Flash on Mavericks (App Nap)

How ya'll doing?
I'm having a little issue after I upgraded to Mavericks. All works superb and I love it, but Adobe Flash.
I play an online game that runs on top of flash and the performance is superb compared to ML, but one thing keeps bothering me. If I stop typing or moving my mouse, the flash window will 'stop', 'freeze', to save battery probable (app nap, perhaps?) and this will make my character disconnect from the game.
It's really annoying, as it's a game where it's quite common to just click on the map and let the character go to the desired location for a couple of minutes or maybe entering a safe zone while I make myself a cuppa tea.
I tried entering Safari's advanced menu and disabling the option "Stop plug-ins to save power" and it changed nothing. If I stop styping or using the mouse, the game will freeze in a matter of seconds. If I do any action on the computer, the game resume normally, but with the character kicked out.
There is any way to prevent Mavericks from putting my flash game client on this sleep mode?

Hi  ...
Try this ..
Open System Preferences > Flash Player then select the Advanced tab.
Click Delete All under Browsing Data and Settings
Not empty the Safari cache.
From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Advanced tab.
Select:  Show Develop menu in menu bar
Now click Develop from the menu bar. From the drop down menu click Empty Caches.
Now try a game.

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    I would look into using the System Exec VI and sending the following command:
    defaults write <app domain name> NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES
    This should programmatically disable the App Nap feature in Mavericks. I used this as a reference for the command.
    Daniel K | NI Applications Engineer | Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    If you're interested in posting some additional details of the application(s) and of what's happening with the processes around app nap or whatever is happening, then somebody here might recognize what's going on.
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    If you still have the original, correct spec RAM available, reinstall and retest.
    Maximum Memory
    8.0 GB
    Memory Slots
    2 - 204-pin PC3-8500 (1066 MHz) DDR3 SO-DIMM

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    Do you have Google Drive installed? Other users have reported the same behavior and found that uninstalling Google Drive resolves it. Presumably they are working on a fix.
    Other users have found that disabling App Nap for Google Drive resolves it. Do this by selecting the Google Drive application in a Finder window, and Get Info for it (File menu > Get Info.) Next under General make sure the Prevent App Nap checkbox is checked.
    Best of luck.

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    Yes, exactly so.
    from Foundation Release Notes for OS X v10.9
    The greatest benefit to the user comes when every application on their system is doing as little work as possible. Therefore, App Nap is an opt-out feature. The user can opt an application out of App Nap manually with a checkbox in the Finder “Get Info...” pane. Developers can temporarily opt an application out by bracketing user-initiated activities with new NSProcessInfo API. Please consider the power usage of your application before opting out of App Nap.
    from What's New in OS X: OS X Mavericks v10.9
    App Nap
    App Nap reduces power consumption by completely suspending your app’s execution when it meets certain criteria. This ensures that your app does not periodically wake up to do unnecessary work. An app is considered to be a candidate for sleep if:
    It is not visible—if all of an app’s windows are either hidden by other windows or minimized in a hidden dock, and the app is not in the foreground
    It is not audible
    It has not explicitly disabled automatic termination
    It has not taken any power management assertions
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    HI tasclix, it depends what you mean by an OS X boot drive.
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    If, however, you want to boot and run the OS X installer from the USB drive (so that you don't need to download again), then you will need a copy of "Install OS X  Mavericks.app"; see this article:
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    Message was edited by: SilverSkyRat

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    - Try resetting the iPod. Nothing will be lost.
    Reset iPod touch:  Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Then download/install new app.
    - iOS: Troubleshooting applications purchased from the App Store

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    function Xcalibur_Sync(){
        document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = true;
        var Cc = Components.classes;
        var Ci = Components.interfaces;
        var url = xcaliburGetUnicharPref("extensions.xcalibur.downloadurl");
        var Step1 = document.getElementById("xcalStep1");
        var Step1done = document.getElementById("xcalStep1Done");
        var Step2 = document.getElementById("xcalStep2");
        var Step2done = document.getElementById("xcalStep2Done");
        var Step3 = document.getElementById("xcalStep3");
        var Step3done = document.getElementById("xcalStep3Done");
        var Step4 = document.getElementById("xcalStep4");
        var Step4done = document.getElementById("xcalStep4Done");
        var xcalSyncDone = document.getElementById("xcalSyncDone");
        var progressMeter = document.getElementById("xcalProgressMeter");
        var progressPct = document.getElementById("xcalProgressPct");
      // Get Xcalibur version and location
        var GUID = "[email protected]"
        var gExtensionManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIExtensionManager);
      //var currentVersion = gExtensionManager.getItemForID(GUID).version;
        var currentVersion = xcaliburPrefs.getCharPref("extensions.xcalibur.installedversion");
        var xcaliburdir = gExtensionManager.getInstallLocation(GUID).getItemLocation(GUID);
        var file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
        //Step 1 - See if an update is available
        Step1.setAttribute("hidden", "false");
        var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
        req.open('GET', url+"CRV.txt", false);
            alert("Cannot get update information from "+url+"CRV.txt\n"+e.toString()+"\n\nSync aborted ...");
            return false;
        if(req.status == 200){
            var CRV = req.responseText;
    Any Ideas?

    Have you taken a look at the documentation on updating AIR applications?
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AIR/1.5/devappsflex/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118666ade46-7ff2. html
    Or is it something else you wish to do? You can access the directory where your app is installed by looking at File.applicationDirectory and you can hit a URL by using URLRequest.

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