email. I need to do this simply as I travel so much and the roaming feature sometimes works - it's back to the holding on by your fingernails thing with this device, it should work but you're not quite sure.
    Running the much loved Maps application brings up a notice asking to connect to download data - even after saying NO, I still fail to have faith in the profiles working which removes the confidence you have in the device, It removed the feeling that you're in control and that really gets to you after a while. If Email has been engineered to ignore profiles, what else if going on under the surface, I should not have to read forums to gain confidence and if I was a typical consumer I wouldn't know where to start to find this out.
    Other problems starting to appear are that the E72 is starting to crash a few times every week, the dreaded space-bar problem has appeared, I can't upgrade the firmware for some reason even though I'm a few revisions behind (I bought it unlocked from Nokia), the back cover feels like it's starting to work loose and has fallen off a few times and the transition effects needed to be turned off (only half of them disappear). All of these things are in the forums here to some degree. Sometimes they annoy, sometimes not, but overall when you're having a tough day they all get to you.
    There's a scene in the Film "Flash Gordon" where a poor chap puts his hand in a tree trunk as a drunken game to see if the creature that lurks will bite him, he puts his hand in, smiles then slowly starts to pull his hand out before getting bitten just before he pulls his hand to safety - for some odd reason the E72 reminds me of that this. You approach with trepidation, become comfortable with the device then you get bitten just when you think all is well and you're about to make off with the cash.
    The E72 is the end of an era. You can tell by Nokia's responses to the problems on the E72 that their corporate focus is no longer on developing S60 but maintaining it with minimal effort.
    Their focus is now on Maemo and 300 other pressing priorities, their software engineers are stretched way too thin working on OviCloud services, Maemo and a multitude of new devices and holes/low quality are starting to become standard. This is starting to reflect on devices like the E72 which should be a flagship device but instead is not much more evolved than an 'old' E63 at half the price - which incidentally has an email client from the same codebase that can download over wifi. In many ways, plastic aside, I thought the E63 was better, more stable (for me) especially for the price.
    Nokia will obviously keep churning out yearly revisions to the S60 line (C6, E5 etc). But you know for a fact that they're pretty much the same devices with a cavalier attitude to improvements and the least engineering time to fix bugs/features as they can get away with. Arrogant yes, damage to the Nokia Brand by doing this? Absolutely. It will take me 5 years before I return to a new Nokia device after seeing the speed of progress and responses despite some great promise. Look how quickly Google turned around a Nexus One update with multi-touch after an outcry - it can be counted in days after launch, not 'devices' as seems to be the case here.
    The E72 device feels great, I love the form factor, the Keyboard is not the absolute best as that remains with Blackberry but it's certainly one of the very best. The phone functions are second to none.
    Ovi-Maps is just brilliant and the Battery life is as covered above is the stuff of legend.
    In many ways the E72 is the device I'm least able to move on from as there is so much to like and so much potential, but the amateur email implementation and creeping software problems makes this device seriously handicapped for anyone that travels or cares about the significant roaming fees that this device is designed to incur which is a genuine shame.
    Hopefully these things will get fixed in firmware upgrades, I'm sure some of them will but why should I wait? this is not the 1990's - this is mature technology and a (very) mature Operating system which should be solid as a rock.
    I like many on this forum would like to see Nokia do well but they've simply not stepped upto the plate by fixing basic feature holes nor have they communicated to the community that they're listening and will fix any of the problems. Instead they've announced new devices to replace the handsets that still have serious flaws. This is not the actions of a company that listens but a company that simply churns like a machine on a pre-set course with nobody at the wheel.
    Despite much to like about the E72, I for the single reason that Nokia seem to have no ears to hear and no fingers to type, am out until further notice.

    Thank you for your kind words and replies to my experiences with the E72. Since writing the original post my Firmware has been updated not once, but twice no less.
    As I bought the device 'vanilla' style from Nokia online, I have no idea why I was unable to use PCSuite to upgrade my firmware despite my E72 being clearly a few revisions behind, I also tried upgrading from the device itself and it gave me a firm but fair 'No'; one day after hammering the server for a few minutes with constant requests, Nokia's servers finally rolled over and let me download an upgraded firmware directly onto the device. I can only presume it was a load-balance issue with their servers although open to being educated otherwise, I have no idea why PCsuite/Ovi Suite failed to upgrade the E72 despite downloading the new firmware every time I checked for an upgrade. Not to worry, these things happen.
    The new firmware (031.023) has some new features with a few new icons added and many bugs fixed. If I were to relate it to my original 'Honeymoon to Divorce' post, it's a bit like the Wife has put on some heels and lipstick and has lost a bit of weight in an attempt to win my affections (sorry female readers, I know it's unforgivably sexist).
    In that spirit, and considering the Nexus One that I moved back to using is a poor quality phone (remember that function?) I thought I'd give the E72 another spin to see if it fixed my original problems. I reset the device, cleared the SD card and set the device up from what should be a clean and sparkly install.
    You'll all be glad to hear I wont go into another vast post as most of my thoughts still stand, however:
    The new email revision does fix some of the Wifi connection issues I was having. I'm glad to say it's faster and does indeed work over Wifi although it seems very slow when updating itself. Other phones seem to download a full header+message infinitely quicker that the E72. As I've been using the new firmware for a week solid, I'm increasingly annoyed that I need to download the HTML versions of email manually which takes terra-years; I believe the E71 email client can be configured to download HTML versions automatically as can my old E63 so why not the E72? Did someone 'merge' the old email source-code into Nokia messaging when they made the E72 client?
    A new bug has appeared that seems to lock into a constantly 'downloading' logo loop - where it never completes the email download. I need to click 'cancel' manually then the email appears as if by magic. There are other niggles that have seemingly crept in such as when using the E72 without a SIM card, the email client will work for a few hours then simply stop connecting manually or automatically, needing a reset to come to life again. **Geek alert on** As an old games programmer, this looks to me like a memory leak problem that could be easily found (or a thread that's gone haywire) - especially considering good debug tools have been around since it's Psion Series 5 roots. **Geek alert off**.
    I'm sure your mileage - or bugs - will be different from my own depending on your own unique circumstances but it's another of those two steps forward, one step back things which Nokia seem to do with the E-series.
    What's frustrating is the phone part of the E72 is world-class which when coupled with a bottom of class email client it defeats the reason to have a QWERTY in the first place. I'd trade the Phone stability for a best of breed email client on this device in a heartbeat. I've not tested the Gmail client as RistotheGreat did (above) so this may solve the email conundrum for some.
    As Beowulfpt above originally questioned, Ram is becoming as scarce as the Yeti. Before the firmware update I had plenty of spare RAM, after the firmware update I get low-RAM notifications every few days and I'm running the exact same email accounts without running ANY 3rd party software whatsoever.
    Overall crashes of the device are now far and few. It seems to be a step forward. Well done Nokia.
    It's worth mentioning (thanks DeadKenny) that you can now sign in once to Ovi services and it's supposed to work across the Ovi suite of apps. I've not checked this personally as I'm using the device without adding extra apps at present but there was a note in the firmware note when upgrading.
    Internet Radio has now been added back to the Radio client - no need to go hunting for external versions of this anymore. This, as before, works pretty well.
    To close, it's interesting to read others frustrations (above) with this device, there are many good things about E72 and I can live with compromises in a device if it does other things well. In the case of the E72 it's a great phone but it's an incredibly poorly implemented email client, too poor if you ask me. If Nokia added a half stable email client with HTML (as they had many years back in other similar devices) then I'd put up with the tedious old-school 'profiles' and an old-school approach to connectivity and other such compromises. As it stands I can't in all honesty make this my main device when it's fails to offer a usable email client that I can use without frustration on a daily basis despite the new lipstick.
    As Nokia are so close to making this device 'ok', should I go back to the Nexus and put up with the lack of a keyboard and poor phone functionality, but excellent mail client - waiting for one more Firmware revision from Nokia? How long did you good E71 owners need to wait until Nokia fixed the problems for you? I really want to like this device despite my sheer frustration at it's implementation.
    Note: Despite the E72 still sitting on my desk and not on Ebay, my original post conclusions about Nokia's tardiness in selling half-finished devices still stands. I'd find it incredibly difficult to justify buying a new Nokia device for a number of years. This is a real shame when they have so many voiceless employees within their organisation that if given half a management-vote could turn this cheap strategy around.

  • Trouble Combining 2 QT Movies Into One

    Help! I have QT Pro but this is driving me nuts! I am using select all, copy and then paste to combine 2 separate 20 second QT movies into one 40 second consolidated movie. The trouble is that when the play head reaches the beginning of the second movie, it continues to advance, but the sound and motion simply stop at the end of Move 1 and beginning of Movie 2.
    I think it may have something to do with the little tabs that slide back and forth for include, exclude but I'm not sure. Also, when I select all and then try to use the "Copy" command, its grayed out. I have to click on either one of the first or second movies before "Copy" becomes available to me. Something is going on but I can't figure it out, despite several hours of "playing with it", checking the forums here and calling Tech Support at Apple.
    Yikes! has anybody else run into this before?
    Sign me as visually impaired

    By the way, I think I got 2 of these cotton picken files to join together seamlesy last night. I need to kind of confirm that and (if I can double check and then replicate my success) will explain how.Would be interested in seeing the result. Streamclip should provide best results for two reasons -- 1) it allows "near" (if not frame-level) setting of in/out points (unlike QT which only operates at specific GOP intervals of MPEG-1/2 content and 2) it allows you to "fix" timecode breaks that can wreak havoc in QT playback.
    Normal procedure would be:
    1) Load, trim file segments if needed, and re-save raw files using the "Save as..." option in case of "accidents" later (I usually name the files so they appear in the order I wish to merge them) Don't have to do this but I tend to be "accident" prone
    2) Use the "Open Files..." option to navigate to your "safe" files and load them as a group to Streamclip work area
    3) Use "Fix timecode breaks" option (Command-F) to remove any possible timecode breaks between/within segments
    4) Use "Save As..." option again to save the "merged" data file
    You mentioned an interest in old TV shows, my favorite is Bonanza.My "biggie" is the original Doctor Who series. However, am also collecting the old Supeman (George Reeves) shows, The Avengers, Space Patrol, Commando Cody, Tom Corbett, as well as, things like the old Flash Gordon serials and SciFi "B" classic movies from the 50's and 60's. Heare's a SAMPLE FILE.
    Not related to this discussion, but something you may enjoy, take a look at photo sharing web site called www.PBase.com Very high quality, and highly advanced amateur photoraphers from all over the world.Enjoyed the building and animal photos. Still learning how to use my camera, but here's a link to ONE OF MINE.

  • Are there closed captions or subtitles?

    Are there closed captions or subtitles in iTunes?

    Hi tpisk78.
    In my option, you would be better off buying DVDs and Blu-Ray discs than downloading movies and TV programmes from iTunes becuase far more of the titles on DVDs have subtitles / subtitles for the hearing impaired / Closed Captions than you would find on iTunes.  Of course iTunes can replace a file in the iTunes Store with updated one to include CC, but they still lack a wider range.  On DVDs, you would find all movies in a series (ie: trilogy or similar) having subtitles yet on iTunes it tend to be just one or two of the movies having subtitles while the others don't.
    For example: On DVD, 'Men In Black', 'Men In Black 2' and 'Men In Black 3' would have subtitles, yet on iTunes MiB do not have Closed Captions (CC) while MiB2 and MiB3 do. For Tim Burton's Batman, on DVD both 'Batman' and 'Batman Returns' would have subtitles yet I find that only 'Batman' on iTunes have CC but 'Batman Returns' do not have any.
    'Flash Gordon' (1980) starting Sam J Jones, on iTunes do not have subtitles, but on DVD it do, same for Harrison Ford movie 'Firewall', on iTunes no CC while on DVD, it do. Don't get me started with the Iron Man trilogy
    Of course, iTunes could later replace any titles that do not have CC with updated file which now do have CC.
    But as a general rule of a thumb, you would find far more DVDs have subtitles than movies on iTunes.
    Same with TV shows.
    And, oh, another thing....
    Sometimes a movie or TV show on iTunes would say it have CC, but when watching, it turns out to be in CAPS LOCK.
    Subtitles and CC on iTunes is rather a bit of a step backwards.

  • Error message 1606 could not access network location itunes.\

    i had itunes before and it was not working so i removed all programs relate to apple and itunes and quicktime.
    now i m trying to install itunes again and before it even install it shows up this message says " could not access network location iTunes.\" and just totally stops the installation...i've tried just about eveything from editing registry to upgrade my service pack..still no use. i even called the apple tech support and they can' even do anything...i just got an itouch and i can't use it because i don't have itunes...soo frustrating ..

    assuming you already have a library? Check out my itunes music library, but my issue still persists sadly.
    “iTunes” Music Library - Total: (475) Song’s, (1.3) Day’s of Total listening Time,
    (2.12) GB Size Amount
    Name Artist Album Time
    Use Me Up Aaron Neville [Aaron Neville] 300
    The Look Of Love ABC New Wave 80’s 210
    Be Near Me ABC Sounds Of The Eighties - 1984-1985 219
    POISON ARROW ABC Top 1000 Pop Hits of the 80’s 203
    Ragdoll Aerosmith Big Ones 264
    Dude Looks Like A Lady Aerosmith Big Ones 264
    Take Me to the Other Side Aerosmith #1 244
    Love In An Elevator Aerosmith 321
    Angel Aerosmith 306
    Living On The Edge Aerosmith 380
    Time (Alan Parsons Project) Alan Parsons Project 299
    Fantasy Aldo Nova Aldo Nova 305
    Cheb Mami - Rani Maak El Youm Algeria 271
    I Just Wanna Be Loved AM Radio Smallville Soundtrack 236
    You Can Do Magic America View From the Ground 232
    A Horse With No Name America 70’s Folk Rock Hits 250
    Lonely People America 148
    Enough Is Enough April Wine 243
    Just Between You And Me April Wine 237
    Sign Of The Gypsy Queen April Wine 258
    Turn Up The Radio Autograph 282
    Sorrow Bad Religion The Process Of Belief 201
    Freakshow On The Dance Floor Bar-Kays Funk Classics The 80’s 285
    Eleanor Rigby The Beatles Revolver [US] 127
    In The Beginning Beautiful World Beautiful World 238
    In Existence Beautiful World Beautiful World 271
    The Silk Road Beautiful World Beautiful World 367
    Magicien Du Bonheur Beautiful World Beautiful World 352
    I Know Beautiful World Beautiful World 307
    Love Song Beautiful World Beautiful World 370
    Journey Of The Ancestors Beautiful World Beautiful World 410
    Revolution Of The Heart Beautiful World Beautiful World 339
    Spoken Word Beautiful World Beautiful World 339
    Wonderful World Beautiful World Beautiful World 213
    The Final Emotion Beautiful World Beautiful World 314
    My Life Billy Joel Billy Joel’s Greatest Hits 227
    Allentown Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume II (1978- 229
    New York State Of Mind Billy Joel Unknown 362
    Three Little Birds Bob Marley 180
    CouldYou_BeLoved Bob Marley - 234
    Blaze Of Glory Bon Jovi Best Of 2 335
    You Give Love A Bad Name Bon Jovi Crossroad 224
    Bad Medicine Bon Jovi New Jersey 316
    Social Disease Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet 258
    Wanted Dead Or Alive Bon Jovi 310
    Runaway Bon Jovi - Runaway 243
    Amanda Boston Greatest Hits 256
    More Than A Feeling Boston 285
    Miss Me Blind Boy George And Culture Club At Worst... The Best Of 270
    Church Of The Poison Mind Boy George and Culture Club At Worst...The Best Of 211
    It’s Only Love Bryan Adams So Far So Good 194
    Run To You Bryan Adams So Far So Good 232
    This Time Bryan Adams So Far So Good 199
    Cuts Like A Knife Bryan Adams So Far So Good 312
    99 and half Carol Lynn Townes v.a. 241
    Gonna Make You Sweat CC Music Factory 246
    Meli Meli (Arabic) Cheb Mami 211
    Parisien du nord(REMIX) Cheb Mami & K-mel 209
    Shake Me Cinderella Night Songs 224
    Nobody’s Fool Cinderella 288
    In the Midnight Hour The Commitments 142
    Reach Out Crystal Lewis Fearless 248
    Only Fools Crystal Lewis Fearless 265
    One Man Crystal Lewis Fearless 285
    satisfied Crystal Lewis Fearless 294
    Gypsy Woman (La da dee da da da) Crystal Waters 100% House Classics Volume 1 219
    Crystal Waters - 100% Pure Love (Ultimate Dance Party Mix) Crystal Waters 243
    Pictures of You The Cure Galore 285
    Love Song The Cure 210
    She Bop Cyndi Lauper She’s So Unusual 223
    Angel theme Darling Violetta Remixed By Sufferance 210
    calm before the storm Darude 393
    sandstorm Darude 446
    Sweet Lullaby Deep Forest Sweet Lullaby 237
    Rock Rock (‘Til You Drop) Def Leppard Pyromania 234
    Too Late For Love Def Leppard Pyromania 266
    Foolin’ Def Leppard Pyromania 273
    Rock of Ages Def Leppard Pyromania 247
    Photograph Def Leppard Vault Greatest Hits 1980-199 247
    Here With Me Dido No Angel 254
    Days Go By (Full Vocal Mix) Dirty Vegas Days Go By 490
    What People Do for Money Divine Sounds Street Jams: Hip-Hop from the Top, Vol. 1 242
    Dreaming (Album Cut) DJ Dado 243
    X-Files Theme DJ Dado 208
    Girls on Film Duran Duran Duran Duran 210
    Hungry Like A Wolf Duran Duran Much Music’s Made In The 80’s 220
    Rio Duran Duran Rio 333
    Duran Duran - Reach Up for the Sunrise Duran Duran 185
    The Wild Boys Duran Duran 257
    Romancing The Stone Eddie Grant The Best Of 289
    Shakin’ Eddie Money 190
    Take Me Home Tonight Eddie Money 210
    Two Tickets To Paradise Eddie Money 235
    Electric Avenue Eddy Grant 193
    Hyperlink Eiffel 65 Europop 299
    Too Much of Heaven Eiffel 65 Europop 319
    Move Your Body Eiffel 65 Europop 271
    My Console Eiffel 65 Europop 256
    The Edge Eiffel 65 Europop 262
    Silicon World Eiffel 65 Europop 273
    Europop Eiffel 65 Europop 328
    Callas Went Away Enigma MCMXC A.D. 268
    Mea culpa Enigma MCMXC A.D. 303
    The Voice Of Enigma Enigma MCMXC A.D. 141
    Back To The Rivers Of Belief [(A) Way To Eternity, (B) Hallelujah, (C) The Rivers Of Belief] Enigma MCMXC A.D. 632
    Principles Of **** Enigma Pure Moods 702
    Return to Innocence Enigma Pure Moods 250
    The Eyes of Truth (Matrix Cut) Enigma 249
    Knocking on forbidden doors Enigma - MCMXC 271
    Caribbean Blue Enya Enya 239
    May It Be Enya Lord of the Rings Soundtrack 212
    Ask the Mountains (Lord of the Rings) Enya 473
    A Little Respect ERASURE Retro Night 214
    Chains Of Love Erasure 212
    The Final Countdown Europe The Final Countdown 309
    Carrie Europe The Final Countdown 273
    Danger On The Track Europe The Final Countdown 225
    Ninja Europe The Final Countdown 226
    Cherokee Europe The Final Countdown 252
    Rock The Night Europe Veronica Top 1000 --- 2005 243
    Apron Strings Everything But The Girl She’s Having A Baby soundtrack 170
    Missing Everything But The Girl 248
    Hole Hearted Extreme 219
    More Than Words Extreme 333
    Epic Faith No More 293
    Dance, Dance Fall Out Boy From Under The Cork Tree 180
    Jail House Rap The Fat Boys All Meat No Filler: The Best of Fat Boys 286
    Can You Feel It The Fat Boys All Meat No Filler: The Best of Fat Boys 356
    The Fat Boys Are Back The Fat Boys Best Of The Fat Boys 366
    All you can eat The Fat Boys Krush Groove Soundtrack 207
    Street People Fire Fox Breakin’ 205
    Superman (It’s Not Easy) Five for Fighting America Town 221
    I Ran A Flock Of Seagulls A Flock Of Seagulls 307
    Space Age Love Song A Flock Of Seagulls The Wedding Singer Volume 2 226
    The Lady Is A Tramp Frank Sinatra A Collector’s Edition: 2 Video & 3 CD Collection [UK] 195
    I’ve Got the World on a String Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra - Collectors Se 131
    Frank Sinatra - Night And Day frank Sinatra 239
    Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin - Mack the Knife frank Sinatra 264
    One For My Baby Frank Sinatra 280
    You Make Me Feel So Young Frank Sinatra 175
    02 No Reply at all Genesis Abacab 275
    Turn It On Again Genesis DUKE 231
    In Too Deep Genesis Invisible Touch 299
    Hold On My Heart Genesis We Can’t Dance 277
    Rico Suave Gerardo Mo Ritmo 290
    Bamboleo Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 204
    Tu Quieres Volver Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 193
    Moorea Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 242
    Bem, Bem, Maria Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 185
    Un Amor Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 218
    Inspiration Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 223
    A Mi Manera (My Way) Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 233
    DJobi DJoba Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 206
    Faena Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 207
    Quiero Saber Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 247
    Amor, Amor Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 189
    Duende Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings 258
    In the Mood Glenn Miller Glenn Miller 241
    Dare Gorillaz Demon Days 244
    Feel Good Inc. Gorillaz Gorillaz Collection 223
    White Lines Grandmaster Flash 446
    Lady Red Light Great White Once Bitten 294
    Gonna Getcha Great White Once Bitten 253
    Never Change Heart Great White Once Bitten 267
    All Over Now Great White Once Bitten ... 263
    Mistreater Great White Once Bitten ... 345
    Save Your Love Great White Once Bitten ... 341
    Rock Me Great White Once Bitten... 437
    Fast Road Great White Once Bitten... 220
    On The Edge Great White Once Bitten... 361
    Love Plus One Haircut 100 Pelican West 217
    Axel F Harold Faltermeyer Instrumental Magic 181
    Things Can Only Get Better Howard Jones 235
    Bad Is Bad Huey Lewis Sports 227
    Perfect World Huey Lewis & The News Billboard Top 100 of 1988 246
    Do You Believe In Love Huey Lewis & The News Picture This 208
    Small World, Pt. 1 Huey Lewis & the News Small World 236
    You Crack Me Up Huey Lewis & The News Sports 223
    Workin’ for a Livin’ Huey Lewis and the News Workin’ for a Livin’ 156
    Heart and Soul Huey Lewis and the News 255
    I Want A New Drug Huey Lewis and the News 286
    It’s Hip To Be Square Huey Lewis And The News 239
    It was a good day Ice Cube 260
    Colors ice t 265
    J Geils Band Freeze Frame 236
    Love Stinks J Geils Band 230
    Don’t Wanna Fall In Love Jane Child Jane Child 243
    End Credits Jerry Goldsmith The Mummy 454
    Time In A Bottle Jim Croce Original Oldies 60’s & 70’s 143
    Workin’ at the Car Wash Blues Jim Croce Photographs & Memories 152
    New York’s Not My Home Jim Croce The Very Best of Jim Croce 187
    Operator (That’s Not The Way I Jim Croce 50th Anniversary Collection 229
    I’ll Have To Say I Love You In Jim Croce 153
    I Got A Name Jim Croce 192
    Look Sharp! Joe Jackson Greatest Hits 204
    Beat Crazy Joe Jackson Greatest Hits 259
    Memphis (Live) Joe Jackson greatest hits 321
    I’m The Man Joe Jackson I’m The Man 238
    Sunday Papers Joe Jackson Look Sharp! 262
    Steppin’ Out Joe Jackson Night & Day 257
    A Slow Song Joe Jackson Night and Day 420
    Jumpin’ Jive Joe Jackson Stepping Out 162
    Breaking Us In Two Joe Jackson 293
    Is She Really Going Out With Him Joe Jackson 215
    Paper In Fire John Cougar Mellencamp 232
    ROCK in the USA John Cougar Mellencamp 176
    Crumblin’ Down John Mellencamp The Best That I Could Do 1978 215
    Cherry Bomb John Mellencamp 288
    Chances Are (1950’s) Johnny Mathis 184
    Lights Journey Greatest Hits 190
    Only the Young Journey Greatest Hits 245
    Wheel in the Sky Journey Greatest Hits 252
    Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) Journey Greatest Hits 324
    Send Her My Love Journey Greatest Hits 235
    Who’s Crying Now Journey Journey’s Greatest Hits 302
    Open Arms Journey Journey: Greatest Hits 199
    Anyway You Want It Journey 203
    Don’t Stop Believing Journey 250
    I’ll Be Alright Without You Journey 290
    Stone In Love Journey 265
    Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’ Journey 230
    Got the Life Korn Follow the Leader 225
    I Need You LeAnn Rimes Promo Only Mainstream Radio-May 227
    Take It Easy On Me Little River Band Greatest Hits 226
    The Night Owls Little River Band Greatest Hits 315
    Baby come back Little river band 217
    Lonesome Loser Little River Band 239
    Man On Your Mind Little River Band 247
    I Can’t Live Without My Radio LL Cool J All World: Greatest Hits 328
    Rock The Bells LL Cool J Radio 242
    Around The Way Girl LL Cool J 241
    Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of ...) Lou Bega Absolute Hits of the 90’s - CD 1 222
    How Soon Is Now (Charmed Theme) Love Spit Love 267
    Working for the Weekend Loverboy Get Lucky 222
    Turn Me Loose Loverboy 341
    Close To You Maxi Priest Living In The Nineties 327
    It Don’t Mean a Thing Mel Torme Biography 138
    Don’t Get Around Much Anymore Mel Torme much anymore 152
    I get a kick out you Mel Torme 315
    Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive Men at Work Cargo 278
    Overkill Men at Work Cargo 227
    Be Good Johnny Men at Work Contraband-“Best Of Men@Work” 213
    Who Can It Be Now Men At Work Greatest Hits Volume II 201
    Sad but true Metallica The Black Album 327
    Holier than Thou Metallica Black Album 227
    The Unforgiven Metallica Metallica 387
    Wherever I May Roam Metallica Metallica 404
    Don’t Tread On Me Metallica Metallica (Black Album) 240
    Through The Never Metallica Metallica (Black Album) 244
    Enter Sandman Metallica 331
    John the Revelator Michael English Gospel 239
    Blessed Assurance Michael English 215
    Gospel Ship Michael English 257
    Barefoot on The Beach Michael Franks Barefoot on the Beach 304
    Heart Like An Open Book Michael Franks Barefoot on the Beach 288
    Why Spring Ain’t Here Michael Franks Barefoot On The Beach 263
    When You Smiled At Me Michael Franks Barefoot On The Beach 304
    Every Time She Whispers Michael Franks Barefoot On the Beach 444
    Mr. Smooth Michael Franks 280
    Mary, Did You Know Michael English 218
    Somebody’s Watching Me Michael Jackson & Rockwell 239
    Windows Welcome music Microsoft 324
    Wet My Whistle Midnight Star No Parking on the Dance Floor 311
    No Parking On The Dance Floor Midnight Star No Parking on the Dance Floor 290
    Freak-A-Zoid Midnight Star No Parking on the Dance Floor 479
    Electricity Midnight Star 363
    Only the lonely The Motels 197
    Kickstart My Heart Motley Crue Downloaded 283
    Shout at the Devil 97 Motley Crue Untitled 222
    Home Sweet Home Motley Crue 240
    Girls, Girls, Girls Motley Crue 266
    Looks That Kill Mötley Crüe Shout at the Devil 246
    Mona Lisa Nat King Cole The World of Nat King Cole 206
    Computer Age (Push the Button) Newcleus Jam on This!: The Best of Newcleus 390
    There’s No Stopping Us Ollie & Jerry Breakin’ Soundtrack 276
    Fool Like You Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin 319
    The Ultimate Sin Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin 224
    Secret Loser Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin 249
    Never Know Why Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin 268
    Thank God For The Bomb Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin 233
    Killer of Giants Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin 344
    Lightning Strikes Ozzy Osbourne Ultimate Sin, the 313
    No More Lonely Nights Paul McCartney & Wings Band on the Run - All the Best 268
    Theme From A Summer Place (60) Percy Faith 147
    West End Girls Pet Shop Boys Discography: The Complete Singles Collection 241
    Do You Remember Phil Collins But Seriously 276
    Another Day in Paradise Phil Collins But Seriously 322
    I Missed Again Phil Collins Face Value 224
    Long Long Way To Go Phil Collins No Jacket Required 263
    Don’t Lose My Number Phil Collins 288
    Land Of Confusion Phil Collins 284
    Something Happened On The Way To Heaven Phil Collins 291
    You Can’t Hurry Love Phil Collins 172
    I Wish It Would Rain Down Phil Collins & Eric Clapton 325
    Easy Lover Phil Collins & Phil Bailey 304
    fallen angel Poison Greatest Hits 235
    Unskinny Bop Poison Poison’s Greatest Hits 1986-1996 227
    Nothing But A Good Time Poison 222
    Flash’s theme Queen Flash Gordon 207
    Football Fight Queen Flash Gordon 88
    Flash To The Rescue Queen Flash Gordon 164
    Bohemian Rhapsody.mp3 Queen 353
    Who Wants to Live Forever Queen 316
    Love’s a ***** Quiet Riot Metal Health 253
    Battle Axe Quiet Riot Metal Health 91
    Thunderbird Quiet Riot Metal Health 284
    Don’t Wanna Let You Go Quiet Riot Super Hits 279
    Come On Feel the Noise Quiet Riot 290
    Stone cold Rainbow Straight between the eyes 319
    Dance Ratt Dancing Undercover 260
    Ratt - Body Talk Ratt Dancing Undercover 220
    You’re In Love Ratt Invasion Of Privacy 194
    Lay It Down Ratt Invasion Of Your Privacy 207
    Round And Round Ratt Out Of The Cellar 264
    Way Cool Jr. Ratt Reach for the Sky 265
    Cut it Re-Flex Breakin’ Soundtrack 189
    Never Gonna Give You Up Rick Astley The Greatest Hits Of The 80s - CD 1 216
    Together Forever Rick Astley Whenever You Need Somebody 209
    She Bangs (English Version) Ricky Martin 241
    C’est La Vie Robbie Neville 207
    Little by Little Robert Plant Shaken ‘N Stirred 285
    Big Log Robert Plant 302
    Tall Cool One Robert Plant 280
    Hey Pachuco Royal Crown Revue The Mask 214
    Rock the House Run-D.M.C. King of Rock 162
    Jam-Master Jammin’ Run-D.M.C. King of Rock 263
    Can you rock it like Run D.M.C. King Of Rock 270
    You Talk Too Much Run DMC King Of Rock 361
    You’re Blind RUN DMC King Of Rock 333
    Hard Times Run DMC Run-DMC 234
    King of Rock Run DMC 314
    It’s Like That Run DMC 249
    Faith Of The Heart (Enterprise Theme) Russell Watson Encore 248
    Nuclear Ryan Adams Demolition 205
    I Can’t Drive 55 Sammy Hager 255
    Corazon Espinado Santana Feat. Maná Supernatural 276
    The Warrior Scandal Warrior 230
    Seal - Prayer For The Dying SEAL 329
    01 - Space jams soundtrack - seal - fly like an eagle Seal 254
    Angel Simply Red Greatest Hits 239
    Thrill Me Simply Red Greatest Hits 303
    Fairground Simply Red Greatest Hits 263
    The Right Thing Simply Red Greatest Hits 262
    You’ve Got It Simply Red It’s Only Love [UK] 236
    It’s Only Love Simply Red A New Flame 295
    Something Got Me Started Simply Red 242
    18 And Life Skid Row Skid Row 231
    The Change Steven Curtis Chapman Speechless 226
    Stray Cat Strut Stray Cats 194
    American Heartbeat Survivor Survivor- Greatest Hits 252
    High on You Survivor 247
    Sugar System of a Down System of a Down 153
    Toxicity System of a Down Toxicity 218
    Aerials System Of A Down Toxicity 241
    The Ghetto Too Short West Coast Will Never Die 301
    Sober Tool Undertow 303
    Electric kingdom Twilight 22 408
    The Price Twisted Sister Stay Hungry 229
    I wanna rock Twisted sister 186
    We’re Not Gonna Take It Twisted Sister 217
    When Its Love Van Halen The Best of Both Worlds Disc 339
    Dance The Night Away Van Halen Best Of Volume One 186
    Dancing In The Streets Van Halen Diver Down 226
    Right Now Van Halen For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge 321
    There’s Only One Way To Rock Van Halen Live Without A Net 306
    Ain’t Talking’ ‘Bout Love Van Halen Van Halen 228
    Runnin’ With the Devil Van Halen Van Halen 214
    You Really Got Me Van Halen Van Halen 157
    Little Dreamer Van Halen Van Halen 202
    Eruption Van Halen Van Halen Vol I 102
    Hot For Teacher Van Halen 1984 284
    1984 Van Halen 1984 68
    Panama Van Halen 1984 211
    Why Cant This Be Love Van Halen 5150 224
    Best Of Both Worlds Van Halen 5150 289
    Jamie’s Crying Van Halen 204
    Poundcake Van Halen 321
    Turning Japanese The Vapors 223
    We Like The Party Vengaboys 223
    Inside Out VonRay Smallville (The Talon Mix) 218
    Island In The Sun Weezer The Green Album 210
    When the Children Cry White Lion Pride 258
    Wait White Lion 244
    Five Minutes of Funk Whodini Greatest Hits 301
    Friends Whodini Old School 281
    Freaks Come Out At Night Whodini The Wood OST 284
    Miami Will Smith Big Willie Style 197
    Men In Black Will Smith Big Willie Style 233
    Wild Wild West Will Smith Wild Wild West Soundtrack 200
    Gettin Jiggy With It Will Smith 230
    The Only Way Is Up Yazz Wanted 270
    Where Has All The Love Gone Yazz Wanted 275
    Fine Time Yazz Wanted 282
    Stand Up For Your Love Rights Yazz Wanted 304
    Wanted On The Floor Yazz Wanted 301
    Something Special Yazz Wanted 307
    Systematic People Yazz Wanted 210
    Turn It Up Yazz Wanted 262
    Me So ***** (nasty Version) 2 Live Crew Ghetto Grooves 279
    Ain’t Nobody 280
    Authority Song 229
    Bad, Bad Leroy Brown 180
    Beautiful Girls 235
    Bill Withers - Ain’t No Sunshine 125
    Body Work 255
    Breakin’ Soundtrack - Ice T feat. Chris (The Glove) Taylor - Reckless 1 407
    Bulls on Parade 231
    Can’t Turn Back The Years 277
    Change My Heart 281
    Crockett’s Theme 218
    Crowded House - Don’t Dream It’s Over 240
    Dean Martin - Volare 182
    Dr. Feelgood 290
    Dreams 290
    Duran Duran - View to a Kill 215
    Egyptian Lover - Egypt Egypt (Wicked Mix) 371
    Eye Of The Tiger 243
    Ferris Buellers Day Off Soundtrack - Yellow - Oh Yeah 182
    Frank Sinatra - Moon River 198
    Harden My Heart 232
    Holding Back The Years 270
    I Think I’m in Love 188
    Joe Jackson - It’s Different F 224
    Killing In The Name Of 314
    Kreo - Burn For You 241
    Land Down Under 225
    Lisa Stansfield - All Around The World 268
    Livin’ on a Prayer 250
    Living Colour - Cult of Personality 294
    LL Cool J - I’m Bad 281
    Lonely man_DIF 92
    Long Time 465
    Mel Torme - I’ve Got You Under My Skin 175
    Metal Health 318
    Michael Franks - Now Love Has No End (W- Valerie Simpson) 373
    Modjo - Lady (Hear me tonight) 304
    Money’s Too Tight to Mention 268
    Moonlighting 61
    Mr. Sandman, The Chordettes... (50’s) 142
    Mustang Sally 239
    My Friend 27
    Nothing Else Matters 388
    Paula Abdul - Opposites Attract (1990) 265
    Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind 235
    Phil Collins & Genesis - Invisible Touch 205
    RaveMusic1 15
    RaveMusic2 3
    RaveMusic3 7
    RaveMusic4 3
    RaveMusic5 3
    RaveMusic6 15
    RaveMusic7 15
    RaveMusic8 7
    RaveMusic9 7
    Reggae - Maxi Priest - Wild World 217
    Renegades of Funk 234
    Shot In The Dark 256
    Showdown 235
    Soundtrack - Beetle Juice - DAY-O (Banana Boat Song)-Harry Belafonte 184
    Stars 248
    Stray Cats - Rock This Town 206
    Sugar We’re Going Down 216
    The Sugarhill Gang - Rapper’s Delight [Long Version] - The Sugar Hill Records Story - 01 455
    Summer Of 69 214
    Sussudio 262
    Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart 219
    The_Runner 279
    Time 223
    The Twist 242
    Voices Carry 260
    What a Fool 27
    Young MC - Bust A Move 266
    867-5309 (Jenny) 228
    Remy Zero - Save Me (Smallville Theme) 263
    Small World - Part 2 245
    Total: (475) Song’s, (1.3) Day’s of Total listening Time, (2.12) GB Size Amount

  • Bounderies on SWF Export

    Hey there,
    I'm exporting a 3 MB SWF file, an animation movie, that I'd
    like to put on YouTube, put on a website, yadda yadda. But I notice
    that when I export, you can see beyond the borders of my stage and
    see all the "work space" in the animation. How do you export so
    that the viewer cannot see beyond the borders of your stage area?
    Flash Gordon (hey it's my real name so gimme a break).

    You can't.
    All you can do is hide it (eg draw a BIG rect with a
    stage-sized hole in it
    and place that infront .. or try masking (but that slows
    You can set different scale mode in your HTML for how it
    responds to sizing,
    so it always exactly fits, but then it will distort to fit
    the window its
    playing it.

  • Final cut pro -Title

    How would do you produce diminishing titles like the ones in Star wars.
    MacPro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    I used to call this titles "Star Wars" too . . . but recently I had the pleasure of watching again 1954/55 Flash Gordon and . . . guess how them introduce to the story in each chapter?

  • Export in Flash MX works Flash 8 crashes

    I have Flash 8 professional and I admit I am very much a
    beginner at flash.
    I have taken a basic flash class so I know a few things.
    I got a template from template monster. I need to change some
    things about the template for my employer’s needs.
    My trouble comes when I export the site. The progress bar
    pops up and quickly disappears. Then Flash 8 proceeds to crash.
    The weird thing is that I have a friend that still has Flash
    MX and I got him to try to export the site. It worked fine for him.
    If I try the exact same file in Flash 8 it crashes.
    I don’t have Flash MX and I don’t think I can get
    it. Does anybody have any ideas why a site that exports in Flash MX
    does not export in Flash 8?
    Thanks in advance for any information.
    Gordon Cone

    Hi Guys!
    Greg said ...
    I wonder if Captivate 2.0 will import a Captivate 1.0 and then
    export to Flash with the tweens intact? Any idea yet?]
    Rick, you only made one mistake (but for you even that is
    rare). Greg said
    "with the tweens intact" ... and you read
    "... when tweens interact.".
    I'm sure you'll agree that with the clarification, it's not
    confusing except the extent to which Greg expects or desires that
    movement of objects - including "transitions"? - in the original
    Captivate project be preserved after bringing it into Flash 8. As
    far as CP1 - to - CP2 - to Flash 8 is concerned, CP1 projects seem
    to me to be converted very well. And moving the (now CP2) project
    conversion into Flash 8, there is little that won't come along
    Yes, Greg, including the tweens, which are preserved for the
    objects I looked at specifically ... but the right person to answer
    that question might be Mark (Fletcher) instead of myself. I
    imported CP movies to Flash 8 only to see if it was being done
    without the previous loss of non-supported elements (etc.) but I
    have no intention of actually working with my Captivate projects
    inside the Flash environment - during beta, now, or ever. I just
    feel that the power of Captivate is sufficient for my purposes, and
    importing it to Flash 8 would accomplish little except to put the
    horse in hen-house. (That makes perfect sense to me, and is greatly
    humorous as well; but if you don't "get it", I don't think I can
    explain it.

  • Flash Decompilers for the Mac

    Hi all
    I'm looking for a decent Flash Decompiler for the Mac. I have
    a demo of the Gordon Flash Decompiler, but the demo doesn't let me
    save anything as an fla, which I think is all I want to do with it.
    Plus I've read more bad than good reviews online, so that makes me
    a bit apprehensive. Anyone here have any problems with this
    Are there others out there that maybe I should look at?

    I had a lot of trouble with SimCity4 on my iMac. It became such a headache that I returned it to compUSA. It ran very choppy and crashed repeatedly when the city began to develop. My system FAR exceeds the system requirements for the game, and after some online research I discovered that I am not the only person to have this trouble with SimCity running on 10.4. I have also read problems concerning the SIMS2. Some of what I have read indicates that 10.3 runs the games fine, but 10.4 causes them to crash. I don't know if this is the case, but I do know that I am now very weary before dropping $50 on a game that may not perform on my computer as it claims to on the box. Some people trying to run games are talking about waiting for Mac OS updates that will allow them to run smoother.
    I would check out what gamers are saying before buying anything

  • Teaching a workshop on Flash.  Please help!

    My name is Gordon Gavin and I am teaching a class on Game
    Design to 11-13 year olds this summer. Here is the description of
    the workshop from the brochure:
    Animated Game Design
    June 26–30 | 9 AM–12 PM
    Ever feel like designing your own computer game? Learn how to
    create basic animations using Macromedia Flash, and explore all the
    elements involved in creating different types of interactive games.
    Artist ---- shows you storyboarding, characters, level creation,
    and programming to help you create your very own 2D action game!
    The original artist who was going to lead the workshop
    canceled, so I am taking over for him.
    My huge concerns are what kind of content can students
    create, and feel like they were
    successful in 15 hours? This includes time for instruction
    of basic principles of game design, Flash interface, manipulating
    objects, and basic coding techniques in addition to actual
    independent work time.
    I am an Art Educator first, and design/mod games as a serious
    hobby. My concern as an educator is setting up the students to
    succeed. Can the promises stated on the flyer be delivered?
    Right now I am thinking of making a basic
    “action” game in Flash, and then teach the students how
    to make their own game assets and import them into my template.
    What KIND of game would be best, I’m not sure yet.
    Sidescroller? Maze?
    If anyone has more expertise about what can/can’t be
    done or any suggestions and ideas of your own, please contact me in
    this thread. If you know of any books or other resources that would
    also be a great help. Thank you very much.
    Gordon Gavin

    The liquid will seep onto the motherboard. When it dries the solid deposits of sugars and other conducting chemicals will cause circuitry problems, damage the board with corrosion, etc. Over time it will no longer run fine.
    Furthermore, you are not trained in cleaning the computer. To clean it properly requires complete disassembly. It must be done ASAP before further damage occurs.
    But, it's your computer. You can argue or take my advice. It's not my computer.

  • Adobe you are SO DAMN SLOPPY ... my Flash Catalyst install on Win 7

    Exit Code: 7
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 23 error(s), 28 warning(s)
    WARNING: The payload with AdobeCode:  {E8815668-95B0-443D-AC92-2BFD7DD8F16A} has recommended dependency on:
    WARNING: Family: Adobe Web Suite CS5
    WARNING: ProductName: Adobe Media Encoder CS5 X64
    WARNING: MinVersion:
    WARNING: This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
    WARNING: Removing this payload from the dependency list.
    WARNING: Payload {FB7F30B6-BFBF-4d2c-9F61-B5533659ACBE} Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin is already installed and the session payload {40F95A03-885A-45fb-9A14-486BEFEDDF34} Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin has no upgrage/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: Payload {5EE868D6-7B6B-49ee-AF60-09B1358AFFD7} Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX is already installed and the session payload {7E5AA19B-0B85-4f44-BA26-728851489200} Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX has no upgrage/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: OS requirements not met for {E8815668-95B0-443D-AC92-2BFD7DD8F16A}
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ERROR: Verifying payload integerity : Failed with code 1
    ERROR: MsiConfigureProductEx failed with error: 1603
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Media Player: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Player for Embedding: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Suite Shared Configuration CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - AdobeHelp: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Media Encoder CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - AdobeTypeSupport CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Flash Fonts1: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86: Install failed
    ERROR:  - DynamiclinkSupport: Install failed
    ERROR:  - AdobeCMaps CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe AIR: Install failed

    Thanks for the kind words, VirtualCoder. If your experience of with our phone support happened to me, I'd be upset too.
    Anyway, Rahul tried reproducing your problem and failed, but that isn't surprising because something unusual is presumably happening on your machine... the people I've spoken to aren't aware of similar reports from other people running these installers. I certainly agree that the error reporting in this situation is poor, because it isn't clear what the underlying problem is.
    I'm not sure what he meant by "Can you run CS5 clean scripts and try installing again" so I'll ask him to clarify this.
    Gordon Smith
    Adobe Flex SDK Team

  • Adobe Bridge Buttons in Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks?

    Adobe says that the button to connect to Adobe bridge is in
    every CS3 application. I can find it in Photoshop, Illustrator, and
    even Contribute, a former Macromedia project, but none of the other
    Macromedia projects (Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks) have one. Am I
    missing it, or is this a glitch?

    Go to Edit > Prefs > Enable Version Cue. Once you do
    that look in the lower left corner of the flash
    application - you should see "Open" with an arrow. Clicking
    on it will popup "Reveal in Bridge" button.
    Chris Georgenes / mudbubble.com / keyframer.com / Adobe
    Community Expert
    Dylnuge wrote:
    > Hello,
    > Adobe says that the button to connect to Adobe bridge is
    in every CS3
    > application. I can find it in Photoshop, Illustrator,
    and even Contribute, a
    > former Macromedia project, but none of the other
    Macromedia projects
    > (Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks) have one. Am I missing
    it, or is this a glitch?
    > Thanks,
    > Dylan

  • MSI Forum HQ USB flashing tool!!!

    Hi guys,
    We the forum team have developed  a new way of flashing.
    You no longer need a floppy or anything, just an USB-stick.
    The tool has been tested together with MSI and as far as we have done our testing, there are no problems at all.
    As long as the USB-stick is FAT or FAT32 formatted!
    However, flashing is allways risky, so if it goes bad it's your own fault, but that goes for all flashing you do.
    This tool is intended to flash MSI retail motherboards and laptops,
    but if needs you can use any other machine to prepare the necessary stuffs and the USB stick there,
    before move the USB stick to the msi product that you want to flash.
    The way it works is simple: Download the package and download the BIOS from the MSI website that you want to flash.
    The rest is straight forward.
    Make sure that your board is set to be able to boot from USB.
    So turn on USB Legacy Support in the BIOS.
    Boot and press F11 to get the boot-popup and select your USB-device to boot.
    (some boards have a different key, like K8N Master uses ESC for the boot-menu)
    What ever you do, make sure you read all warnings!
    The forum nor MSI is responsible if it fails for you.
    Nor is this software supported by MSI technical support!
    Please report problems/buggs if you find them.
    currently supported OS ( both 32 & 64 bit):
    Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (also Windows in Virtualbox under Linux!)
    (all kind of versions)
    NOTE: If you are having problems getting your USB device to boot correctly, you may need to format it correctly as the geometry data may be incorrect. You can do that by pickup option "Fix My USB key" from the Tool or by using >>> THIS <<< tool here! For future usage you can skip this step, it need to be done only once if your stick need adjustment.
    This topic is for discussion of and help with the USB flash tool only. If you have a problem with your PC and need help then do not hijack this topic, please start your own new topic in the correct area of this forum!
    NEW! >>> Read the comprehensive user guide here! <<<
    The download links are listed below:

    Quote from: max-sever on 25-May-07, 01:29:21
    I'm have problem with antivirus program too.
    C:\Temp\x863\bossmsi.exe - &#1080;&#1085;&#1092;&#1080;&#1094;&#1080;&#1088;&#1086;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085; Trojan.Blakhal
    Kaspersky Anti-Virus
    bossmsi.exe - &#1080;&#1085;&#1092;&#1080;&#1094;&#1080;&#1088;&#1086;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085; Backdoor.Win32.Iroffer.af
    This file is a antivirus testing program?
    Hi Max,
    "This file is a antivirus testing program? "
    yes, the latest version accidentally really become a test for any AV....
    in latest 1.13b Avast! no more report false positive,
    but all others AV software starting reporting a different false positive results:(all AV listed didn't report false positive problem in a provisional version) Avast! was fixed and no more report the false passivity and passed, but all other AV software started to be a lot confused...
    Kaspersky Anti-Virus - Proactive Defense Warning: Riskware detected.
    Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2nd ID - Backdoor.Win32.Iroffer.af
    Dr Solomon's:  probably found Zafi.D.Virus
    Symantec: Bloodhound.Overpacked / * Overpacked when a potentially unknown virus is found using Symantec Bloodhound technology */
    Panda: Win32:Trojan-gen.(Mytob.U.Mod)
    Mcafe: Worm.W32/Bakain
    Dr.Web: Trojan.Blakhal
    Bit.Defender: Trojan.JS.Obsq.Gen
    Just to clarify one more time, all things listed are false alert coused and exist in latest version only due Avast! fix.(1.13b)
    didn't continue to test with rest of AV...
    only Avast! and NOD32 report no problem detected.
    in 1.13a all false positive listed above doesn't exist, but only Avast! report false positive.
    Hoverer, the wave of false positive mess has been resolved along with Avast! false positive as well.
    New version is ready, 1.13c:
    - fixed false positive wave which confusing most of AV software. (all AV do not report any problems anymore)
    - fixed 3 minor bugs:
           * after finished work the tool do not quit normal as expected and hang instead, that happend in x32bit OS only when used has been asked for reboot and answered with "No". e.g. in described specified case.
           * 4th mainboard filter report positive results in some Biostart mainboard and this cause tool to false ID some Biostar board as MSI one.
           * added missing drive letter as USB key choice ("I")
    Download location in a the 1st post of this topic.

  • Flash plugin installs to wrong folder

    In Vista x64, using either Firefox 28 or Firefox 24.4 ESR, the plugin installer (one downloaded from Adobe distribution) installs the 32 bit .dll file to \system32\macromedia\flash\ folder;
    installs the 64 bit .dll to:  \sysWOW64\macromedia\flash\  folder.  So, they're exacly reversed.
    I uninstalled it completely - went well.  Then removed 1 remaining file in one of the above paths, then reinstalled.  Did the same thing.
    Before I did all this - I was *very sporadically* seeing the FlashPlayerPlugin_12_0_0_77.exe file, running (kinda "sitting") in background, in task manager.  It never came to foreground w/ a UI, asking for anything.  Couldn't figure out what it was, until started looking in the installation folders.
    That's what lead to discovery the files were in wrong folders.
    Anyone heard of this?
    BTW, "Nayana" of Adobe Support chat, is a few bricks shy of a load.  Or I am.  I couldn't create an acct for forums.  She kept saying, you don't need an acct - "just post your question.  Other people will answer it."

    EDIT:  Seems there's no error in Flash installing to wrong folders, only error in my brain.  Why didn't someone stop me from embarrassing myself?
    System32 (in a 64 bit OS / architecture) is for 64 bit drivers, files; SysWOW64 is for 32 bit apps running in 64 bit OS.
    WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) is a subsystem of the Windows operating system capable of running 32-bit applications and is included on all 64-bit versions of Windows
    Also, http://www.samlogic.net/articles/32-64-bit-windows-folder-x86-syswow64.htm (section on SysWoW64)
    End Edit.
    Thanks for info on attaching images.  A bit different than most forums.  There's no "preview post" before submitting?
    Screenshots of the 2 flash folder contents.
    NOTE:  I attached full FlashInstall.log earlier.  I opened the 1.25 MB (text) file in an editor - copied contents to clipboard > paste to forum reply screen.  Immediately locked up Firefox like a big dog.  Couldn't perform any functions in Fx - not even reload or close browser.  At same time, Fx memory use was continually climbing; to nearly 2 GB when I killed it.  Won't make that mistake again.
    Been many yrs since Fx locked up, doing anything.  That aside, Adobe is definitely "different" than most forums.  Almost like a person w/ no $ to use one of the many forum softwares available.
    Most recent Flash installation logs.
    =O====== M/ 2014-03-27+18-59-59.282 ========
    0000 [I] 00000010 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe" -maintain plugin
    0001 [W] 00001015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe 5
    0002 [W] 00001015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe 5
    0003 [W] 00001037 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce/FlashPlayerUpdate 2
    0004 [W] 00001037 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/ 2
    0005 [W] 00001037 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayer/SwfInstall 2
    0006 [W] 00001021
    0007 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX/PlayerPath 2
    0008 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0009 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX/PlayerPath 2
    0010 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0011 [W] 00001037 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Extended Properties\System.ControlPanel.Category/C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2
    0012 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX/PlayerPath 2
    0013 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0014 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0015 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0016 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird\extensions/Plugins 2
    0017 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Thunderbird\extensions/Plugins 2
    0018 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0019 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0020 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0021 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0022 [W] 00001015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe 5
    0023 [W] 00001015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe 5
    0024 [I] 00000011 1
    0025 [I] 00000012
    =X====== M/ 2014-03-27+19-00-34.066 ========
    =O====== M/ 2014-03-27+19-15-43.835 ========
    0000 [I] 00000010 "E:\DOWNLOADS\Software\Multi Media\Browser PLUGINS\Flash Player\Flash Player Fx\install_flash_player_12.0.0.77_plugin002.exe"
    0001 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/Version 2
    0002 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0003 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/Version 2
    0004 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0005 [I] 00000011 1
    0006 [I] 00000020 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0007 [W] 00001037 SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer/ 2
    0008 [W] 00001037 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Flash Player Plugin/ 2
    0009 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0010 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0011 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird\extensions/Plugins 2
    0012 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Thunderbird\extensions/Plugins 2
    0013 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0014 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0015 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0016 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0017 [I] 00000014 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_12_0_0_77.dll
    0018 [I] 00000015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe
    0019 [I] 00000024 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\plugin.vch
    0020 [I] 00000017 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
    0021 [I] 00000022 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_12_0_0_77.exe
    0022 [I] 00000019 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0023 [I] 00000021 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
    =X====== M/ 2014-03-27+19-16-11.879 ========

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